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Amber Pickett

Country: Sweden
Committee: UN General Assembly Sixth Committee- Legal
Topic: Addressing the Legality of the Reproductive Cloning of Human Beings
With the advancement of todays technology, we have been able to begin trying to
understand the process of cloning human beings. Though, we cant continue to do that
unless it is legal. This brings me to our topic of Addressing the Legality of the
Reproductive Cloning of Human Beings Internationally. The problem is between the two
different types of cloning, reproductive of therapeutic. It seems if people have a
preference between the two, they would choose to legalize therapeutic, and not
reproductive. Sweden feels the same, legalizing therapeutic cloning, but banning
This topic is an opinionated issue. People who dont understand what cloning is
and what its used for wont want to legalize it. One of the most familiar attempts of
reproductive cloning is with the sheep, Dolly. Dolly is the first animal successfully
cloned. They did this by taking the genes from only one parent, initially making an
identical copy of the sheep. Sweden doesnt agree with reproductive cloning, but with
therapeutic cloning. Therapeutic cloning is taking a single stem cell and being able to
make it into anything you would need, such as lung tissue, or an extra kidney. Allowing
research on this topic would open up the possibility of curing, current incurable
diseases, such as Parkinsons, diabetes, or cancer. So, allowing research and experiments
on this topic should be considered. Also, allowing experiments would continue to help
the probability of the outcomes. Currently the success rate is 1-4% accurate results.

Through out this topic of legalizing reproductive cloning, we have run into some
issues. First, we are not able to understand our topic fully, because of the little access we
have had to researching it. Sweden supports embryonic stem cell research and therapeutic
cloning. With Swedens support we propose the solution of educating the public on this
opinionated topic. Having a course offered in school might help other countries
understand why cloning is done. And, possibly get others to start legalizing the different
types of cloning. The second major issue about cloning is that its success rate is very
slim. A solution would be to have the countrys that have legalized cloning, bring their
top scientists and have them all work together to figure out how to make the success rate
much more regular. In conclusion, Swedens proposed solutions would make a global
impact and help with addressing the legality of cloning human beings internationally.

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