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Acts of Regional Synod East 2013 & 2015 (of the Canadian and American Reformed Churches).

Having been informed by the Clerk of RSE 2015 that these Acts are public, we publish below first the specific
relevant extracts, followed by the complete Acts.
Press releases of Regional Synod East are available at ;
the two referred to here are at:

Published by Reformed Academic, 16 November 2015

Relevant Extracts
Regional Synod East 13 November 2013, Lincoln, ON
Article 6
An appeal by br. Jitse M. van der Meer about a decision of Classis Ontario West March 20, 2013 was declared
admissible. Several rounds of discussion took place regarding this appeal. This appeal was dealt with in closed
Article 8
The following was adopted in response to the appeal by br. Jitse M. van der Meer. Br. Art Witten abstained
from the vote in light of Art. 32 CO.
1. Classis observes that br. van der Meer is open to theories that:
a. Adam had animal ancestors
b. Adam had human-like contemporaries
c. Not all humans today are descended from Adam
d. Adam was created mortal.
2. In its conclusion Classis judged that the consistory of Ancaster did not err in administering church
1. In relation to Observation 1, Regional Synod East 2013 considers:
a. Theories that postulate that Adam had evolutionary ancestors contradict Art 14 Belgic Confession.
b. Theories that postulate that not all humans are descended from Adam contradict Art 15 and 16 Belgic
c. Theories that postulate that Adam and Eve were created mortal do not necessarily contradict Art 14
Belgic Confession.
d. It is permissible to discuss and consider theories about creation. Theories, however, must be rejected
when they are found to contradict Scripture and Confession.
2. Although Classis upheld the discipline Ancaster had applied to br. van der Meer, Classis did not establish
that br. van der Meers being open totheories that might depart from Articles 14-16 Belgic
Confession is worthy of discipline.

Reformed Academic, 16 November 2015

Regional Synod judges that:
1. Classis was correct in describing particular positions listed (see Considerations 1 a. and b. above) as
contradicting Scripture and Confession.
2. Classis erred in maintaining Ancasters decision to place br. van der Meer under silent censure.
Regional Synod East 11 November 2015, Grand Valley, ON
Article 7: Appeal from Br. A. Sikkema
Committee 1 presented the following proposal regarding the appeal of br. A. Sikkema:
Br. A. Sikkema appeals a decision of Classis Ontario West March 11 2015 to forward an overture regarding Art.
14 B.C. proposed by Providence Canadian Reformed Church of Hamilton. This overture contains statements
about his views on origins. He appeals that the admission, adoption, forwarding and publication of this overture
constitute a violation of the ninth commandment as we confess it in the Heidelberg Catechism, Lords Day 43.
1. Br. A. Sikkema maintains that he was not given an opportunity to interact with the statements attributed
to him. He documents that statements about his views were adopted and forwarded without his
2. Br. A. Sikkema maintains that the overture includes allegations about him that in his view are false.
3. From the letter dated April 18, 2015 it is clear Providence did not give br. A. Sikkema opportunity to see
or respond to the overture before it was brought to classis.
4. There is no evidence from Classis Ontario-West March 11 2015 that they ascertained whether br. A.
Sikkema was given opportunity to deal with the overture and its statements about his views.
1. Regional Synod agrees that Providence and Classis Ontario-West March 11 2015 erred in their dealing
with br. A. Sikkema. He ought to have been given opportunity to respond to the statements made about
him in the overture. As such he was judged rashly and unheard.
2. At this point, it is not the place of Regional Synod to make a judgment on the views of br. A. Sikkema.
This is the responsibility of his local consistory as per Art. 66 CO.
Synod judges that Classis erred in forwarding the overture in the manner that it did as per Consideration 1.
Classis Ontario West Mar.11, 2015 should have advised Providence to give br. Sikkema an opportunity to interact
with the overture.
Article 8: Appeal of br. J. Vandermeer
Committee 2 presented the following proposal regarding the appeal of br. J. Vandermeer:
1) Br. J. van der Meer brings two matters to the attention of Regional Synod East 2015 in connection with
the Proposal (sic) re: Belgic Confession Art.14 from the consistory of Providence Canadian Reformed
Church of Hamilton and adopted by Classis Ontario West Mar.11, 2015.

Reformed Academic, 16 November 2015

2) Firstly, br. J. van der Meer alleges that the grounds of the proposal (sic) as well as appendix 1 contain
false allegations about his views regarding theistic evolution.
a. He provides two documents only for consideration in rebuttal of these false accusations.
b. There is no specific request to do anything with this material.
3) Br. J. van der Meer did not have an opportunity to see or respond to the overture.
4) Secondly, he asks Regional Synod East 2015 to judge whether the decision of Regional Synod East 2013
regarding his appeal to that Synod be made public in an appropriate way.
5) It was unclear to Br. J. van der Meer whether the decision regarding his appeal to Regional Synod 2013
was public or not.
1) Since there is no specific request regarding what he considers to be false accusations, no further action is
2) Providence Canadian Reformed Church of Hamilton erred in not giving br. van der Meer an opportunity
to see or respond to the overture and Classis Ontario West March 11, 2015 erred in not ascertaining
whether that was done.
3) The material for consideration is understood to be intended to balance the discussion in dealing with the
overture re: Belgic Confession Art.14.
4) Acts of Regional Synod are of a public nature unless it is decided at that Synod that portions thereof must
remain confidential.
5) The decision regarding his appeal to Regional Synod 2013 was not deemed confidential by that Regional
1) To acknowledge receipt of the additional documents as resources for consideration by Regional Synod
2015 in dealing with the overture re: Belgic Confession Art.14.
2) To advise br. J. van der Meer that the decision regarding his appeal to Regional Synod 2013 is not
confidential and he is free to share it.
Article 10: Overture of Classis Ontario-West re Article 14 B.C.
Committee 4 presented the following proposal regarding the overture re Article 14 B.C.
1. Overture from Classis Ontario West March 11, 2015 forwarding an overture from Providence Canadian
Reformed Church in Hamilton to revise Article 14 of the Belgic Confession
2. Letter from the church at Orangeville
3. Letter from the church at Elora
4. Letter from the church at Burlington (Ebenezer)
5. Letter from the church at Burlington (Rehoboth)
6. Letter from the church at Dunnville
7. Letter from the church at Fergus North
8. Letter from the church at Burlington (Fellowship )
9. Letter from the church at Toronto
10. Letter and supporting article from the church at Owen Sound
11. Letter from the church at Grand Valley

Reformed Academic, 16 November 2015

12. Letter from the church at Guelph (Living Word)

1) Classis Ontario West March 11, 2015 forwarded to Regional Synod East 2015 an overture from
Providence Canadian Reformed Church in Hamilton to be adopted and submitted to the next General
Synod to revise Article 14 of the Belgic Confession as follows:
We believe that God created the human race by making and forming Adam from dust (Gen. 2:7) and
Eve from Adams side (Gen.2:21-22). They were created as the first two humans and the biological
ancestors of all other humans. There were no pre-Adamites, whether human or hominid. God made
and formed Adam after his own image [The rest of the text remains as currently adopted.]
2) From the correspondence received at this synod from the churches none agreed with the overture to
amend Article 14 of the Belgic Confession.
3) Regional Synod East 2013 considered
a. Theories that postulate that Adam had evolutionary ancestors contradict Article 14 of the Belgic
b. Theories that postulate that not all humans are descended from Adam contradict Article 15 and
16 of the Belgic Confession
And judged that these positions (a and b above) contradict Scripture and Confession.
4) Two brothers sent appeals to Regional Synod East 2015 indicating that Hamilton Providence and Classis
Ontario West March 11, 2015 did not share with them that they would be named in the proposal to change
Article 14 BC. They also feel that the overture Hamilton Providence presented, and Classis Ontario West
March 11, 2015 adopted and forwarded, misrepresented their positions.
1) Though this assembly judged that Classis Ontario West, March 11, 2015 erred in the manner in which it
forwarded this overture, Regional Synod East 2015 deems this overture admissible because this Regional
Synod also gave the two appellants standing. (See Articles 7 and 8 above).
2) The churches who responded to the overture see no need to change the Belgic Confession in response to
concerns raised in the overture. Regional Synod 2015 agrees there is no proven need to forward the
overture to General Synod 2016.
3) Regional Synod East 2013 took a clear stance on issues raised in this overture.
4) Regional Synod East regrettably notes that there appears to be no evidence that the minor assemblies
advised the brothers whose names were mentioned in the correspondence about concerns raised in the
overture, or that these brothers received opportunity to affirm whether they were correctly represented.
Regional Synod East 2015 decide not to pass on to General Synod 2016 the overture received from Classis
Ontario West March 11, 2015 to revise Article 14 of the Belgic Confession.

Reformed Academic, 16 November 2015

APPENDIX: The complete Acts of RSE 2013 and 2015

Acts of Regional Synod East held on November 13, 2013, at Lincoln, ON
Article 1
On behalf of the convening church at Lincoln, Rev. D. Wynia called the brothers to order and welcomed the
brothers. He read Psalm 19 and then led in prayer, after which we sang Psalm 19:1,5,6.
Article 2
Representatives from the Lincoln Canadian Reformed Church checked the credentials and found them to be in
good order.
Classis Central Ontario: Rev. Doug Vandeburgt, Rev. John L. Van Popta, br. Harpert VanderWel, br. Karl
Classis Niagara: Rev. Clarence Bouwman, Rev. Dick Wynia, br. Roy Hummel, br. Ken Jager
Classis Northern Ontario: Rev. Douwe G.J. Agema, Rev. Clarence J. VanderVelde, br. Kevin Hutchinson, br.
Bill Wildeboer
Classis Ontario West: Rev. Wes Bredenhof, Rev. Rodney Vermeulen, br. Bill Dokter, br. Art Witten
Br. Bill Dokter was an alternate delegate from Classis Ontario West.
Article 3
The following brothers were chosen as executive:
Chairman: Rev. D.G.J. Agema
Vice-chairman: Rev. D. Wynia
Clerk: Rev. C.J. VanderVelde
Article 4
Regional Synod East 2013 was declared constituted. The chairman thanked the church at Lincoln for the
preparations made for Regional Synod.
Article 5
The agenda was adopted as follows:
1. Opening on behalf of Vineyard Canadian Reformed Church of Lincoln
2. Examination of the credentials
3. Election of Officers
4. Constitution of Regional Synod
5. Adoption of the Agenda
6. Correspondence received:
a. Appeal by br. J.M. van der Meer re Acts of Classis Ontario West, March 20, 2013
7. Overtures
8. Reports:
a. Report from Treasurer of Regional Synod East br. D. VanAmerongen
b. Audit Report on Books of Treasurer Covenant Canadian Reformed Church at Grassie
c. Reports from deputies ad Article 48 CO
d. Report on archives Canadian Reformed Church at Brampton
9. Appointments:
a. Regional Synod East Treasurer
b. Church for auditing the books of the Treasurer

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c. Deputies ad Article 48 CO
d. Church to maintain the archives
e. Church to inspect the archives
Arrangements for next Regional Synod East
Question Period
Censure as per Article 34 CO
Adoption of the Acts
Press Release

There was one late submission from the Ancaster Canadian Reformed Church dated Oct 21, 2013 and one late
submission from br. Jitse M. van der Meer dated Oct 29, 2013. The following motion was made, seconded, and
Regional Synod declares inadmissible the letters to Regional Synod from Ancaster (Oct 21, 2013) and
br. van der Meer (Oct 29, 2013).
1. The regulations of Regional Synod require that all appeals should ordinarily be at the convening
church at least (1) month before Synod convenes.
2. The consistory has no standing in the appeal of br. van der Meer against a decision of Classis Ontario
Article 6
An appeal by br. Jitse M. van der Meer about a decision of Classis Ontario West March 20, 2013 was declared
admissible. Several rounds of discussion took place regarding this appeal. This appeal was dealt with in closed
Article 7
An advisory committee consisting of the following brothers was struck to formulate a response: Rev. C.
Bouwman, Rev. D. Vandeburgt, Rev. J.L. Van Popta, br. K. Veldkamp, and br. B. Wildeboer. The committee
began to do its work.
Article 8
We sang Hy 61:1,2. Roll call indicated that everyone was present. The following was adopted in response to the
appeal by br. Jitse M. van der Meer. Br. Art Witten abstained from the vote in light of Art. 32 CO.
1. Classis observes that br. van der Meer is open to theories that:
a. Adam had animal ancestors
b. Adam had human-like contemporaries
c. Not all humans today are descended from Adam
d. Adam was created mortal.
2. In its conclusion Classis judged that the consistory of Ancaster did not err in administering church
1. In relation to Observation 1, Regional Synod East 2013 considers:
a. Theories that postulate that Adam had evolutionary ancestors contradict Art 14 Belgic Confession.
b. Theories that postulate that not all humans are descended from Adam contradict Art 15 and 16 Belgic

Reformed Academic, 16 November 2015

c. Theories that postulate that Adam and Eve were created mortal do not necessarily contradict Art 14
Belgic Confession.
d. It is permissible to discuss and consider theories about creation. Theories, however, must be rejected
when they are found to contradict Scripture and Confession.
2. Although Classis upheld the discipline Ancaster had applied to br. van der Meer, Classis did not establish
that br. van der Meers being open totheories that might depart from Articles 14-16 Belgic
Confession is worthy of discipline.
Regional Synod judges that:
1. Classis was correct in describing particular positions listed (see Considerations 1 a. and b. above) as
contradicting Scripture and Confession.
2. Classis erred in maintaining Ancasters decision to place br. van der Meer under silent censure.
Article 9
Regional Synod went back into open session.
The following reports were received:
1. A report from the treasurer of Regional Synod East was received for the period of Oct 1, 2012 until Oct
31, 2013. The recommended assessment for 2014 is $1.00 per communicant member; this was adopted.
Br. D. VanAmerongen was absolved of responsibility for the period he reported on.
2. An audit report on the books of the treasurer was received from the Covenant Canadian Reformed Church
at Grassie. They found the financial statements to be in good order. For the purpose of auditing, the
church at Grassie recommends that the future year-end be Sept 30. Regional Synod agreed to this.
3. A report was received from deputies ad Article 48 CO. Rev. P.G. Feenstra and Rev. J. Huijgen reported
that they were called upon for the retirement of Rev. J. de Gelder and Rev. G. Nederveen. In both cases,
they gave concurring advice. This report was thankfully received.
4. A report on the archives of Regional Synod East was received from the Canadian Reformed Church at
Brampton. The archives were found to be in good order.
Article 10
The following appointments were made:
1. Treasurer for Regional Synod East: br. D. VanAmerongen Sr. Please note new address: 275 Main
Street East, Apt 408, Grimsby, Ontario, L3M 5N8. Telephone: (289) 235-9664
2. Church for auditing the books of the treasurer: Covenant Canadian Reformed Church at Grassie
3. Deputies ad Art. 48 CO:
a. From Classis Central Ontario: Rev. W. den Hollander (alt: Rev. J. de Gelder), as deputy for
Classes Northern Ontario and Niagara
b. From Classis Northern Ontario: Rev. P.G. Feenstra (alt: Rev. E. Kampen), as deputy for Classes
Central Ontario and Ontario West.
c. From Classis Niagara: Rev. J. Huijgen (alt: Rev. D. Wynia), as deputy for Classes Central
Ontario and Ontario West.
d. From Classis Ontario West: Rev. J. Ludwig (alt: Rev. W. Bredenhof), as deputy for Classes
Northern Ontario and Niagara.
4. Church to maintain the archives: Bethel Canadian Reformed Church at Toronto
5. Church to inspect the archives: Canadian Reformed Church at Brampton
Article 11
The following arrangements were made for the next Regional Synod East:
1. Convening church: Toronto
2. Date: Wed, Nov 12, 2014 (second Wed in Nov of 2014)
Reformed Academic, 16 November 2015

Article 12
Opportunity was given to ask questions.
Article 13
The chairman ruled that censure ad Art. 34 CO was not necessary. The chairman thanked the brothers for the
good harmony in which the meeting could be conducted.
Article 14
The Acts were read up to the point that they had been completed. Regional Synod agreed that the executive
would finalize the Acts.
Article 15
The Press Release was read and approved for publication.
Article 16
Rev. Agema read Philippians 1:3-11, we sang Hy 6:1,2, and Rev. Agema led in prayer.
Regional Synod East 2013 was declared closed.

On behalf of Regional Synod East Nov 13, 2013,

Rev. Clarence J. VanderVelde

Reformed Academic, 16 November 2015

Acts of Regional Synod East Nov. 11, 2015

Article 1
On behalf of the convening church at Grand Valley, br. Ed Niezen called the meeting to order and welcomed all
the delegates, including two fraternal delegates of the URCNA, Revs. M. Overgaauw and F. Folkerts. He invited
the assembly to sing Psalm 25: 2, 6, and 10, read Haggai 1 and led in prayer.
Article 2
Representatives of the convening church reported that the credentials were in good order. The following
delegates were present:
Classis Central Ontario: Revs. G. Bruintjes, J. VanPopta; elders: G. Boot, L. Jagt.
Classis Niagara: Revs. C. Bouwman, R. J. DenHollander; elders: C. Feenstra, A. Schutten.
Classis Northern Ontario: Revs. D.G.Agema, M. Jagt; elders: H. Nobel, G. Bos.
Classis Ontario West: Revs. J. Ludwig, D. Deboer; elders: P. Engbers, A. DenHollander
Article 3: Election of Officers
The following brothers were elected and appointed to serve as officers of Regional Synod East:
Chairman: Rev. D. Agema
Vice-chairman: Rev. C. Bouwman
Clerk: Rev. J. Ludwig
The chairman thanked the assembly for the confidence placed in the members of the executive, and acknowledged
the church of Grand Valley for the preparatory work which had been done leading up to this Regional Synod.
Article 4: Constitution of Regional Synod
With the election of the executive, Regional Synod East was declared constituted.
Article 5
The following agenda was adopted for the meeting:
1. Opening on behalf of Grand Valley Canadian Reformed Church (Chairman, br. E. Niezen)
2. Examination of credentials
3. Election of officers
4. Constitution of Regional Synod
5. Adoption of agenda
6. Correspondence received
a. from Orangeville Re: Overture of Classis Ont. W. Art 14BC
b. from Elora Re: Overture of Classis Ont. W. Art 14BC
c. from Ebenezer (Burl.) Re: Overture of Classis Ont. W. Art 14BC
d. from Rehoboth (Burl.) Re: Overture of Classis Ont. W. Art 14BC
e. from Dunnville Re: Overture of Classis Ont. W. Art 14BC
f. from Fergus N. Re: Overture of Classis Ont. W. Art 14BC
g. from Fellowship (Burl.) Re: Overture of Classis Ont. W. Art 14BC
h. from Bethel Toronto Re: Overture of Classis Ont. W. Art 14BC
i. from Owen Sound Re: Overture of Classis Ont. W. Art 14B
1. Supporting article by Rev P. Bedard, ERQ.
j. from Grand Valley Re: Overture of Classis Ont. W. Art 14BC
k. from Guelph Living Word Re: Overture of Classis Ont. W. Art 14BC
l. from Burlington Ebenezer Re: Overture of Classis Ont. W. Art 51 C.O.
m. from Rehoboth (Burl.) Re: Overture of Classis Ont. W. Art 51 C.O.
n. from Orangeville Re: Overture of Classis Ont. W. Art 51 C.O.
o. from Dunnville Re: Overture of Classis Ont. W. Art 51 C.O.
p. from Fergus N. Re: Overture of Classis Ont. W. Art 51 C.O.
7. Appeals
a. Appeal of Classis Ont-West, Mar 11 2015 br. A. Sikkema
Reformed Academic, 16 November 2015

b. Appeal of Classis Ont-West, Mar 11 2015 br. J. van der Meer

8. Overtures
a. Overture of Classis Ont-West of Oct 2014 Art 51 C.O.
1. Overture from Cornerstone to Classis Oct 2014
b. Overture of Classis Ont West of Mar 11 2015 Art 14 BC
1. Overture from Providence
2. Proposal regarding BC Art 14
3. Appendix 1-various changes to creeds and confessions
4. Appendix 2-changes to Belgic Confession
9. Reports
a. Treasurer of RSE br. D. VanAmerongen
b. Audit report on books of treasurer Covenant Canadian Reformed Church at Grassie
c. Reports from Deputies ad Art 48 C.O.
d. Report on archives Grace Canadian Reformed Church at Brampton
e. Bethel re a representative liaison with the Registrar General.
10. Greetings from fraternal delegates/observers
a. URCNA Rev. F Folkerts and Rev. M. Overgaauw
11. Appointments
a. RSE treasurer
b. Church for auditing the books of the treasurer
c. Deputies ad Art 48 C.O.
d. Church to maintain archives
e. Church to inspect archives
f. Delegates for General Synod 2016 (Dunnville)
g. Nominations for governors for Theological Seminary Hamilton
12. Arrangements for next Regional Synod East (2016)
13. Question period
14. Censure as per Arc 34 C.O.
15. Adoption of the acts
16. Press release
17. Closing
Article 6: Appeals and Overtures
The appeals of brs. A. Sikkema and J. Vandermeer and the overtures from Classis Ontario-West regarding Art. 51
CO and Art. 14 of the BC were declared admissible. After a couple of rounds on each of them the following
committees were appointed:
Committee 1: Appeal of br. A. Sikkema
(Rev. M. Jagt; brs. G. Boot, P. Engbers, A. DenHollander)
Committee 2: Appeal of br. J. Vandermeer
(Rev. R.J. Den Hollander, brs. G. Bruintjes; br. A. Schutten)
Committee 3: Overture re Art.51 C.O.
(Revs. J. Van Popta, D. Deboer; br. C. Feenstra)
Committee 4: Overture re Art.14 B.C.
(Rev. C. Bouwman; brs. L. Jagt, G. Bos, H. Nobel)
At 11:00 am the assembly paused for a minute of silence to remember those who had fallen in war. Two stanzas
of the National Anthem were sung. Following lunch the chairman called the meeting to order and requested that
Ps. 72:1, 10 be sung. He mentioned the following items of memorabilia: the acceptance of the call by Randall
Visscher to the church at Grand Valley, the vacant churches in our classical districts, the work of the Theological
Seminary, and the professors, J. DeJong and N. Gootjes, who are being cared for in Shalom.

Reformed Academic, 16 November 2015

The fraternal delegate, Rev. M. Overgaauw of the URCNA, and a member of CERCU addressed the assembly
with words of encouragement for which he was thanked by the chairman. The delegates went back to committee

Article 7: Appeal from Br. A. Sikkema

Committee 1 presented the following proposal regarding the appeal of br. A. Sikkema:
Br. A. Sikkema appeals a decision of Classis Ontario West March 11 2015 to forward an overture regarding Art.
14 B.C. proposed by Providence Canadian Reformed Church of Hamilton. This overture contains statements
about his views on origins. He appeals that the admission, adoption, forwarding and publication of this overture
constitute a violation of the ninth commandment as we confess it in the Heidelberg Catechism, Lords Day 43.
1. Br. A. Sikkema maintains that he was not given an opportunity to interact with the statements attributed
to him. He documents that statements about his views were adopted and forwarded without his
2. Br. A. Sikkema maintains that the overture includes allegations about him that in his view are false.
3. From the letter dated April 18, 2015 it is clear Providence did not give br. A. Sikkema opportunity to see
or respond to the overture before it was brought to classis.
4. There is no evidence from Classis Ontario-West March 11 2015 that they ascertained whether br. A.
Sikkema was given opportunity to deal with the overture and its statements about his views.
1. Regional Synod agrees that Providence and Classis Ontario-West March 11 2015 erred in their dealing
with br. A. Sikkema. He ought to have been given opportunity to respond to the statements made about
him in the overture. As such he was judged rashly and unheard.
2. At this point, it is not the place of Regional Synod to make a judgment on the views of br. A. Sikkema.
This is the responsibility of his local consistory as per Art. 66 CO.
Synod judges that Classis erred in forwarding the overture in the manner that it did as per Consideration
1. Classis Ontario West Mar.11, 2015 should have advised Providence to give br. Sikkema an opportunity to
interact with the overture.
Article 8: Appeal of br. J. Vandermeer
Committee 2 presented the following proposal regarding the appeal of br. J. Vandermeer:
1) Br. J. van der Meer brings two matters to the attention of Regional Synod East 2015 in connection with
the Proposal (sic) re: Belgic Confession Art.14 from the consistory of Providence Canadian Reformed
Church of Hamilton and adopted by Classis Ontario West Mar.11, 2015.
2) Firstly, br. J. van der Meer alleges that the grounds of the proposal (sic) as well as appendix 1 contain
false allegations about his views regarding theistic evolution.
a. He provides two documents only for consideration in rebuttal of these false accusations.
b. There is no specific request to do anything with this material.
3) Br. J. van der Meer did not have an opportunity to see or respond to the overture.
4) Secondly, he asks Regional Synod East 2015 to judge whether the decision of Regional Synod East 2013
regarding his appeal to that Synod be made public in an appropriate way.

Reformed Academic, 16 November 2015

5) It was unclear to Br. J. van der Meer whether the decision regarding his appeal to Regional Synod 2013
was public or not.
1) Since there is no specific request regarding what he considers to be false accusations, no further action is
2) Providence Canadian Reformed Church of Hamilton erred in not giving br. van der Meer an opportunity
to see or respond to the overture and Classis Ontario West March 11, 2015 erred in not ascertaining
whether that was done.
3) The material for consideration is understood to be intended to balance the discussion in dealing with the
overture re: Belgic Confession Art.14.
4) Acts of Regional Synod are of a public nature unless it is decided at that Synod that portions thereof must
remain confidential.
5) The decision regarding his appeal to Regional Synod 2013 was not deemed confidential by that Regional
1) To acknowledge receipt of the additional documents as resources for consideration by Regional Synod
2015 in dealing with the overture re: Belgic Confession Art.14.
2) To advise br. J. van der Meer that the decision regarding his appeal to Regional Synod 2013 is not
confidential and he is free to share it.
Article 9: Overture Classis-Ontario-West C.O re Art. 51 C.O.
Committee 3 presented the following proposal regarding the overture re Article 51 C.O.:
1. Overture from Classis Ontario West October 1, 2014
2. Appendix to Overture Classis Ontario West: Overture from Cornerstone Canadian Reformed Church of
3. Letter from Burlington Rehoboth
4. Letter from Orangeville
5. Letter from Dunnville
6. Letter from Fergus North
7. Letter from Burlington Ebenezer
1. The overture proposes with grounds to amend Article 51 C.O. The proposal is to change Article 51 C.O. to the
corresponding articles from the Proposed Joint Church Order (44 and 45).
2. The overture further proposes that any duplication with Article 18 C.O. be eliminated.
3. Burlington Rehoboth is not in favour because a piecemeal approach to changing the C.O. will cause
unnecessary confusion. Amendment to this article is not essential for the work of the churches to be carried out

Reformed Academic, 16 November 2015

4. Orangeville is not in favour because the grounds for the overture are insufficient to warrant amendment.
5. Dunnville is not in favour because the grounds for the overture have significant weaknesses. As well, Article 18
would need to be amended.
6. Fergus North is not in favour because the overture does not include how Article 18 should be amended. The
current Article 51 is appropriate to the section of the C.O. regarding the assemblies. The proposed revised Article
51 would fit better in the section of Worship, Sacraments and Ceremonies.
7. Burlington Ebenezer is in favour on the basis of the grounds given in the overture.
1. Classis Ontario-West recognized that adopting the overture would result in duplication with Article 18.
However, Classis did not amend the overture before sending it to Regional Synod. Classis should not have
forwarded an overture in what it observed to be an incomplete state.
2. The current wording of Article 51 does not limit or restrict the churches in their work of mission and
evangelism, and as such the amendment is not essential for the mission and evangelism work of the churches to
be carried out faithfully.
1. Regional Synod decide: Not to adopt the overture regarding Article 51 of the C.O.
Article 10: Overture of Classis Ontario-West re Article 14 B.C.
Committee 4 presented the following proposal regarding the overture re Article 14 B.C.:
1. Overture from Classis Ontario West March 11, 2015 forwarding an overture from Providence Canadian
Reformed Church in Hamilton to revise Article 14 of the Belgic Confession
2. Letter from the church at Orangeville
3. Letter from the church at Elora
4. Letter from the church at Burlington (Ebenezer)
5. Letter from the church at Burlington (Rehoboth)
6. Letter from the church at Dunnville
7. Letter from the church at Fergus North
8. Letter from the church at Burlington (Fellowship )
9. Letter from the church at Toronto
10. Letter and supporting article from the church at Owen Sound
11. Letter from the church at Grand Valley
12. Letter from the church at Guelph (Living Word)
1) Classis Ontario West March 11, 2015 forwarded to Regional Synod East 2015 an overture from
Providence Canadian Reformed Church in Hamilton to be adopted and submitted to the next General
Synod to revise Article 14 of the Belgic Confession as follows:
We believe that God created the human race by making and forming Adam from dust (Gen. 2:7) and
Eve from Adams side (Gen.2:21-22). They were created as the first two humans and the biological

Reformed Academic, 16 November 2015

ancestors of all other humans. There were no pre-Adamites, whether human or hominid. God made
and formed Adam after his own image [The rest of the text remains as currently adopted.]
2) From the correspondence received at this synod from the churches none agreed with the overture to
amend Article 14 of the Belgic Confession.
3) Regional Synod East 2013 considered
a. Theories that postulate that Adam had evolutionary ancestors contradict Article 14 of the Belgic
b. Theories that postulate that not all humans are descended from Adam contradict Article 15 and
16 of the Belgic Confession
And judged that these positions (a and b above) contradict Scripture and Confession.
4) Two brothers sent appeals to Regional Synod East 2015 indicating that Hamilton Providence and Classis
Ontario West March 11, 2015 did not share with them that they would be named in the proposal to change
Article 14 BC. They also feel that the overture Hamilton Providence presented, and Classis Ontario West
March 11, 2015 adopted and forwarded, misrepresented their positions.
1) Though this assembly judged that Classis Ontario West, March 11, 2015 erred in the manner in which it
forwarded this overture, Regional Synod East 2015 deems this overture admissible because this Regional
Synod also gave the two appellants standing. (See Articles 7 and 8 above).
2) The churches who responded to the overture see no need to change the Belgic Confession in response to
concerns raised in the overture. Regional Synod 2015 agrees there is no proven need to forward the
overture to General Synod 2016.
3) Regional Synod East 2013 took a clear stance on issues raised in this overture.
4) Regional Synod East regrettably notes that there appears to be no evidence that the minor assemblies
advised the brothers whose names were mentioned in the correspondence about concerns raised in the
overture, or that these brothers received opportunity to affirm whether they were correctly represented.
Regional Synod East 2015 decide not to pass on to General Synod 2016 the overture received from Classis
Ontario West March 11, 2015 to revise Article 14 of the Belgic Confession.
Article 11: Reports
a. Treasurer
The Treasurer, br. D. VanAmerongen, submitted a report regarding the financial statement covering the
period of Oct. 1, 2014 - Sept.30, 2015. He proposed that
1. the assessment for General Synod again be $1.00 per communicant member
2. the mileage for travelling expenses be increased from $0.25 to $0.45/km
Both proposals were accepted.
b. Financial Audit by church at Grassie
A report from the church at Grassie was received and read, stating that the financial statements of
Regional Synod East for the period Oct,1, 2014 - Sept.30, 2015 were examined and found to be in good
order. The treasurer was discharged of his responsibilities for that period and thanked for his work.
c. Reports from the Deputies of Regional Synod (Article 48)
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Revs. J. Ludwig and W. DenHollander as the deputies for Classes Northern Ontario and Niagara reported
that they were called upon by Classis Ontario North on June 25th, 2015 for the retirement of Rev. Jack
Moesker as per Art. 13 C.O. Since both Rev. J. Ludwig and Rev. J. DeGelder (alternate) had other
commitments, only Rev. W. den Hollander attended that classis and gave concurring advice. Upon
request of the convening church, however, Rev. J. Ludwig submitted his concurring advice by email, after
having received and scrutinized the pertinent documents submitted to Classis. In their report the deputies
mentioned that Classis Ontario-North accepted this way of expressing concurring advice, but wondered
whether a repeat of this situation could be avoided by having a second alternate appointed by Regional
Synod East.
Rev. P. Feenstra, as deputy for Classes Central Ontario and Ontario-West reported that he was not
called upon during the previous year. These reports were received with thankfulness and the suggestion
to appoint a second alternate for the Deputies ad Art. 48 was accepted.
d. The church at Brampton reported that the archives for Regional Synod East were inspected and found to be
in good order.
e. The church at Toronto reported that br. C. Lindhout is retiring from his position as representative liaison
with the Registrar General under the Marriage Act, after many years of service for which they are truly
thankful and appreciative. Br. Karl Veldkamp has been appointed to take over such a role.
Article 12: Appointments
The following appointments were made:
a. Treasurer of Regional Synod East: Br. D. VanAmerongen, Sr. Email; 275 Main
St. East, Suite 408 Grimsby L3M 5N8;
b. Church to Audit the books of the treasurer: Covenant Canadian Reformed Church at Grassie
c. Deputies according to Article 48 C.O:
1. From Classis Central Ontario: Rev. J. Van Popta (first alt: Rev. C. Vandervelde; second alt. G.
Bruintjes ) as deputy for Classes Northern Ontario and Niagara;
2. From Classis Northern Ontario: Rev. P. Feenstra (first alt: Rev. E. Kampen; second alt. Rev. M. Jagt)
as deputy for Classes Central Ontario and Ontario-West;
3. From Classis Niagara: Rev. J. Huijgen (first alt: Rev. D.Wynia; second alt. Rev. R. J. Den Hollander)
as deputy for Classes Central Ontario and Ontario West;
4. From Classis Ontario West: Rev. J. Ludwig (first alt: Rev. B. DeJong; second alt. Rev. D. Deboer) as
deputy for Classes Northern Ontario and Niagara.
d. Church to maintain the archives: Bethel Canadian Reformed Church at Toronto
e. Church to inspect the archives: Canadian Reformed Church at Brampton
f. Delegates to General Synod 2016 (Dunnville):
1. Ministers: Revs. D. Agema; D. Deboer, P. Feenstra E. Kampen; J. VanWoudenberg; D.
Alts: Revs. (R. Vermeulen, R. DenHollander, C. Bouwman in that order)
2. Elders: G. Bos; L. Jagt; R. Ludwig; C. Oosterhoff; J. Temple; J. Vanderwoerd.
Alts: B. Niezen, T. Flach, T. Medemblik (in that order)
g. Potential loss of wages claim for attending General Synod was set at a maximum of $200/day (if
h. Nominations for governors to the Canadian Reformed Theological Seminary:
Regional Synod East recommended to General Synod 2016 that Rev. C. Bouwman be appointed to the
board of governors and Rev. D. Deboer as alternate;
Article 13: Arrangements for the next Regional Synod:
The church at Grand Rapids is appointed to convene the next Regional Synod East, D.V., on Wednesday,
Nov. 9, 2016.
Article 14: Question Period
Personal question period was held.
Article 15: Censure ad Art.34 C.O
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The chairman judged that censure according to Art.34 C.O. was not necessary. He thanked the brothers
for their cooperation.
Article 16: Adoption of the Acts and Press Release
The Acts were adopted and the press release was approved.
Article 17: Closing
The chairman invited the delegates to sing Hy 61 led in prayer, and the chairman declared the meeting
For Regional Synod East 2015,
Rev. J. Ludwig (clerk at that time)

Reformed Academic, 16 November 2015

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