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Module 4 Assignment

Priyal Morjaria

*Are these benefits worth the cost of expanding the state governmental agencies
performing these regulatory functions so that this involvement can be developed further?
Explain your position. Only to a certain level. If expanding regulatory functions cuts away from
the budget to fund higher education institutions then I dont believe its a very sound idea.
However if states intend to use these government agencies to provide funding and better access
to institutions then they are a benefit instead of a nuisance. For example accrediting agencies are
very important when it comes to assessing if an institution is providing students with the most
current and accurate academic knowledge.
*Do you believe that state involvement in community college governance jeopardizes the
leadership and program innovation at the individual institution? Explain your position. I
think state and federal involvement or contribution in higher education governance and
leadership is needed however not at the level that the state becomes the sole governing body of
that institution. Administrators and even students should have some level of autonomy in the
decision making process. A balanced system with shared authority will bring about a more
unified model of governance. I lean more towards share governance.
*How much state control over programs, processes, and procedures should there be if these
institutions are to be efficient and effective. Explain your position. States provide both aid
and accreditation to higher education institutions. States should have the power to keep
institutions in check and insure that the curriculum provided to students meets accreditation
requirements. However states should not have full authority to create curriculum, hire faculty
and dictate how every penny is spent at the institutional level.
*Differentiate between governance and administration.

Module 4 Assignment

Priyal Morjaria

Governance, Management and Administration are institutional functions that go hand in hand.
Its often tough to differentiate between them. Governance is decision making structure and
administration is the body that runs or leads an institution. Administrators play the role of
managing and running an institution.
*Discuss how independent and proprietary community colleges are organized differently
than public institutions.
Independent two year colleges have different types of controlling bodies based on what type of
independent institution it is. For example a church centered college may be governed by the
same board that governs the church. The type of governing body that an institution has also
depends on the size of the institution. Proprietary schools often have a more corporate structure.
Public colleges are organized by local districts. A board of trustees provides direction and
leadership and they hire a CEO to manage the institution. There is a hierarchy of administrators
that are responsible for managing various areas of institutions.
*Report recent percentages of community college income derived from state funds, local
funds, and tuition and fees.
Based on the 2010 reporting of community college funding, community colleges receive the
most amount of funding from the federal and state government. States provide up to 30% of the
funding and Federal Funds allocate about 23 percent. In the early 1900s two year colleges got
most of their funding through local funds. Over time that percentage has gone from 94% to 18%.
*Briefly distinguish between the typical models of funding of community colleges and the
issues and problems associated with the funding of community colleges.
One form of state level funding for community colleges is performance based funding. Here
institutions are given funding based on performance indicators such as retention and graduation

Module 4 Assignment

Priyal Morjaria

rates. One problem with is format of funding is that it may encourage institutions to enroll a
lower percentage of marginal students. Student tuition and fees is another model of funding.
Higher tuition and fee put an increasing burden on students.
*List several ways in which community colleges have attempted to balance budgets.
To solve fiscal issues community colleges have started to put more emphasis on financial
planning. Higher education institutions tend to institute hiring freezes, make changes to course
schedule based on the demands of a course, and even hiring employees that are willing to work
by the hour. Schools are also becoming more fiscally smart when it comes to purchasing
equipment and facility space.

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