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Pondicherry Institute of Linguistics and Culture Publication No. 1 A Grammar of Modern Tamil ‘Thomas Lehmann Pondicherry Institute of Linguistics and Culture Inventar_sex/a__ (019 ney nat Lisi Cae Preface For a long time the need hat been felt for a comprehensive linguistic description of Modern Literary Tamil. To fulfil ths ‘eed, atleast onthe morphological and syntactic level, the Pon ‘herr Institute of Lingusties and Culture has stated its series of| publications withthe present work, It is hoped thatthe data and Inalyses in this grammar wil not only add new dimensions, providing new insiahts ito the grammatical structure of Tamil, bout also stimulate the much needed frther research inthis area, Joseph Mariadors Hon'ble Miniter of Edueation, ‘Government of Pondicherry, (Chairman, Pondicherry Insite ‘of Linguistics and Calare Introduction ‘Ten the major Dravidian language asa trary history ofmore than {mo hosand yas Tn this pesado ene, over frost og ‘se tinguished: O14 Tani! (200 BC to AD TO), Mae Yor aaks 0 160), and Modern Tamil (AD 1600 to present) By ang {gim Modern Tamil, we restric ousever hee, however to fh ee {he Tal language which has eon used sinc ihe troducor ore io the Tami erature nthe lst entry. when the rend end ‘mass mea began Being typical example of whats known silos, Tamil all {forms distinguishes between a lieray vary aed fr an formal speech, anda spoken vary seg ineeey amit exis on al ings eels in particular on te pecog ey lescal levels, toa eer degre on the morphlopal evel anda {ed nom-Brahini speech of the central sein (Thanjven, hece) ‘ali also that form of the spoken variety ef Moders Lan wn, ears the tery vay ‘he Meraryvarety of Madera Tam doesnot have a6 many vars ion the spoken vaiety and ists more standaraed. Neves, ‘thin he trary varity there are at opposite poles two caren crc "he pre ile andthe modern sy ‘At he te ofthe introduction of prose writing into Tan terature evng the last century, the Tamil language had been inuence by Sanskrit fo a considerable extent Consequenty, 2 partic movemett ose, which propagated pure syle of Tam, Thi se characte ized by the avoidance of Sanskrit word, the se of indsenous Ta ‘words, the ue of grammatia forms of Ol and Mile Tal and i patslar a rigors application of morphophonenic (andi) rules ‘On the other band, ter sa modern ye, whi as evolved duct the influence ofthe spoken variety onthe Merry vat. Ts ye ‘horacterzed by the use of aon native worde~in parila Engh oan word the use of grammatical forms of the spoken variety. and the Fedued application of morphophontni (and us ‘What might now be called the standard frm of the erry viet of Modem Tamil exists inbetween the pure andthe moder syle an i Subject to the influence by bth sven In some case itis left to the ‘naividual writer or speaker whether or not he asses the use of trammaticl forms, laa ems, andthe application of rales of gram Mat, which ae peculiar to one of the above tw sve. For ample ‘epatdng the verbal pactcple form ofthe vb i be nos writer speaker may use the Ol! Tar form of he pure syle iio the for ofthe modern ste iae-mal. Or using he purl foot f the oun aay" whichis formed by the afaton ofthe paral sox a0 ‘he noun stem, awrite or speaker may spp the sand ale wed in ‘Of Tamil according to whieh she fal interal of naa changes int the ‘eiofexplosiv, asin naa or he may avo the eplcaton of is Sanh uly ain aaa Aso rest the so-ealed snd form of ‘he terry varity of Modern Tai ot aboltly cod This grammar has been Ween to presenta comprehensive descip- ‘ion of the morphologies and syntactic structure ofthe cary vst of Modern Tarn. The papal emphasis on sya ‘While several areas of Tail grammar have been invetignted sof, (here ate sill numb of sree which awit detailed sly ad whieh have unsolved grarunatcal problems, Oa example is rem cal categories The. grammatical Hert, for instance, ist fertain how many pasts of speech should be disingushet in Moder aml owt here 2 tgo of» complement. Thee we whose categorical status i far fom clear. With this backgrounds te ‘resent monograph has been writen fo provide a decision of the ‘overall ese of th grammar td it strotures,of which many rue 8 detiled investigation. Am aempt hae besa made fo ree nse ‘se fo an nays available n the grammatical erste and, wherever posible, to give «naw snd alternative sala. Acknowledgements As in the case of most books, this monograph bears the name of one ‘author, but many people contbuted i many ways to is preperation ere I woud tke to ackaowlede the mos important of them, “To begin wth, I want to acknowledge the inittlooal support which "have received over the past years nd which made my reseich an hs publication at al posi. Iam grateful to the Chairman ofthe Pond Shere Inst of Lingustes nd Caltre, L Joseph Marados, Hon ble Minister of Edueation, Government of Pondicherry fr awarding me 2 research asscitship, under whic I eased out tie work am aco indebied to him, aswell ab to S. Krishnan, Viee-Chlrman of tht Intute ad Seeretary of Edenton, Government of Ponder), sd Mathew Samuel, Dcctor of Eduction, Government of Podichey, for undertaking its publication. Further, I owe a special debt of gal tude to the Director of the Pondcbery lite of Linguists and CCitue, N. Muthkrshnss, who provided ie with all fees and range fo the publation ofthis monograph ‘My primary acknowledgemeat i due to those who cotribued with their scolar to tis work. The ‘lowing persone | wich t single 'M, Shanmugam Pla, former Profesor and Head ofthe Department ‘of Tamil. Matrai Kara} Univesity, and now Editon she of the Greater Lexicon, Tul University, Thanjavur, was not only one of ny “Tal teachers, who introduced mo the sy of Tul grata, ut, shove all, urged me ao 0 write the arama and iced me Sing Inost ofthe me T as working on it. Without bum T would not have ‘become 2 Tami ings K. Parumasvam, former Profesor and Head ofthe Departient of “Tamil, American College, Madura, nated meso ot the study ot the Tamil anguage and was oe of hil aformans, providing ne wit a great cel of daa for this pram 'R. Kothandaraman, Poftsr of Linguistics, International Schoo of| Davidian Linguists, Tevandrum, bas generouny permite met tap his knowiedge ofthe Teil langusge, erste, and prams iedtion in many hours of dacusions. To. patcular, his enthusiasm for Tings has asia ne alot throughout the years of my esearch, “snford 8, Steer discussed with me teveral specs of comple- mentation the mont ifeestng ares of Tal ramear—and and this felped mein my snale “Thanksare als due tomy colleague M. Maragesan, who has provided ‘me with many examples and judgments of grammatical. ‘nally, {wos io hankE. Atami, Deputy Director, Cetra Instat of Indian Languages, Myre, and K. Rangan, Professor of ingusics, Tans! Univesity Thanavur, fr reading the mance. Contents Proce Ivodcon “Acknoniedgenens ‘Lav of bes ‘No on nansripon Tae of ranleraion Shot and abbreviations "Noe on phonology (Cpt: Morptsy 10 Iodetion 12° Morel! word dass: toes a eb 13 Defistono ure 14 Nom atestion 1S Nowe em 112 phn Iemeats iad -an 113 Ce marin ensatve cae rtm eae Site ee sen ne ‘sine ne Gente ie Nowa prcigns Detecnesosat a nt 25 Denton of ete 136 Ver tesion 13? Ver stem 132 Rte eo toma 15" Inpertne 138 Inde efor, $0" Poti indica er foms 1a Ver sem 12 Tone sti 13. Peon umber ender sates 144 Into prin 145 rele ef fom 146 nteretn of ese 1.47 Regaine inv es forms La Ota 148 Nope ver ores 150" 131 Vetal pane 152 Conditions 153 Ajeet price 1.34 Nomina vee om vera ons 1185 Park nous sed seca oon 156 Defecte vee Chapter 2: yaa teen 20 Inwoducton 21 Now 22 ons 25° See re dtnit po prosuns Notte or interopatve Ronan Ena Gotta eto pont 2.13 Spee elite reel promos 2.14 Nanspece ndetinite relent! proooens 218 Gunny some 216 Samer sous 2 Carl oom 221 Ordon numeri 22 Vere 223 spins Tat tpn ter aun in somisine case 223 Pespation ater nouns aige fore 1.26 Pespaton ater none ndte se 237 Pespotions er tos ssn ee 22 2 ast 2a Head a! strstr (Caper: Cla srt Inoition Verdes camer ‘Subject Vee Sl sue ano word or Gemstone 33" NOM ACC pone 38 Dat- Age patrn 37 DAT NOM puta Compound ve costae 39 "Acyl seiaes, 5.6 Nowa sare 328 Pane main. 423 Goomiv snes 3a ‘uy 331 Attia mbes 530 Nowa sasce a 348 Negen Sip Negus 24 Neda iy vb 340 Ineropinn 350 Sonos cecsins 25 norman guts 35 Ahunatbe qin (Cpt € Complex constuctns 40 todueion 41. Coontaation 43 Gotrestdsatjecsers agreement 22 Grtoondinaion 5 Atematequstoes {5 ‘Bot eoordnion 467° Conplementaon snd nomination 415" Infnine coues 4418. Vera patie dawes ‘228 Conlon ces 1258 ejecta cee 4.39 Resco of mooted nian ces 4460 Complementing ves Sar te wb 4s The ve ate 251 Te vot pot 404 Complementing none 4.33 Complementing ees Chapter Menten tap Sa Anse 52 Rees 53 Recroty SG ‘Theteapboe pronoun an SS Na aptore BESEGR BESEREE SPEND CURR 2 2288 £8 eae ae 57 Toplntation 58 Owner movement 159° Reported spec 510 Usage othe ve S01 Special eof eb repletion Referees ee 933 eg List of tables 1. Oblique form of personal pronouns 2, Case utes 3. Bound potpastions 45. Noun paradigms 6 Verb clases nd respective tense sixes 1. Person-number gender sefies 14, Verb paraigns 15, Persona pronouns 16, Feature specifeation of person pronouns 17. Awslary verbs e ° a 8 Note on transcription “The stem uted howe to transerbe the data of Modern Literary Tait ito Roman sept follows the trasiteration iter ofthe Mads University Tamil Lexicon, nth de foloing two exceptions 1 Long vowels are represented by double eters, e.g ani instead ‘fy a single eter with a macon over it, The eso or hiss ‘atthe ure of gemnated eters provides beter ul impact for the yowe) eng dtinton an refit also the fac that in somme ‘es the Tamil sept wer an aditona gaphere to distinguish {ong fom short vores 2. ‘The retrofesaproximan is represented by instead of by | Thi th been done 4 that) this phoneme is smbold ac iflerent from itera and (3) eetaflecon i uniformly indeated by a dot sindereat the respective consona Table of transliteration Symbols and abbreviations Vowels ars aoa — A byphen used in Tar data masks the ftlowing phoneme as bound form a sus. Example ain pipe uti Jn the case of bound forms occuring a pci te hyphen follows the phoneme, asm = Similar nthe merpalogie los the hyphen marks the Tllowing topes Se + A.Got used in Tami data indents tht the following phoneme ot phonems caster isnot sul, bt he est ft option ‘8 moephophonslogel rte (indi rule er ofthe pectin of the morphological proces of redupliation Exar ie lau peta tuk hi box pin itp epee deo the word in "i'd tthe operation of snorpe ‘tonotopic rule. Silly in peta a phoneme wich 5 mere a s glide between twa vowel, andi «phone aed (9 the word petal a result ofthe operon of Imorphophonolagel le, © parentheses used in Tami dt ndeateoptona oscurenc of Ie element enlsed Bedeaescomnes (1 Square brackets use with Tami dts () mark syne con- Sons eters ‘tents and (i) eneloe phonetic sybets, ‘A slash and brace brackets are aed to indies atepaive or {tee variation of elements Rosle acess + A plussgn used in the morphological los indicates thatthe "espective morpemes connected te fealed by de mero #008 suffix, on the phonological level. For example in ome i360 ‘The following abbreviations oe mph eiph a = inp ‘he two morphemesof ute tense brevis su an tind pon singulr-neuter abbrevined 35'S are raked pono | legally by one sti: um. Amster used in Tamil data and English tranalaons ignites ‘mgrammticaliy or unaceptane of the following Imguese dat Slants enclose phonemic symbols ‘An arrow means comite of or ‘results a r used inthe morphologic! gos: First person inguler second person singular {hied person singuse masculine (third person singe femiine {hind person slagusr seater thir person singular epcene honorific fist person peel sean person plural thud person pra picene 1d person plural peter bute exe marker ‘ccusatve eae sox Adjetvaledactvasngsufc ‘uverilzing sux Senefative eae asker causative ste oordinating lite complementing ei once sfx fenaiona sfx nie ene ati dabitatve ce ‘emphatic cle uphonic sti future ten sti sentive ese six Inmedicy ie imperative morpheme Ine) csv tite ind indefinite ite int ve sls fost instrumental ese st oe locate ae marker see none ot Oblique ste (ay Sido frm oH Opti su rd oan ate BL plate Pe pat tense sui Pres preset tee sf O” Ineroestne ce foc Satie case marker ‘pp Suppoional cine Yop” topelzing ste Wp veal parte tie ‘teeoyexpretcd ty he respective vere perfor perfecne mice ‘som for complementizing function, but wth the lexical mesa ot (he verb, eventhough that meaning isnt present in tat fae Note on phonology ‘Tamil phonology wil aly be dealt with very brief. For 9 more etd deserpion see, for example, Asher (1982:209-2) ‘Tae inventery'of phonemes ss Tamil cons of twohe towels and 1) vowels. “The prominent feature of Tai vowel ithe distinction of short and Tong vowel, hich osur in five pas fy baw, ty feed wD fey foot hy tow Apt rom these puis shor and eng vowels, Tani has wo dshongs ba as 1) consi ‘One of the camctrsc features of Tamil consonant ie retrofeion wich so be found among al ypes of consonant. The folowing pe ‘of consonants ae distngushed in Tam. Stops. “There ae sx oleae stope: labial ip ‘ental 1 retofe 7 Palatal ic eur feolar If Noss Giies. A GRAMMAR OF MODERN TAMIL Cf hese he fist ive voiceless stops fp. oe W acut Inaly ond in pemiation. The have voked variants Mo jp whe out ierocailly and ater thet ‘Romorgaise nasal. The rate of the sch sp I ‘more complicated. This phoneme is epresened bythe fraphemer. The later a3 vrs ofthe grape ‘hich expresses the alveolar lap i. However. when the grape occurs In gemiation atin. [receded hy ides not represent the ales ap ut the aleolr step I. Moreover, in both eases s pronounced with tapped tlese as [tr] and [ne] fee Petey. Exampie aca wind (ast) and ones ‘ne on. “There ae four nasal abit dy ‘ental rete ia) palatal ‘Among these the deat nal has grophenicaly vee variants mand w which occur in 8 specified ‘context ose nil Sd before the dental Sp ‘ovsurs tore the velar sop I sd cose Sally fn in other ser “Ther ate two laterals : aiveolae rewrote “There ae wo lie labiat palatal iy “Thee one aloo tp: 0 Nore ox Puoncuooy Approxima Peculiar to Tan ie a roto sproximan Fly this ventory of phonemes agmented by the lowing on- ‘sonants occurring in Sanskrit loan erie ” Chapter 1 Morphology 10 Introduction ‘Tho ancl of word uructur dsinguises bere he semantic str lure of words—the pars of the word's meaning the foomal state ‘tribe part ofthe phoneme shape ofthe word. To represent 3 lsincton in ou scsi of Teil word stucure, we wil adopt the concept of morphemes and morphs—see, for example, Lyons ((968:180)-andoutine tere in Oren words ike eat and "Bases! meaning ofthe epesive wor on be decomposed nt wo prt: ‘efeence (9 clas of animals and anspor vebiees, the sme tht {eferred 0 bythe word ath and ference plural number. “Therm ofthe words ‘ss and"ase can Lewise be decomposed or ‘sgioetaed ota wo pat‘ and and but ane rexpectvey. “The pars ofthe meaning of & word are relered Io a8 morphemes. Hereby a disincton made betmcen leat tnd grammatical mor ‘hemes. Ths, the wordy cate und "bse cont of wo morpkemes| ‘ich the eal morpeme ‘tnt end he grammes orp ‘noting plural number. On the oer hand the pats ofthe phone Shape of word are referred t 35 morphs. Thus, the word forms eat fanbase consi ofthe morphs ‘ea and and" andes espe {ely Morph are the phanoloial representations of morpho. 1a the Words "eats and “buses” one and the same grammateal meani ‘at the morpheme of plural sumber, Is however phonology ‘epreretadby two diferent oes: the phoneme andthe phoneme listers A wor ie econ, sil, be factored nt wo parte ‘St meaning: he lsc morpheme "mouse flesng to aether das of ‘Sumas andthe grammatical merpteme denoting lua number. How er. the form ofthe word mic’ canot be sgmentzd into two pars that i two morphs. Instead one form, the prtmantese morph ice’ ‘presets wo morphemes: the fexal mompheme. mouse” and he grammatical morpeme of plural number. “Throughout the chaper inthe analy of the aactre of Tari word forms, we wil refer fo two ivels of stucure. In an underlying Structure, we wil deal withthe abstract elements, tat leva and ‘rammaticnl orphemes, of whch a word form compo of. Aad on {he phonological levels we wil deal wit he ponolgis realization of ‘morphemes, that is morphs. Turing to the phonological level. ve serve that Tal word farms can ely be segmented na seqoence ft par that morpas, with each morph repeesenng Oe in the majority exes Concaenative morphology ‘Tamil morphology can thus be characterized a absolutely agsltnaing for concatenate. That i, morphs ae stuck on (agglutinated or cone fatenated) in a sequence Conatenatve morphology in Tal ales ways sufation: mora are added ina sequence asics ater @ ‘som, This en be represented ee lows (1) stem (+ atx ete the supersge x meas one 0 more ocuenss of 2 si ‘When mor are th seraaed a fies tthe gt en of word Sem infeed or Jetved not ae formed Io Motery Tani ere ine tio types of ems to whch fess ue cane sed mia ah vera ems or example am ted oun cms 8 nour stem flowed ys por sil t's ene saa 0) sitet use poe "nthe hoses Jn (2) the noun sem vis followed by the plural suis a, whic in followed bythe festive case sux. In mot exes, a morph ded! as win t a ster represents jst one morpheme. Thus the moyph skal represents the plural morpaerse and the morph lf the Ioctive morpheme. There are, however, cass where a morph repee> sents mare than one morpheme. Examples occr inthe ete ofthe ‘nested verb: one type of a Frite ver form, for ntanc, consis of {he very stem followed by stene morph and a peron-numiber gender morph Exar: O) venta ome pam “te came nthe ve tm ve followed bythe past ns sft and he third perscrsinglescline sulfone Wheres the est tense cn tama epesning jt on ene a {ene morphene—y the perenne gndee sul aug en pore Inntasmorh, wih open the re morhenes of hid pers, ‘Sur ube, and maaline ender, Snr estos ut ‘hich ae es prominent in Tani compas wih ther lngpes estas sis ater a stem or rot. For example, the nominaizing Sufix pp occas after a umber of vei rots Exes ©) [feet tuet Ppp) aogier Jn Tait, morphs re ain repented formaly bythe moro: loi proces of station. uscd sve, Tee eae sho tbe wetrrence of anther morphol proce he ane a plication For example inte formaton tpt em vetoes oe the pst ese morgen can be read both ye orp ‘by a suffix, and by doubling of a phoneme of the verb, 12 Morphological werd le nouns nd es Words of language ar generally ataned o prs of pech scoring tothe ranma properties, These ramateal ropenescony ott morphea rics Ths, wer ped {0 puts of speech according tthe pnmatil egal they aye feted or, the dln nto sete terse a, tioned i the node, the no atesment ie {gamma erature ast how many pars of specs shold he see nguithe in Modern Tar. Ageing bak morpbolgea and acc ‘xanining the gramatea property of ois odes Tals proposed beret the alowng Spt ar oes te 3 reste * postposions| 3 Sajetves * saverbe quantifiers ‘teminers | conjuction: ‘Having distinguished eight pats of spech in Modern Tami, some e- ‘ars regarding their form sin order. In Mota Tara al leva or oot morphemes ean be ditinguisied int four group two aajoe roups of nominal and verbal root, which cmpeseimos al nes ‘esuting in Modern Tami, sd ew0 minor groups of adjetval st, ‘put ‘new, nal ‘god, cru and sera rots ca “atin, ewe take a purely formal point of view hen all words of the “hove given eight pats of speech canbe denied aban Infected or nated ord fxm of 2 nominal. verbal, adjectival, of adverbial) foot, Nous vatrally cost of a contin & nominal rot sod ver omit verbal rot Haweve,ponpoitions. many verb, quant fies and sonjunsions can be formally Mente’ as an inflected ot Chieeted form of nominil or verbal rot. For example. the post Poston pool ike’ ean be Metied a the nitive form ofthe vr pool imi, seen andthe conjunction aoa "but can be ident Sie conditional form ofthe ver aake "become. Further. most jecies can be identified oe ata roots iafeted for person. umber, gender by means of hed personplurlneuter six. THe son frei etha eto the sari of parts speech n Od anh ‘Shumber of ifected snd uninfested somial, verbal and ajectivah foots oe grammatically reanalyzed to lsc casts of various pats-of- Speech in Modern Tam-such as pospostion,aijctivs, acverbs, [ane ee Ths wil Be cscesed i deta fp ehopter 2. Ut now portant to ote that even the pestpiton pools, fr example, an be hentied formals the nine frm of a ver its mrpboogaly 2 well assytantcally nota vet. The ive form poole maxpho- Togeally frozen and doesnot priate in any morphologies process CC it conot be infested for he vas categories for which verbs i ‘Tamil an be lected. MorptoogieaYy the form pool is an une: Alone Word. whith vet ie aymacic prope is assigned ro the pons of speech of postpone. The sph pan of speech we dstingih Fe'Modcen Tami wil be dacuned in deal inthe next chapter on| ‘yototiventaganes, where they willbe dented with excl eaten. ‘Since we are desing hee wth morphology. we ae at preset iter ceed eny in hoe parte of spech ch exhibit s morphilogeal proses listeria deceton. OF ie eat pars of speech in Modees Tami ‘nly tmo hae the prmmatial property hat they canbe species for {tecdona stores: nouns and verbs, Noun en be insted forthe ntgorcsof ere and number, whereas verbs can be infested forthe ‘aleorcs of ene, person, euiber, gender, and ofr. However all ‘ther pars of specs eg postpotions,ajecivs, annot be insted {or any category aod ae thus winecionable words. Troing € the flocs of derivation, we notice that only the part-ospesth of nouns Ethibts a Gervational proces. ‘Thos, nouns can be derived fom WErocaee (2) but nt oter parts of spoech. There are, however ‘eo sifces wich pote «problem for this elim: the sufines omy ad “Natoy. oll of which are tached fo nouns. The forms resting om the tion of te ies to our en ante yates {nar gia: obey case of hh epee ome ‘ncn reed to dives adjectives and dese adverts lover {he grammatical terature. Te wo sues wil De dase nt ir 7a and 209, wre we wi eg at hy do ot ve te Gtpeial sats of etvana aulaee To step, of fe aos fart of gel Gsingsted a Modern Tul once. Lenore sd {ete eta mxphooge eres cnc felon “Tum rom he mappa pan of ew th pt para sph Mi Tota aster! mop or cae 2 vere lected words “he ner indus the wor eign ote pcs of sesh of Pept sas, a gum, ere, a smi efoto we ae So mar maa ‘Sor nies i Mogrn enon en ctevand he om ‘morpbolgel poss of oun sav neo, As mene Stove, etn estrone tun fon Ta and sine dame here Definition of nouns [Nouns are defined a those words which can take cate suis and the fulfics aay. The latter slice ae ually fefered to a adver stasis, ut her stearic stat wl be salyned lene hore There are: however a number of nouns which have defective sorpoln. thi they camo ee al ee sulfa, We wil fer Noun inecton (5) moan (+ mamber) (+ ae) (On the phonemic lve, however, an inflected noun frm docs ot says consis of three’ morphs only, representing the sove three ‘morpemes. The reason is that in he process of noun infection aps from the number and exe fer, whic ele the grammatical mo Diemer of (3), eran phonological sufises with no leial or gram ‘nateal function can otcur These phonological suffees are ‘empty "orp that, hey donot epresea s morpheme nthe prammatal "terstre there phonologiea ovis sealed nena increments (Caldvel 186) A distinction can be made between obligatory and Dptonal phosolgilsuftxesinflstionl increments. We wil ete fe obliestryiseconalinererents a oligus terete o equ offizes snd to the optional elation! ierements a euphons inte= ‘nent or euphone sixes. To undeyng structure tw (grammatical) morphemes the one of ‘number andthe one of ease, cin osut wih te noun argheme. ss Shawn under (5). On the phonological level. however. Tour types of ‘morphs (or suites) can occur withthe noun stem lara sui 1 dbligue suf (increment) 1 cuphone suf (neem) 1 eae sul “The concurrence ofthese four sixes with the noun sem is flows. "When nun only inflected for umber pra ox ened To the noun stem: su (6) noun stem + pis Example: vital house pl When e noun is infected for ease only. cst suc is aed ether sirety the noun stem of the oblige ter ofthe noun in ase he ‘espotive noun has uch atom. The obigue Siem ofa noun formed ‘ier bythe sufeation of am oblque sux to the noun or by doubting (ofa consonant—see 1610. The euphonic increment - (rin some asta sn ocr opty betwen he oufbgu sem td the (7) noun sem (euphoric increment) + case six blghe stem Examples: cane y(-2al marl Keyeupnanst) —tee-bleuphinst ‘When 9 nouns nected for both number apd eas, the pra Sufix first tddet fo the noun stem, optonlly followed by the ewphoni inerement ln. und then the esse sti i added (8) noon stem + pra sufi (+ euph lacement) + case sti Example: sil n-a owe peupiace ‘When plural, cae, and phonological sties are aed tothe noun or ‘blgue sem, various morphophonemic rules operate Fr example, to Dreventa hist, ge nerd the form he phoneme vor 7.25 {n(7) othe stem nal vowels deleted, Acomplote Ist ofthese rules cannot be given here. We, thcielore, refer to Adronow (169.399), ‘Arden (19426472), Paramauvatn (19636890), and Sangam Fla (1975229246. In the falling, we wil fist cus the two stem forms, that ithe nous stem andthe obique stem. of which the ates Involves the cesurrence ofthe oblique sli Then, we Wil cus ‘omer marking andthe occurrence ofthe pra six: Subsequent), ‘wel deal withthe exphonieineroment and, fly, we wil dus, ‘hse marking und the occurence of ease sufi as Noun stem “The noun stem the form ofthe noun without the tachment of ie ial fie, Iie with the form tet the noun sed in he domary ‘dear ae nominative form. Now tems maybe siglo or comple. ‘A'simple noun stem consists of nomial root, eg. Fl “stone. A omplex noun stem may cont ofa rool eg 2 verbal root, and &| ‘drvtional su e.g the deverblnominsigg sul -ppu, Example: ©) yt, pat stdy" Jp) stad (Orit may consist of a root and gender sufi, a8 ithe flowing examples (00) maonaay male stent ‘maana-vi” female student ‘maana-var “pice honor) sae pute-ay male wine sees? utr “femate winter Duawar —\epicene hori) ninele* ‘in whioh the masculine pnder sui, the female gender sufi and = epicene honorific ender sux ar ocr Fila mabe of oun ‘som consist of oot ending inthe vowel a andthe ste frmig E Sn Examples (11) maroon tre pesem uit Item round? ‘ee “pln ig stan 16 ‘Some nouns have ination tothe soun stem an obigue noun form, called oblique stem, some nouns do nat. The abe em hes four fold function and context of ocurence. Fest x shown unde (7). ie the nou fom to which esse sufs are add. Second its th fom ‘oun appears with whee i ecrre se modifier with gene fue bsfe ahead noun, Third, is the noua frm of the fst noc clement in. compound noun construction. And fourth, tte for 0 noun ‘tzuring before a numberof posipostion. Nouns which do not have {an oblique Rem ocr simply with their nou stem inthe jus given four ‘nex. According to wheter nouns have an oie stom ot mot anes if they hive one, according to the poner shape othe wbigee em, al Tait nouns can be disingusied into four clases, whch ae given theflloning sections 17 btgue stem with oblique uf ts The fst clas of nouns comprsesall nouns contig of rot endian ‘he vowel and the noun sem forming suffix: mara ee 6 (44) above. These nouns form thir obgae rem by replacing the sem forming uitix-m with the oblique sui. Examp 12) mara ese’ paves “eat filet “gro fof “geden” ‘Tae fourfold context of oxurence of this type of oblique stem i ihsrated by the Tolling examples (3) oblique stem + case sux tool atden-bloe “inthe gander (16) oblique stem + hess noun Toorak kat {ardenobl door “door ofthe gern? (15) oblique stem + noun (ie noun-noun compound) ‘wonasty pus enol fower “arden ower” (16) obique stem + postposiion Note that wien nouns in obique form are foamed by & noun of osipeiton beginning with one af the fou op eousonses re,» the respective stop is reduplcated sad added vo the preeting sie form, as shown in (14) 0 (6) 18 Obtigue stem with oblgue six ar ‘The second clas of nouns comprises ony five nous (pronouns), which do not exibt common property excep that they have the ‘blgue sufi: pla any’ laa fea hese a tho ‘he obigue sux -aru ats eae, ella dp i Ele a et, svt appear in the shviened form and (17) pale-saera many? onagu those laa areal ‘The contet of oxurence of this ype of oblique stem shown blow: (08) oblique stom + ease sti pole orr-o ‘anyon “with many (igs, persons) (19) obtigue stem + head noun Daleerein lt fang ouph price "ta pie of many hing) (20) oblique stem + postpostion Dalewersin patkam faany obbeuph neat “neat many (ings. persons) th this type of nouns (pronouns) the euphonic nrement -instobecheussed under 1.12, occurs obligatory ater the ole six “atu when he respeaive noun (pronesn) oer x noun ose, an (3), os elowed by a poston, a in (20). Fall note tha hese ‘nouns (prenouns)-do ot ose In coeypound aun eontactons Oblique ste formed by doubling of onsonat ‘The tid lass of nour conto ll nouns whose ems end kn the syllable vor, but do nat coast of two shor sybles, eg vite “house, net county’ ape iver Agar ‘well Noans belonging ‘his das for their oblique stem hy doubling ofthe cosonsat ofthe Final syle wr ru. Examples 2) wipes ous nro uney ‘iru wet? “The canter of oscerence ofthis 1p of ebique stem is shown by the following examples: (22) cbtigue stem + case suc re ogee Tousoon toe Perens “abe tome Soe wet" ) obtuse + head oon tte laine kaarnre aner foueeb) dor wel) wal Noor tthe hose’ “val of the el? (24) qu stem + noun (oun aoun compound) Sten tee snr fowtefoh werk web) al “ooze won” “yet ate? abgu stem + postpoiion © Ntetrp patton Ragrap phan Youu ear” welfob) ear arthouse’ “perth wll “The fourth dat of nouns sonst of al ther nous which do not belong {oone ofthe above thee clases and which do aethave an oblique stem. “These nouns, wach are the mjony of Tani nuns, car 8 menoned Above, with their noun stm tte content in which ote nouns occur ‘ith tsi obique sem. Examples: (25) ou sem + case suc 7) nown sem + bead noun let may tea "hn ofthe hea! (@8) son sem + noun (in nown-noun compound) ‘ala va ead pain “pesaaehe (29) noun stem + postpestion ‘al meee ea on “onthe head 110 Oblique stem of proncans Pronouns area closed subset of the pats of speech of nouns. The property wich groupe pronoune ae asst of aus ely syns "ea Forth esson, we il ese pronouns eta in the cater on syntactic categories. What has fo be mentioned under he cacesson of ‘morphology, However, is that of the five ‘pes of pronouns we Will ‘itiguh fn Tamil one type-the personal pronoune ha an oie Siem. Hereby only fit second, Fourth person pronouns—ce 23 oF the category of fourth person™and hid perso, pla, neater pro- nount have an oblige fem, Otierthird person protours donot Rave 'm oblique stem. Fist second and fourth peson pronouns for the ‘hlqe tem by meas of «phonemic change oftheir pronoun forse the ble below "Thre penn, poral neuter pronowns, however form thei abique sie by means ofthe oblique Sux var, a tread ssused and Mlustated under 1.8. See now the oblique Heme of pesonal pronouns “Taste 1 Obllgue farms of pectanal pronouns Pesson Pronoun ‘Og fom = men ent = tt). Se Ia = Ineo x Iran Sent foto « ‘one a cat 2a ‘ita SHiovt——_arkainurta "ey avtalovartl SH aoa ey Eramdrare tka "ey’ aaa st tea ey ‘sit ‘As shown inthe shove able, the oblique stom of fist, second, and ath person pronouns has tvee variant forms, ein the ease of Haat ‘ty ear, and ena 'The latter two oblique forms occu with st sles, whereby the forms ending nthe vowel, ©. or wih {he dative ease ony (3) and the forms ending in & double na ep fen, czar with all other ease sues (0b). The fst arent fom ‘Secure with ahead aoun (31) or a pestpeston (3). Examples (20) oblique stem + case sux omen b.emeiam Kiar Tbe ‘ome thine! 1) oblique stem + head noun o 1a ‘Number marking “Tam datinpttes a singular and a paral number. Only the plat number is morphophonologialy marked by means of he para! sl “fal oF kat. AS mentioned above the plural sul i always added 1 the noun stem—never fo the egue stem of @ noun. The to allo: Imogps of the plural sufi, al and a, have the flowing dsb tion “ka occurs with all nouns (ending in long vowels (30a) or (i consting of vo shor sylables and ending nose (38). Wi a ‘other nouns al eccurs sce (3). (3) apa lower: purtal “ower say Baltes 2. pacu cow”: pacthal “com fer’ ‘tee’! eral “ret kal ‘tone + kapkal “stones! ‘mayan “see: marta] "tees" sq “Rouse: weal” “houses! ‘An exception ace nouns whose noun stem const of root which ‘onbiaes wih 2 masculiefemininsepceac gender sux—se, (10) hove. eg. mana an male studen?, meaner “female stent naan var (ooo) stent ex nanpen end, npr ‘(honor frend With thee nouns the pra auf sal ean aly be added to nthe eplene. honorific gender sufi -ar—sce gin te female gender sui 4 (340), Bt not 10 oun stems ending inte mascalie pepder sui -on—tee (3) (0s. maapevarkal sade nanan “rend b.maayekal “female students * manna aistal “male students! [Note that dhe epicenes honorific ender sufi ar has als the fantion ‘of plat marker n Ola Tai Tho, i O18 Tam form Iie naar apresis the plral number “end with or without the purl sec “atm Modern Tarai the star exposes, however epcene gender Sn anode sats only. ‘With rational nuns, that nouns denoting rational beings—humans, sods. demons the occurence of the plural sufi i obiitoy Eramples (65) aia! maanavar-al fe student st ‘We are students (5) ex pelpaal vemeaarkal fob) borat comet ‘My boys (Gren) came” ‘With nonrational nouns. 0 the othr hand, the occurence of the ‘ral suffi optional Is often delete, expecially, hen the noua Is Froid by a quantifies. Examples: 7) aka vias sitet) retkine ane re many house-pl_be-pes-euph-pla "Tere are Many HUES” (8) ron nany(ka) vasa mo dog comerpst sn “Two dogs cane. [Note that with never subject NPs marked for plural, vital ‘owes and nee ta dager the hid person parabens. {sin Gi), or the third porsonsingslc-eater sate, as in (8). ay ‘ecu ont ec, This eevee in deta in Paramasivam 19885). an apt cement in nd on ‘Tae dncosson ofthe obiqie ster of nouns in she preceding sections inode thet olga nesta remeht a z. sich priate the formation of the qe em ad a. ee Tore, bon tered fo a ahlgueaufiter Ar mentioned nde {hore lo sn ops! iilesiona ieemeat Inthe fom of the ‘Phonological sffies vg and van to Which we Have Teered fo 2s ‘tpone sone Were the sii ours et ll ous he ‘Sar ng carts oly withthe prone thi Wand at tha. ‘With mmberotaoun thes uphoncsulesare, however, bit, Inceraa contexts. The contests in whch the eupbnie sais ad “ta can osu rea flow in noon infected for es. Hereby the cuponi sfc cee bette the noun sem oF-when svaliable—the oblique sem, othe plural suftc andthe cate raf, shown in (7) and (8) andthe Fotoing examples (9) ain) sal canal and epiinst thaeupe inst “wih he ana itn a canon ‘ound-obauph ast ith sound” Akl stone pep ist “the tone’ (5) te euponieineement-n occurs optionally between the noun stem of the noun Aaland, which fas no oblique sem. and the instrament onesie -af fe eupeneacemeat a oscars opto heteeen the sem of the pronoun “at thd the sume cae suffix. In 39) the euphonic increment in oars opinaly between the oblique stem ofthe noun mam wood, fonmed With he obgue suffix andthe isteumental eas uf In (3) tn cet optionally Uerwoon te pliral sfc andthe ntruentl eae se 1) wih nouns ocsring s oun moder mith pnktve case fection before «head noun. Hereby the ephoncincement it ocae optional after the noun oF obigue stem ofthe noun, or ar the pra six Example (40) a apace) pustakom fathercuph boat "father book” be mares) lat tee-obkeyph ranch "beach of he tee © payin) cat boy-pkeuph shit the shir ofthe Boye Noe witha number of nouns eg. mca able’, the increment pai en ‘eit © penpkhu "Note th operation of morphophonemie rules, eg the doubling of soun| stem inal onsorans of short mono-slabie words as inthe case of pen ‘gi! above, 6) the allomorph ku oezuts after the eyphonic increment ia or a ‘which opsonaly inserted between obique or nour stem and case ‘fx. Note the operation ofthe morphophoncmc rule which changes the ms of nora int before the velar sop Ko he dative ease sae tu Examples amphoterin Fk tampa ‘ninaa mother + it + ke amma padi + cg + che peak fusion Fe 2 rar “The dative eae marker hans wide ange of fanctions. As deserted by Parumasivam (1988:51), I expresses: )iniret objet fenton () soa of motion, (iu) purpose. (8) secplet of experince (¥} pot in time or duration of tine, (1) proportion. {vi dstabutveRetion, (Gil) sandra of comparon, and (3) reference point, (0 indvetobjest. ‘The dative cae suffix ma transine verb. Example noun asthe indret object of aie (55) kamnaer sppas-vubhu on pairs kant ipsa Kumar father-dat a pletureodtace show gem ‘Kumi showed father spite In the cate of tansactions the inert object i only marked withthe date case sufi when te indies object the excuse or permanent possessor of something. Consider the following example (56) humacr sppan-vudhu ore kam kopeoan Kumar fatberdat a. letter gie-pam “Raar gave father eter. “The above sentence implies that he fete i exclusively for Kamar. If ‘Kamar was only the temporey posessor af he leer and should puss it fn to someone es, the Tapa wi at use the dative eas to mark he Indiet object, but the loeatve cate marke. that the bond pospo- tion “am, wich curs only with animate ours. Example: (57) kumar sppaa-ritam ort katt kopetoae Kumar fathenioe a eter" give-palem “Kamar gave ftir a lee “Tani lsinguishes thus botwoen permanent and temporary possesion sndthis reflected int noun inflection. To expres ermanenr posses sk or omer, the Se cn wed ao pes empoay (i goat of motion, With vers of motion, eg a4 eome’, po go’ the dative case marker cexprener the goal of motion However, with thi function the dative ‘hue marker i restcted to inanimate nouns only. Example: (38) 2, kumaar wuratioep poo-naen Kumar tomn-dt govt am "Kumar went 9 town be. kamaar cia vk vt aon Kumar Ne(ebpouse dat come-ps3am “Kumar ame tou House” "Note that when the word following the noun marked with the dative ate begin with oe othe our tops Kp the he respective stop ‘Sreduplated und sdded othe pretediog dative case noun sin (83). ‘Anite nouns functioning as pol of motion donot ake te dative case ‘marker, but the lostive case maker, thet f the bound postpostion| “am, 28 120, Example: (9) kumar append poowenn Kamae fathenioe pops "Kamar wen ofthe” on pres ‘A noun make for dative ease can express the purpose of an action, Examples: 60), kumaar ponastu-bhettaen eee cey-kian Komir_money-obldatemph work dorpressan "Kamar works Jost for money.” maar tan ademas wa: compan Kumse_etob!) body tone. extprescem "Kamar testi for his hes” (i) resipent of experience With umber of ative tcansive verbs, dhe dative cae sfx marks the sdbject noun phase. wich has the vemante role of reipient of nporiene, Tho sentence pater veto be cisingushe: dative NP ‘SMominaie NP verb and dave NP + accusative NP + verb, They the tsrated By the following examples (61) humaarkir om pustakan ira Kumordat 2 book be-pressn "Kumar hak a Hook be kumaarutha on vite feen-um Kamardst 9 house wantee3in "Kamar wan house (0) a eppaarsbbar karma trys fatierdat Kamarace now-hoten ‘ther knows Kar be. apoaovakhek kumaaalp ptm fitherdat Kumarece, keen "Father likes Kuma “These sentence patterns, in which the dative case noun pirate exhibits subjecke behavior and expeses the semantic oe ofthe repent of “hespotence of pssssion oro an emotional! mental experienc il ‘be dscused in det under 36 apd 3.7 (0 pint in tine or duration of tne ‘Temporal nouns marked fr dative case express itera point in time (G3) or duration of tne (6), Examples (6) maar inne mani vray Kumar fre hourdat_come-fesm ‘Kamar will come a five stack” (61) humor sints nook velo cey-kipcan Kumar five, dayedat woke do-pes3sm “Kumar works for Sve days" ‘With nouns ke neers yesterday’ a Yoda’ naw "Yomorow the ative case Sui ocurs optional, (proportion, ‘Wat temporal nouns the dative cse sufi cun als expres the concept of proportion a per or in Engl do, Example: (65) maranty ore naa marr veal eaeppta Medicine 2” dajrdat three time. eat “Take the mete thee ties a day” {i istrative faneon. ‘The dative eae marker can also express dsibutve function, comes ponding to each every” in Engh, Example (©) aatukin om ei poots peromdat fea pot ‘Make sts for eich one (each pron)” (i) standard of comparison, Iv comparative construction, Tamil docs not mark an adic adver, but ony the standard apsast which a comparison made. One tray of marking the standard of comparison i 10 use the dative case ff This mavker is ed in abate enters, which ae spacey ‘ealzad a verbor sentences without a cop seth, Examples (65) a. humaarutke ivan nln, Kimardst he neem “Hes nicer than Kumar atk ite moocam {haved this badness "Thee worse tha that" (0) reference point. ‘To conchae the dcuton ofthe dative case, ate thatthe dative case ‘marker in Tamil doesnot only expres the relation beween 2 noun Dlnase ad the ver, but alo the relation between nou phe a8 = folowing noun phrase. Consider the folowing example: ()— maraceuk nour mild poancer Madre dat hndred miele Ponder) "Pondicherry one hundred mies from Nadas.” In (@) the noun maras-ut, marked for dative ese, stand in a {elaon othe following noun pte rar mall Here he dative case fff marks 2 num a8 referent of» spatial relation expressed by he following no pease mur mo ‘n one hunted ies (stance) thats atk ous a reference pont (arumasivim 186152) TH function of the dative exes marker ours alo ia many pstpstonal Drees, where the salve cane noun pase expresses the reference Doin forthe direction spatial positon, tance te, expres by the osipostion, soe 22827 an Beneictive case ‘The benefacve cass fried bythe tation of the bound pstposon “aka to the dative case sux. Example: alpen boy’ paar ukhiaoka “The bound postpexiton aka actully the iit form ofthe vb ‘aku "become, which hasbeen gratmaticalized toa bound poison, “Tenional nine nde weern amar ae nt eel his bound porpostion ander ase markers and thus not distinguished a tenefaive cate. The combination of dative cate sti + bound post postion -aska marks a noun phase as benefactor ofa action o even, [expressed by Yor the sake of in nglh. Example: (00) kamaer on paiyensutaokep payam ceersoay Kumar be(ob) boy-ditben taney sve ptm “Kumar saves mone} for he sake of his boy." [Note that—as inthe eate of nouns maed for active and dative ‘Gse—on the noun marked for benefactive css followed by 2 word bogining with one ofthe fose op 1p the the respetiv stop i ‘edupinted ad added tothe preceding beefactve case nov. “The dative case sul + -akar can le exprenthe reason of on action cor event wen the reason refers oa fatere consequence. Example (71) kumaar appan vubcaakee ctkivam vitpekke yearn Kumacfatherdatben finest ouwe-dat comes “Becase of father Kumar came Home sk atramentl eae ‘The instrumental ce marker is the cae suf al, Example: paiva boy paren at “The strumenta ease sux expreses the following semantic functions, {as ceseribed by Paremasiva (1983) () strom. (8) means, Source or mate (v) reason, (9) cause, and (1) agent. These are iustrated inthe folowing examples. (72) evtrament maar Kariya perettal ver--ann Kopar Kaifeins. fu-obhace éat-ptsm “Kumar ext theft with @ ke” (3) means Tonaor we conn anupavettaal —intet_ roribabe Kumar Hef!) oun experiene-obinat thi workace ergithon aan leaps am "Kumar learned this work by means of his own experiene.” (79) source and materia {eimear'manpea! inp paanayabe cea Kumar Sendnst this” potace doyt-sm "Reumar made this pot oot nd” (05) reson Veyiaalkumear varia beating Kamar) come abe aot pla ‘ecaue of the heat Kumar ida come.” (95) cause Imazaiy-eal peyir nenpeake valaratate ‘incest tops soodnese-adv ows 30 "Because ofthe rain the crop ew wel. “The instrumental case sufi ls expresses the concept of ageney with {wo stave auciary verbs. One ithe passive auniany verb pa Enample (7). kuear appa atta p pa aan omar fatheriast beatin¢experence pst Som “Ruar was beaten by father “The second vers the abit modal auslary mul. Se the fellow ing example! Db. kumaaraa ina vedlaiyae exyy-a muy Komoring this workace dosnt can 3on "mar ean thi work Las Socitve ease “There are two sociatve case marker: one ithe case sulix-oqu and the ster i the bound posipostio ui. Example: patyan boy patyan 004 pesyanuan “The socative case marker principally expresses the comtative fne> tion. Tis fanstion expresses thatthe eteret of the sciatve ease oun phrases ivolved in the action or event expresed Dy the sentence inte same way as the feferent of another noun phrase i involved inthe respective action or event—orlstace. asthe sub ject oun phen the examples (78,9) or he object noun pas in ‘example (8). (8). fumsar ing mapeiv-oot-aan vaa0n Kumar hetob witesoe ome pee "Kuma ame wis wie” peene-vootuuan onw pustaam Kise vieate pesos 3 book dows fall pase Together withthe pon Boa fll down” kamaar cay-ootu-san ont paven vasiein-eny Kamar ahieate 2 Sania buy "Kumar Bought a banjan together with a shit” Otter fonesons expressed by he sciatve ease marker are manser and 09) manner Timaar anp-coruan city Kumar lovee lnvppet Sem (80) means Tonaar appac-in atoi-ooqlgan itp omar ‘Tatherexph help-oe thir sce Hudy-pt sn "Kamar studied he with fatber's lp.” “The socntive ce mifix “oot; Hat not the bound potpostion ar, cin aio expres a number of other eancep—some of them oly wih 3 resrcted number o€ nouns and predetes. Examples: (81) adton Tomaar maak iyoo¢e rap pur um cagppi¢ann Kumar four ldisoe two. Puralso””extps-3em “Tn adtion fo fur Ils Kumar ae ako two Paris” (62) ocation Jumaar eal wiepooqu tackipaan Kumar we(ob) howsesce bepressom ‘Kemear Gest Our house person (6) aves keomaar teru-oot netent aon Kamar stechsoe walpacai “Kumar walked along the seat” (9) inclusion ‘ira maacat-ooe taie varwam arama {Chitra tonteobtace Tamil ear starepres sn "The Tamil year starts withthe month of Cite. (6) restriction Irae art ort kooyiooe car this fowndlac +” templesoe O.K. "There only one temple ths ova, a0 Locate case There are two case marker fo the lacative case: the ote sti end {he bound pospastion “dam. They hve, however, aot ental di tsbution, Whereas the cae sl if eur ba with name end nimate nous (he later only whon purl), the badnd postposion “a ocurs only with animate cous. Example ayn boy" + paiva paiynsten paal‘milk’ pant ‘We wil ist asue the semantic fuetons ofthe case wl and hen {ose ofthe bound poston am 9) te locate case sti “The case si il when carting with inaniate nouns express: () location in space and ie, and (2) mode, when ocearng wth both {nanimate an animate nouns, expresses) spatalintereationship. Examples: (85) locaton in spe fret mare! waar Ded” teed sitpres-isn "The bird siting om the ee” 1 plat of ne (with fur tense) Teumaar ont Yaar saraiv-aae Kumar” one wee oboe come fem "Kumar wil ome in one wes «ration of ime (wit pst ens) uma one vasratl inp pustakestekp ‘Kumar ope wesk-boe this” ook-blace patton udm "Ruma red te book ia one weck. (87) mode Thumaar tanietlposesnaan Xumat) Tamiloefalep ame "Kumar talked in Ta” (68) sata iteelationship reathinnimate nouns ‘aue maumpazakal! ena pam rumeant that mango fete poe whiee fit Rumani ‘Which tuts among those mangos ae Rumani?” bs, with animate none fn Matanavar hall iat tamizar_ikircarkal fob) student loc min) Tamilan beprespl ‘Among my stadents there are many Tamla 1 the late (bod) poston tam. ‘The tod pospotion in. wc cron Wh anna noes, press () gel of oton, sore of taacon, (8) tage of ‘Sinton andy temporary posesion Examples (69) goa of ston Keumsar"appasto ve-aan Kumar fitherloe comestsm "Kumar cane to father” £09) soues of transaction [Rimsar manta ora parce vaai-t-omn Kumar miniserioe” 2 pre getpstsom “eumar received prize from the minster” (2) trget of emotion Keumsarappaem Koopappat-aan Kumar fathers be angry-psn "Kumar angry sith father “With verby of trantction the loetve cake marker um marks the indirect objet when the later seat to beth temporary poses of {he object of transaction, It cons wih the dative eae suf, wich ruske the indier objet the permanent possesior or actual owner of the objet of transaction ase sn 116(), Thon the flowing exam ie (92) burma raajaritam ons postakam kotetans mar Rajloe a book gve-ptm uae gave Raja a book” the indtet object marked wit th locate case marker, rj. {sony the temporary posctso f the book and wil ot keep perma: rent aa Ablative case “The tative case marker consists ofthe bound pospesiton eupbonie clic Example vat ‘north: vaeirun o ake irate ‘Wen the ablative case marker ocars with nuninare nouns taking the locate ace sfc or with animate nouns taking the Tesi case ‘marker om, i) soare of mation, nd (8 sparation fom an ety i Expressed, Examples: (3) source of motion hameer eoytiinate veto Kamit templelocabl.come-pstsm "Kamar eam from te temple 1 kamaar meradtiante via Kamar trenobilacatt fale "Kumar fl from the te." © kimaar gppeetamirana vee Kamar fitberioeat) come-paeam "Kamar came tom (is abe. (04) separation from entity Ieimaar appas'al neuppiroul Kamar faiberace fieocabl ‘When the ablative case marker oocurs with animate nouns aking he loeative cae sufi () source rom wah selection stake, an) ‘arting pia of a seis i eapresed. Example: (95) source of steton Kumar maonaverl ant one alls an-alt Kumar sudeneplocabl a good-Sm-ace eerttuttaan ‘Slecepeeem "Kamar selected rom the sudets 2 good one.” (95) stating point of series Imantrtystirangelsram lean vial tinsterfooabl everyone bre” tke prep "From the minster on (down) everyone takes bibs” (Example fom Ramansjan aed Antal (1967) an Gite case ‘Among cass, the genitive case plays partcular role: it marks the ‘pofatc fonclon af noun pase notin elation to 3 vero butt ‘another noun phrase. It marks a noun phrase as subordinate to, and ‘modifies of anther noun is head, The semante relation between the Shordnate NP mosifer (ht the gentve NP) and the noun head tay be manifold, for example, maybe the relation o posession, asin “Toke dog The rammateal erature sts thee slice a ease marke for tne geative casein Tamil nua, and at. A noun Phrase to which one ofthese sults i aed acu as noun moder End expreees the rarou emai relatons ois head, which genitive NP in univeraa grammar con express, ete one of poneson, THsit ‘hoven by the fling examples: m™ +. “a ova manitn | “tial cnet that man ‘sie "te shi ofthat mae” ® oa peraortal | aaa paca parent suachment ie attachment of parent . a seumaar | -tya| pata Kumar shoo! “the school of Kumar ‘Eventhough nouns with hee suis xpress thesytacticand semantic funtion expressed by genitive noune fn other languages, not all the tives noun with thelr espe sults have the categoria staus of ‘ise marked now in Tal. The eas that only one ofthe three Stes, ata, and ara the categoria satus cst makes. “This wil be demonstrated in he following i) he sufixin, When hs sux occurs with nouns whic function noun modiers, a a (97), dpays the same tution properties 1 the euphons increment in diseased under 1.12 Tis suggest that the sult nin (07) nota separate case suffix, but the euphoric Increment in and that, therefore, he later doesnot ony ose before ‘ee ries with ouns flowed by postposiion, bt ko wih fos funsioninga¢ noun modes as alteady proposed under 1.12, ‘Thus, when a fist or second person pronoun ofcurs as noun modifier, the sfx sin eanotozcur wth he former's oblique form: ein it bt epg house’, nthe sme way a the esphon ncrement in annatcccur withthe Ogu form a hese pronouns. As entned Under 112, the euphooic inerement- can also not aca withthe Dern neuter pronoun a that and thi stead the euphoric Increment -an ecu. Likewise, when such a pronoun occurs ag noun moder the sufi i cant cur, but the Sulla occurs" ‘ial, bu atan il “he pie of thar. Sige the suf i on aout ‘moder: behaves thus Tike the cuphonicinerement i. we conde that the sfx in on noun modifer ir identical ith the euphone Imerement ig. Thus the sufi in (97) is aot a ease sufi, but the fuphonic inrement/n which so ogcurs on nouns when they funn ‘se noun modifier i) the sux oie. Formally this sux isthe tenses adjectival parspe orm of the deferive ve wa poe’ which occurs 38 8 ound form added to noun pases. Syntactic Phra as adjectival, Note tata noun phrase + 1 ically tke an adjectival and ‘annot occur in pediate position, a shown by 3), since adjectival in Tamil ennot our lahat postion nstend adjectivals in predate postion have to be aomiaalaed. In this reapett noun uae behaves exactly tke an adjectival hati, has to be inalized i predate positon a shown by (58). Fal, as adjeatval it can, of Course, occur as noun modifier, asin (98) (8) a. palikkuatam kumaarupiya hol Kemarad “The Sool i Kumars pllitagam kurmaoruiye Feoot Kamar a Son "The schools the one of Kumar (which Kumar posses)” & kumaarsiya pliagam Kumarad) Seboo! "he school of Kamar (which Kumar possses) i dhe sulin om. Tic lt hast be analye asa pnitive case sat in Modern Tam. Hisorally iis, however, a pronominal sulie—ihe ‘hid peronsingslrneuter sufi, When his pronominal uti aded| to a poun, it foms & complex NP consisting of a pronominal head prsceded by 2 noun e.g kumaur-at ie one of Kumar. tn Modern "Tami thi form docs not oor ae nominal in l the varios non potions anpmore. However, i ea ail occu i the minal pedi fate poston (o's verbess clause) apart from its position as noun moder: (9) 6 humoarate patina Kamargen schoo! ‘Kumar's schoo! paltizuman kumaarane ‘te Kumar gen “The school the one of Kuma” Since in Modern Tamil the adon of the suffix -at a non does nt slow the resting form fo oocr in all NP positions an to tke cate ‘arkers—ss it does in Old Tam, we do not aye thi ou 383 fronomial sue, but a a gelive case marker In Modern Tas Finally ote that with many nouns the eupbonieinerement i 2cus obligato before the genitive cae sfx at, eg. tlt ket "the door ofthe house’ To su up the discussion ofthe gente cate, when a noun oecurs a8 mir of another noun and thereby express ‘areas semantic fonctions, ag. potcaion, then the cesparine nous can be wamarked and acer inthe obigue form (103) o it ean be ‘marked either withthe euphonieinrement ig (108) or with the feeitv case sux a (100) or by both (10D), or ian be marke by ‘he adjestival sui atiya (100): (100) a, noun in oblique form ‘mares la fteeobl braich "the brinch of he tee" noun + eupioni increment racinut Kingeoph crown “the ew ofthe King! oun + give sfc -one ‘king-gen crown "the ern ofthe King" noun + adjectival uti -ualya aay al sors)” tail "te al of the dog? Aigms one forthe inanimate noun faa! eg ‘noun payan ‘boy’. Remember that he fcative ease sufi does not ‘Sear ith animate aoa nthe singusr—except when followed by the ative cas sufiand ta the lostive bound porposton am does ‘ot occur wth inanimate nova. “ramuss 45. Noun paradigms ‘a ‘eat ‘tat ea tata ‘aa afaeoss Keel ataake itea tala ‘oor et aoe ‘tan ‘tea ray eat tan alan hiner tat cm ‘Singur Phat Romine pan pa a ‘esate Papore! aa at Dre bane ay a ath Deneactive aborsieaske — paantetkoka Iesremenal plan! baa aa Stone apanooe one rene rere’ Locuive pion = apatcatt Abiaive tyrant pdt Davaedinae pata ran ceive paar vada 124 Befectve nouns [Nouns have ben defied under 13 as those words which can take case ffs and the so-called averbiling soi -anklwaay. There are, however numberof uns whieh eapnot eooccur wth alo the above ‘Sven ce uli, hat there ae a mumber of nouns which have ‘Ssfentve morphology Fr example, a numberof pace nouns ike, ik ie plac, hee’ an that pace, cher", mu anteriony,pin pose- oriy et, cam goer withthe ablative ease marker, ay shown unde | 121, and o withthe dative ase marker, as shown by the following examples: (101) 2. maar mung vont ‘Kumar Snterony-at come-ptam "unas came op (onward). Deaiurkk Unite that place-dat thi place ices "This place i nicer han tat plac." However, they cannot occur with te iastrumeatal and sociative case Inarker, for iatance Another example the nour ui immediacy. ‘The noun ocere only with one ease marker—te dave case sf ‘aa in the redubated form ue wan mee as Definition of vis Verbs defied as those word which can take tense fies, person- rier gender sues and few ater verbal sles, for example. those marking non-ntenes othe verb. AS the case of uns, there late numberof verbs which have defective morphology, tats cannot ‘ke all verbal sien They wil be Hkewise referred to a defective verbs ‘Verb aeton 16 Fail we forms can be dsngushed into site owt, and nom Inalaed verb fom. The deition oft and nonfat ve forma syotactil ster than rpg. Tere no mompologalpopety ‘wich would marl ite or all on-site or forms, Roughly speak Ings rite ver forms occur s predicate ofthe main cause, that they fend a setence. Nonfnite ser forms, on the other hakd, our 3b predicate ofan embedded or subordinate claus, or compound ver> nite verb forms canbe infeed for the extegores of mood, tht imperative, optative and indicate. In the teense vert are nlc forthe eateries of tease and person, number, gender. Nori nomialized yer forms ar nflcted for teas some caes—and or the relational category which iniatsthe subordinate or nrsinl stats ‘of the verb. Moreover, both finite and aoninte ver forms have Pie and negative forms, hough not inal eass. The infected vr form it Tama i thas the phonemic relation of a number of mor hemes, verb, imperative, optatv, tense, peron, nome, gender Inorphemnes, sborcnating morphemes, andthe nepuve operator. Ie the phonemic eaization ofthese morphemes, one morph eae her ‘one morpeme only ora aumber of morpbemes. All morphs cee inectionl sates ded to the verb, which appear astm erm ‘This is showa by the folowing representation ow) Infected vero serb stem inflectional sutiaes Verb stem 12 “The vb stem the form ofthe vec to whic nectioalsutixes are sided. ‘The ver som ir ako the form of the verb which is used as Fmperative sings forthe second poran and it ste form of the ver Inhch ocala the lesion. A. verb stem may be simple a deived. A {imple or non derived ve stem maybe morpholoncaly complet. AS fhown by the following representation, spo verb stem consis ‘minimally f lexical reot morpbene, fo which a yiee morpeme {ted ia th case ofa great numberof verbs, (403) simple verb stom veib root (voice mrpheme) “The voie morpheme coma f one of mo morphomes which standin ‘Spponton to ach oter. One member ofthis oppaston express wat Paramasiva (1079) ealffective voice andthe other member expresses tffecve voce, For an explanation of thew concep ge below ‘A darived vet stem consists ofa simple verb sem and a deatona Ss marking causa: 08) ened verb tem simple verbtem cauatie morpheme sas ‘Thee and he ony obligatory clomeat ofthe (simple) ver ter ithe verbal root morphere, whist gives the leal meaning ofthe vet ‘em: The verbal oot he jade lea morpeme of Yet 1» “tecve and sete vie marphne ‘Tis rot can be toned by a second elect: 4 vos momphene ‘oat sy pent fhe Tol vers cone sao ee men ‘nthe stm sucha vous morpheme allows aver root morpheme, ‘Rovers ever optional, but alvay bgt. As mentioned above, Coice morpho consis ove of morprnes whch ea a Cypstion ech other One meer of i opetion epee ‘tectve voce ante ter menber efecve wee (raamasran {sr Ifa vertal root an ocr wir one member of Ns opposton, therein ser ocr win be ter menber However bah fiona: ceo cocoa That eed too ctriag wih © Ye ‘Borphesne ave a pairof vr im, of whith one ver stm conti Iorphene for slave vo andthe oder vr em a morpheme fr tecve vole The ciiection betwee he a ean prope fete vt esecive vase t dae oParnasva (199). Aft eines by Paramasivar a fllows (p20): "An aestie ver sone the sje ot shih undergoes th acto (or sate orange ae) deste ye [eb nem Thess the folowing explicate dpe “Saw (Pucmasivnm 19798) te sepectve subject “ead derocs he event faring (105) evan-uiy lat samp ane evdj head tame pst3n “His ead timed” “The verb stem drum i thes amaetve ve stem. As ffcive ver ‘Hem, onthe other hand soe whic represnts an ocon ofthe objet (on eusral objets (Patamasivan 197023), thats «ver stem whose ‘bjt das not undergo a ection or event, bu eects action on he ‘objet, whichis fected by tat action. Ths the verb sem fraps "urns etfeetve sis is subject effets an acon on an objec, 36 show by the following example from Paramasivam (9.5) (106) evan aay dupa fe headace tum pam “He turned bi head Sine the sectve vs. effetive distinction describes the role of te Subject insiatng or undergoing an action or event guaifsas& Kind of vole Stesrer 1983.37), Both the affective ve stom srumpu and the ffecive ve stem sip can be aoalyed ae pif vero te rom oe fot ware — the oot tae. Ths root morptieme take the afete voice aller “nowt oo the tie ver em rung ant esi allomorph ppt form the elfcive ve stem aeppu. Apa om tl Slemorphs mp and pou, thee ae other pais of slimorps which feale the pair of voice morptemer. Common i thatthe affective $lomorph contsine a single obetvent, whereas the effective alomarph Contain a geminated obstruent Other examples flow: fas a, ku, eg, pork “oerease (ee. incest) ered “inerease™ (err be iocrease’) sts sity, eg tent "bosom cose tinea ‘cores comething)” amps. “pp, 8. niompa “oe fll ipo i eM, eg oor an ote dave! Accorng this analysis ec tem const only of er root in he ‘ae of some verb, eg eu" of of 3 rb TOOt and a voice Sllomorphin he ene of paired ver stems fom one andthe sme verbal foot, ef nto tre and thu ar ‘Ai ateraaiv analyse iz piven in Stever (196380). A form lke timp or trap i regarded 8 oe morph, Which eae vo mor hemes the root morpheme andthe vice morpeme, According this aye, the comple sueture ofa imple vero stem (10) woul oly ton an underiig level. On the phonolgiea ive, the two asta Imorphemes—root morpheme aod vise morpheme woul be realized trove portmantene mary eg drumpu or tuppu: Onthe lic hand, condi tothe former sna, te B-morphenie truce on unde Iying level (103) would ao be realized as such onthe phonological level ‘Ot the buss ofthe preceding dcamion ove might assume that he einai propertie of fect and eletty are morphopoaolos- Fellyabraysreaiedn the ver stm (by mens inl or germinated ‘bac, as facmpu a. neppu). However, Puamativam shows {atthe sfectveltiocive dincon manifests sl abo by 2 singel ‘rminated obsaentdaption inthe ist ficial psion. Com er the following examples: (07), ananaiva pa wena headh pot beakept “Mis pot broke ean poonaiai wtt-an fhe potas: resp "He broke the pot “Te verb stem ua in sentence a isffcive, wil the ver sem ut in senence bis effective In ths ce the oman features of afleeivity 4 ellectvy are ot morphophonolopcaly realized inthe ver sem both cases the morphophonemic shape ofthe ver tem ride Notice, however, thatthe afectve ver form in Sentence 2. contains 2 ingle obstruent inthe afficinial posto, thats th tense morph, and i effective verb fom seatenesb contin geminated Obstet affix inal postion’ ts. - Assuming tht al affesiveeffetve ‘erbstemshave nabtract,underyngstrucute, wbichsb-seorphenic. ' ptm under (103). then following Stever(1985:8¢3), one can ani Iyze forms tke wana and waat-aan a tore whore the oie morpheme ofthe sem and the following tense morphete coming to he prtmaiesn oh dt epee, the phovloga level 1230 Derived verb stem ‘A derives verb stem can be formed from 3 simple verb stem by the ‘dition of causative suf which conse ofthe allomorps i -p, Sod pot. ln Modern Tani this drivational gross every mach o> Strited: only the causative suv oscurs witha numberof ersten Examples: teri “know +14 —> trie “ens 0 know, infor” {know + oi —> arlene o know, annosnce’ in ese" + vf —> Wwe “sause to Leave erate” imple ver stem and tha, therefore, ‘husave ver) sem must be listed inthe lexicon, Av described by Praasivan te dervational proces of forming a saustve vero sent ‘com asimple verb stem was more widespread in Midle Tal than in| Modern Tans n Middle Tam tive sui an our. Example the tre allomorphs of he exus- aa ‘come’ + of —> aru ‘eae to come’ eel ste’ + pl —> beep nae to listen" fu “ake’| > ppl >. erp nto te 1a Weak vs. middle vs. steong verb tems ‘Wemenvoned above tat the ver seme the form ofthe ver to which Inflection stfies fe added, the form which ocurs a ip ‘singular forthe second person, and the form whine lited in the lesgon. Thus, the forms tui ‘seep, ea as, liste and wate “wk are verb stems ands sch Hey take lnleetina sis and ‘ceur a imperatives, for example However, a number of ver stem kee! and ete but not tai, re aepmented by & Phone Phoneme cus. This phoneme (cluster) appears whan an inflectional Suffix beginning with a vowel but nt wa eansona, saded tothe ‘eb tem, Icons of the ingle atop inthe ca of Same veri 6. Kel and ofa doubled top Mk in the eee foe verb, nate The phoneme (clste) fas no Semantic, but ony 2 phonolgia funtion It maybe analyzed asa phonologiea sli or empty morph (however, wll ot ark it here as such by the sufi indeatngsyaol =") ‘A vor slem whichis aognested by the double sop Kk when an infectionalsutix begining with vowel is ndded is elle sone sem, For example, the verb sem naia"wal is tong ete When # ‘omer nil suf, eg the infnive sufi sade, i augmented bythe double stop i, eg natin, When, however, 2 sonsorant inal suf, the past terse six nt is aed, it ‘oxmal tem form nat, eg natene-en “(wales ‘Avverb stem whic is augmented wth the single op K when an infctional suis beginning with «vowel added i calcd mile ‘em, For instance, the vero sem Ree ask, Inten’ a mile stem, ‘When a vows iil sufi, the infive sui -a, for example, is «ed the ver sem s augmented bythe sige op (morphopanen {ales operate when the top kis ded tothe vers sem ee satin I phonemic ehange ofthe verb stem Fina lateral). goo ew, When, weve, consonant intl suf, eg. the past ene allo ty seid, the verb stem oecuts ins nora form (bere lo merphopbo- hemi les operate when added tote vei term ee. euling ih rmorphoptonemic changes of both the verb stem fal atl and the Sum) eg. Heer") asked in begining wha vowel is aed sealled a weak er, For expt ‘eth stem muni ira went sem When the vowel ntl initive sti 1s added the verb sem isnot augeated bythe single or gmiated Sop) kl, resating in the form ua ‘Al Tara verb stems ea than be cashed into weak, mile and strong stems. Imorderto present the various inflectional ufites which are added to the ver stem, we wil fit vide ll Tn wer forms int ite aad non ite and nominal ver fomte—seeshowe—and dings the ‘atous types of thse ver forms. Daings, we wil preset the various Infleeooal sffxes which are added to the vero em, Finite verb forms ‘The various finite vb forms canbe distinguished according tothe ategary of mood—for which se 3.160 «imperative * idlatve * opative ‘ib forme, Other moods and modalities are not realized by verbal nection, bat by auxlary vers, and wil be cscused separately Imperative ‘Modern Tatil disinguihes between singular and pra imperative forms. Both the snglar and plural imperative forms are farther di Uingutbed into postin and oqatve forms” One of the imperative fone i also very matked foc the categry of persona that for second person. The various imperative forms can ths be analyzed as the phonological enlzation of the following morphames in undeying (108) verb + imperative + person (+ negative) (+ paral) “The postive singular imperative form sents with the verb stem and thos Sevoid of any marker. Example (209) ta seep" He “ask "This shows thatthe imperative and second penton morpteme (108) ae not overly expresed and are resized by azo morph each, Singular imperative (negative) “The negative snglarhperatve form coasts of the verb stm, to which the negative llemorph-at issued, flowed by the euponic six (110) verb stem + -aar +20 See the following examples fr ils aon (111) tuiaaree “do not seep feepkaaree “Go not ask ratebeaatee * 60 oot wall? Tn these forms the imperative and second person morpheme (108) are so realized bya aero morph. Only the negative morpheme is Overy realized bythe nope allomorph aa. Paral imperative (poeive) ‘The postive plral imperative fom consis of the verb stem ad the ‘ra sue fala (112) verb stem + ua “Te plural sutic (ik canbe interpreted both for singular number and honoifle satus and for purl number (respective of stats). This Imperative form cin be sued fo address ether » singe inva of honor status or prop of indivi. Examples (113) saudi please) seep Aeetuel plase) wk raha please) wal ‘Whereas the imperative snd plural morpheme (08) can be analyzed being realize by the morph-(uikal, the second person moxpheme Sin ‘his form also realized by 2 2er0 morph, aa Plural imperative (epative) “The regativeploral imperative form consists ofthe ver stem, follows by the negate allomarph var, and then bythe Second person pra stk: (118) verb stem + oat + sink “Tiss uustrate by he following examples (11S) rauikeatirkal “(please donot step! Aeeplectsrel please) donot ask” ate aaa “pesse) 60 ot walk ‘While the negative morpheme i elzed by the allomorph at, both the second person and the purl morphemes re realized by one morph ‘nly, ral, and te inpoatve morpheme aga ealaed by 2200 ‘orp As inthe case o the poste lua impetus form, he second person purl sof rk ean be interpreted ether for second person, Singular umber, and honoe satus, or fr Second perso and plural number. 138 imperative + salties ‘There are two ype of suffixes which can be added tothe Imperative forme ‘the interrogatve word en why’ which has sequred sual stats in this case, and ‘aris nouns mala kisi terms—which ocur alo as sues in {hs este and Gunton 28 aes markers. ‘When the intstogitive word en ‘why’ is sfied to an imperative form, the command or request exprested by the imperative i changed Into a suggestion. Examples (16) saa -2en come-wty “Wy date you come” (017) eeunkatcon eimpt pony ‘Ay dnt you stk 'A number of nouns—mostly Rnsip trms—are also sufixed tothe imperaune forms. In tis ese the Tueton as adrest markers nd india, in general, the speake'sand addres soil stats ork relation, that, they express the speaker's respect or disrespect, (oF ‘nal familiarity, affection or iviation with the adresse. The following noun fa "nate comrade a female comrade’ (Doth nouns tate defective in morphology and ecrir only with vocave Function), ‘yyea se. appan “ater, ammaa "mother, mada, aman let brat, and oan elder ster are suited to the varios imperative forms suf tts by deleting thet iil rowel [Examples wit he imperative forms ofthe verb vas som in single and purl (118) sana uot naa (19) smaruibatoe Indicative ve forms ‘Tals both portne and negative Indative verb forms, Postive Ingiatve verb forms are marked forthe extegory of tons, Deron, umber, and gender + status. Negative indicative ver forms ar, hhoweve, not marked in te same’ way fOr these calepoies 3s the pose indicative forms ae. There is no one-one eorespondence ‘between poitve and negative intcative forms. Positive inlcve verb frmt ‘As mentioned above, positive indiative ver forms ae marked forthe ‘Stcgories of tense, perso, number, and gender + stats. The eid Combines with its ver slem-—cieased under [27-31—with a tse ‘morphs and with tree morpbemes of person, number, and gender + ‘ats shown in the following eepresenation: (220) verb stem + tense + penton + number + gender Altematively, the person, number, gender morpemes canbe analyzed ‘Stone pronominal morphame wit the feature content of ern, mur ben gender and stat: (421) verb stem + emse + pronominal Inthe phonolopiclelzation of these morphemes the tense morpheme is realized by «number of sllomorp i the ease of the majority of Yetby or bythe morphological process of dabling ofa verb stem aa ‘Sonsooaat nthe eae ofa few verbs ‘On the other hand, the three morphemes of person, number, and gender sts ate reiled by one persoe-auniber gender morph. A Fesul, mot positve incestive ver forms can be Sepmentized lato. ‘er sem and two infection utes: (122) verb stem + tense six + person-number gender sui La Verb stem ‘The vee sfc to which the tne slings are aed has boon disused der 1.2731 a “Tense ses s ‘Modern Tal distinguishes betwoen thre test: past, presen an future. Each tense morpheme is realized by 2 numberof ese sulaes oc allomorph For the present nse there ae two allomorphs si ki (yl variants: kn, hin) “The past ease has ve allomorphs ul “Te future tense ha hres allomorpe Pe ‘A given verb season with one allomorph of each et. An exception {eather the past eae llomorphs and. Accordg to he varias {ensellomorphs ve stem tales, tht azording othe set of ese ‘Hlomorphs osuring wi partklar vet stem, Tel rb can ‘vided lato soveral clases. A number of casas have bees sugastd inthe literate. The one mos accepted she csifcaton| ‘by Graol ven in Arden (1942144. "According to ths casecation, Tamil verbs are divided into sven cise of which to of them have sible. There Se, however, ‘number of regular verb which have to be sted Separatay- See now the table of te seven clases of vis and the respective tens ute Trance 6, Verb case ad tee tase suis. Gon PreeatTose Pate Fete Teme tip oligo vie : > vil “ee Q es ‘Verbs of lass to TV have weak stem, vers of cass V have amide ‘Nem, and vert ofclam VI and VII have astrog tem. See 1.31 for he ‘inti ofa es, middey and song stem, Ax noted ith above {abultion, with verbs of els IV, which all odin vo the past tense morpheme ent realized bya tnse suf, but by edupiatin of the consonant ofthe nal slable fru or Ku Examples (023) poowe pu + poot Denese: pers Duet pk Examples ofthe afization ofthe various tense suffices to the respecive ver stems ave given inthe incl parades under 1.4. The ‘emante functions of the tneesufes wil be deceed later under as. as Person-oumber- gender sues “The scrondinflestional six fer the verb stem is 2 person-numbe eer (or pronomia) sul. This sultry be aalyad es 4 port ‘antes morph, which ealzesthe three morphemes operon amber, gender + satus, Alternatively, hs sti may be analyzed a & mor Ithich represets a pronominal morpheme withthe feature conte Ipero, number, gender, status}. By means of tes suis the subject ‘oun pase code agreement on the Hn verb. Sethe folowing table Gf person-aumber gender sufkes and thelr corespondingpesonal pronouns tha is the pronouns they agree wit ‘TaoLe 7, Peson-numbergende sufiaes Penal ronous Fenner geeder sit an, oa ‘alse a a Person-mumber gene suites agree wit al peronal pronouns, exept ith the fourth person pronouns taan ad va. Since the ater are [ender unmarked, any of the four tid person singular gender ster aan, aa gu, “ar, oF any ofthe two tied penon-plara gender Ses sara, a ean occur. In the eof the ist person plural proouns—nashka ‘we (ext) and naam "we (inclusive) —one and the some person number gender ‘ufc aca with both pronouns, eg mahal naam pakioom "We stu 146 Ialletonal paradigms ‘The inflection ofthe inlcative vee with tense sufixes and person ‘number gender suas Is atghsovard The ver sem of 4 pve las {akesa tee suficof te set of ene alomorp sine ote especie ‘hese table 6-and then s penon-numbergende suis i oie. [Novels inthe dstibuton of tense suffaes und person-namber (ender sufi hse area numberof regular ve forms i the == tonal praigm, fore we acu he inhi ene, we wl Os ge "helena paraigmsof vert belonging to cash ofthe sven ees “Tanues 14, Ve paradigms has 1 zu weep? Peron Pent Pat are SS exxtineen eesoen a 2 grkrey areca coves Sen Skin Soeuey Sra Sr teks huccal sal Sn kita eee ime St Suir ceutear teaser it tet Steam enero Buiter! Spa Fpine kiran) epetaoray scat oa cutee deem ‘Cass: vga alt Peron Peat Pst Fate i vires eee een Beary “eee sy Bt erie Ncwad ra So kan Newan — pum Sint Nokia war gwar ior swhiroom Ywnow —— eoam Bl eat) Sint getioortal ——gemtaotal waka Sia Nekinnaea’ ites” rum (tee I uh sleep Peron tn ta ak ar ‘tka ‘tra karl untae Three athe aay ‘tern ‘mkt entero atte aie ara iam (aes 1: poor ‘pa Peson Psat Past Fare 1 poonekipcen ——powcteen poate B——potwhizany ——pouetny, pony Sim poowkiram © poottam ———pontenaon BC tetrad patton boots ‘erceen Fore eae expan, expan terest erp som leet leccpaet eet ‘ok ar 1 patthicen atten een actly atseasy = ab pp-aay Som piesa part pa BT poethieed paet apres Sn phe bats pen ine aes apse (tas VEE: maa walk? ‘enon Preset Pas Fate Skies aeny ty Sn npeirsen ayes Be tela! ‘tensel hated nia ‘pecans att Sone naibeer oer tee Toh hamtki-eae ——tatauraom —leppaam Bak makina tra Spine fo earta) ator note park SB fuwtieaea——naeneane te Notes 1) mastoned under 1.42 the two present tense allomorph i, ‘thie cocure wth verso asso V and bi, which ocurs ith ‘ef of class VI and VIL, have sisi variants ofthe form kag tnd hun respectively. As shown i heparan, these varlant forms ane however oblgnory in the cas of veto forms infested {or third person, pra nmber, and aeuter gender. i) the vet form infected for thied person, singular an plural mui= ber, and neuter gender are not regula in ter formation. When fected for frre tense, tbe tld person rnglarseuter sui = ttcand the hid person-ural-nouersffi-aare ol afied to the fut tense su Insead the sufi um added tothe ver ste. “This sti ba portmantest morph, which realizes both the fre Tense morpheme andthe morpioms of itd person, singular and plural number, and neuter gender. iy turer ear in he cme of class verbs when nlc for pst tense, When the third pesonsingule neuter sx ais ‘ted tothe pst ese Stix, he ter ou int variant form {in vais yats, Te pst tense variant form cus also with the third perso-inglarnesterprosoainal sta. However, inthis sey the liter cers wth ss vaslant form tt. When affine, & ‘morphophoneme rule changes bo te final nasal of rand the Ini stop of to In each ee. Example: york in) the ves orms fected for hr person plural number, and newer ede areparouar in the aiowing respect. When infested for present and past tens, they have an inflectional increment ofthe the tease i andthe personumber gender 1s Irregular ver forms ‘Ar rovnione ener, Tal has small numberof verbs which cannot te auigned to one ofthe seven clases Tete verbs have iepua forms for one of he following reasons: {hey take a reg terse marker, eg coll say’ takes» past tense sul of the forms comteeo (0) si (they change the $Sonemieshope ofthe verb stem relay when infletona ues [re added, ep aa’ changes i vez sem fo ce when inte for pan tense! ceveay (0) diet "These fous ae deszibed, fr example, in Arden (19:14). has Interpretation of tense “The tre tenses avaiable Modern Tait—past, present, future—can be interpreted ia various ways, that have various cme referees, ‘epending onthe cotet. These wil be disused in the following 1 past tent, ‘Tie past tense refers general tothe past time of an ston, event oF state ris the only tenge which 8 mated fora definite ine reterence, Example (124) poone maatam nasn kxmaarap per teen fist monty Kumaeace seeps ‘Last month sw Kemer, However. there ae thc cases where the past tense doesnot have {eference to pst ime, The fist case inwoves the past ese form ofthe Souay ert ie (Gor whch soe 3.1) lcd for ft person and Tingle pombe, and ocaring ater the verbal partsipl form ofthe ‘nin ves vou ‘come. Thi fon is imal sed as an acswer by the speaker when he i ellod by someone and expresses immediate ‘uate. Emme (225) a gant kee vas ‘Shan ere. come ‘Shand, come here 1 naan vente 1 cone pss ym coming ‘The seco case involves the situation of threatening and warning. By performing sch a spech ac, the speaker can use condonal case followed by aver in pat tnue frm, whersby the pst tense retry, however, future time. Examples (26) nil spat cone piety you truth seycond Tne-pcas "iyo tll the rth, you wil lve (Ge. nothing wl happen Yo 304)” (27) nit teats arpaat —comany you thiesce fove-cond d-pt 2s "yo touch thi, yoo wil di Stever (19853) expnine such secondary usage ofthe pst tens a 8 doves wo express te eran ofthe immediate fare by the eatin ‘tnd finaly implied by a past event. The tid eae inves the sary ‘erb fei (ce 3.36), expressing the speaker’ dha ls che lenge. Thos in response to a Saterent with future ime reference, the daressee may wes pst tens form of i, which hs, however, fe feference. St the falling example: (025) 2. kumaar naala-tkup param how pp-2an Kumar tomorrow-dst money give fda "Tomorrow Kunar wil give some money” avon bghtean fe tearm "Hl won't it (don believe i," i pesen tose “The present tense refers (a) present state of alas, (8) temporary present and (immedi fer Corresponding tothe simple preset in Engl, the present tense a “Tail an refer fo present slate of afar witout a speaii eerence to the moment of speaking, The present sate of ass may strech Indefinite ito past and fate. Examples (129) an one agpidd veo cry. hea offceloe work does ism He works in stoic (220) avanaddar mae pal iu ki-aarka heat thce eldph bepres3pt “He ha thee chien” “The present tense oct alo in peere sateen, eg. (131) aio kat Kania ‘ed nest bullpen "Binds ile ests Corresponding othe present progressive in English, the present ense ‘can etero the temporary presents that st ah action or event ocaring atthe momento speaking. Exaple: (232) famaar ippoors tasiki-aon Kemar now sleep-presem 033) naon patethipeny,exmman irs 1" Sudypresis quite be “Tam studying now, be quit . Finally, the present fens can fer to the immediate futur, e (238) maou maraase tarp poorireen fomartow-dat Madeardat go-previs ‘Tam going to Madras tomowow" (235) avon agate vaaram varia fie next. week comeprerdem 1H) fue tens, ‘The future tense expresses rater various modalties than refering etn to fate te. As each the fare tenes expose (a) Rabi ry, (b) conjecture, and (c) deserve. When it eer to fate ine {oualy distant), the bei or assumption ofthe speaker that an sion or event wil cose expresed. Example (235) inte vrusoil amar selina tinea five yearablloe Kumar” foreign couatrylocabl frumps vaccum ump come fem “in ve years Kom il come back fom brood. The future tense, espekly, used to express habitual or repeated tions or evens inthe pst or present. Examples (237) inna vaya nean pamparem vieiyaenees fall ageloe 1 top play tuls Tn young age I wed play wth tops. (238) kamaar kta! cinimea-vuklarp po0-.son Kumar often dieme-dit goon ‘Kumar goes often to moves.” “The fare tense is aso used in generic statements, (038) mast pil tn lw gras caf 360 “Cows et pass” Farther, the fture tense express also conjecture oF assumption Eeample (0) ialateku maga pers fomorowdat rain fal 3sn "Tomorrow i kel toma ela.” ‘Finally, the future tense can express desderative modality in nterogs tive sentences, e8- (041) naan ene pon “What shall do" uat [Negative indicative ve forms ‘Asmentioned bore, hee aren corresponding negative nde verb {bem tal the postive lndeatve verb forms. Negative indicative ve forme ae not marked forthe exteqory of tense. The rec tem combines tly wth the negntive morpheme and the three morphemes of pesos, ‘number, and gender, a shown in te following fepresenain: (142) verb sem + neratve + person + number + gender {In O14 Tamil this combination of morphemes i phonological realize inthe foliowing may the negative morpeme i realed ether by 22200 tmorpn ce by te negative allomorph a, depondg onthe following feta, umber, goer morphemes. Only wih the third person, sing [Er and plural never morphemos iste nezaive morpheme overt txpresse by the allomorph-an. Inthe ce of soocurteace wit all ‘ther person, sumber, gender morpemes, the negative morpheme i ‘ot overly expressed Thor wept ihe folowing paradigm, fr example, ‘wth the verb in Tea? (as V): (43) 1s siteen & vias) Sim hea 3st vial Seo toner pl ¥#-00m ltr Splvt iar pln eas [Note when inflected for third perso, plural, neler, the especie ‘ston, amber, gender morpemes ae realized by 20 maxph an ony {he nozative allomorph aa added tothe ver stom. These reseess regatie foro ena be aerpoted for pat, present, nd future tine “Turing now lo Medera Tara, we find hat only one ofthese fcms occurs sia stent: the form nfloted fr Wid person, sigue ‘omber, and neuer gender, e.f-m-a This frm i inerpeted 38 feferrng fo future tine or eresing habitual Tn aditon, tis used oth with singular and plural subjects, To compenste forthe ack of he ‘ter form of the pasndgan and f expen tke tenses Uke pat and present Ta use vo defective asibny verbs maa wll andi ‘ot, bah of which follow alsa main verb inflected for iat "The sunny verb mag sitet for he negative according 10 the pte of (143), exept for befor fected for hid person, singular Ta pica umber, and ncutr sender since tes forms a realize by the dimple form ver stem #-a0 +=. Ths perphvasicconstrction ormplements the form vet stom + anv to express utre nega. Example: (0) a vine maa (1) woe' leave vita maattaay lesveint leave 2 "(you) won't Teaver ‘See 3.46 for further discusion. Ivorde express past and present negativity, the aur ver "be ‘noted This dese verb oer inte form knmarked fr {s't hitodcl tied persoeplral-neutr sufi, which lead in Old “Tamil occurs wih subject NP of al pesos, mune, gender features. Eran (145) naan 1 it iy = leave infbe not pin a ‘Laid not, 1 do not you dd nt, you donot | eave he id not be doesnot Optative ‘The optaive i forse bythe ation ofthe optative stk alo- morph =k inthe care of verb of slats VL und VI) fo the vet sem, Enamplen (46) a aaean sacha fing tve-opt "The King ony Hie” Bavanubku pee etka edit cholera fakoopt "The cholera may tne him anu dstingushes betwen four types of aoe-ate ver forms: «tative {verbal paricple * condional 1 Mjetvalpartipe ‘All the norte verb forms, except he lative, have both pone and negative forms. Furthermore, only the adjectival partie disin- fue ene. All eter non-nite verb forms ate tents, Each fhe Sone verb forms & marked with anon fot ver su, whch tliher ede to the verb stem (wen the fom is teascles) 0 the {ense sfc in the case of postive forms, o oa aegative sein he 150 Inntive “Th infisve is formed by the afiation ofthe nitive stint the ve stem. Note the diction between weak, mide, and sttng verb ems aswell a the operation of morphopaonemic ris, eg. deletion ofthe stem final vowel, when the inf suffix added. Examples: zu weap (chs 1): ape age (Class) tar aul’ (8s HN): tutea pooue"put (eas IV) poota ff ase’ (ass V) |: Reetber pad 'sudy (ess VI) page rota "wak (ass VI): aaa ‘The infatve form occurs mainly in compound verd constructions, discussed under 3.4, and in complex sentence const, as ds fused under 49-17, However here are aso a few cases whete the Dredkate ofa simple clause crate im ifintive form. Thi wil be rate in he following “Te infin form a predicate of» simple clause can expres the optatve mood, especialy nthe conten of easing (87) am lay vir ou headoe hander faint The infinitive form can also occur us predicate of simple interrogatve sSnuse with & fst pecon subject NP. In ths ease i expreses the modality of desidertion. See the folioing two examples with a yexn0 ‘qurston (148) and an interrgatve word question (19) for us (166) aay moat varev-en 1 tomorrow come in ‘Shall come romoreow (059) naar ippoot em cop ya 1 ow bat dnt ‘what sal 89 no “To conclude the dcusion of the ifie for, We ave to mention that tet lane more ocerrenceof a initv form as predicate of « imple lute Pramasvan (19:25) obeeres that one ofthe iain tive forms which osrur i Old Tari—she one formed with te all- ‘morph ar, pan, ppaan—does til ave an oeeutence in Modera “Tamil one construction. Ths when ecu as predate of imple lame ai fllomed by the eiaed cen 'why. Ts wil be stated bythe following example: (150) ni tonya tna velo cy-vameen Jovsloneoceady ths worker doialwhy "aye you do his work alone" 131 ‘esha participle “The veal partkpl the second tenses non-nit ver form. Thos both positive and a sepative form. "The pote verbal patil formed bythe afixation ofthe veal parce sunt the er stem The verbal parcpe sults bom Fonovs with the various pst tense allomorphs. The pas tese alo Frorphs have been given above at -n and st, When these fhosemes oF phoneme esters accu ar Yerba poreipleallomorphs, thoy ake the enuncative vowel w if they cont of 5 consonant OF onsonantchster, This because these consomaasor consonant ses ‘xcar word finaly. Thue we get the folowing sues: mt ‘With verbs of ler, the vara of he allorph in that is, os Cclusvely, Remember that iis not wocommon that two diferet Imotphemes are resized by 8 omophonows morph, see for example, the homophonows morphs “et in Engl, which reaize various mor- hemes lexical morplome cu + present lense morons, lac ‘morpome cat’ + past ease morphea, and lexical moreme cu -+ St partcple morpeme. Sil, Tal the past terse morpheme nd verbal parteiple momeme are resized by homopbona allo ‘orp. Exaepi zu weep (0) azn far (0) oar ne fauhieseep (1M) + awk poot'put (IV): poor feet ast (V) Seoene Daisy (VD) 5 pata frte wale (VID) rant Tuning to the negative poaity, there are two forms the negative ‘eal participle One ormed by sting the negative lomo ao {he verb stem and then afxng the otal parti sux mal, has, the sractre i eth atm “onal, The second form costs of he ‘ersten to which the negative elontorph-aois aed, lloned by he ounciative vowel, That the srctre i vero stem +a. ase the verbal participle morpheme snot overly exresed by a su Examples xu weep) scare, exaans fear a (I) = aural, uaa fae’ (1H) = taut-armal, aia ppootn‘put (IV): pootenmal,’ —pootaat feel ase (V) feta msl, bret kaa atisuiy'(V) 5 paeaamal, pakke aate ‘wale (Vil) Rawrkdcaamal, aaa “The verbal partile forms oesur in compound verb constructions, deserted under 38-44, and in complex sentence constuction, 35d ed nde 41827 ust Condtonat “The third tenzeles ite verb form the condtonal, which occurs both Ins postive and negate form. The postive contonal ofthe verb formed by ang the phoneme duster ofthe pst tens allomorph to the verb sem and then afing the sli at. Hereby, te phoveme ‘Suse the pt teveallomoyph dacs not const with present {ature tense allomoepis and dos ot havea semarti function, that is ‘eference to past time. It serves only 38 Sota phonological support for the sux saa Inthe segmentation of verb forms we Wil give the [hones ester of the pat tense llomorph and the sfx one Sr concted ough te symbol Examples: au ‘ween’ (D execu thar (I) koa tusk sleep (1): tail ‘pootu'put (IV): pootrad! ee ask (¥) fet aa! peosady (VD + pata fia ‘wale (VI): atone “Te negtne of the conta formed by adding the negative momph “azo the vrbsten, flowed bythe conditional suo. Examples: zu weep’) agai kaa’ (U1) nara ‘ah ‘shep (UI). take ial pooee"pat (V) > pooraa-viteal feel "ase (V) heel paisudy (V1) = pat aia ata walk (VED) atta As noted by Scever(1985:106), the negative contol shistoiealy 2 pevphrastic constuction, consisting of 3 negative verbal particple Formed by adng the sf auto the verb stem, eg aja, andthe ry we th it condita form ia, ta avon ia Tm Modern Tami, however, the suf ax has ested to function as | ogntive verbal patel suf and ozcs only os a negative suc ad {he conional fom aol as wegured sta stats. Thus, 4 con Suction like aif al is eapalyzed to a-a-a. “The conditional form our inthe formation of complex sentences snd dacused under 128-38. There is, however, lo one occurrence ‘of the conditional form as predicate ofa simple dase. Andonow {i995302)obmerves that the conditional form » the emphatic eis ‘ounce can occur as predite of Snple clause expressing optatve ‘mood. Beample: (St) tumaar neerastoog vewaal twarce Kumar timeablsoc come-cond emphvemph "TFKumar would omy come inte." 1s Ajeesival particige ‘The adjectival partipe is the only now-site verb form which distin ashes tense. Tamil has then past present, and future adjectival batcipe In addon there ia tetelest negative aectval partie ‘The past and present adjectival prspe formed by adding the pas ‘or preset tense allomorph tothe verb stem and then adding the djectvalstfix-e. Bamps ast presint eu 'wesp (atta spwkire tage (H iieagrnre hawk ta scep' (IH) = tnieeye tains poots'pat (IV): pootea pote Keel ast (V) ees feeetira patsy (VD): pata puekina ota ‘walk’ (Vi): ante tia ‘The future adjectival parispls formed by ang the suffi-um othe vet stem. The sufi wm ia portmantezu morph whic rae the ure tense morpheme and the ajletval morpheme. Examples: zu weep) eeu tari (U2) kar a postu Feet km etsy? (VD) pbk Pata "wate’ (Vi) aku “The sufic um is another instanceof homophony of morphs in Tami [Not that Tami disnguishes between two bomoponous morps ote Shape um: the future tense mospheme and te thr peson, singular ‘number, and neuter gender morphemes are realized ty the morph um, fee 144, and, as seen above, the future morpheme and adjecival ‘morphere ae abo realize ty the morph -um. “The negative adjective particles formed by fstadcingthe negative allomorgh -at tothe ver stem, flowed bythe adjectival sua. Examples: xu weep’): ap aara iar (I) aaa fin sleep (TM) tuhicaaea ppootw'pat (IV): pooraara Kelas (V) eet ata at suay: (VD): pat kana ra" at canes 1s [Nominalizd verb forms or verbal soane ‘The grammatical teratore distinguishes several types of nominaizd ‘verb fovms or verbal sous, see, or example, Arden (1912), Andronow (96s), and Paramasivam (1971). Verbal nouns can be distinguished Jato toned and untensedverbl nouns. The later cont ofthe ver stem anda nominalzing sfx. Thee are three different nominalizing fulfices occuring ale the ver tem and thas thee types of unten ‘eral oun £1) veal aoun with ‘The fist typeof untonsed verbal noun consis ofthe verb stem andthe sominazng su -al- Examples: ey ‘do (Cass 1) cera at sod (las VI: petal 1) verbal noun with sa (a), ‘The recone typeof untae verbal noun conse ofthe vee sem and (he sominalsng satel, wth alomorph ual in the ease of so0g verbs: Examples: xy (as): capt at study (las VI): pata 1) verbal noun with ka (4a). ‘Thathind spe of untenred verbal noun consists ofthe verb stem and the sominaliing suc “ta, wath allomosph -tla in the case of song verte. eg ey ‘do (Clas 1): ey-kat pot stad (lass VI) pata “Turning now to the tensed verbal nouns, there are three forms ofthe femedvetbal nous marked for the thes tome, respec. In ad there is one negative form hich i tescas These Tors are formed! by adding the ene oe negative suf the ver stm and then ifcing the nomialig uf“ as) past present ver stem + future segtive slic + omiaing sua Examples: ry 'do' (Cass 1) erate dopo epi do-pesnom ‘syne dotcom ‘yy. aat at do 965-900 atta’ (lass VE) + pat-tan stay pt-om atektirat stay peso Dat-ppsm sdy-nom ai Raa stn “The verbal noun occurs in compound verb construction discussed under 23:44 and inthe formation of complersenteness—sce 44858, How fever, there ie one occurrence where the predate of 3 simple ese ‘ceusin erbal noun form the tented verbal nous feted for fre {ive Hereby the verbal noun form express esderatve modality ‘Mont requenty thi verbal noun form occa in interogative sentences ‘marked with he interrogate lie -aa (153), inestogative pro-oom (15), oF he tg tao (155): (653) dua vey naan katakiup pooratan this beatibe To shop-dat pofonem-O ‘Shall go shopping in this eat” (54) fumaar enna ceva Komi what do-usom ‘Wat shat Kumar eo? (155) umoar cobate Kamar say-fvinom emphemph "Kime thould tl shoul’ he 1. Kumar shoud have fold it shou’ he. | ass Partial nouns and adjectival nouns | The grammatical erature mentions tw0 mote aominalized—stctly speaking prononialied~word forms in Tol: partial aouns and i sjecval nouns Partial nouns may be analyzed as conitng ofthe verb stesn + ‘ers sfx or negative sti a third person rate demonstatie pronoun as bound for. See the following examples wih the ser ey br exyeavan eoyeava copra eoyaver ceeavarkel enya. ey pacar coypaaeavaral erated “he who dat i “they whe di ‘they whic dat “he wh dose “she who docs? "ht hich es “hate who does { “hey who do sty which do “he wo wil do! ‘She whe wil do" “te which wll “hele who will do" “they who wil do" "they whi wl dot ‘he who dete not do? ‘she who dildoeti nt do! that which dfdestl nt do" “nosh wo loci nt do" “they who ditt nat do" "hey shih dal et i {As shown above, the future forms ae irregular insofar a verbs wth a tweak sem, es. cep “o" (lass 1) d not take the future teseallo- ‘orp -r except wth the neuter singh frm cyan ut be future ens allemorph op, which unly acs wth verb of cass V thats Verbs wit amide stm. Verbs wih idle and stron ste, thats verbs of less Vt VI. tae the regular future tense llamar of their respective cls, eg Asp he who aks pat pp-vae who studi’ ntapp-svea be wha walksThe jun given repmentation| ‘nts thatthe word stucure of he patil noun parle the oe of the verbal noun. What corns with te third pers remote demon- ‘tative pronoun—or the nominal suff =a inthe case ofthe verbal hous a tensed verb, Sines the pronominal hed, estan, oir 4 bound form, the preceding vero, which sytsetaly modes the head, doesnot ocur i adjectival parelplefm, Dut only a Leased fom: indo (1971 present diferent analysis According, the ac: val partie form ofthe verb combines with the tied person pro Nominal suffixes anal tc, ark val, which otherwise oot wih the demonstrative an interrogaive stems -and es eg aan th he, va thi he’, and even which "ae (178. Ths a partpa noun form like cnyavan he who di fe segmentizd into fhe ade partsple cep. the pronominal ufix-a:cep-o an. Thana Tends to problems inthe seo! the ftore patel noun forms sine 8 Form like erypevan he who wil do” cannot be segment ito tre adjectival participle form (shih ey) + pronominal sun However, we sm that n Tail ver forms infects for utr tented always have to some extent a morphol! lerslarty 40 tha Os ‘arate property could also be applied inthe pest ese Tm ou disusion we wl however, elo the former analysis accord ing to which the partial noun consists ofthe tensed vet stem, oF ‘ve stem + negate sufi, and abound denonrave pono fr ‘Adjetval nouns consis of an adjective» a third person pronominal sulfse Examples with the adjective nla poo alle-an ‘a good mule person" falaal "good female person? allot (2 po thing” falavar "2 good person’ alla varkal ‘good persons! falerat ‘good thing tis, homever, aot ear wether the word forms of the prt noun and adjectival noun ar par of nletional morphology a sm that's whether the afiastion of « boynd pronominal and prosominal sux Fetes an indectionl category, To atat ths, we wl compare the paral noun and adjectival noun withthe verbal noun, “Te verbal noun can be analyzed es vec frm inlcted fr the ‘eltiona ateory which dates te nomial stu of verb. Thats the nominal slicks the integration of ver into a Tage sHrtue a amin, In he eae ofthe patil noun and aijectival ‘Roun on the other hand, the bound pronominal and pronominal sfx ‘eth function of pronominal, tats of 2 syatctic element ofthe sentence, rahet thar Belg a efeeton ofan inflectional etegory, Partspil nouns and and adjectival nouns ate tus the combination of tro ynticte cement a vd +a pronominal and an adjective = a pronominal, This will be diseased in more detail under 442 with Fespoct tthe partial oun and under 3.29 ith repard to the adjec- fival noun, Forth feason, pericpialnouns and adjectival nouns an teannlyzed a wor forme whch are the real ofa phonaogiel procs {hat eines wo adjacent ect ements by one word form. We wl, ‘eteore, not aeign the patipial noun and adjectival noun tthe ‘domain of inflectional morphology, ba o stax, and dal with both forms uader the sections mentioned above Defective verbs 156 ‘Ar there are nouns whic cannot oxcur with all case sixes and wih fe, therefore, called defective noun, there area number of verbs Which cannot cesur with al tense, person-mumber gender and non- Fite verbal sins, Those vere av keine efented oe defective ‘orb The folowing ie tof detective verbs la Modern Tar: feist “be ot, est nt ‘mats wil a put be hung” Fettcu foo etaht ooo “eel oat ‘Apart from the verb mat Wi” nd ul Me, exis (in one conte! all ‘tse vero have the propet that they cannot cezur with persone fumbergender sties, exept tbe third person-ingular (with some ‘ere tira pervon purl) -euter sine. The reausthat these ver, tthen infeed, not agree with te subject NP unless the later i outer, Defeive verbs ean be elsied according fo the numberof Inetional soines they occu ith and ao scsordng to ther sta tehevin nthe following defective verbs are cided int i hse ‘hich are presented In'a sequence showing ar increasing deqrec of ‘esurence with verbal sues, ust (Gas: it ‘The weak vero ia ‘be, ess, which forms with the strong verb Kat “yet a pair verb, cca al none nite fora inflected for negative ‘Bu ihed person sigue number and noutr ponder, that wih he form htay-on. As such it occurs wih exiential and focative fase tion and is nerpreted as expressog general non-existence, Examples: (156) 2, prey Kiya hese be-nee ce Tere are no ghost.” inte writ ont kooyil kiayaec {hit towndoc 3 temple beeen “Inti tom there ino tempo 138 (Cas 2: moat “Ths anlar er inrodon! par 1.47 ears only na ite Frm with eomnumber gender auliaes. Sle the perp constuction xcs With complements the agate ver for afte or thd penn, sin Tar name, sad neuter gender, oscars wt all peson-aumber-pndee fae exept the the pero ingle and laraeuter ses os ‘maag-en 0) wilt pot ome” wie vera ‘aay (909) wil at come! omen wes aaa ‘(h) wi not come” wlan However, as obuerved by Pramasiva (1985:235) the sur mau an be lifted for thre person. singular ad paral number, end neuter gendor when occuring in» posse constuction mth he passe liar verb pat “experience Example (038) Auzanialsllee cea aqumatitep para maaan. Shildpl "inside goint permitintexpertnceng wiley en ‘Children won't be permite to go insta” 19 Chas 3: ‘The verb ie, exis occurs both a lexical ond as aur verb. As 2 lexical verb toeeursin ene nite and one non finite form withers tnd lative fnetion: (a rte form uamarked for ene and infested for third person, snglar number, and neuer gener, tha un and 8 esses adjectival partie form, ull. With thee two verb forms the lea vet foxes with subject noun phe ofall persone 28d rumbers and with ime advertise of al tenses. Examples: (059) na ipeat one veer ont eeu this houseloe a” maleservant™ female servant house there is male servana female servan dog" (100) meee ia! moat kata w- {eterday today tomorrow shop. bein *Yesterdayltodaytomorsow the shops werearelwil be (pea) ‘Tne tenselessajectival patil form -silusrate by the fllow- ing example: (61) ieeat ha nay homeoe be-e dog ‘the don which inthe ose [Note however, when the ver occurs asain ver, in which case ‘exgreses the spect of prety, otherwise expres by i be—see 5.10, it ocair with all peron:number-gender ries, Hereby the tenses forms are interpreted for present tense. Example (462) naa vance een 1" Come-vop tele Sante alleay you comestp bes fran ene ue he come-vbp best 160 lat ot ‘The two aopative verb and al‘ not, exist no’ ace (ina form ‘uomarked for tense and iene for ied pesos, purl number, nd eater gendet, that at and al, respecely, ao (3) the nope tive adjectival patil form, thats Uare and laura spective TImconrast to the verb ube’ of the previous cas, they can aso cock {Gn the neptive verbal participle form, thats iftaamal an alla ‘mal. These two forms have the alternative forms i anda, which te remnants fom O14 Tam “The two finite fms ila and ol- occu with subject noun phases of llpestoes and qumter aed wih time avert fnses, Examples (163) na 1 a masyaven ibaa you ‘Maden be note von te "Tandyou arches nots sadent.” as) ‘humor ited ilk Kumar houseloe be worn "Yesterdaytodayamorrow Kumar was nit ntl ot beat ome. Whereas ila ocurs both with coplative (163) and existent Toctivefetion (164) ala oor only with copalaivefeetion (63). In addvon ill occurs ako assay verb~see 3.30 and 3.48 The native ajecval partcpe forms ae lasted by the flow ing examples: (085) panam itso manion money be not nega) man ‘man who doe a have money? (285) yoonat attaneo minha Clephaat be notneg adj snimalp ‘animal excep clephants ‘With their nogative participle forme ita-nalan all anna and ‘osu as potporitonstanltable with wihost and ‘eeep, rsp ively, Examples: (257) kamaar: puna tbarmal —_ ve-n-aan ‘Kumar foney be not ncg-vop come-ps-sm “Kumar came without mone. (168) famaar altanmal —elloonum va-ntaarkal Kumar be notaep-p everyone comet “Except Kamar everyone came (Chas 5: yen, poor, tke ‘Ar the verb ofthe previous as, these thee verbs ecu ia one finite {oem inflected fr future tease and neuter gender and two nonfnite focmeajectea)patipe and negative verbal paripe fom In ‘eiton they azo ocr in the iiitive and negate Tarn. “The verb vente request oecus as a defective verb with lexical ‘uncon "want, nee’ and with auxlary fnetionexpresing necey “rust™s0e 310, pooty and lak ose ony a8 lexi vers, meaning “beenowph, ste and, be subi’, respectively. These he eros ‘rear Ina ite form falested for fate tense and third person, Sngular number, and neuer gender, that wi the forms vetum, pootum and tales, They have corresponding negate forms Which be beentaam, pootantu snd aka Hereby the morph am rales the neatve, and thed peron, singular number, and neuer gender Imorpemes, These vers acer the dave case NP + nominative cst INP web scnfone patton tobe dered in dtl der. Exams: (165) 2 kumaarutlnrp pa veer Kamarcdat ik wanes. “ar want mak b.kamaaraaet wnnir veensar Kumardat water” want cg 350 ‘Kamar does not want wae” (170) umask p past pootsm Kumarcdat mile e enough fue3sn "Ml enovgh for Kamar (71) maar ine nena taku KKumarcdat this punisment desene-fa+3sn “Rumar deseroes thi punishment” All dhe verte oscur aio in the pas and negative adjectival partie fem, tate yet pa and veentaata, poor and pootat, lnteenea and taka, rexpetvly. Note at the past tenses always Interprtet for preset tne. Examples (17) a. humaaruthar veeneiy-a pasa umardsp want pad} Book "he mY whic Kamar went i humasrubharp pootsara pasar Kamardst be moncy "the money which not enough or Kama’ fe kumaeraklart ‘okuta pe Komardat fepstad) it "the gil which stb for Kumar” The tue verbs occur alto withthe lafinive form: venta, poor, and late, Thsis ested, however, othe cbos-urrence at he emphatic ‘lite -e int vedupleated constuction wih the negate Ste frm of| ‘he soxpectve ver, Example: (173) tumaarutdae int tani veenea-ce vent aam Komardat is othes wantineemph want-eg 350 “Kumar dos not want tal hee thes” Finally, the verbs under discussion, except ven, cn ako oon the sngatve verbal pert for. Example (179) tamara campalam pootaemat Kumardat salary” be enough-aee-vop etappaei-aan satferpres 3m "The sary not enough for Kemar and (he) sue Le las: mut ter, prt, pt, val pat, awe, aca ‘esbs ofthis lass ecu nat all nom finite forms and the fie forms inflected forthe tree tenses and third pore, singular end pra number, and nester gender ‘Reardng thei datbtion a distinction has tobe made, The verb smut "be Finished, be sezompiinhed? i grammatiaized ton sary er, expressing ability ca, be mbes 3.20. In this cae tocar elective verb. The other vets ccrar a Teil verb. They Have the racer to oceur in the sentence patter dative eae NP + au: tive case NP + verb, tobe dscased im deta ender 36 ‘We will ony ilustat the faite forms ofthese vers since there an Interesting observation eguding tenses tobe made Shenmugata Pla (GO7I:14) noes that when these verbs ccc wit fare tense, habia ality or generality Is alvays expressed. Examples: (075) 2 umaaraklare ciaimaa ptm Kumardat cinema. like fen ‘Kumar ies movies” kumar ti ptek ao Kumardst tea keegan “Kamae doesnot ike tea When intected for, past or preset tense, a parila moment ia the Dust or present ime expreste Examples: (75) 1 humoarutu antap patetatp prams Kumardat that movie-cb ace fke-paten "Kumar ied hat movie bent Int pawotap plein st thie moveable tke prer Jen ‘lke tis moe (ele saving during the Intermission of move show). fe 2 label 3] Chapter 2 | Syntactic categories 20 Introduction Inout dessin of syatacic categories in Tai we will distinguish he fotowing tee types of syatatc categories: 4 erica categories 1 grammatical categorie phrasal eategoris Lexical rtepories correspond to whats aterwise cle pars of speech. Inthe previous ehaper we menoned under 1.2 tat there bo afce- ‘ent among Tal gramsvarians as © how many parts of speech shoud be dtinguthed in Modern Literary Tami and thatthe disnetion of {he following cig ars f speech o lexical catagories proposed bere: 2 verte { postposions| Adjectives, 2 verte quantifiers determiners + conjancions ‘We mentioned sto tat fom a ssely formal point of view, the men be of moe lexical eeteporie in Modern Ta canbe Seni 5 a8 Infested or unindeste noun or ver form. We gave the example of the Postporition pool ke which eas he iene asthe infinite fon of the ver poo! besa, seem. Nevertheless the poxpastion pool ‘cnt be anajed grammatically ito to unt verb tm a0 the infinitive stir, and does nat fancon a nor-fite veral predicate. Syatctialy, behaves diferent from verbs and incon’ 8s a pose palin, Similarly, qute a mumber of noun and ver forms—some of Stich are morpboiogiliy frozen to one purl form ad also sy ‘acti petrfed to a cetiasylacte poston and funtion —do no ‘deploy the eynacte properties of noone and yet in Moder Tas ‘They are, therefore, ened to be reaalyed category to closed ‘lnsorof pontponion, adverbs, ete. The eason for this that Old ‘Tami has ony four parts of pecs two major word classes of nouns adverbs and two minor Word csss of ajectval roots and quanier roots with adverbial function. Due to this historical sas of pans of speech, Modern Tani uss the devie of sytcte reanalysis to eng is par of speech. Thus the dbove given ight pats of speech ial ‘ategores can be cstingvished in Modern Tari "Apstt fom lesa categories Tara has one type of grammatical category: eis. A number of grammatical elements, for example he Inverrgitve element, ae realize in Tani in the form of Bound forme orelies, nal, in Moder Tai eal estegoris, xcept vests, determines snd coajuncons combine with ther sytaccextegores to for get Syoasti const, that is phrasal constivets Thus, Modern Tari roo someting’ one “what a0 > enema! emaveo “omething” “The clic 00 it alo added after the case sufi ifthe pronoun is Infected for eu, eg. yersl-oo “(whodtnd) to someone” Since the referenee of the indefinite pronoun isto «particular niy—even though te dently not spected—this pronoun oeusin| fact, postive declarative seatences, that isin sentences inflected for ator present tense. Examples (200) yaurco vesaarka Into-ed come ‘Someone came. (201) tarmaar e00 ee iran, Kamar which thingind wearh-pes am "Kumar searches for something. “The indefinite pronoun does usualy nt oscur in interrogate oF nea tive semtntis dnd in sontences with the modality of pominiy, probs bili that swith sentences nected for ftir tense or conan ‘del sir ike som. Sma othe elie, the Indeiite te “So canbe sfx wal interogatve words frm indefife expres toes hk where’ +00 + etk-oo ‘somewhere’ Eppoot “when 4-00 + eppodton sometine” as [Non-specific indefnereferenta pronouns "Tet ls whch canbe alized fo the interogaive pronoans— reopen hati the lite -aover eee 2.75. Ir aration cancels the on eferentacy ofthe ineropnve pronoun and stables 2 teferene which not Sedo partes enty, but fo more han one nty or several pore enti, whos dent is ot specified. How ‘ven the reference not Fic all euiies ofa css. Examples yar ‘who! anyone > yaaraavate romeone or other cru Subic hing’ + -agvane + eran ‘something or ote Wen the pronoun infeed for ease, the suhag occas afer fhe ence suis, eg yaaruk-aavtu “(who-dut nd) fo someone OF vber. “The non-specifieindefnite pronoun i uted when the speaker refers to teveral pone ene of cass, whose identity isnot specified, 1 falls that this pronoun doer not oorur im factual, declarative Sentences—pesitive or negntive—that is in sentences infected for Bast or preven tense or nepatve pls (202) * yeuraavane ve-neaarkat thon’ come-pat-pl “Someone or other sre." (208) * yearaovane varias iiho-ind comet w “Someone of oter didnot come." (208) yooranvat ice see bate-arkal iniosnd here owe bulld-eph ‘Someone or ater wil bald» Howse ere.” (205) kumoar evavate keep ce-mam ‘Komar Which thing-ind asevn become fa+3en "Kumar may ask fr something or oes.” (206) evar aman (ies ventasnia ‘thick mle persnsind_ here come-pet hn ‘Did someone or other (male petson) come here?” ‘Asin the case ofthe eliticn um andl oo, the indefinite -onvane can be sufixed to all iterrogative words to form nomepeciic indefinite expressions, eg chu Taher’ + aavatu + ehk-aavate Somewhere or otter! ‘+ -tavans + cppootacvats Sometime or ther" “Toconclue the dicusion of pronouns a Tail, compar now (the referetial orallincusive pronoun, (i) the spec adefiite ‘pronoun, and (il) the now pectic indelnite pronoun, “The general referential pronoun does not veer to particular cntty, buts open ine referencet include all ents of lane. (207) yaarsum vera Sthoxine come-vn become +f 3en “Anyone may come.” ‘The speciiindetnte referential pronoun ster toa partial entity whose idenuty Is not specied eg (208) yaar00 wanaarka Inhosnd come pata ‘Someone cama." “The nonspecific indefinite pronoun does not eeer to a parilar ity mort al he entice Of elas, butt refers fo more than one possible enities of lass, whose identity isnot secede. (209) yaor-aavan vara-v.carkal ‘nho-ind come-apl ‘Someone or other will come." ‘After the discussion of pronouss, we wll dea wth two other ype of ‘ouns-quonity nouns end nunc nouns or momerale—ehich ke Dronount, erat a8 nominal only aus Quantity nouns ‘There are four quantity now forms which occur as nominal in Modera Ta: cla ‘a few pela “many aa all everyti ‘loge ‘ll, everyone’ [Note thatthe noun ellor is obligatory followed by the incisive ite “um-similary, te oun elean when fafested for ease Hereby the elie um occur after the case marker if the respective ‘own i inflected for ease "AS nominal these quantity noun forms occur, for example, as abject acpument, a 9 (210) 19 (212). 210) ila! pala va-neana few many comes “A fewlmany came sphoin (211) tla sarmeane everyting come pstsn "Everything came!” 212) etloorum ve-n-oarkal fveryone come pet 3p ‘Everyone came” aan oj sgunent, inetd or arte ce, asin example (213): a (213) naan cilowarraip paar 1 Hew-obLace seeps ls Since nominals can occur as n0an modifiers, these quaptity nominal occu, of course, also as noun modifiers. Hereby they display 2 Humber of interesting propertis, which have to be disused in ‘etal "As noun modifiers ela, pla, and elsam can occur in the pre ‘nominal position. Ta this case they oecar in the same postions (quantifiers do, that isin the following slot Adj N. Note that Iereby lla drops ite nak m andthe insoaive cli am seers ‘obligatory after the head noun, Examples (216) cla) pala cya ark ew many soll stone-p "sfewimany small ones" 218) lla ecyn ka-kolum Sit Small stone:plinel ‘al all stones The nomin position ‘All four somieals, when funetioning as noun moses, cam also ‘occur in postnominal postion, thats, like quaniers, these quantity ‘ominal ean be osiposed over the herd noun to 2 postaominal Peostion—see 5.8. As mentioned above, the nominal ellorm outs {nly inpost-aominal pasion. Whea quantity nominal se postpored, itis thay whieh ake the ente marker and not the head now, See the following examples: tHloorum, however, cannot oeeut in pre-nominal 216) pusaken-tal lor-ageall palver-al vaahk-ineen oak fewsoblace many ob ace by-pe-le "() boceht a fewimany books (217) pi al ela! eloorm vosntearka Boy pl alll come-ppl “All the boys came (218) ko liars mages ine ine fouwe-p al” goodaeseady be-prescuph pin "Ale houses ar ie” ‘Whereas ellaam can occa both with rauona (217) and nonrational (GiB) nouns, ellogrum scar aly with rational rows (217. ‘Namere nouns Numeric nouns ave distinguished ito crdinal apd ordinal numeral ‘nouns Ordinal numeral noone are served from cardial numeral ‘ours by the addon ofa ct, Cardinal numerals a7 Cardinal numeral nouns occur as nomial. As such they Onur, fr trample, at objet NP ined for accusative case (218), as nominal prediete (200), or as nominal argument of @ postposion in a ostpstionl phrase (221), Examples (219) ave oneal mayen easppt-can he ono-ae only ent pat Sam "He ate ony one (220) evan vayent muppare hen age tiny "His age (6) tiny (221) kamaer murraukie meslee emiean Korey funcved-dat over count pet em ‘Kumar counted over one hueded" ‘As nominal cardinal numeral occur ako 8 noun modifiers, Hereby ‘hey occur in the ame positon as quantlers do, that in he foowing slot Ag) N22). Furthermore, they can alto be tranposed to the pot nominal poston (223). Exaile: (222) umaar inte nll capackol ead om Kumar five see shirtal buyer Sen “Kumar bought five nize shins" 223) kumar all cata sintat vaso Kumar ice shireplfve-sce buypt em ‘Kumar boop five nice shirts, Fora ist of cardinal pumeras and dcuson ofthe various allomorphs Involved inter forms see Andronow (196291). 218 “Tae mameral oar ‘The numeral ona ‘one haa special status son he cardinal mers and ast be dred spartely. When ane oeeue as noun modifier in pre-nominal postion, ft ha special adjestival form: ora Example (224) bumaar oru ik meu eagppit oan Kamie 4" Idi only eatt om "Karma ate one I only.” Otter numerals do not have an adjectival form and occur in thir nomial form as noun modtiers—soe (22). However, when ont ots ‘ uansposed noun modifi in post-aomiaal postin, thas noma form ona. Exaile (25) tumaer it on matin. eaeppic 2a Kamar elione only expen "Kumar ate one I ony.” ‘The activ form on ofthe aera oni alo uted son ndefinte adjectival, coresponding to the indefinite rte, Engh for ‘which Tamil has no separate category. Example (225) ore nate pote, ood movi Moreover, orca lo modify a numer noun, tn this ast fncions sm indefinite nous modifier, denoting “bout, some’ Example (27) ore ampats peer tome ft people “Some tty people Further, on and ort combine with the rots ial ‘more’ and veer “aioreee fo the nomial ann an the adjectival ror, meaning “One more’ and to the nominal ser on and the adjectival veeronk, messing anoter (one). Examples (28) fumaer faoneal veonru keen Kumar move-oge diference-one aseptskm "Ruma asked for one morlanother one. (22) kumaar innoru’ veerort th heap Kumar moveone tea asks "Kumar ase for one morelanater ta Pronominalzd cardinal numerals "The mameral ona has, apart from i adjectival form ory three pro rominalzed form ofthe adjecval form ont, They are marked for ‘masculine ad feminine gender and cpicene gender + honor atts onwan ‘one male peso Cnt ‘one female person" ‘newer ‘one person (aonorisey Otter numerals hae nly one pronomizalied form mated for picene femoer und plore! number, Ite formed by adding the ied person gular-epicere suff ar to that alomorph of the numeral which trersin composite wor forms, ein the case iat tH0 C8 Inewar eo pessoas imevar “aes persons alr “our person far” “ive persons In this ese the sfx -r oes not ave singular, but plural fenton, Pronominalzed numeral ate nominal and ceca arguments of rede Estes, Examples (230) onion vesntoan (ne male perion come ptm "One male person came (31) wer veneaarka to petsons come ptspt "Two persons came." ‘When they cur 36 noun modifier in pre- or post-nominal poston, there is, however, « peelary. Pronominsiaed numerals occuring it oxt-nomnal poston ae not nerpreted ar pronominal, bat as numer Sb only. Example (232) paiyan orwan boy ene male perton “one boy ‘The reasons that wheo numerals ate postpsed over the eadnoun, they ae nominalized—soe 5.8~and appear thus in their pronominalied form. When prosominalized numerals oat however, pe trina poston as noun modifies, they te not interpreted ae numeral, Dut 33 Pronomins, edged a sive amin. Se fore pe 233) one cae tne male person shit "the shit Of one male person" 20 Redupiated cardinal nameras Cardinal mumerals—scuding their adjectival and pronominal fonms—can undergo the process of portal reduction to form dit boutve numerals: Hereby the ft syllable ofthe eardnal tomers redupcated and when nesesay a double dee inserted: ovronru ‘each one, on by one Soren ‘each ‘ronan ech male person vrrat each female paca --oraar‘eaeh person (nono) Ermine each two, ty to Frsrunar “each perso” arch thes” ‘icmutar ‘each thre person’ When these sedupicstd numerals futon 1p distbutve numerals, the cove elie om coesurs with the numeral when I occurs ‘pment NP (23), or pepo noun modifier (29). Whea the names ‘curs a: noun mode i pe-nomioal poston (236), the etiam ‘cous with the esd nous, Examples: (23) tumaar o-vr-ontaruticum one kay Kumar” one persorone persondst inl ticket oqwsan grepsden . "Kumar gate a ket ro cach person. (235) patyat-talo-onarukioum com paricu boy one peso ope aera “ety ave awit ro cach stent” (36) Evirana macpavarkaum ort ary takuctiranrkal fwoutwo. tient pine 8 roomoe sayprespl "Each two stents ay in one room. ‘When onru andthe pronominal forms orsvan, ont, oruar ate 1e- plicated in thelr fll phonclogea fons, fpr! pronouns are formed, eg. ort orem, This is discussed In dtall bdr 5.3, ‘Ordinal mera are derived from cardinal numerals by the nition of the lle aati oF am, 6 ong ‘one’ + ontaavendonraam ‘ra Irene “two" + Srmtaoveairantaam —“yesond muere hee’ + mauaavatlmuanrsom “Tike “The noun mathe fi accre ako nea variant ofthe ft ordinal on neue aam. The cilis -aovet and aam ean aso beaded to ‘nuts mi-onvenimuta-aam. ‘The two forms cardinal numeral “vars earcnal numeral > -aam have etegrically fre states The ordinal mumerl derived by means ofthe elite -avat is 4 ‘nominal The form ara is the future neuter partial aan form of| the verb aa nocome’,mbich bas bosomeelteled. Since the onal snureral formed with hice has the stats ofa nominal ican ocr, for ctample. in predate poxition (237), or together withthe sus vanka (238), and bs noun medi (29) (237) inte obs iranonvae is volume twoord "This volumes the Second (one) (238) kumaar irantaavaaaka vei-oan Kamar twoord adr come pei "Kumar came second (a second one)" 239) ine ionravare roku this word volume "This the second voteme.” ‘The ordinal mineral derived by mean ofthe sufi am, onthe ater hand an adjectival. The af sau the future adjectival partcpe form aak-wn ofthe verb aoku “become, whic has been phosslogsally reduced (0 -aam and acquired a aie status. Therefore, this erinal ‘omeral oars as noun modifier only, Example: (20) irom sok this two-ord volume ‘Verbs occur as predicates in the sghtmost poston of a clase. As predicates they selec arguments, eg atbjct, object, oative NP, aed sign cnet ther agaments and adveriledjuncts. Another syntactic property of vein in Tama i that they can govern subordinate ver forms. As willbe sown a eaper four verb crating ae ite vere in clause fiat poston canbe complemented by non tniteerbs pre ‘ding them. These non-fnte verb forms, being subordate tothe tite verb form, are governed bythe later wih respec to te iatrpre- taton of tenwe oe sec. Postpastons 2 ‘Al postpsitions in Tami ce formly uninfected or inflected noun forms of non-nite ver forms. To expres, for example, the various locate functions, Tal ses aoune denoting asou oeston = por- poston. As mentioned above, the especie noun and ver forms ae ytacilly reanalyzed 0 lored cam ofpoxtpsison. Again, there i'not aways agreement among grammarias whether ven ooun form, for instance, should be analyzed 8 posposton or noun, see ‘Baasabvamaniyam (1973) ‘Many of the noun forms used at postposions ae morphologically efetve, that they cannot occ with all ease markers. Many of these noun forme are also sytacaly defective, ta is they do mot ‘ecu fall omiaal poetons and with all erammati fnetios 38 ‘ther nouns do, For example, the nouns nat and a, both meaning “Center, osc with the locstie ate sult as pospesiions oa. However, they do not secur with fuseoas Ie subject, object, predicate. Those nous forms are thus syntactical faze to pospos tons. A grt umber ofthese noun forms oxic Bosh x poxpostion nd adverbs ‘When a cose ret of noun and verb orms cect postpositions (P), they follow a noun phrss (NP) and form Wit the preseing acum prae a postpononal phrase en) woe For example the noun maatri ‘manne, way’ when occurring 38 post- peston with comparntive fetion "ke, fllons'« noun pire ia cout etc and forms together wilh aoun phase one consti- ‘enta pospoatonal phrase, Example: (202) kumar Lgl panes [meat] katinaon Kunst" pigae Ike en-pssom "Kamar eid ke 8 pig” “Tha he noun form mani, occuring a potpoiton, forms one com stunt withthe preceding noun phrase is eigeaced, for example, by kt sentences—ee 56, n which both the postposton mad and the preceding mown phrase are moved sr one consiteat tthe ight OFT {he nominal verb, Example (2) humane aya oy aa pt on area eke a "wes pig that Kumar was ryig” =m ‘When various sou nd ver fos os postpostions they cease to apy the otc paps oun) Ener 0). Thos the ylache enna tom sauna win to pipiens) Co ‘iain an xno where tnt cn be Hos. “And co. ‘atation is Tal end by teen f te e-odnating Sin v ech lone! eonjed, te 2. Thre, hoveve enti hol ots eel xeon an bo coi pean vn N-ceve Sa eh ‘or ajetive (Aa) + ters (Ady a Aste owing cape shea sf es ity +e ce Suan a the ver or pn pag hn vera pei sue, however, be je ith es ete 24) tumaar raaianvat vit wn munsace yume Kumar Rajeacr howwedat beoceco Aoqakat Alay pinty-um iextinaan, Seddst behind-co sete pet em "Kumar was searching for Raa infront the howe sd behind the shed Inthe above example» noun form and er form canbe co-dinated because Boh of them ae syatactcally reanalyzed to posporitons, We have, therefore, aco-ordation of ental lexealetegnie postpone tion (P) + pospostion “The folowing it it of pospsiions clasified scoring to thei {orm andthe ined noun after which they oes, 1. Nouns in bare form, 2) after nouns in nominative case: ‘madam Wil fom muon Yastament Yori “unl? ara ii 1) Sher nouns in oblique for ‘nial “near om ana side? frukx —‘near”——_from aru earne ‘can ke? from satan moton" ite pear trom ‘iam “nearness fie Yunder’ from iene pekkam “near” from pak nde De “Sesording torom pat manne, way" ©) titer noans in dative ese fppaal "beyond? rom demonstrative sem & ‘ paal'ie ep-puran ‘afer’ from demonstrative stem & pura sie" a “inside? Geom uf nero? gah ‘east from Higa ‘eat luis “below from Aig “iafesonty” ‘eer “south? from seek south pa ‘alee’ from pln ‘porteiorty” Deaku ‘ate’ from pra poseronty” ‘mu, “before” from mau ‘atest mee! “above” from mel ‘superior meek west trom meek "we eae ‘north! from vote "or 4) alter ans in accusative ease: ‘aati ke ror mas manner (Note that some ofthe above ous canals Geer Bs post postions wth a case afi the lcative case six or fhe instrumental ease sult valor wih the euphoni lie “ee, Examples wil be piven under he Sustraton of tein ‘os! postpostons.) 2. Nouns + euphonic lie ‘er noun in dative case: Giree oppo’ from et “he opposite Tpukdcee ‘ares’ from kupubh trnsverseness ‘ally ‘ouside? from vel eaterory” 3. Nouns + lative cate sti ‘ter nouns in dative ct: fargl in betwesn” rom Hai ‘center rmauevsd “igh mide om meq ‘enter 4, Nouns + so-alled averbiisng sli -anks 1) ar napa in obgue lems Sugtaata Through’ tom veel Way" 1) alter nonin date cae: patacke ‘stew! of frm pa ‘subatiue’ 5. Vebs in verbal patie fom, ') aller nuns in eecusstive cae: ‘oq regarding’ from oof tick’ Feri abou from ku ai fonts with from ho ake? furs round” from eur rate" ‘aviraaw veep’ from tavr"avid™ lage, ‘acon fom tam eos? poi ‘about from pert‘? par ‘towards’ rom paarvee Vite trom trom big leave? eeu wit from va pat hoot. towards” fom noob ‘ee! 1) fer nouns in dave case Piatt ater tom pint “be being? frum ‘before’ from muta poesede 6. Verbs in infinitive form. ater nouns in accusative as: lasing eeept rom tr “avi eriye —‘eept’ from oe‘ poota from pool sen vie ‘om vi eave 7. Verbs in coditional frm + pool, ‘afer nouns in dative ce cirraarpoota “opposite? ‘suctaorpool-a “nex #0 from ei ‘oppose’ ftom aq be adjacent 8, Verbs in nepntive verbal partcpe form. alter nouns in nominative eae aera withost from Ube not alcmal “exexpt’ from abe not In the above lis of pospostins the various noun and ver forms when Inesed have been presented in 8 segmentized way for te sake of ihysration oftheir for. Sytactialy,owever, these Word forme are fone element and cannot be analyzed further into pare, They ae ete fs one word form inthe lexicon. In the following tration ofthe pesipostion we wil present the various posportons aranged acon Ing tothe case form ofthe preceing non pres, that according 1 {he case which the postpston overs on the preceding noun phrase 24 Postposins after nouns in nominative case 1) air vith ‘The noun muulay “instument occurs st posposton, expresing Instrumeatal case function "wit, a6 the case sft von! docs. Ex ample (245) kamaar coor maaan haus sren-2ay Kumar key with. doorace’ open pstsm "Kumar opened the door wih a key." 2) vara, soraluon, vray “apo, uti? ‘The noun varl limi coarse uninfested form and in its forms inflected for dative ease + elite -um, thats vara, and inflected for locntive case that vara yall as potpostion which express Soterior location and dvaion “pt, ntil- Examples (246) kumnser vie vraitvaraitbumivar co -ae Kumar houe plo vegeta ‘Kumar drove upto the hows." amar aie man varaveritkumivarsiyi tainaan ‘Kumar five hour ust Sepp ‘eumar slept wt ve olock* en 3) lama without “The verbif be no ocur wt ts negative verbal patil form ik ao ‘nal ws potpesiton with negative isrumental an negative coma ‘oction, Examples (248) kamaar kawwae exo Maina se nan Kumar doocace. oy without opem pot am “Kumar opened the dove witout 3 hey.” (249) kamaar oppaa ilaamal ve-neaan ‘Kamar father withoat come pat sm “Kumar came without father” 4) llama exept ‘Theverb ale no occurs th its negative verbal parpe fom allaa- rma a pxiposion, eprenng exception “exept. Example: (250) faonaar llama elooram va-tcarkat Kumar except everyone some pet pl "Bxeept Kumar eveyone came,” 22 Posipostions afer nous la oligue form 2) pakkam, ene, aru, ka ‘sea? “The nouns pam and ena, meanings, bd the nouns ard and iam, denoting “oearnas. cesar 38 poxpostion to express proximate location near Hereby kim drops bs Gal m- Example (251) amir vite packamlanatarukulkiga one that howse(ob) ear . ‘alomaran neki Sanya tree bepre en "Tyee s+ banyan tee near our house.” All noun forms, except ifm, can algo occur withthe leave case ‘tf as postpoiton: pukka, ama, ar 2) mee‘! ‘The noun mee! ‘superior’, optionally with the euphoni ie -e, tha {swith the form meee, occurs a. postpsion ater nouns in obliqae {orm o expres pero oeation on, in which case the two eas ae fn contact Example: (252) kumacr mescayin mele) kaon When the two ens are notin contact, mee) fellows ¢ noun in dative ease—se below. The potpostion meee) can aso occur with the Lousd postostion unde, which expresses abate function, ©. ‘mecca yi mel run “om he table 23) ander ‘The noun ki ‘inferior’, optionally with he eupbonicclii-ee, that i withthe form Lge), occurs a 8 postposion afer nouns in Signe form to expres interior location “under in Which cae the tw entles fe acon, Example (53) marasin— igge manal ira IMecobieuph ander sand berpret 350 “Tere sand unr he tee.” ‘When the two ens ate nt Kn contact, (ee) follows a pou in {hte case-aze below, hg ca lo eooesr withthe bound postposton| “unt. marten Rin from under the ree 4) aarti? “The oun aa "mete occurs a pnpaiton to express comparison “tke” Example (254) kumsar panrty-aagam karin ean umat pigilie crypt "Kumar cid ikea pit” 5) mua rom "The mown mua! “beginning” occurs with tine nouns a postposion, expressing posterior duran ‘ne, from’ Example (55) onli muta mezal petra morning since rin fall-pee3en ‘Teh ben raining since morning” “The posposition mal can alo expres the sarting point of a seis ‘when a toun pte followed by the poripaation vara "up t', which Sipe te Ed pit on een nh sn. fr ‘ramp (56) one mutt pat vara enn fee fom ton upto count ‘Count fom one ten” 9) pat scoring to ‘The noun ptt manner, way" oxcurs as a posposition which exposes “aecording 0, Example: (257) tumaar joati katuppaaree pat ——_alyaana Kamar caste rle(b)) sorording to marge conpaial ‘dune aot pla "Remar sie maery azcoding othe caste us.” 17) wesiyaaka “rough ‘The oun vei pa, way! wih the so-called advertising sufi -aoks ‘xcs ak posipostion, expressing moon through an object through Example 258) humacr totam vaiyaaka vena Kemae gerdenobl through come pt "Kumar ele through the garden” 226 ‘Postostons after nouns in dative case 2) pat ates “The noun plraku ‘postesorky” cur a potpostion,expesing po leo location in time “ate Example: (59) kumaar eaappast m-kharp ptak tiki Kumar meats falter seep-res- isn "Raumar sleep after lnc” 2) appuram ‘ater’, behing’ “The noun puom ide" occurs afer the remote demonstrative stem &, which tigers doubling ofthe noun inal stopp thats with the form _rpwwam, as posiportion to express poster locaton fa ie and hace “tier, behind Example: (260) maar or meates appara vent aan Kumar one monthobidat eer come-pit 3am "Kumar came ater one month (251) stutke appara ont toogam ikea howe-dat behinds arden bepres en ‘Behind the house is gtden 3) appaa!‘beyons* “The noun pa ‘side’ occurs after the remote demonstrative stem ‘which tigers soobling of the tna sop. hat with the orn Which expresses terior location “beyond. | (282) saprucki gppas! ont Aiaamam inka fiver beyond 8 illge | Bepressin "Bayon the sver thee ia ila” “The pospoiion apa! can ako ocsur withthe Bound pospostion “inns ch hs ablative case faeton, 6, agri oppanlnts “rom Beyond the rive. 4) vata ‘not, iguana Noth’ mark ves ‘The four vecton nouns atk, kat, ter, and meer ‘orth, ft south, west acura poxiposos, exresing the four directional Ioestion. Example (0655) sarah ‘The postpiton mesfr), when oeunig after a noun in dative ease, ‘apes superior loetion above’ abd no-conact ofthe two entities waived. Compare the following (264 with (252) above. (064) move meee) ont vilken skirate fabledat above a lamp" hangpres-in "lamp i hanging above the table” ‘When following tne oun in dative case, meen) expres superior Iocan in ine “afer. Example (265) kumacr sins man-ki med(e) rentann Kamar five howrdat afer come ptm "Kumar came afer Sve 003k” 6) his "beow ‘The posipsion Kee, when ezcusng afer» noun in dative cae, xpreaes inferior Ieation below and non-contact ofthe two eats involved. Compare the following (266) wih (23) above, Example: (258) meecakkurk Rize) or pet irwtkinate {bledat below a box bepresdan "Abo i below the table" 21) wisi, int, wii? ‘The noun uteri, optionally with the euphonic etic -ee, that x withthe form ule) eceus a8 2 postpsiton to expres interior location in space and tine into, win. Example: (251) tuemsar vibte lee) poosraan Kumar’ hovsedst into gost "Kmar wen nt the ose Frequeny fe ecu as bound fom, especialy wih tine nose (258) kumaar ina voorastuk-afe) vel Kumi tha week obdatthin worktce mutha veneaon Fnisheint muse fn "mar bast inh the work within thie week. 8) vetye ‘ous’ “Tne noun ve “extesioey, peter with the euphoni ie, hai withthe form vely-e, cous a5 posipostion to express exterior Toetion outside Example (2) siti velee ore extam intkirate houz-dat outside very noise be-pres sn "Outide the house there lot of ie." 9) muy, muna, rnp, mun before, a font of ‘The noun mun ‘ateriet optionally withthe insrumenta case sux hat with he fom hue, ose a &postpostin to express ‘Bodon to an terior locaton ‘ares. Example (21) ons ei —_moscaitar kurukkee oot ty-an 2 fpowemble-dat acoss rurpetn “A mote tan aos the table 12) etree, ek, el ‘opposi “The non arth whieh opps’ ocurs with the euphonicelie-ee nthe dative ce sfx, or the feaive esse suf hat with the fos ene, efi, and ev as postposton, expressing cterior location “opposite. Example: 275) ante viva etrecetikdaltil ort koovl that housed opposite a eagle trthipant betes "Opposite thar house isa texte." ‘The postpositon el oscar also wih the ablative ease marker, eg gtk errant opposite he hows’ 13) fest, nani inthe mide of, beween" ‘The nouns Ha and natu, both Of which mean erate’, ccur together ith the locate case sul ha withthe for al nd mates 1 ass pospoiton to express media lotion “between, nthe mile of. Examples 276) tras nacvitayil on oot iwi towne ie the middle of 2 temple teres en "There ia temple ‘Both pospositions occu uum naga yuna eam the mide of the toe 14) pataak instead of ‘The noun pal "answer, exchange, substation” together withthe s0- called advebiling sift ~aaka czar 28s postposion to express “instead of Example: 27) chimaa-vublarp petlaaks-k keerkars kay ‘Shema-dat ead of beachdat gos ipt “Instead of othe cinema we wil go tothe beach 15) exitaarpoota‘oppeste ‘The ver er "qppote’ occurs with ts condtional frm etstaal + the posiposion pon ike tha is withthe form wren pools, 36 = osipsiion fo express iter location “opposes eg 2) koovluthu titanpoole ore kulom tira temple-at opposites temple. berrerS “Opposie the temple thee i tank.” 16 antaarpooa ext “The verb aja be adjacent ostra with ts contionl for ata! “Tine pontpostionpooa ie that wi the form aaa pool, 38 { postpstion to express adjacent location ‘ext ©. (219) ania ints omaepoote ont kal iwAkipate thet howedat sexta shop bepress ‘Next to that howe 8 sop.” an Postpstons afer noua ia accusative abe 1) pore, kui about “The erin pgs’ ad Aug sm’ oceue with her verbl pate forms papel and kate popontons expressing ‘about, Example: (280) taenaar moziivlatp parr peecn-sant Kumar Tngustesace about takpstm "Kamar talked about nguites” 2) pont, nook "towards! "The vers paar and nook, both meaning see ocur wih thei verbs! partisple forme paar and nook! os positions, expressing the [iesion of verbal or mental act toward? Example: (231) famaar raion vat paartulnookkip peeiran Kamar Rajescr towards alls "Rumar talked towards Rela” 23) cu ‘around ‘The verb cu “le ocean with its verbal patil fom our 8 posiposlion expressing icumferentlleation ‘around’. Exampe (082) wien euprreenakkata ikkicate fowe-scearoand guter bepres-sn "Tyee it gfter around the howe.” 4) ani ‘sros ‘Thever tone ‘os oscus witht verbal parc form amt a Psipostion which expedsr ler Ieation ‘aco 8 (289) eke situ koovikaéy leant inka Web) house templeace sero bere Sn “Our house les across the temple” 5) avr, vee, oa ‘exept “The ver fair eave, ave which oecurs oth a tong and weak verb. used with he verbal artis form of te rong ver ster. hs IG wie the frm tvs, and with he ifative form oe weak Hem, that is with the’ form tava, 26 posposion, expressing exception “excep, besides With he same funtion occur ao the er tense sth infinitive form ogy. Exe (28) uonaorals tavitutavnsloriva vecu yor Kumarace. except ee whorinl vara ome ine no-a "Except Kumar no ane ele came.” 6) on connection with’ ‘The verb oft ck’ cout with it vba patie form op a= 3 posiposion which expresses conection wih, suring. Example (285) humaar aurayect rat out vebnaar kre Kumar research-ace repuing foreign councydat pope "Tp Eonoection wih sesarch Kumar went sbrod. kona, vita wie ‘Ths ers ko ‘ol and vp ocr wth their verb! parti forms kon-tvandva-tvaspospostions,expesing be seam function, ‘otherwise expressed bythe case suf aa, Example (285) kumar katy ab Konuaite posaarat omar rifeace sith frutobrace vectra east "Rumar cut the fru with a kif. 5) iga tromt ‘The er it eae with its verbal parcpl form sien ecu a 8 ‘ospostion to express source of motion “rom. Example (257) bumaar virat st oot ann Kumar howse-ace trom ran-stim “Kumar ean say from home.” 9) poota, maa “ike “The ver poo! "be simile wth infinitive form pooa andthe aoun ‘moet manner, way’ outa 3b posponiion to express compan ke’ Example: (288) uonaar pauctp pools kann Kamer figsace like ceypstom "Kura eed Hike a pig [Note inthis context thatthe word map 3¢ noun coil never asin courte ene tothe preceding nous, aim the above example. Oxy titer eateporical reanalysis 10 8 poapositon, aati, following the behavior of pool, can govern accusative case 10) wit than ‘Tae verve eave’ witht initve form vit occurs postposton| to express comparison ‘than Example (289) tumnaor rajoa at va uyaram-aak ikki Kumar Rajeacs than Reightady be-pes-3am "marital than Raa" ‘Ajectives 228 ‘The grammatical tersture dsngushes between simple and derived adjectives in Modern Tal. Both types wil be dssased nthe flowing. a» Sto ‘Tavs cpr of ads bx antes nt aay i oat Tailob trending dacone pcre ott tnd sxe by Anon (37) ae flonng we Seon ras LT has wd frmton poss hha roto sufsion nmi fade oa ngs oesvenel ong Sees tn pa salen "who have rent? talay "you who have strength ‘alan he who hae seat aha they (hing) wick have strength salen “who am good? ‘aly “yu wh are good? raga “he whe i go08" ‘alia “the(thing) which ate good, good ones! ‘These word forms have been variously refered toa apelaive nouns, personal nouns, or pronominalied nouns Sytacically these word forme are comples pronominal, coming of pronomialnead-—the ‘ronominal suffi “complmenied by 4 preceding noun (phra) oF $Sjctve, ae shown by the folowing representation and expressed by the above given Englch translations PRO b PRO NP PRO A} PRO. ‘Asnominal thts complex pronominal cca in al osions «nominal occur, that isa subject, objet adverbial, predicate, and noun ‘modifi. For example, the form nal, which consis ofthe adjectival {oot nal good, iw andthe third personplra neuter sux -e which may be translated with they (chins) which a goodie” of “poodiice things (ones) occurs a object i (251s), az predate in G3Ib), and as noun modifies in ey 0) 91) a. maha uae (Ruut 2955) ice pin say ‘Sing nie tings bis vaal lat natero0 (Aliupunua 193) Whiteness bangle ice Spin-O +e the white angles ne aes?” enalke per tol riceplo ig shoulder “the ig shoulders Which ae pie ones In Modern Tail these complex pronominal forms occur only with 3 {esrcted namber of adjectival ows and nouns and thereby oly with the third person plusi-neter sift “oe Mal "good alla, pert "pret pera, eek "beauty agak-2, mana evening: mania [i these cases the pronominal sli -ahas lost is oppston Yo other person, number, gender categories and has, therefore eased 1 fune- fiona pronominal suf Moreover, the whole word farm has st the ‘Syntace property of pronominal These word forms donot occur in the vaio nominal postions anymae, such as abject, object, pred ‘ie, es. but only inthe noun modifier poston, asin the as ‘OW Tam example (29%). These forms ae thas syrtacsclly zen the pre-nominal noun modifier psion. For these reson, wor orms like alla and acy aesyntnetely eaalyed to adjectives (Ad) i “Modern Tamil and canot be segnentzed anymore, Furthermore, since ‘eve forms have th ctegral sutus of an ajetve, they have 10 Be fominalized when they occur inthe predate postion a, apart fom ‘erbh, only nomial, but no adjectives, can oscar as predicates in ‘Tamil—e Glow. The most important members ofthe cas fae tives are given inthe following, Here the eespecive forms are cone wasted with thelr osurences in O14 Tal Modern Tomil Old Tait Guia ‘small cia mall one” fom eby ‘all fila “good alle “good ones from nal good! passive “ad” pacaiy-a “ld ones” fom pal “Ok Pere ig) prise’ “ip onst! om per “ig! Duta ‘new puissa “new ones’ fom put “ew zat “beaut agakiy “beat ones from aetubeay? nes ofthe meorin! {tom kel "narala aasiye ‘morning? aly Aajetves are defined a3 lea eategery i Moen Tail om the thsi ofthe folowing sete properties i) asjetves occurs noun mofo ina pre-nominalposiionbetween ‘determiner (Det) eg bua, and the Read noun(), iat inthe following slot Det —~ N. Examples! 22) inte mata paiyon this ree boy “his ice boy (293) ina asaya pen his Beaute his beaut i 3s mentioned above, when adjectives occur in predate poston. they bie to be sed, ht soca he form ofthe wet ‘norsee 1.55 Tha tated by the following examples. (294) inp paiyan atl an this boy" nice dm “This boy isa ale one (295) ap pom aakiyar-a this it beaut st “Tis pls 2 beautiful one 1) adjectives are the only xia eategory which sno abl to eooecur ‘with cite of whatever Ope. 230 Desived ajectves ‘The pat adjectival participle form ofthe verb aka "become tha she {erm ana, occur bound form added nouns. nthe the sou + aon constactionsocear inthe syntacte postin of imple adjectives {hate betwesn determiner andthe Read noun. Exampies (296) one azok-ana pe 2 esutytecomepst-ad “a beaut git” 297) on wyeranaone sata 2 eight become ptad} busing “a bigh bul” 1 the ekove examples, the amma kerature analyzes the bound ‘jecival partite van a form which bs tequed stil sats eters to te drvational sufi, The adjecvalized non then Snayzed as derived adecve. However, there is abo an atsnaive Snalysieavaale First note tha thee are ter adjecvel particles ‘which occur abound fon alters nau i the poston ofan ajectve For example. the pat aujetal parle form are ofthe dese verbent tease iutied to nuns, ar sion by the following example: Furthermore, there area adjectival paripes which oor a a es form sth one rou nly athe Sot between determine nd head noun. Ser the following examples (299) 3, or tar tits kaa 2 iter be notepad tok ‘tank witout water (in Whi there sno ater) ort papa flr manitan 2 money bead) person "person with money (wh has money) “The noun + adjectival prtiple sequences in (299) are ented tobe syzed ws adjectival aunes consting of o verbal presente with one ‘ou argument ony. whe accu nthe poston between determiner nd het noun: DeeS-N. Consequently the noun + bound adjectival parizple constructions in (286) to (48) may be analyzed inthe same fation. "The grammatical status ofthe noun + -anyeconstracions—whether etvedjecves or adjestival lasers san unclear part ofthe ‘Tami grammer. For the sake of a formal representation ofthese con- ‘arictons we il present them wit he morphologic gis of edjes- ‘alized noune as Ned Adve 23 ‘The grammatical Iteratredtingihes betwen simple and derived ‘vet ia Modern Tamil Derived adverbs ae sad to be formed fom ‘nouns by the sulisstion of the so-called advertising vi asks. Ia the presen description, we wil however, eer to these word frm ‘ows + -aokaconsrucions, 22 ‘Simple adverts Inthesaine way a¢ «number of uninfected and iolested oun and yer forms are syntctialyreanalyead to 8 closed set of postpostons in ‘Moder Taso areas numberof sm ane ver form etepoical feanaly tow cowed set of adverb. There seven am overlap of Word forms which are postpostion and adverbs ‘What justifies the potulaion of Separate category of adverbs in [Modern Tarai are word forms such 5 aad “requenty Inimee! “ere? ry mara “agsin’ ‘mnt “psi’ mela” Sly? Formally these word forms canbe identified siete ver forms or ‘composite word forms coming of @aoun and a elie: Thus, mela ‘Slowly’ can be iene a the infiive fem of the vero mel "be so, stich s mrpholopealy frozen fo the ini form in Modera Tarai. “The word fort mit the verbal patie ofthe ee) mal ing tock followed by the clei, The word ia “eres com posed of the nominal rot inf present moment” and the noun mel Sepeiony' The word fermion is composed ofthe nominal root ing) momeat” and the clit um, The form aa ex Toray be Segmented nto to’ + dnive cae rll “fu “+ a “Sle Finally the word form marapayur consis othe adjectival oot mara ‘other + the noun ptt manner’ the citi, Sytacaly however, the atove word forms canna be analyzed a presentations of two oF ‘more moiphemes, Grammatical bese word forms ue pot decomnos- tbe. They are one lea ui ant as uch std inthe lesicon The sole “acti funtion of these wor forms sto ozer in pre-verbal postion ‘verb moder, thats as adverbial. Example: (600) lll minut igimeel va lowly aes hereafter come “Cone slowlyagainerater (ne bas oftheir ayaacie function, these word forms are, therfore, ‘ateporicaly analyzed a aver, "As mentioned sbove, many word forms which acura posiposions ‘cer alo as adverbs, that, they have ential dstibation Uke mela “lows, nied hareater ata requeny el. The following i listo noun and verb fos which ave syatctallya double cerca status of potpostons and aévebs *) emitted nods forms (+ euphone elie -e) ‘ppaole “here” from demonsrtve sem a: + past Side’ + euphonie elie ee appuram “aferwart! trom demonstrate stem a= + puram ‘side’ + euphonic eee lee “ncide’ from inten” elite ee ‘tree ‘oppose’ from etrtha which oppose! + ‘ie sige ‘neat’ from ita nese gaku ‘enst fom Apa "eat + elle Lier" ‘down’ fom ie “inferiny’ + lee Fagukkee ‘actos! for Aupubk“wansversenes + front” fom mun atteroiy’ + elie ftom mesa west ci -e ‘tom mee ‘super + cee meer “west imesoe “a5 i pee “behind” om pn ‘posteriori’ + elie -ee paki ‘sherwnrds fom pitaku poser” Vatobkee “noth from tnt "north + ie ce ‘woe vel ‘exterior + cle ze 5) poun Fors infected for locative case Vii inthe middle fom Kaen’ locative eet null “in he mile fom nat center + lative ae au 1 verbal partite forms ear “etberatey from pao ‘es Dinter fom pin be behing? Imunt “fore from mnt precede" ‘Apart from the above word forms 2 numberof cher noun forms occ ‘nth adverbial fusion. They cosa the Cound demonstrative and Interrogatvedetermisersa- ander the wor intial demonstrative and inerogative vowels. Examples pp tis way? pp that way ‘pat which sy, how p-poom “hist, now ‘pepoon at ime, there” ‘Sppoate wie time, when” ik “his pce, here” ‘ha “hat pace, there" ‘hk which page, where ing ‘his day, oy ou “that oy" neu which doy" Even though these word forms are generally signet the category of ‘avery tls nt sear whether the) shoud be so. Tere ar examples ‘hove ese word forme dono fancon a avers. For example, he folowing verbless sentence tems 19 be az ouzartence ef the NP NP uation sentence type In Wich lppoon his tine” eur 36 the subject NP. 201) ppoom nat neem this time good time "Ths time (nom) i a god tine.” “This songents that Tamil as a et of word forms containing he demon ‘Hrative and intcrogative morphs af, abd either 3s Bound deter ‘miner or word inal vowel, waichpecur as nominals, As soch they {So however, aot oceur with ll nominal funetion, © sbjet func tien a ‘Sententladvere ‘Aruniber of fled noun and ver forms ae sytactcaly reanalyzed to ssntenia adverbs or mverbil connectives Hereby, they scar ina pressentential poston apd express the seman elton between Wo Fentences, eg ete, const, et. For example, contrast can be pressed by: anpatiyum “nevertheless fom demonstative stem a ‘pat ey + nde eonsal —“but however fom au become + ‘ondional Sullix-aa! Iruntaatam “however om ube" contol sfx -nraa! ‘once cium ‘anyhow’ fom en whie + ate ‘ie tie + Ince leu uk jon of ease can be expresied by the flowing two “anerefone fom atu‘ + cuphonic Increment istumentl ce aa ukelyoat “herefore’ ‘rom repulse verbal noun form of tnt becoe intent ‘ie ii al Example (01m) noon kunsariam hat hee en. 7 Kumarlac oan esp Is leeneneaal en canola sum vara ecauee | ob) slaty sl” eome-in-be nota leonwall made enniam onrun ote eat however Kumar Hoc saything gvesn-be tpn lemon] nikal avon ak Reet kaa Inyhow you(l) Keaceask-pom-become$ fue San “Tinked Kutar for a loan because my sary hs sill not come, However, he ck give me tying Anyhow. you can sk im Noun + aka constructions 2 “The Inflate and alo the verbal patie form of the ver aut ‘come’ tat franks agd aay. respectively, exeur as bound forms seledto nouns in Modern Tamil. When -coks-ary sce sufixed to ‘uaity nouns, sverbins, which are anata by adverb in Engi Sr formed Example (008) 5, kuti veekamaokatony oon howe speedy ronpres3 The hore i anning ft.” pen arkeaake pay poatetiral fel Senutyndy sing press “The gil inging beauty” Fortis wasn, the grammar erature has analyzed the sufaton ‘of aka any to nouns ae dervationsl process. The six -aaka-aay ts een regarded san adverbial sti, which forms a derived aver from a nour However, the eaeprial satus of-ank-any a a detivae ‘onal sui is fr fiom being established, nr is its acerbiaizing function in all he cats offi occurences. Alresdy Annals (1968) notes many ocrarenses of the si autatay wc oun Which Cannot be asalyzed ar manner adverbs. Ab the discussion in the frequent sections shows, the sux -aaka-ay isnot rested 0 be Suached to quality nous and to form manner adverbial, It can be ‘hdd to aloe ony noun and the reeulingconrrction dows ot lays function ae an adazbs. Inthe following we wil preter n data he ‘aous unetios a the sufi -aoka-aay inthe various contexts cee “and, thereafter, return othe question ofthe eatoncl satus of is fifi nthe examples me wl ose ony the sul -aoka und no is ‘arian form say. For lack ofan sppropiate tem atthe moment, we Weil retain the term aderbiaaig Sufix (ed) in the morphologic Bos as Menver [Ar shown above, one ofthe futons af the sux aa isto express tanner. Nae that i Some eases, hat is wih nous of emotion the ime funtion is expresed by the socative case sue oot. EX ample: (30) fumaer catia aake pt eairo-toot peceir-me Kumi angeredy angeroblaoe falept nm "mar talked angrily. 2.36 ae “Te sufi ate can apelly cole as expressed by ‘as in Enis Examples ual yaakep pooch 608) ipo on as talk-inf-be not-3ptn speaking now nol as Your bss, but as your fae.” (606) fumaar rian veake:p plr-ntaar Kumar Lingadv be bor-ps3sh "Kamar wae bom m3 Kin a7 sul (of change of stat) “The sufi cea ean express the eoacepe of esl hat yt masks a ous a hat nt which something grows, changes, orc made, In this ‘Sie aka corresponds tino n English, Examples G07) tamer paitiataaran-aoka maar tan Kumar madmnady change vbpeeaveps3im "Kumar changed into a madmen." (08) ical rentanka vets thivace (weal cat “Car thes into two. (209) kumnaor tantra: iva eakk- any Kumar waterace lee-adymake-ptam "Kumar ade water no ie" 238 Com “Te tui =a can express the concep of comparison corresponding {0 ken English, ss etherwige expr y the postpotion pool Examples (10) ort mac om imisam aap pooyines 3” month nutesdy gop “a month posed tke a mite GU) kumar peti peanpaata einen Komse or” Snake get controled pss ‘Kamar calmed dowa ite charmed snake 29 Taefnite ation ‘Whe sided to vested aumber of tie and place nouns. he sis “ak express indefinite location in ime or space. Th loeatve case von the oer hand, mould exees det locaton. Examples @12) amar exayikelansaoke-p pooyit-aay Kumar evening potvbpleavetcom "Kamar Het some tne i he evening ava ooram-aake wksorncon door edge-adv stp "Kumar was siting Somewhere ner the door.” Comitatve ‘The rlfix asks can express the comlate function, a otherwise xpreied by the soriatite case suffix ~oty, However, there i the onsralat chat with this function he sutix-akcan oly be attached 10 {noun co-ordination with en Example (814) humnaer penitan pusakan-une-ate va a0n Kumar fencteo book ay comet "Kumar came ith pe and Book. 2a Purpose "The suis -aaka express lea the concept of purpose. Ths cus. however, vay inthe contest of a restcied sumer of ers, e1- poo ‘go Incomparion wth the dative cane sux the sua expresses es defistanes. Exar! (215) humaar ont veelay-aokep poos-aon Kumara workadv go-pam "Kamar went fr tome work” 2.42 Duration of ine ‘When sacked to's time noun, the su saake expresses dation of time is period of tine beaianig isthe post contines at he time of peaking It follows thatthe ver ofthe sentence ust be alvais Infect for present tense. Here adh covtesponds 10 the pepostion ‘or in Englah, Examples! (16) maardt nase varagan-aake bucke-en Madrioe four -yearady bepress “(have been in Madras for fur year G17) kamaar tikee pam mastamaaka veal ce-Li-ann [Kamar here ton montheady work dopes-‘ar. ‘Kumar hae bean working bere for ten moti” ‘Sal Performance ‘The subjet NP can oxeur a second time inthe sentence ogetbe with the sux santa. In ths ease, thesia expresses that the subject, performs the ation himself aad on isn wil: Hereby the sujet NP Evenly dete! sony the cedupletedsbjoct NP with ane wi ‘ez overly. See the folowing examples: 18) (nein) naapaake nk kateseal —exuniners ree age thi leorobtace ste pals "wrote eater by myst” 9) ora) oman ans ak atany fea that house ball-ptam “ie ul at hose y it as samy ‘her the sbjet NP. a in (320) and (32)-0F he object NP. a in (32), irae with th fi aa, he ener of qu is NPS, © 620) raamesartil —ayarabonke kk gar ERamenvaramablioe trohmin lady Depe9. “There nea lt of brshmins in Rameawara” 21) ankee vit aoka inokkineana there house-adw Be-pres-euph pin "Thee reo tof Rowse” (622) kumaar kaapp-akark hub Kumar coffee-adv dein pes “Kumar drinks aot of alle” 24s Gradualaese ‘When the pfx one is added to 9 noun modified by ovvnu each ot | to the redupliated numeral noun on “each on’, the concept of ‘adulation is exposed. Examples (623) kamaar ovvors colaakee co Kamar each wordady sy 936m “Kumar sid each ward one By one” en) 246 Morentriness Inthe contracion NP dative + NP nominative + ved in ‘be' "be tot, io be diane under 3.7, the nomiatve case NP can take the flix asta wen consting of @ noun denodng an emotion or body {eelng In thir este momentary cxstence is expresed. Example (225) hamarubku eeiram eae ‘etki Komardat angerady. bepressn "Kumar ow angry, 2a Repetition ‘iten the six -aoka latched tothe cosine structure of two “dutive cate NPs conjoined by -um, the concept of repetition of the ‘tion othe verb oeuly ont of moto) is expressed, Examples: 626) Kumaar vaaeatukkeum tenevubk-amceaks nanaan TKurmer Entance-daten gret-detepady walkepsssm "Kamae walked beck and forth between the entrance and the rs” (27 pen edna ka ont aman boy. second lordatco fist Moor darcoady conta funpsm "The boy was runing up an down been the ist nd second Seer 248 ‘Aeration ‘Two verbal noun clause conjoined with um and followed by te sui “ake cea as monner adverbial before finite ver In this asthe tctions exprewed by the verbal noun cause coordination ae sul faneous with the on ofthe nite verb th we verbal noun forms a8 ideas the sti aot expeset so thatthe two scion occur sitermately. Example: 628) kumaar omnatp paerkkiraton avelaip Scopes "Romar eas Ookngallerutly meat adhe." 20 Focus ‘Az shown under 2.29, ajesives cur after the determiner o quantifier Sand before the bead nous e-bay era appl two stall apples. Forth sake of emp the sjective can be moved to font postion Hereby the adjestve b nominalized snd the sf vonke added £9 ‘xprest fous. Example 629) clyasaaka rane agp aaa Sallsomade tye. apple buy "Bay wo sll apie. 230 Summary ‘We srted the discussion of he sti ks with thas ates in which t was added tos noun fo forma manner sdversial.For this en, the Suffix -aaka has generally been veletred to as adverbalzng suf However, asthe subsequent lustaton ofthe various functions ofthe suffix enka fae shown, ts feton fr fom being restited o form tanner adverbs Ab we have seen under 238 10 24. in rin instance te sufi -anka hae case marker futon. Reel tht one ‘cere of the sufx-aaa is recogni as bound posipostion ofthe benefice ease (¢f 1.17). Even though in these eases te noun + saaka consrution functions syntactically always san aver here ino reason to cll he sufi ata with is various semante function of rmanser oe esl, comparison, et, aera sufi inthe same way te thereisno reson call th instumentl ces ut -on an adver) fuffix jst because 2 noun > al consniction fnctons sntetaly was baer Moveover, as e have ee in ater eset. nua oF out phrase + -asa does nr aways fuacuon as adverb. Remember 253 and 244 whore th affix nafs added fo noun ghrses which. have subject and object function In these cases the suix-aka functions Hie itis, Note i ths content tht theres arather form of the ver ‘nko future peter pata aun form ana, wich bas been ‘rarmatialzed tou cite. Depending on the context the sli aa ‘ay, therfore, be aalyed eteporealy ss «Sound papain or & 2st Quamtiners 2 closed roup of word forms ocr a quanti: ftom Aoican “smallaes Inana! “bis many’ trom demonstrative determines - + tga ‘number ‘atansi “st many” from demonaeative determines ‘tga ‘numb etapa ‘how many’ rom lnterrogntvedeteminere fromlve “his much? (rom demonstrative determiner ‘alae vv “that much’ from demonsrative determines a= lve extent ‘evvolane that ch’ from interopaive determiner tie extent rirwnpa ‘wus’ foo ramp ‘be fll + iaftve rigsiya mck, many” fom nea “e fal? + inftve sie kava’ fom mt incress’ + tive Slice nue ie im All ofthe above quantifiers ean occur 2 nour modifers. However, a ‘ich thei etbtion is pot denticl The quan migu whole, one ‘ofthe few agjectival ont of OL Tai stl occuring a Modern Tar precedes always the head noun immediatly. Example: (630) ana mage iw that tle, owe ‘that whole bows’ “The quanti ca is» remnant of the Old Tamil advebil ros in ‘Modern Tamil. Ar noun modifier it restited 9 the ccxurence before time nous only. Example (31) cage nec "se ine “The quantiormikavam ‘much! oscue as agen mode only before ‘oun tlw bythe sux -aak (352) or before nouns which oc 6 ‘rgunent of a closed st of adjectival partpes such as ana ant, ity, et) (232) eel mika azataatary paarraat fhe mach” beauyeat sng pet ‘She sing very beauty (with uch beat) (633) mltayum velicam Waaea vit moc” ph be notepad) house : owe without mich ight Allother quantifiers sur a oan modifier before sjecives, that isin {he following ots Ag) N. Example (634) nigsiya koncomd tana! tral perv vie fnony sow thiemany this any big house “Tangles many big hours" All uansifers, except cae “a ie’ and mikavum ‘rue, ean be Tanspved over te head aoua when they enar a noun moe Tis We ueusied in etal under 58, Here only one example willbe sven: (635) famaar tana velar coapit ann [Ksnue_water this moch exept Sam “kumar dank tht mich water ‘With the exception of muzu whole’, ana ‘his man ‘many etna “how many, spd ava much tka as vero msierin pre-e postion. Example ana hat sane oc (636) 8. kumaar corre tian Kumar ile seeppsse. "Kamar let ie” 1 kumaar niaia! kofcam! vali caappiaan Kamar mucha lie thiemch extpaSam "Kimara tog much itis much. Fal, the quantifiers Aacom ait’, aio this much, avyata “that mu evalana how mech ana much’ and ara acht Cn alo ocar a adjstive modifarto frm wih te following adjective fn adjective phrase (Ad) P) Examples G7) aL hoon! tala eral tie ie thmach small bose “sie bi suk a smal howe! amp! mara na| paie “avery nce boy" 2s Determines "Thee ae two determiners in Modern Tail. Both are demonstrative, Which ocr in peor poston, They spat a ely terete ‘ofa nosn peste by describing the referents proximity tothe speaker. ‘The proximate demonstrative determiner is la “is hee! aod the ‘emote demonstrative determine ania ‘hat, thos’. Examples 639) inp payor this boy “his by” (39) oa vital ‘ove howse-pl “those houses 283 Coninctions ovrdiation in Tani is mainly cealzed bythe use of tis. This it ‘decused in detail under C16. However, there ate also a number of ‘orb forms which ae sytaccalyreanaiaed wo co-ordinating comune tion wor ‘yao! “but” condioal form of anki "beome” fete “oe nominal orm of al be ne IMetyenant “oe! al be not Spe’ + conditional form of en sa" “These conjunctions ae edt co-ordinate, for example, two adjectives (G40), or tro nous (34): (640) ira gana mala pen fall fot le gid “Smal ute gi 41) tumaar lletlaivenral anja Komie_ oe ae "Kamar oF Rae ‘Complementation or suboitnation in Tam is ealized by various de vices deused in dealin chapter fou, n0m‘inite and aominaied ecb form, clic, ané 4 number of grammatized verb and 9060 Forma: However the respective verband noanformabehave syntactically like vere and nouns. They are, therefore, une the word form aan, forcrampe,~see (40); woh dos nat beavelixe conditional ands thus categorical reanalyed to a o-ndinating conjuttion: Since these ‘complementing vero end noun fos dlplaysyntacle proerics of ‘verbs nd nouns, they ore eattled to be analyzed categorically 3s (grammatica verbs and nouns and not as suberinating conjuneons, {Sr example, ites ast Gites are bound forms which ae axed 19 word nog de fo a rmomphologial proces, but ie To some phonological role of the byammar, They are ths not representations of inflectional of derive tna eatagoris spd ot rested tothe ocurence with words of ene Paftcular word as aly as inflectional and dervaiona utes are Allelic in Tamil ae poselities. Citic canbe sued to werd oF beads ofall symacti categories, except adjectivals and a number of ominalsfanetioning a8 noen modifier. When both dervatonal snd fnteconal sutiaes and eis are added Yo astm, very saborate ‘word fons can be constructed in Tami 1) J, pa pou) kteaaartan-e ‘acy ‘nom aber emp “jot forthe sake of stay” In the above example the verbal stem pat is followed by derivations sufae—the eomnaliing sui -ppu, then an lees stis—he late case sure “aris added, oliowed by the bound posposiion “onto, expresting beneactie cate, Finally two citer ae added: the mphate cli tay andthe interrogate cite -ax "A ives cic with sper phonemie shape, eg, as various seman tunions and Ie, therefore, bath posribe to posse & ‘umber of sonny diferent eliier, whch are homophones, of ‘ne phonological defined ie, which has several seman functions ‘Sccording o context. the present description we wil take the later ‘pton. The following i isto ites in Modern Ta: In aciton to there gentine cites, «numberof noun and word forms ave boon ced avant neuter partcpal goun of aah “become” “aan” phonologalyredved form ofa, Cite er for af aaa "besome nected or fre tense and ted poron, neuter gender kaya infntive form of ein" Smattam un mali lieu ‘Most ofthese else have een analyaet in dt in Arokianthan (RI) In the following the various remantc fenton af hese lis Dil be illustrated, and then 2 ew occurtenceresitons wll be ven. 255 “The etic um ours with al sentence consents except noun mod firs. Moreover, cannot oscar sentence Gnas. wun occurs 8) inclusive, (0) alinelasie, (i) coordinative, CH) eoncessive, and (¥) immediacy el 236 Trhisive see ‘The cite ~um can be add toa sentence coniuen. to expe the sense of isin or adiion ‘ao Examples: (648) a, Aumaaysm voo-aan marine! come pan "Kumar alo cane” baal meer vette Raja yestordayne come pee "Raj cme yesterday a0 In the icv sence -um canbe subsiuedy Eu, which, However, tas the addtional aoe of wnerpctednest ofthe rpsker, as expressed by even eo.

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