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Gissell Perez

Professor Kufs
English 114
November 23,2015
Annotated Bibliography

(1) "Can Smart Machines Take Your Job?" <i>NY Daily News</i>. N.p., n.d.
Web. 23 Nov. 2015.
In this article the author talks about how advance technology is beginning to
replace humans with the use of machines or robots and how it is making
many people lose their jobs. The author gathered the information by
analyzing employment data from 20 countries; and interviewed economists,
technology experts, robot manufacturers, software developers and workers
who are competing with smarter machines. In some libraries there are selfcheckout machines which require less librarians. In an electricity company
there arent many meter readers because they now have computers that
send all the information needed directly. This is helpful for my research
because I will be writing my essay on how technology is affecting us in a
negative way.

(2)" Robots could steal million U.S. JOBS: BOE." <i>- Future of Work</i>.
N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Nov. 2015.
In the article the author talks how robots are most likely to replace humans
because they are cheaper to produce and maintain than paying people to do
the same job. The information was gathered through research of Oxford
Professors Dr. Carl Benedikt Frey and Dr. Michael Osborne, who predicted the
number of US jobs that would be lost to machines over the next few decades.
Many accountants are most likely to lose their job than a hair dresser. People
from the working class are most likely to be replaced than others. This
information will be helpful to write my essays because it gives me
information that I need.

(3)Maasik, Sonia, and J. Fisher Solomon. "In the Digital Age, Breaking Up Is
Hard to Do." <i>Signs of Life in the U.S.A.: Readings on Popular Culture for
Writers</i>. Boston: Bedford/St. Martins, 2009. 415-17. Print.

In this article Salvador says how technology makes it harder for people to
break up. He used himself as an example of how and why it is difficult to cut
all connection with someone because that person might show up on your
search bars. He and his fiance broke up and when he tries to search for
something online her twitter account appear, reminding him of his ex. This
information will not be help me much on my essay but it shows how
technology has a negative impact on us.
(4) "10 Jobs That Are Being Replaced By Machines." <i>Mashable</i>. Todd
Wasserman, 26 Jan. 2014. Web. 23 Nov. 2015.

In this article the author demonstrates how many jobs have been replaced
with new technology. Though the jobs that require creativity arent in risk of
being replaced such as a wedding planner. He gives examples of machines
that we ourselves have probably seen, like a self-checkout at a grocery store.
With emails being so easy to send, snail mail is now decreasing, which has a
good in because things are now accessed easily but can soon make those
people lose their jobs

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