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2015, Vol. 23, No.

4, 562570

Advances in Psychological Science

DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2015.00562

(Regular Articles)

(, 250358)

(Approximate Number System, ANS),

, ANS ,
ANS , , ,

(ANS); ; (IPS);

B842; B844

(Webers law), ,

(Approximate Number System,


(Precise Number System, PNS)


(number sense) (, 2012)

, ,

(Starr, Libertus, & Brannon, 2013),

, (Piazza, Pica,


Izard, Spelke, & Dehahne, 2013),

, Dehaene, Piazza

Cohen (2003)(mental number line)

, Halberda Feigenson


1~3 4

, ,

(, 2007)


: 2014-07-29
* (31371048);
: , Email:

, ,

, ,



, 58%, 39%

, , , 2012)

( , 2012) Haworth, Kovas, Petrill


Plomin (2007), 9

Halberda Fergenson (2008), ANS

7 ,

, Tosto


, 32%,



(Reznikova & Ryabko, 2011;

, X

Vonk & Beran, 2012)

(Fragile X Syndrome, FXS)

(Agrillo, Piffer, & Bisazza, 2011),

, 1/3600

1/4000 Owen, Baumgartner Rivera (2013)

Rugani, Regolin Vallortigara (2011)



(Williams syndrome, WS)

(Agrillo, Piffer, Bisazza, & Butterworth,

7q11.23 Libertus, Feigenson, Halberda


Landau (2014),


ANS 2~4 ,



(Merritt, Maclean, Crawford, & Brannon, 2011)

, 22q11.2 ANS

(Oliveira et al., 2014), ANS

(Agrillo et al., 2012) ANS

(Starr et al., 2013)

, ANS (Xu, 2003;

Jordan & Brannon, 2006)





, (intraparietal sulcus,

Julio-Costa (2013), COMT

IPS) (Dehaene et al., 2003)

met+ ,

Dehaene (1996)



, ,


, 20 50

, Dehaene ,

Dehaene, Spelke, Pinel, Stanescu

Tsivkin (1999) fMRI ,



Pinel, Dehaene, Rivire LeBihan



Dehaene (1999) fMRI ,


segment of the bilateral intraparietal sulcus,HIPS)

Vogel, Grabner, Schneider, Siegler Ansari (2013)

, ,

, ,

, ,

, -(visual-spatial arrays) (Barth,

2001; Barth, Kanwisher, & Spelke, 2003),


(Hyde, Boas, Blair, & Carey, 2010)



Sousa (2010),


IPS (acalculia),

, ,

(Cantlon, Brannon,

IPS (Cantlon et al., 2006)

Carter, & Pelphrey, 2006)


Piazza, Giacomini, Bihan Dehaene (2003)

, (Sousa,

fMRI , 4

2010), ,



Nan Li (2004) ERP

(Molko et al.,



1~3 ,


(Hyde et al., 2010)





, ,

, IPS (Sousa, 2010)

(Libertus et al.,
2014), ANS


Sathian (1999) PET ,

, ,
learning disability), ,


(, , , , 2014)


Pinhas, Donohue, Woldorff Brannon (2014)

, ,

, (Fhus &

McNeil, 2013), ANS

, Piazza (2013)

Piazza (2010),


(Geary, 2013)Mazzocco, Feigenson

Halberda (2011)

Nys (2013)

, ,

(Starr et al., 2013)

, () (Piazza et

, ;

al., 2013), (

) (Tosto et al., 2014)

Lindskog, Winman Juslin (2013)

, (32%),


(68%) (Tosto

, 3 ANS

et al., 2014),

1 ,

, 3



(Piazza et al., 2010)

, ,

(Halberda, Mazzocco, & Feigenson, 2008)Fuhs

McNeil (2013)


(Piazza et al., 2010)

Fuhs McNeil (2013)

, , ANS




Wilson, Revkin, Cohen,

Cohen Dehaene (2006) 7~9

, 5 ,
4 ,

Obersteiner, Reiss Ufer


10 ,

Hyde, Khanum Spelke (2014)

DeWind Brannon

(2012) 6 , ,

2~5 ,


, 6


, ,
Brannon (2013),

, ,



Tosto (2014),

22 ,

, Lindskog (2013) Park Brannon



Lindskog ,



& Ganley, 2014),

(Kroesbergen, vant Noordende, & Kolkman,

2014) ANS


Tosto (2014) 16





(0.16) ,

, 3.5%~13.8%

, Fuhs McNeil (2013),

(Rousselle & Nol, 2008)

, ,

(, , 2005)

Gilmore (2013),


Sasanguie, Defever, Maertens Reynvoet

, ,

(2014) ANS

6 Attridge, Gilmore,

Inglis Batchelor (2010),

, (,

, ,

, , 2012)McQuarrie, Siegel, Perry

Weinberg (2014),



(Lindskog et al., 2013)

(Gilmore et al., 2013; Fuhs & McNeil,

2013)(Fuhs & McNeil, 2013)

Van Marle, Chu, Li Geary (2014)





Starr (2013)

6 ,

ANS , ,

, ,

, Mussolin, Nys, Content Leybaert(2014)



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Approximate Number System in Human

LI Hongxia; SI Jiwei; CHEN Zejian; ZHANG Tangzheng
(School of Psychology, Shandong Normal University, Jinan 250358, China)

Abstract: Approximate number system (ANS) refers to a system with which an individual can represent a
set of numbers approximately without calculation and numerical symbols. We firstly sum up the recent
development in heredity, neural basis and the intervention training of ANS at home and abroad within the
last decade. Then we point out that, basing on the genetic and brain physiological researches, further
researches should reveal the nature and inherent developing mechanism of ANS by means of cognitive
neuroscience, and apply the findings into teaching. For example, our findings can help children poor in math
to improve their mathematical skills and ability to adapt to the society.
Key words: approximate number system (ANS); genetic and neural basis; intraparietal sulcus (IPS);

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