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Universitt Hamburg

Fakultt Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften

Fachbereich Sozialwissenschaften
Andreea-Camelia Gosman, Matrikelnr 6455216
24-403.22 Biopolitik und Biosozialitt, Sven Opitz
Sommersemester 2015

The role of war migration in assessing the security systems in the EU

Focusing on recent events, this paper will depict the role of war migration in assessing the security
systems in the EU. The process of war migration is still an ongoing process especially due to latest
happenings, whereas terrorism is flourishing among the African and Western Asia nations, making their
population to flee their countries in search for safer ones. This matter could be analyzed in terms of a
crisis in Europe, for the reason that, the number of migrants has risen substantially the last year and the
European Union security systems have had some problems when it came to the high number of migrants
who sought asylum in an EU country. Issues such as slow resettlement of people displaced by conflict
combined with sudden flow of people, made it harder for the EU security systems to act accordingly.
Therefore, the European Council defined migration as a strategic priority, while dealing with a counterterrorism strategy at the same time. This analysis highlights the security mechanisms that are currently
being used to diminish the vulnerability of these systems and sheds light on the real situation of the war
migration in Europe. Although these systems may lack some attributes regarding the organizational
circumstances where they are not fully prepared to deal with the high number of migrants or refugees
resulting in their exclusion from the social sphere, the EU security systems continue to improve in dealing
with emergency situations and tries to be in a constant state of preparedness regarding this crisis.

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