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Professional Self-Assessment Form

Teacher Candidates Name: __O. Simone Rascoe________ Date: _October 12, 2015_________
Mentor Teachers Name:

__Ms. S. Foster______ School: __Bethune-Bowman High School___

Grade Level (s)/Subject Area(s)____High School Mathematics: Pre-Calculus, Pre Calculus Honors,
Algebra I; Grade: 9th, 11th, 12th
Instructions to the teacher candidate: Please reflect on your professional performance, and
respond to each of the following prompts.

In terms of the ADEPT Performance Standards, what are your professional strengths?
How have you built on these strengths so far, and how do you plan to do so in the future?

Throughout my clinical practice thus far, my strengths, in terms of the ADEPT Performance Standards,
include having high expectations for my students, using instructional strategies, and monitoring and
assessing my instructions. I have built on these strengths so far by being able to adapt to my students
when giving instruction. Many times, I have found myself monitoring and adjusting due to whether or not
they grasp a standard quickly or slowly and whether or not a certain class activity is beneficial or not. I
have also built on my strengths by being able to manage the class more effectively and become firmer in
terms of discipline and consequences. I plan to build on to my professional strengths by developing and
exercising more hands on activities for my students in order to provide content for them.

In terms of the ADEPT Performance Standards, what are your professional challenges?
How do you plan to meet these challenges?

In terms of the ADEPT Performance Standard, my professional challenges throughout my experience so

far have been managing the classroom, promoting an environment of learning, and planning. I find it hard
to challenge majority of my students to try in class. I also feel like my students choose not to do work
because they are never held accountable for it (i.e. not being able to grade homework); therefore, most of
the work in class can be copied down from someone elses work. In order to meet these challenges, I
need to incorporate better planning in order to find a way to motivate students at this grade level. I also
plan to find a better system to punish those who refuse to be quite in class or participate. I also believe
making parent contacts will be a great way to meet some of my challenges. Contacting the parents is
important because I want to be able to document behavior and performance before it is too late.


Describe your students overall progress and achievement. What insights have you
gained into ways to improve student progress and achievement?

My students overall progress and achievement have been able to master some of the standards
independently. The biggest challenge for every class was starting of with new concepts. These new skills
were challenging; however, the more standards I covered, the more the students had to use skills that
were initially taught. This demonstrated the importance of the concepts and how they are all related in
some way. Ways to improves student progress and achievement is to allow them to do more practice
problems independently instead of having me talk them through problems the entire class time. I also
have gained insight that some activities such as Kahoot may not be as beneficial as I thought. There is
now an app that students were trying to use to win the game. This new math app solves problems for
students instantly. Because a couple students were using this, I believe that playing fun educational
games was only helpful to those that wanted to learn the right way and participate.

How will you use the knowledge you have gained through this professional selfassessment to promote your continuous professional growth and collaboration?

I will use the knowledge I have gained through this professional self-assessment to promote my
continuous growth and collaboration to become a better educator and to not be afraid to try out new
things with my students. For example, have already changed my instructional ways when I noticed that I
should break up instruction every so often during a class period. Students get very overwhelmed from
learning too many new skills at one time. By breaking up instruction, it gives students time to process one
concept at a time even if it may take a couple more days to teach. This is just one of many examples I
have done already from monitoring and adjusting my instruction strategies throughout my clinical practice
at Bowman thus far.

Professional Self-Assessment Form

Teacher Candidates Name: __O. Simone Rascoe________ Date: _November 17, 2015_________
Mentor Teachers Name:

__Ms. S. Foster______ School: __Bethune-Bowman High School___

Grade Level (s)/Subject Area(s)____High School Mathematics: Pre-Calculus, Pre Calculus Honors,
Algebra I; Grade: 9th, 11th, 12th
Instructions to the teacher candidate: Please reflect on your professional performance, and
respond to each of the following prompts.

In terms of the ADEPT Performance Standards, what are your professional strengths?
How have you built on these strengths so far, and how do you plan to do so in the future?

Throughout my clinical practice thus far, my strengths, in terms of the ADEPT Performance Standards,
include having high expectations for my students, using instructional strategies, and monitoring and
assessing my instructions. I have built on these strengths so far by being able to adapt to my students
when giving instruction. I have also built on my strengths by being able to manage the class more
effectively and become firmer in terms of discipline and consequences. I plan to build on to my
professional strengths by developing and exercising more hands on activities for my students in order to
provide content for them. I also plan to create more interactive lesson plans and have a closure for each
lesson. I also plan to better time the length of my lessons.

In terms of the ADEPT Performance Standards, what are your professional challenges?
How do you plan to meet these challenges?

In terms of the ADEPT Performance Standard, my professional challenges throughout my experience so

far have been managing the classroom and planning. I find it hard to challenge majority of my students to
try in class. I also feel like my students choose not to do work because they are never held accountable
for it (i.e. not being able to grade homework); therefore, most of the work in class can be copied down
from someone elses work. In order to meet these challenges, I need to incorporate better planning in
order to find a way to motivate students at this grade level. Another professional challenge is having
enough work for the students who are advance. Some of my students learn extremely quickly and tend to
get bored. I have to plan extra work for them to do that is more challenging.
7. Describe your students overall progress and achievement. What insights have you
gained into ways to improve student progress and achievement?

My students overall progress and achievement have been able to master some of the standards
independently. They are also improving in learning at a fast pace and being more serious in the
classroom. The biggest challenge for every class was starting off with new concepts. Ways to improves
student progress and achievement is to allow them to do more practice problems independently instead
of having me talk them through problems the entire class time. Another way to improve student progress
and achievement is to monitor the students grades and progress and check if I need to reteach. Another
way is to vary the assessments and activities that they do.
8. How will you use the knowledge you have gained through this professional selfassessment to promote your continuous professional growth and collaboration?
I will use the knowledge I have gained through this professional self-assessment to promote my
continuous growth and collaboration. I learned some of things to do; however, I have learned a lot of
things that I will not do. One thing I learned is that I need to give clear expectations on the first day of
what I expect from my students because this will eliminate confusion later throughout the year. If I have a
well organized and planned out routine, the students will be less confused when it comes to what is
expected from them.

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