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Class 10C Dat 8/3/10 Time 12.

20 Pupil 18
: e: : No:
Topic Marketing Mix - Product
Teaching Objectives: Learning Outcomes:
• Keep a fast pace • All students will be able to give a
• Differentiate so that everyone definition of product
is doing something differentiation
• Use of points system • Most students will be able to
• Timings good. apply this knowledge in
• Move around the students. connection with the marketing
mix element: product
• Some students will understand
that companies need to meet the
needs of their target markets

Differentiation Strategies : Assessment For Learning:

• Extension tasks • Pairs of students will judge the
suitability of the other pairs of
students work

Pupils Tasks:

2 clay task and one writing task

Resources: Key Terminology:

• Modelling Clay • Market Segmentation
• Books • Target Market
• Task instructions on vle • Marketing Mix – Product
• Product differentiation

Opportunities for Skills

• Creativity & Analysis Skills
• Opportunity to link concepts
(Target Market and Product
Element of the Marketing Mix)
Time Teacher Activity Pupil Activity
Starte Home work! Students work individually. Not
r Pupils are shown pictures of talking about what you’re making,
0-10 people. we have to guess!
Teacher monitors. No talking They need to make a product out of
about what you’re making! clay that meets their needs.
10-12 Learning Objectives stated

12-20 Teacher monitors and helps.

20-45 Teams of two. Main Task. Pupils do the task in groups then
Use the clay. Choose a evaluate according to those pairs.
product and differentiate your
product according to the
differing needs of the target
markets (three given, but they
only need to differentiate for
two, (three is the extension. )
45-55 Evaluation in pairs. Each Pupils evaluate each others
group moves one to the left. products.
The evaluative criteria are
clearly given: did they meet
the needs of the target
markets? Would they buy it?
55-60 Keywords: Product Pupils answer and write on keyword
Differentiation. plate.
Fist of Five, who knows it?

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