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Atlas of continuous cooling transformation diagrams for engineering steels M Atkins BSc, B Met, FIM American Society for Metals QF Woiais Paik, Ohio 44073 British Steel Corporation 1980 Pm bent bet tn in di ck tic te er Pu Al bh th Introduction ‘The steels included in this public cation are predominantly those used by the engineering industry. In the United Kingdom, it has been com- mon practice £0 specify and supply steels on the basis of composition ‘and mechanical properties. It is also usual to slate the maximum diameter of round bar in which these properties ean just be obtained at the centre, referred toas the “limiting ruling section’. Inthe case of rectangular sections, the equivalent round bar diameter has been tubu- lated, The application to more ‘complicated shapes, or machined ‘components with varied sections, depends on individual judgment as to the equivalent bar diameter in different locations. ‘The established guide to transforma tion behaviour is the ‘isothermel transformation diagram. A steel is first heated to a high temperature 10 produceaustenite and cooled rapidly to a lower temperature where it undergoes ansformation, the amount depending upon the time hheld at temperature. The different kinds of structure produced by trans- formation, namely ferrite, pearlte, bainite or martensite, are then indi- cated on the diagram, together with the holding times required for trans formation to start and finish. The result is a family of curves repre= senting the various stages of trans- formation as a function of tempers ture and time, ew heat treatment processes involve the step-wise cooling used 10 construct. these diagrams, Instead, most of the structures are produced in continuous cooling operations If the rates of cooling are slow, the structures correspond more closely to those indicated in the upper regions of the isothermal diagram Faster rates of cooling will modify considerably the starting tempera- ture and progress of transformation. It follows that some kind of continuous cooling transformation Giagram is needed. Whilst it is wo possible to superimpose wetval cooling curves on to timeytempera- ture transformation digram, this has not been done in the present volume. Instead, & modified trans: formation diagram has been adopted, with individual bar dia- rneters represented ont the abseissa instead of transformation times ‘These diagrams ace thus directly applicable to materials heat treated under works conditions and indicate the structures which ean be produced atthe centres of bars of the stated diameters. Continuous cooling transformation diagrams ‘The Continuous. Cooling Trans: formation (CCT) diagrams presented here illustrate typical patterns of transformation response of the various steels when cooled in ir, cil or water Cooling curves ate not shown because the diagrams are presented in terms of bar diameters as stated above, Diferent cooling. curves ‘would apply atthe centre and surfce of & bar, and correspondingly at intermediate postions. The CCT diagram refers only tothe centre ofa bar, but the structures at other positions can be inferred, For ‘example, the structure produced upon cooling at some mid-radial postion ina large diameter bar wll correspond to that produced at the entre ofa bar of smaller, so-called equivalent diameter, similar struc- tures being produced at similar cooling rates. ‘A. major difficulty in constructing CCT diagrams is the interpreta- tion of transformation behaviour Martensite and bainite are each aMfeted by changes in composition of the parent austenite which may hhave resulted from any prior ferrite formation or carbide precipitation At higher temperatures, Under cooling and recalescence (due 1 sudden liberation of latent heat) ean, in some eases, result in @ reaction being completed at a temperature higher than that at whieh it began ‘The effects of such complicated behaviour ate however included in the computation of these diagrams. “The diagrams show the approximate proportions of the major phases and also the hardness of the micro- structure obtained by continuous cooling. The effect of tempering on these hardness levels is shown in many instances. ‘The hardenabilty ofthe tee! can be assessed al a glance from the CCT diagram, Low hardenability steels show early transformation, mainly in the upper left hand side of the diagram, to ferrite and pearlte or bainite, High hardenability. steels exhibit curves in the lower right hand side of the diagram, austenite changing predominantly to marten- site over a wide range of bar dis meters and quenching rates. Aircooling hasbeen used asthe main criterion for developing the dia- ‘grams, with supplementary bar diameter scales provided for oil and water quenching, Although air and Water are relatively standard fluids, oils can vary widely in their physical characteristics and hence their quenching ability. “Oil” has been taken as a standard mediumfast quenching oil. Brine quenching, has not been considered for the steels inthis series. Using the CCT diagram “The structures which can be expected in as-cooled bars, whether air-cooled ‘roll or water quenched, are indicated in each CCT diagram, For example, in the diagram for a °38° C steel (1035-1040), Fig 1/1, transformation at temperatures above 660°C will ‘produce ferrite and pearlite, whereas between this temperature and the Mi, temperature, bainite will start to be formed. Below the M, tempera- ture, the structure will be fully mar- tensitc. tis also apparent that with in- creasing bar diameter, the resulting structures change from martensite, ‘through bainit 1 ferrite and pearite ‘Mote specifically, in Fig U/l, forthe TRANSFORMATION TEMPERATURE °C or 02 os 12 5 pw 100 200500 10502000 aye 1 i i re 100 150-200 si 2 2 io Se O1L QUENCH 1 22 ed WATER QUENCH BAR DIAMETER mm Fig t/t CCT diagram for ‘38° C steel (1035-1040) chosen to ilustate transformation behaviour under different colin rates ‘Based on CCT Dingram No. LL) ERSI>Raw case of air cooling, martensite is formed in bars smaller than O18 mm, bainite at diameters up to about 2 mm, whilst increasing ‘amounts of ferrite and pearlte are formed, with progressively less Dainite, at diameters above 2 mm. Similarly, microstructures. arising fom oil and water quenching can be deduced Behaviour on cooling Referring. again to Fig. 1/1, the cooling of@ 10 mm bar i ar wll be considered. The 10 mm position is located on the scale for air cooled bars and the vertical line through this point is followed down from the austenitising temperature. Trans- formation stars at 700°C with the formation of ferrite, continuing to nearly 50% transformation at 640°C when pearlite begins to form. At 580°C, a trace of bsinite is indicated before transformation is complete 1F oil quenching of a 10 mm bat is row considered, the 10 mm position Should be located on the ol quenched har diameter scale. Again, following the vertical lie down, itis seen that in this case bani i the first phase to form from austenite at S80-C. At 330°C, afier about 40% tsansformation, the remaining austenite transforms to martensite until the reaction is completed at 150°C. Similarly, when water quenched, a 10 mam diameter bar will transform to martensite starting at 360°C and finishing at 150°C Examination of the let hand side of the diagram shows that marten will form on ir cooling with bars up to 018 mm diameter, on oil quenching up to 8 mm diameter and fon vater quenching up t0 13 mm diameter. Equivalent diameters The “equivalent diameter’ relers to ‘that size of round bar in which the axial temperature falls through a specified range in the same time as the temperature at the slowest 2 cooling position in an irregular shaped body. A method of cal- ‘culating equivalent diameters. is summarised in British Standard 5046:1974, an outline of which is sven in Part 3 ‘The equivalent diameter therefore enables the CCT diagram to be used a predict the heat treatment behaviour of complex shapes. Ruling sections CCT data for direct hardening steels ‘will normally be used to indicate the structure of the steel prior to {tempering The heat treatment details for these materials are speci fied in BS 970 and related standards, ‘where the required tensile nd impact toughness properties ate given together with the limiting. ruling sections. In Fig. 1/2, the CCT diagram for 13 ‘MalMo stel(605M36) is shown with ‘the limiting ruling. sections from BS 970 superimposed. In addition, the specified minimum tevels of tensile strength are indicated. It will be seen that bars of 19mm diameter would be fully hardened by oil quenching. Therefore, after temper- ing, a satisfactory tensile strength could be assured. Slightly larger bars, for example 30 mm diameter, containing a proportion of bainite, could be tempered to & lower strength level. However, with the large limiting ruling sections, where the proportion of bainite has in- creased, tempering to even lower strength levels would be necessary to secure satisfactory impact resist- ance, Thus, Fig, 1/2 indicates the as-quenched siructures tobe expected at the various limiting ruling sections. An assessment ofthe mectianical properties tikely to be achieved in practice can be made by reference to the appropriate speci- fication ‘Fo use these diagrams for any parti- ‘cular steel specifications, the diagram for u steel of the same, or very similar, chemical composition should be chosen. The diagrams have been arranged in alloy groups and in ascending carbon and alloy content to aid interpretation of the cffects of composition variations on the shape and position of the main transformation ranges. ‘The chemical compositions of 172 steels are listed in the Index (page 4) ‘The relationship between these and many national and_ international specifications is given in Part 4. Sensitivity of the diagrams to changes in composition “The CCT divgrams usually refer 0 fan average composition within & jive speifiation. Its found, how- ‘ver, that variations in composition within a specication range can sometimes lead 10 considerable differences in structure and. pro- peries, Moreover, there ate critical ranges of a diamoter where slightly slower oF faster cooling rates produce a rapid change in the pre dominating microstructure. In Fig 1/1, for example, very small decrease in. bar diameter could ‘change the structure from bainie, commencing to form at say 580°C, to martensite starting at 360°C. In the eitical regions, where the slope of the bainite boundary is step, a stec! bar can be undergoing trans- formation to a succession of struc tures over a wide range of tempera- ture, It ean be seen fom Fig 1/1 that, for this particular steel, the most pronounced changes occur ‘when the br iarnetes lie within the approximate ranges: 021007 mm for air cooling 8 0 15 mm for oil quenching 14 to-24 am for water quenching ‘An examination of the effects of composition variables for stels in this and neighbouring specifications shows that all these diameters are increased by about content is increased by 00 the specification. A change in manganese content of the same MATION TEMPERATURE TRANSFC 8 s a 2 a ee 130 200300 So FS SSS er on QUENCH Lie wae QUENCH BAR DIAMETER mm Fig 2 CCT diagram for 11 MaMo alloy ste! (608M6) chosen to llstate the mirosnuctres 10 be expected after ol quench ‘a dhe various fmiting ruling seetions, Also naieated are the tense strength eves ier hardening and tempering ten from "38970 Part 21970 (used on CC Dnagram No. 80) AIR ‘CooL, wecone ed Ame coscesss ‘amount would produce about one ‘quarter of this effect Hardenability ‘The hardenability of steel is usually ‘determined by the lominy end quench test, in which a suitably heated round bar is quenched at one fend only, and hardness: measure- ‘ments made along its length. The structure and hardness variations at different points along the bar are a result ofthe different rates of cooling at these points ‘A cortelation between Jominy hhardenability and bar diameter has been produiced by the American Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE). The part relating the centre position of an oll quenched bar to the position on a Jominy specimen is shown in Fig 1/3, ‘This allows the Jominy hardenability band fora specification, or the curve for a particular sample, to be super- imposed on the hardness curve accompanying each CCT diagram. ‘The bands have been inchided so that the interrelation of the Jominy curve and the hardness of as-cooled sections can be indicated. ‘Thus, by replotting the Jominy end {quench test results in terms of hard ness versus equivalent bar diameter, it is possible to assess its postion in relation to the CCT diagram. It ‘must be appreciated that this com= parison is only approximate and is only valid at the left hand side of the diagram, In cases where the steel ‘composition falls on the edge, or outside the range, of one diagram, ‘reference should be made to a nei bouring specification. Additional applications ‘The diagrams can be used (0 investi- ite continuous beat treatment cycles for thin sections, such as wire fof strip, where particular micro- structures are required to facilitate working or heat tFeatment, They are 4 also suitable forthe planning of safe heat treatment cycles for sections which need retarded cooling after hhot working, to avoid low tempera- ture transformation products. Prediction of machinability from ‘expected microstructures and hard- ness levels is possible. Ror example, from Fig 1/1, an air cooled bar of 38" C steel of ovei 10 mm diameter ‘oF equivalent section, wil transform to over 90% ferite and peatite. This should give adequate machinability for all but the most demanding machining operations, On the other hhand, Fig. 1/4 shows that nearly all sizes of 19% NiCrMo steel (8I7M40) will require amore ‘complex Softening teatment for ease ‘of machining since all diameters up to 1000 mm give structures harder than 250 HV. ‘The diagrams can also be used to study the effect of mass and to help in the calculation of critical quench ing rates for complicated shapes and varied sections, where an estimate of @ predominant equivalent di meter is possible. The prime ‘objective in any hardening process is to choose the minimum rate of quenching which will produce through hardening and thereby eliminate excessive distortion ot cracking. Fig 1/4 shows that 817M40 stee! will easily produce martensite by oll quenching inal sections up to 100 mm and that no benefit can be gained by faster cooling It should be remembered that the microstructure indicated by the diagram is that expected at the axis of the section, In practice, the surface fof a quenched bar will coo! more rapidly than its centre and may contain smaller proportions: of Ferrite and pearite, This aspect is examined in greater detail in Part 3, Section 3.2 Limitations of the diagram Continuous cooling transformation is affcted by the treatment the steel thas received before austenitising ‘The austenitsing temperature and soaking time each affect the grain size of the austenite, hence modi- fying the subsequent transformation characteristics on cooling. The austeitising emperaturealsoalfets the composition of the austenite if the stel contains strong carbide- focrsing elements and consequently undissolved carbides may be present. Care should be taken, therefore, when adapting the diagrams for austentising conditions different from those indicated. For this reason, the diagrams are not readily adapted to surface hardening by induction or flame lheating, since rapid heating and short thermal cyele times have a drastic effect on the condition of the austenite. The diagrams are not suitable for use in welding situations where heat affected zones can reach tempers- tutes ofthe order of 1300-1350°C for very short times. After such treat- ment, the shape of the disgram would be expected to be modified astically at the faster cooling rates which are relevant to this situation. ‘The actual modification ofthe trans- formations, however, depends on hheat input, preheat/postheat, ete Hence, the use of the CCT diagrams in welding situations is limited to the approximate positioning of the M, temperature of the weld heat affected zone for preheat calcula tions. ‘Another major factor, which cannot be illustrated in the diagram, is the effect of agitation in the quenching medium, whether it be air, oil oF ‘water. Agitation is obviously depenclent on such practical features as bath size and component size and shape, These effects can only be ‘examined experimentally. If, how- ever, actual eooling curves eat be obtained for a particular combina tion of operating conditions, they can then be converted into the corresponding bar diameters, using the tables described in Part 3, Section 3.2. (ur) GNI GSHONAND WOU TONVISIG ANINOT op = © Fa % oO § + 0 is 08 s EQUIVALENT BAR DIAMETER FOR OIL QUENCHING (mum) = on _mauweap nq pu Kgeuopsny Sumwor uasaseq voREI09 aq, Eft Bud TRANSFORMATION TEMPERATURE ‘C a0 $0200 100 COOLING RATE AT T00C mmo 02 0s 1 2 Pe BAR L 7 eR CooL, piamerenp_——_2) _2 Dt" __mm 11. QUENCH [ee mim WATER QUENCH 800: HARDNESS AFTER ‘TRANSFORMATION 50 HRC 30 20 10 Fig it CCTiagram for IYNiCrMo alloy set 17ND) chosen oun the mma rat of quenching to produce thous Fe eee ae ie pando eves afer ransformation which can be ved To prediet machining performance Tasad on CCT Daagrar No. 108), 16 F S CONTINUOUS COOLING TRANSFORMATION DIAGRAM 114 f 33 Ni Cr Mo AUSTENITISED AT 20°C PREVIOUS TREATMENT BLANK CARBURISED, 9006 4h A.C ANALYSIS We, (See note on page 8) © Si Ma PS Ce Mo Ni Al NBO 0.13 920 050 0020 002 08S O18 3.40 +700 600] c 00 300] 200) 1 109} 100 50020015 COOLING RATE AT T00C TOPE MIN ol mmor 02 08 12 sm O90 100020HOmm, . LAIR BAR Is 0 20 50 100150 200 300500 DiaMeTeRP PE ae i Oe io 1 HO So —« ' fees WATER HARDNESS AFTER ‘TRANSFORMATION

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