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Aluno: ________________________________________________________________________

Data: ____/____/____

Srie: 6 ano

Professor (a): ____________________________________________________

I unidade

Disciplina: INGLS

Turno: Matutino

1. Greetings (as saudaes);
2. Subject Pronouns (Pronomes pessoais).

1. Look at the pictures and complete the dialogues below with the correct greetings
(observe as imagens e complete os dilogos abaixo as saudaes corretas):

2. Mark with an X the correct greeting according to the pictures (marque com um X a
saudao correta de acordo com as imagens):

3. Talk about yourself! Answer the following questions (fale sobre voc! Responda as
perguntas a seguir):
a) What is your name?
b) How are you?

4. Write 3 GREETINGS in English and then translate (escreva 3 GREETINGS em

ingls e depois traduza):
1. _______________________________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________________________
5. Mark with X the correct answer (marque com um X a resposta correta):

In the morning, until noon, we say (de manh, at o meio dia, dizemos):

a) Good afternoon
b) Good night
c) Good morning

During the afternoon, we say (durante a tarde, dizemos):

a) Good afternoon
b) Good night
c) Good morning

In parting, we can say (na despedida, podemos dizer):

a) Hi!
b) Good-bye
c) Good afternoon

When the evening goodbye, we say (quando no despedimos noite, dizemos):

a) Good night
b) Good evening
c) Good morning

See you tomorrow, is (see you tomorrow, significa):

a) adeus
b) at amanh
c) bom dia

6. Complete the gaps with the correct personal pronouns (I, you, he / she / it, we, you
or they) according to the indications of the parentheses (Complete as lacunas com
os pronomes pessoais corretos - I, you, he / she / it, we, you or they - de acordo com
as indicaes dos parnteses):
a) ______________ is dreaming. (George)
b) ______________ is green. (the blackboard)
c) ______________ are on the wall. (the posters)
d) ______________ is running. (the dog)
e) ______________ are watching TV. (my mother and I)
f) ______________ are in the garden. (the flowers)
g) ______________ is riding his bike. (Tom)
h) ______________ is from Bristol. (Victoria)
i) _______________ has got a brother. (Diana)
7. On the use of personal pronouns in English, select the correct alternative (sobre o
uso dos pronomes pessoais em Ingls, marque a alternativa correta):
a) Na frase Ana is my sister, o nome Ana pode ser substitudo pelo pronome pessoal
b) Em The dog is old, o nome dog pode ser substitudo pelo pronome pessoal THEY.
c) Em The students are here, o nome students pode ser substitudo pelo pronome
pessoal HE.
d) Na frase Jack and I live in London, o termo Jack and I pode ser substitudo pelo
pronome pessoal YOU.
8. The correct pronouns for the situations below, respectively, are (os pronomes
corretos para as situaes abaixo, respectivamente, so):

a) He I
b) It I
c) She You

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