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Look at the following example:

Mt. Hood _______ in the state of Oregon.
A. although
B. and
C. is
D. which
The correct choice is C.
Practice Questions
1. ________ most important event in San Francisco's history was the disastrous
earthquake and fire of 1906.
A. The
B. It was the
C. That the
D. There was a
2. Vegetables are an excellent source ________ vitamins.
A. of
B. has
C. where
D. that
3. Microscopes make small things appear larger than ________.
A. really are
B. are really
C. are they really
D. they really are
4. The city of Montreal ________ over 70 square miles.
A. covers
B. that covers

C. covering
D. is covered
5. Janet Collin's struggle to make a place for herself in ballet is the kind of life
story ________ a fascinating novel might be written.
A. of
B. by
C. for whom
D. about which
Written Expression
Look at the following example:

Practice Questions

Answer Key for Pre-TOEFL Test Structure and Written

1. A
2. A
3. D
4. A
5. D
6. C
7. D
8. C
9. D

Practice Questions
1. Refrigerating meats ________ the spread of bacteria.
A. retards
B. retarding
C. to retard
D. is retarded
2. Throughout the animal kingdom, ________ bigger than the
A. whale is only the
B. only the whale is
C. is the whale only
D. only whale is the
3. The fact ________ money orders can usually be easily
cashed has made them a popular form of payment.
A. of
B. that
C. is that
D. which is
4. The first article of the United States Constitution gives
Congress ________ to pass laws.
A. the power
B. has the power
C. the power is
D. of the power

Written Expression

The sentence should read, "Guppies are sometimes called rainbow

fish because of the males' bright colors." Therefore, you should choose
answer A.

The sentence should read, "Serving several terms in Congress, Shirley

Chisholm became an important United States politician." Therefore,
you should choose answer B.
Practice Questions

Answer Key for TOEFL ITP Structure and Written

1. A
2. B
3. B
4. A
5. C
6. A
7. A
8. C
9. D

1. A three-foot octopus can crawl through a hole ------ in diameter.

(A) than one inch less
(B) less than one inch
(C) one less inch than
(D) tan less one inch
2. ------adopted the decimal system of coinage in 1867.
(A) Canada
(B) When Canada
(C) Canada, which
(D) There was Canada
3. Generally, the representatives ------ a legislature
are constitutionally elected by a broad spectrum of the population.
(A) who they compose
(B) who compose
(C) had compose
(D) compose
4. The Actors Studio, a professional actors workshop in New York City, provides
------where actors can work together without the pressure of commercial production.
(A) a place and
(B) a place
(C) so that a place
(D) a place is
5. ------ that life began billions of years ago in the water.
(A) It is believed
(B) In the belief

(C) The belief

(D) Believing
6. by 1872 the United States had 70 engineering colleges, ------ astonishing expansion
credited largely to the Morrill Act of 1862.
(A) because
(B) an
(C) to which
(D) was
7. The artist Romare Bcarden was ------ whose yellows, deep blues, and fuchsias
contrasted strongly with photographic gray in his bright collages.
(A) with a gift for color
(B) a gifted colorist
(C) a gift with colorful
(D) gifted with coloring
8. The most important chemical catalyst on this planet is chlorophyll, -------carbon
dioxide and water react to form carbohydrates.
(A) whose presence
(B) which is present
(C) presenting
(D) in the presence of which
9. One theory of the origin of the universe is -------from the explosion of a tiny,
extremely dense fireball several billion years ago.
(A) because what formed
(B) the formation that
(C) that it formed
(D) when forming

10. Roads in the United States remained crude,

until the beginning of the twentieth century.

------- with graved or wood planks,

(A) were unsurefaced or they covered them

(B) which unsureface or covered
(C) unsurfaced or covered them
(D) unsurfaced or covered
11. portrait prints were the first reproductions of American paintings ------- widely
distributed in the United States.
(A) were
(B) that which
(C) that being
(D) to be
12. Abigail Adams was prodigious letter writer, ------- many editions of her letters
have been published.
(A) who
(B) and
(C) in addition to
(D) due to
13. In geometry, an ellipse may be defined as
from two fixed points is constant.

the locus of all points -------distances

(A) which as the sum of

(B) of the sum which
(C) whose sum of whose
(D) whose sum that the
14. -------at the site of a fort established by the Northwest Mounted Police, Calgary is
now one of Canadas fastest growing cities.
(A) Built
(B) It is built

(C) To build
(D) Having built
15. An image on a national flag can symbolize political ideals that -------express.
(A) take many words to otherwise would.
(B) would take to many otherwise words
(C) many words to take would otherwise
(D) would otherwise take many words to

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