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Tools to be used: SSIS for package , MySQL for Database, SQL Server for scheduling job

Use the given MySQLscript.txt script to create the necessary database and tables
and use MySQLData.sql script to populate the PayrollDB database ( only PayrollDb) .
Based on this data model please create the following packages to perform the ETL

SSIS Package 1:
Create a package pkg_InsertTestData to create new employee data based on the
sample given below. The package should create 1000 new employees during every
INSERT INTO `payrolldb`.`employee` (`empid`, `empname`, `email`, `password`,
`salary`) values (100 +,'E100','','E100',100);
INSERT INTO `payrolldb`.`empdeptmapping` (`empid`, `deptid`) Values (100,6)


Use this MYSQL function UNIX_TIMESTAMP() to generate a new employeeid and

replace 100 in
above statements and insert. Add 1 second delay between each insert.
2. For empdeptmapping, if the newly generated EmpId is even then DeptID should
be 1 else 2.
Schedule this package as a job to run every one minute.

SSIS Package 2:
Create another package pkg_Employee_Upsert to move the newly created
employee/empdeptmapping/department records from Payrolldb to
payrollstaging database. Perform following calculation for DA and add it to the
destination table along with other values.

DA Calculattion:
DA= Salary*10% if DePtID=1
DA= Salary*12.5% if DePtID=2
Else It should be Salary*0.5%
Schedule this package as a job to run once in every five minute.

SSIS Package 3:
Create another package pkg_Employee_XML_update to create an xml for each
employee newly upserted into Payrollstaging.Employee and update it back to
Employe.XMLValue column.

The XML format is given below:

<Employee empid=Empid001>
<NewDa>5000</NewDa >
<department id=deptid1>department_name1</department>
<department id=deptid2>department_name2</department>

1. Each employee XML should have all the department details based on the
department mapping table.
2. Validate the XML before inserting into the table. Insert it only if the XML is
3. If the XML is valid create it in valid directory If it is invalid then create the
XML file in Invalid directory. Employee ID should be the filename

Schedule this package as a job to run once in every five minute.

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