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Formal Reflection 1
Alia Alsulaim
Wright State University

Formal Reflection

Clearing the Confusion between Technology Rich and Innovation Poor: Six
Questions is an article was written by Alan November, the founder of November Learning.
The article answers six questions were asked school leaders in the webinar. The article
highlights about design learning in the digital environment. It is like a guideline to help
teachers developing their skills to build high-level thinking assignments.
The first question is "did the assignment build capacity for critical thinking on the
web?" When teachers give students the assignment, usually students copy the exact
question and past it on Google. Furthermore, they check the first-page result only,
although there is dozen of results related to the topic. Mr. November mentions that one
of the teachers' responsibilities is a guide student to use the advanced search tools. The
impact of learning more about specific search tools will be full of benefits for students
finding astonish answers for their question.
The second question is "did the assignment develop new lines of inquiry?" The
assignments that reinforce students to ask more questions that never ask should be
teachers goal. Teachers have to build assignments that encourage students to ask
questions and search for more information.
"Are there opportunities for students to make their thinking visible?" is the third
question was asked schools leaders in the webinar. As more as teachers can make
students transform the assignment to visual version, as the outcome of learning be better.
With all technology that we are surround by, using video, voice recording will improve
students' achievements.

Formal Reflection
One method to motive students is inspiring them publishing their work on the
Internet. The writer believes that in addition to having among of helpful feedback, some

students like to have a global audiles rather than only one "the teacher." Support students
to publish their works is the answer to question four, " Are there opportunities to broaden
the perspective of the conversation with the authentic audience from around the world?"
The example of Geometry students that Mr. November provides is explained the
positive effect of integrating assignment with a real life problem. The fifth question, " Is
there an opportunity for students to create a contribution?" When students feel the
assignment has a contribution purpose, the raise on the learning accomplishment will be
Finally, teachers should share with their students " best in the world" example.
Watching a video on the YouTube is an available tool for teachers to share with the
students "the best of " experience. Studies show using best in the world increases
students motivation to gain more than other students did.

After reading the article, I rethink about the assignments that Ill design for
students. First of all teachers should guide their students to the advanced features in a
research engine, like Google or Bing, in order to get more quality information and
answers. Michael Gorman (2011) said, When educators ask students to search and find
information on the Internet, it is not to just get the answer. It is to learn an important
process that will serve them through future schooling and eventual careers. Teachers

Formal Reflection

who spend a part time of class to dive deeply in search by the advanced way will give
their students great learning results.
I also learned the impact of enhancing visible way to describe the assignment.
Recording video or voice will improve students achievement. As making learning visible
website (MLV), 2006 informs, When their learning is documented, children can revisit
and interpret their learning experiences and reflect on how to develop these experiences
Great point that writer points about that the benefits of share and publish
students assignment with the worldwide. (Chaika.2007) said, Publishing student writing
encourages the reluctant writer, strengthens kids' self-confidence, rewards interest, and
promotes a positive attitude toward literature. Students can create a blog or YouTube
channel and share their works with other to gain useful feedback.
If teachers think on those six questions before built the assignments, then the
ability to raise the education to high-level thinking will be an increase. Using technology
to serve the education purpose will make students prepared for future. Direct students to
advance search tools, publish students work, students contribute to the world, make the
learning visible, share best of the world examples are a list to design innovative

Formal Reflection

Chaika, G. (2007). Education world website. Encourage Student Writing -- Publish on the Web!
Retrieved from
Freshwater, R. (2010). leapfrogg. How multichannel retailers can benefit from Googles new
search results layout. Retrieve from
Gorman, M (2011). Tech and learning website. Twelve Reasons To Teach Searching Techniques
With Google Advanced Search Even Before Using The Basic Search. Retrieve from
Making learning visible website. (2006). What is documentation? Retrieve from
November, A. (2015). November learning. Clearing the Confusion between Technology Rich and
Innovation Poor: Six Questions. Retrieve from

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