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A Community of Christian Caring

Homilist: Karen Reeman

St. James, Eatontown
21 Sunday after Pentecost (B), Oct. 18, 2015

Jesus asks James and John, What is it you want me to do for you? 37 And
they say to him, Grant us to sit, one at your right hand and one at your left,
in your glory. (Mark 10:36, 37)
James and John:
1. Were among Jesus first followers recruited after Simon (later named
Peter) and Andrew (Mark 1:16)
2. They witnessed:
The raising of Jairus daughter (Mark 5:37, Luke 8:51)

Later witnessing:
The Transfiguration (Matt. 17:1, Mark 9:2)
Jesus agony in the Garden of Gethsemane (Mark 14:33, Matthew
And thus (according to some scholars) were part of Jesus Inner circle

James and John dont grasp Jesus teaching about the kingdom of heaven. In
fact, none of Jesus disciples understand.
When the other 10 found out about the request of James and John, they get



Kingdom of Heaven has hierarchies analogous to kingdoms on earth

Fear Jesus will grant the request of James and John

Fear Jesus will grant the request of James and John

Once again, Jesus explains the Kingdom of Heaven to his disciples:

You know that among the Gentiles those whom they recognize as their rulers
lord it over them, and their great ones are tyrants over them. 43 But it is not
so among you; but whoever wishes to become great among you must be your
servant, 44 and whoever wishes to be first among you must be slave of all. . .
(Mark 10:42-44)


Beautiful image, the Kingdom of Heaven, where:

Leaders are not tyrants, but who instead hold positions of authority for the
purpose serving others.


As Christians we work to bring about the Kingdom of Heaven, Gods Kingdom,

here, on earth. This is something we pray for every Sunday. Its part of the
Lords Prayer:

. . . thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.


And every Sunday through ritual and by engaging in fellowship (coffee hour)
we model Christian behavior and community.
Take a look at your bulletin:
We set aside our worldly cares and prepare ourselves for the Holy Spirit
(Collect for Purity)
We pray for ourselves and for each other (Prayers of the People)
We give thanks for birthdays and anniversaries (Announcements)
We forgive each other (Peace)
And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against
We offer God our gifts talents of music and song; fruits of our labor
including bread and wine which God has so graciously made possible
Christ gave his life for us the ultimate gift which we receive in the form
of consecrated bread and wine (Communion)
Renewed, we are sent out in the world to do Gods will (Dismissal)
And finally, we enjoy fellowship together (Coffee Hour)


Next Sunday is Bring a Friend to church Sunday

I think we shy away from inviting people to our church. I think we are afraid that
our actions will be misinterpreted:
We are trying to convert people; like selling life insurance to your friends
(instead of a commission, you get brownie points in heaven)
We want people to join so that they will give money (want their money vs.
want to share your experience)



Lets think about what membership in the Episcopal church has to offer:
Remain a member from birth to death (and beyond)
Only place where mistakes are forgiven:
Peter asked Jesus, 21 Lord, if another member of the church sins against me,
how often should I forgive? As many as seven times? 22 Jesus said to him,
Not seven times, but, I tell you, seventy-seven times. (Matt 18:21-22)
Only organization where you are appreciated for yourself you dont have to
have a particular interest or skill and you can share them
You dont even have to believe anything in particular have to reconcile
personal beliefs with the Nicene Creed and be open to the catechism we are
all on a spiritual journey
Think about what St. James in particular has to offer:
A loving Christian community
Bible study, centering prayer, music ministries, womens groups, AA groups,
and the willingness to support each other in any grace-filled ministry


Our culture discourages us from speaking about faith and witnessing to God
in our lives. Dont be afraid you will be misunderstood.
Bring a friend (or two) next Sunday I encourage you to share the joy of this
amazing community of faith.

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