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Shouldnt clone for human organs

Point 1: Killing to clone organs (to save lives):

- It is proven that just to extract stem cells it involves killing an embryo to
cure people, helping the people who are on the waiting list for transplants
just by cloning organs.
- Research has proven it takes a killing of 100 eggs to make a stem cell line.
To completely wipe out illness, or give them a new transplant for them. They
all take about 1.5 billion eggs to give transplants or cure people.
- Extracting stem cells from a woman and killing there embryo is painful and
sickening and unreliable
- Destroying a human life growing is always wrong you should kill a life to
save a life everyone has their rights to live
- Studies show that there are about 400,000 embryos that are frozen right now
and it is nowhere near to continuing the research. Killing all these embryos
which should have lived to conduct a research which may not happen
- It is unethical to kill a pre-embryo to get its stem cells
- Risk in women if they do donate embryos:
o Stroke
o Negative effects on future fertility
o Ruptures, and cancer
o Pelvic pain
o Death

Point 2: Limited amount of info and material to clone organs

- Right now scientists have very little amount of knowledge towards cloning
therefore the cant be 100% sure when they do there cloning
- Current medical research shows there isnt any current success rates
- Needs improved technology and since we have a little a bit of knowledge
towards cloning we wouldnt know if it is effective
- To clone organs we need embryonic stem cells and they are very limited.
- In order to clone organs we need the stem cells to be successfully isolated
and grown in a laboratory, turning them into specific cell types, and then
they have to be proven and useable to be treating the patients with diseases,
injuries or disorder. The transplanted tissue must develop normally and
should not create a risk to the patient
- There is a need of eggs in order to clone human organs
- No woman would eagerly donate their eggs

Point 3: Rejection from the body

- Takes multiple attempts to be successful
- Cloning organs can lead to mutations, which can have many defects such as
a tumor, or alterations in the body, cells and organ tissues.
- Mutations that occur within stem cells create tumours that can cause cancer
which is a possible harmful effect for the patient receiving stem cells
- Cloned organs are more likely to develop cancer or wont work properly
- Takes about 100 embryos to get a successful attempt to clone an organ
- Many side effects can come from cloning organs because of the deterioration
of genetic material which leads to health problems
- Evidence show that cloning animal organs have also ended with rejection
thus they developed tumors in their body

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