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Alixandra B.

Directed by:

David Fincher

Produced by:

Art Linson

Cean Chaffin
Ross Grayson Bell


Brad Pitt
Edward Norton
Helena Bonham

Jared Leto

Distributed by:

20th Century

Running time:

139 minutes

Fight Club is one such rare movie that deserves to win many nominations and
awards, clearly and literally. It is one the best films of 1999.This dark story
takes place through the unnamed protagonist-The Narrator essayed by a
brilliant Edward Norton. He delivers a power-packed, energetic, deep-in-thecharacter performance which is immensely commendable.
Although most of the movie is shot in dark, lurid atmosphere and there is no
glitterati or lights. Edward Norton suffers from chronic insomnia and cant
sleep for days together. The only way he can find peace, solace and ultimately
sleep is by going to various body- afflicted problem groups where seeing
people suffering a plethora of pain makes him calm and retains his
composure. Here he meets a weird woman named Marla Singer portrayed
equally well by a weird- looking Helena Bonham Carter who has a lot of
uncanny (peculiar) idiosyncrasies.
He creates a virtual and visual alter-ego or a persona named Tyler Durden,
acted by the most exuberant, jovial and boisterous Brad Pitt. He clearly gave
an electrifying, stellar performance that deserves sheer accolades. How he
takes on the monster of Tyler Durden forms the crux of the story. Tyler is a

Synopsis: In order to make the best soap, Tyler Durden (Brad Pitt) and
the narrator (Edward Norton) venture into a liposuction clinic, to steal
human fat. Once they have obtained the fat, Durden explains the
process of soap making.

Durden: To make soap, first we

render fat. The salt balance has to
be just right so the best fat
comes from humans.

Narrator: What is this place?

Durden: A liposuction clinic. Pay
dirt! Richest, creamiest, fat in the
world. Fat of the land!

Durden: As the fat renders, the

tallow float to the surface. Like in
boy scouts. Once the tallow
hardens, you skim off a layer of

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