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Sarah Pinnell

Unit 3: Stories
Stories are an integral part of every human being. They are often
the why of who we are. Stories create meaning for our lives and hold
memories that have guided us into becoming who we are as unique,
individual people. Stories are necessary in understanding. A persons
story holds depth that is necessary to understanding and truly
knowing them. It is for this very reason that stories are so important
when it comes to education and learning. Every child has a story that is
growing and developing.
As a teacher, it is important to capitalize on this idea of stories in
my classroom and to do it in a fun and creative way. Letting children
express themselves and their stories through art is a great way to
teach them to tell their stories visually.
Storytelling doesnt replace analytical thinking, [Denning]
says. It supplements it by enabling us to imagine new perspectives
and new worlds Abstract analysis is easier to understand when seen
through the lens of a well-chosen story (Pink, 2006). Storytelling
allows children to image things that they may not otherwise. By letting
students tell their stories in school, it will give them an opportunity to
step into the shoes of their peers and image a life not their own. It is
important for creating understanding of both other people and the
world around us.

Pink, D. (2006). A whole new mind: Why right-brainers will rule the
future. New York: Riverhead Books.

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