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2-Ball Kickoff Coverage Drill

Coach Gavin Fitts

Start in your regular kick formation and assign a kicker to each side of the field (if you
use a 5 x 5 formation it works best, but 6 x 4 formations shouldnt be an issue).
Alternating sides, the kickers start the drill by approaching the ball. All of the players
on the active kickers side of the ball work their get-offs on every kick, but only one
player continues to cover the kick downfield. Assign a group of returners to each side
of the field and set up blockers (or other obstacles) in front of the returners to drill 1 or
2 aspects of your coverage. For example (shown in the diagram below), I usually put a
blocker with a shield 20 yards from the kicking line and another one 15 yards behind
the first. The assigned coverage player needs to avoid the first blocker, defeat the
second one with his correct shoulder, and break down on the returner. I usually start
with the outermost coverage players (L1/R1) covering the kick first, and then work in to
the middle of the field. After a player runs down the field in coverage, his backup
should step into the drill to keep it loaded.

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