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Chloe Cowen


Teach 10/26/15 (tentative)

ESU Elementary Education Annotated Lesson Plan Format 12-12

Note: Not all lesson plans will include all the components listed below and the components
will not always be in the order shown. If a component is not included, a brief explanation
should be inserted at the appropriate point in the plan where that component would normally fit.
1. Context and Learning Environment for this Lesson:
Interns name ___Chloe Cowen_________ School ________Americus Elementary_____
Mentor teacher ___Mrs. Coble (teaching in Mrs. VanGundys room for math lesson)_______
Subject ___Math__
Grade level (s) ___5th __ Tentative date to be taught __October 26th____
Time __12:30pm-1:45pm _
The setting: write a brief description of the group/class for whom this lesson is planned (number of
children, gender, children with special needs, ability levels, any special conditions that might influence
how the lesson is taught, etc.) Also briefly describe the classroom physical setting (room arrangement),
resources, technology, and other room elements that influence how lesson is taught)
Classroom Description
5th grade
Math and social studies taught in this room, reading and science taught in other classroom
16 students
11 girls, 5 boys
8 with special need
Low reading ability (questions will need read aloud)
Desks individually separated facing front of room and SmartBoard
ELMO, SmartBoard, Chromebooks
Circle table on east side
Posters on walls
Planner poster updated daily
School Description
Total of students in building: 214
Total in district: 447
Total in state: 487,317
Males, 123.00 out of 214.00, (57.48%).
Females, 91.00 out of 214.00, (42.52%)
Econ. Disadvantaged, 111.00 out of 214.00, (51.87%).
Non-Econ. Disadvantaged, 103.00 out of 214.00, (48.13%).
African American, 3.00 out of 214.00, (1.40%).
Hispanic, 14.00 out of 214.00, (6.54%).
Other, 6.00 out of 214.00, (2.80%).
White, 191.00 out of 214.00, (89.25%).

Chloe Cowen


Teach 10/26/15 (tentative)

Materials needed for the lesson: (include quantities, descriptions, page numbers, etc.)
For the teacher:
PowerPoint and SmartBoard to project
o Youtube video link within powerpoint
16-1 Ordered Pairs. (2012). In EnVision Math Common Core 5th Grade(Vol. 16). Upper Saddle
River, New Jersey: Pearson Education.
For the student(s):
8 battleship games (or computer version)
Student workbook page
Grid paper
2. Lesson Goals, Outcomes, Objectives: Describe what you expect students to be able to do, to
achieve, including:

Students will identify and graph points on a coordinate grid.

2.1 Instructional Objectives: - In clear, concise ABCD format, list what students will be able to do
(observable verbs) by the end of the lesson written in developmentally appropriate terms and coded
in parentheses, cognitive, affective and/or psychomotor domains and levels:
Instructional Objectives
Students will identify and graph points on a coordinate grid with 9/10 accuracy.
2.2 Relevant local district/state/common core standard(s) - (



Use a pair of perpendicular
number lines, called axes, to
define a coordinate system, with
the intersection of the lines (the
origin) arranged to coincide
with the 0 on each line and a
given point in the plane located
by using an ordered pair of
numbers, called its coordinates.
Understand that the first number
indicates how far to travel from
the origin in the direction of one
axis, and the second number
indicates how far to travel in the
direction of the second axis,

Use a pair of perpendicular
number lines, called axes, to
define a coordinate system, with
the intersection of the lines (the
origin) arranged to coincide
with the 0 on each line and a
given point in the plane located
by using an ordered pair of
numbers, called its coordinates.
Understand that the first number
indicates how far to travel from
the origin in the direction of one
axis, and the second number
indicates how far to travel in the
direction of the second axis,

Use a pair of perpendicular
number lines, called axes, to
define a coordinate system, with
the intersection of the lines (the
origin) arranged to coincide with
the 0 on each line and a given
point in the plane located by
using an ordered pair of
numbers, called its coordinates.
Understand that the first number
indicates how far to travel from
the origin in the direction of one
axis, and the second number
indicates how far to travel in the
direction of the second axis, with

Chloe Cowen
with the convention that the
names of the two axes and the
coordinates correspond (e.g., xaxis and x-coordinate, y-axis
and y-coordinate).

Teach 10/26/15 (tentative)
with the convention that the
the convention that the names of
names of the two axes and the
the two axes and the coordinates
coordinates correspond (e.g., x- correspond (e.g., x-axis and xaxis and x-coordinate, y-axis
coordinate, y-axis and yand y-coordinate).

CCSSM Mathematical Practices: List the math practices you will use in your lesson.
CCSS.MATH.PRACTICE.MP6 Attend to precision
3. Assessment: How and when will you determine the extent to which students have achieved the
lesson objectives?
I will know students have achieved the lesson objectives when they . . .
What materials will be used, how and when you will assess each lesson objective, criteria for mastery
should include how points will be assigned and how many need to be earned to show they have achieved
mastery (if varying degrees of quality, include rubric; if correct/incorrect, include answer key.) Example:
I know students have mastered (the objective) when they score x/y o __ completed during ____/
3.1 Assessment/Evaluation
Instructional Objectives
I will know students mastered the lesson objective when they are able to identify and graph
points on a coordinate grid with 9/10 accuracy.
3.2 Strategies and tools/materials
Teacher Observation
Battleship game
Workbook page
3.3 Criteria for Mastery and/or Rubric for judging/scoring student success list points needed (4
out of 5, etc.) or essential actions or products that must be part of their performance of each objective.
I will know students mastered the lesson objective when they are able to identify and graph points on a
coordinate grid with 9/10 accuracy.

and graphs
9-10 points

and graphs
7-8 points

and graphs
5-6 points

and graphs
3-4 points

and graphs
1-2 points

chose not
in activity

4. Adaptations: Describe materials and/or strategies that you will use to adapt the lesson related to the
needs of students as identified in the context (including but not limited to gearing up and gearing down).
4.1 Gearing down (provide more or differentiated support) to meet the needs of struggling students
with the lesson might include:

Chloe Cowen
Teach 10/26/15 (tentative)
Student is given sheet with examples and labeled x and y coordinate.
4.2 Gearing up (provide more extension) to meet the needs of higher achieving students who may
need challenges might include:
Students will create a shape using as many points as possible, writing each points coordinates.
5. Integration: Specifically explain your creative use of interdisciplinary learning experiences across (or
within) other subject areas. Tell what subjects or topics across subject areas are being integrated and how
integration will specifically take place (e.g. across: reading with social studies, art with writing; within:
comprehension and vocabulary, multiplication with number theory, forces in motion with inquiry).
Across: (subject) in integrated with (subject) when they _______.
Across: Language arts is integrated with mathematics when students are verbally told
vocabulary terms and are shown examples of each.
Within: (topic) is integrated with (lesson topic) when they ______.
Within: Graphing points is integrated with coordinate planes when students graph points on a
coordinate plane.
6. References/Resources Used: List in standard bibliographical style (author, date, title, publisher);
provide website in URL format.

Adam Up Maths - NEW Co-ordinates Song [Motion picture]. (2015).
Powerpoint with YouTube link
16-1 Ordered Pairs. (2012). In EnVision Math Common Core 5th Grade(Vol. 16). Upper Saddle
River, New Jersey: Pearson Education.
Plans Approved for Teaching


Host or Mentor Classroom Teacher __Mrs. VanGundy_____Date: ___________

University Professor _______Miss Jones_________ Date: __________

Instructional Design Teaching Plan

7.1 Introduction Briefly describe the things you will do to get the lesson off to an engaging start:
a. Anticipatory Set Describe the first attention-getting things you will do or say to quickly focus
students attention (hook them) on what is coming next.
Have you ever been on a treasure hunt and needed to find the exact location that x marked the
spot? Today we are going to learn all about how to use a coordinate plane and graph coordinates
to represent a specific point. Lets start by watching a quick video!
o Show YouTube video (link in powerpoint)
What was the main message from that video?
Response should be You first move across and then you climb, follow the
horizontal x and the vertical y.

Chloe Cowen


Teach 10/26/15 (tentative)

b. Communication of Objectives: Write out what you will do/say in kid-friendly language to preview
for students what they will be doing and the purpose of the lesson in one sentence. e.g. Hold up a
flashlight bulb and say Today you will find out what makes this object light up!

Today we are going to learn about how to name a specific point by using coordinates.

*7.2. Input Tell the specific information that will be communicated to students to prepare them for the
remainder of the lesson. (What do they need to know before modeling and guided practice? e.g. essential
content vocabulary, background information) Explain how the teacher will communicate the information
(orally, on the board, in PowerPoint, slides etc.)
PowerPoint slides with coordinate plan lesson information
o Bulleted list of clear step by step explanation
When you are describing a specific point on a coordinate plane, you use a
coordinate to tell others how to locate the same point. Coordinates have two
numbers. The first number is x, the second number is y. Remember in the song
how first you go across, that would be your x, and then you climb, that would be
your y.
Here are 7 vocab terms that are important for this lesson. Lets try to see how
many we can remember at the very end.
Graphing points can be tricky, lets do a few together to make sure everyone
understands how to write coordinates for a point.
Now that we can graph points and write coordinates, we are going to put our new
skills to work in a game of battleship. Please make sure to write your coordinates
on a piece of paper so that I can come and double check to make sure we are all
on the right track.

Students will collaboratively learn through conversation, visuals, and battleship game.
PowerPoint will be used for a large group setting. For this lesson, I will use paper templates to
help aid in understanding and creation of the poem.

*7.3 Modeling What you will show the students? (Specifically include how you will demonstrate the
tasks or procedures you expect students to do during the rest of the lesson, related to the lesson objective.
Include specific examples and explanations which will be used.)

Step by step instructions

o We are going to practice graphing a point and then writing the coordinates of that point.
I will do 5 examples and then you will try one yourself.
The grids on your worksheet are called coordinate grids.
Teacher points out on grid x-axis, y-axis, and origin.
Teacher writes (3,5) on board and graphs correct point
The numbers 3 and 5 are called the coordinates of the first pair we made,
and (3,5) is called an ordered pair. Why do you think the 3 is the xcoordinate? Why do you think 5 is the y-coordinate?
Now I am going to graph 5 more points
o Teacher writes (6,8), (7, 10), (2, 0), (8, 11), (3, 6)

Chloe Cowen

Teach 10/26/15 (tentative)
o Teacher walks through steps of doing x-coordinate first, then ycoordinate, and plotting the point.

*7.4 Guided Practice How are the students (with teacher guidance) practicing what you just modeled?
Include specific examples and explanations that you will use as students practice the lesson objective.
Add additional examples of teacher input and modeling if they are considered essential for the lesson to
Step by step instructions
o Students graph points when given ordered pair
o Students label point using coordinates
Now I will hand out a sheet with 6 points on it, we are going to label these points
showing the x-coordinate first, then the y-coordinate second, and putting those
together to make an ordered pair.
Teacher writes these points on graph paper A (7,7), B (0, 5), C (6,2), D (5,
4), E (8,6)
Teacher and students go through each ordered pair together, writing the
correct coordinates to make ordered pair (do for A-E)
Now we are going to take an ordered pair and graph it together.
Teacher writes (10, 0), (5, 4), (2, 4), (3,7), (6, 2) on board
Students and teacher plot points on graph paper
Teacher gives students time to try each one themselves and walks around to
check for understanding
Teacher graphs each point on board and students check their answers
o Teacher may have students come to board and graph points if
students are easily grasping concept
*7.5 Checks for Understanding How will you quickly check each students progress related to doing
the objective? Are students demonstrating adequate understanding such that you feel comfortable in
moving them to doing more of the lesson on their own? Provide the questions you will ask, the responses
you feel you should be seeing, the performances or products you should be witnessing to ensure that each
student exhibits evidence of having achieved each of the lessons objectives. (Confusion here would
signal the need for more input, modeling and guided practice.)
Throughout the lesson I will be checking for understanding by asking the following questions below:
Where is the x-axis?
Where is the y-axis?
Which number comes first in an ordered pair?
What is the ordered pair for the origin? Where is the origin located at on the grid?
How would you use ordered pairs in real life?
Answers to the questions will be learned from during modeling, guided practice, and input.

Chloe Cowen
Teach 10/26/15 (tentative)
Teacher will monitor and walk around checking to ensure student understands how to plot points
and write coordinates in ordered pair.
Understanding of points on a coordinate grid
Ability to identify and graph points

7.6 Independent Practice/Assignment Describe the work/activity related to the lesson objective which
students will do independently (from the teacher) to practice and demonstrate their understanding of what
has been taught. Include brief directions for the students.
As the teacher, I understand that certain students will get off task throughout the lesson, therefore I will
provide guidance through giving a fill in the blank sheet and coloring sheet to aid in understanding and
keep students interest.

Student will complete page 393 in book (both independent and guided practice section).

7.7. Closure, wrap-up How will all students review, reflect and summarize what they have learned?
Youtube video will be played again
Students will play battleship game and write coordinates when their boat is hit

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