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1-Integrate strategies the support diversity and anti-bias perspectives

When we are building our curriculum and activity plans for our early childhood
education, everything we plan is based on anti-bias perspectives and supports
diversity. When we look at our classrooms, we need to ask ourselves two questions.
I learned in chapter 8 of The power of guidance we need to create environments
that are responsive to the needs of all children. The next questions is we need to
ask; How can we appropriately handle the mistaken behavior of all children in our
care? When working with children we have to make our curriculum anti-bias and
supports diversity. All activity plans will be based on the Wisconsin Model Early
Learning Standards. 44% of all children are members of minority groups. By the
year 2050 62% will be from a minority group. Children need to learn respectful
relationships with families and be encourage to have culturally meaningful family
involvement. When teaching with an anti-bias approach, our classrooms will support
your program. An anti-bias strategy supports a childs social, emotional, physical,
and cognitive development. When we follow the guidelines of Anti-bias education
for young children and ourselves we understand it is essential that early childhood
education teach developmentally, culturally, and linguistically appropriate and
effective programs. Our strategies we implement need to support the diversity
children need to learn positive responses to differences. When children are taught
appropriate strategies to manage conflict, they are progressing in learning
democratic life skills. I learned this from chapter 8 of The power of guidance. The
most important thing about our strategies is the quality of interactions with
children. I learned from chapter 9 of The power of guidance that teachers need to
become enlightened witnesses and affirm the goodness within each child. Children
learn from what we say or do. When we practice anti-bias perspectives and support
diversity, children of all cultures will feel at ease in our classrooms. Children will
realize the differences in each child and accept them as individuals and start to
appreciate differences. All children need to feel like they belong in order to grow. All
activities and curriculum we proved is based on the Wisconsin Model Early Learning
Standards. Activities are based on our observations and can be individualized, in
groups, in a classroom, or any similar environment. Anywhere a child can learn
guidance strategies. Guidance strategies, can be align with any cultures. The most
important thing with guidance strategies is that we change what is needed in order
for a child to grow and learn at their developmental level.

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