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8300 boone boulevard # vienna, viginia 22282 © june 1985 (revisee) 29 ‘A multiple pipe installation is the placement of two of more pipelines in a single trench or embankment con | dition, This installation procedure is most commonly used | where restrictive cover requirements preclude the use of a single pipe of larger cross sectional area or where a storm | sewer and sanitary sewer are being installed in the same | trench, ‘Although multiple pipe installations are rather Unusual problems. This Design Data does not develop a new design theory but, by the application of engineering judgement, develops a design method for multiple pipe installations that produces a reasonable and conservative design solution. FLAT TRENCH For multiple pipelines in a single trench, the type of loading for each pipe can vary from a simple trench condition to a positive projecting embankment condition to a combination of both. Since the type of loading affects the load sustained by the pipe, a geometric analysis of each installation is required to determine which possible types of loading exist for each pipe. ‘Analyze Loading Condition Referring to Figure 1 and analyzing the center pipe (Gipe C) first, itis apparent that if the outside horizontal FIGURE 1: Columns of Backfill Associated With Each Pipeline common, the determination of pipe loads presents some | MULTIPLE PIPE INSTALLATION: TRENCH CONDITION span of the pipe (Bac) plus the spacing between the adje- cent pipes (2¥) equals or exceeds the transition width (B,) for the given size of pipe and depth (H) of backfill above the top of the pipe, then pipe C is in a positive projecting condition. If Beg plus 2Y is less than the transition width {or pipe C, the positive projecting condition does not exist and the earth loads will be less, since no downward fric- tion forces are exerted by the intermediate soil columns. It Y and the spacing between the outside pipe and the ‘trench wall (Z) are small compared to Bc and H, the entire earth load may be shared proportionately by the three pipe and the entire installation is in a trench condition, Next, analyzing pipe A and B, it is also apparent ‘that when one-half of the trench width for either pipe (Bax/2 oF Byg/2) is less than one-half the transition width for the given condition, then the respective exterior soil ‘column is functioning as in a trench installation. These ‘same exterior columns will function as in a positive pro- jecting installation when the width of either column ‘equals or exceeds one-half the transition width. Analyzing the interior soil columns indicated by Baq/2 and Byg/2, i is evident they wil function as in a wide trench or positive projecting condition if the width (B./2 + Y) is equal to or Greater than one-half the transition with, If Y is small, there will be litle or no differential settlement between the terior sail columns and Y, the positive projecting cond- 1 does not exist and the earth loads on the pipe will be reduced, BENCHED TRENCH ‘Another common type of multiple pipeline installa tion is illustrated in Figure 2 where pipe Is separated verti- cally as well as horizontally. Generally, the criteria estab- lished by the local jurisdiction will require minimum vert cal and horizontal separations between pipe and possibly minimum dimensions of Y with respect to that of X, espe- cially if pipe A is a storm sewer and pipe B is a sanitary sewer or there is concern for the stability of the bench Under pipe A. All of these requirements attect the geome try of the trench and the probable type of loading on each pipe, | Analyze Loading Condition Analyzing the loads on pipe A and 8 in Figure 2, it is evident that the exterior soil columns adjacent to the fulldepth trench walls will act as in a trench condition if | Bea and Byg are less than B, for the given situation and will act as in a positive projecting condition if both are equal to or ofeater than B,. The soil column Bga/2 will act | 28 in a positive projecting installation since sail column ¥ | FIGURE 2: Columns of Backtill Associated With Pipelines in a Benched Trench Exenation Line for alternate Ingaaton vt ee tends to settle more than B./2. However, it ¥ and X are small, there may be litle or'no differential settlement be- tween Bea/2 and ¥, hence the load imposed by columa Bea will be reduced from the positive projecting installa tion condition because no downward friction force would 'be induced by column Y. The soil column acting on the jet half of oipe 6 may act in one of three possible ways depending on the relative dimensions of Bag, Y and X. If X is small, (ap- proaching zero) there will be very litte, f any, differential Settlement between the soil colums acting on the lett half, Of the pipe and the adjacent soil column Y. Thus, there, would be no upward frictional force relieving the loads 07 this portion of pipe B. This is the “neutral condition” for the negative projecting installation. Secondly, as X in- creases, the negative projection ratio, p' (p' = X/B,e). iso increases and the loads on the pipe dectease toward the minimum possible load which is that imposed by the trench condition. Thirdly, the positive projection condition, exist if Bee equals or exceeds 8, A method of construction frequently used for this | type of installation is to excavate the full width of the trench for the full depth (line AB, Figure 2), install pipe B, backfill to the level of line CD, install pipe A and complete. backfilling, In this type of installation, analysis of the loads for pipe A and the exterior gortion of pipe B are the same as previously discussed, However, the interior por- tion of pipe B is now probably loaded in a positive pro- jecting condition, since Beg/2 plus 2Z plus ¥ plus Bax is almost certain to be greater than B,/2. Transition Width In making the analysis of the installation, Figure 3 ‘may be utilized to determine if the transition width for a pipe under a given set of conditions is equaled or exceed- ‘ed and whether the pipe Is loaded as in a positive project- ing embankment condition or as in a trench condition. This relationship is based on experiments by Schlick at the lowa Engineering Experiment Station which show that, if trench width is progressively increased, a transition width is reached where the load on the pipe increases no further because the loading condition has changed to the positive projacting condition. Figure 3 presents transition widths for circular pipe with sand and gravel backfill material. For any given size of pipe and height of backfill, the transition width is de- pendent on the type of backfill material, However, varia tions in the transition width for different types of backfi material are such that in normal design work, it is suff ciently accurate to use sand and gravel backlill material for the evaluation of transition widths. To find the transi- tion width using Figure 9, enter the vertical scale at the value of H and proceed horizontally until the curve for the. size of circular pipe being anaiyzed is intersected, from this point drop vertically to the horizontal scale and read B, directly in feet. DESIGN METHOD A geometric analysis of the installation will deter- mine the probable type ar types of loading for each pipe. After the type of loading Is determined, the loads which ‘will be sustained by each pipe can be calculated by the appropriate method. if during the analysis of the installa- tion it appears that the transition point between two load- ing conditions has been reached, the earth load used should be the greater of the two calculated on the basis, ‘ot each type of loading condition. The design method presented for multiple pipe trench installations is similar to the design method for @ single pipe installation such as those presented in Design Data 6 for positive projecting embankment installations land Design Data 7 for trench installations, After an analy ‘ig of the installation has determined the loading condi- tions for each pipe, the six stea standard orocedure for the selection of pipe strength should be used. ‘Determination of earth load. Determination of live load. Selection of bedding. Determination of load factor. Application of factor of safety. Selection of pipe strength, ean t | | Determination of Earth Loads Earth loads acting on pipe in the several possible installation conditions may be computed vy one of the appropriate following formulas: Trench condition We = Cowie o ‘Wide trench or positive projecting condition - We = Owe @ Negative projecting condition - We = CawBe 8 ‘Noutral” or zero differential settlement condition We = wHB When computing earth loads for the trench condi- tion utilizing Equation 1, values for C, may be found by first calculating the H/B, ratio and then referring to Fig- ture 4 to obtain Gy, for the type of backiill being used. Fig tures 5 through 8, based on Equation 1, enable the deter- mination of trench earth loads directly for a given trench ‘width and depth of backfill. The curves showing pipe size indicate the transition width for each pipe diameter be- yond which there is no Increase in load for any given val tue of H. Note that the loads obtained from Figures 5 ‘through 8 are based on unit weights of backfill material of 100 pounds per cubic foot. For backfill material of ditt ing unit weights, the earth loads must be adjusted accord ingly Figure 9 may be utilized to fing the required value ‘of Ce when comouting embankment or wide trench earth Toads by using Equation 2. tt has been found that earth loads in the positive projecting condition are influenced in ‘a manner expressed by the product of the settlement ratio aq) and the projection ratio (p). Design values of each ‘allo must be obtained in order to use Figure 9 correctly. Recommended design values for tas are given in Table I The range of p is +0.5 to +0.9 for Class B and C beddings, with +0.7 being the recommended design value for most, installations, When using Figure 9 to obtain Ce, utilize only those curves labled “incomplete projecting condi- tion,” Le. those curves with a positive value for the tego product, Figures 10 through 13, based on Equation 2, tenable a direct determination of embankment earth loads to be made. Again, the loads obtained from Figures 10 through 19 are based on backfill unit weights of 100, gounds per cubic foot. Note that Figures 9 through 13 do not differentiate between loads for backfill of various m3- terials, Differentiation is not required since the coeficient of internal friction of the various materials has only @ ‘minor influence on the earth loads in the positive project- ing condition and the values obtained from these figures are sufficiently accurate for all materiais Values for C, for computing earth loads by Equa- tion 3 for gipe in negative projecting installations may be found by using Figures 14 through 17. Since the earth, loads on pipe in the negative projecting condition are influenced by the values of the negative projection ratio (p') and the negative settlement ratio (fgg), values for each ratlo must be obtained in order to determine the em magnitude ofthe loads, The value ofp” is determined by the goometics of the instalation and. Table 1 gives the recommended values of the negative settement ratio for varying values of ‘Direct determination of the earth loads of pipe in| the negative projecting condition may also be mace trom Figures Ta through 21 which, are based on Zaustion 2. | Loads obtained from these figures ave also based” on Dackfilateral with unit weights of 100 pounds per ou- | Bie foot. Again, the type of baoklll material has a very minor influence on the total value of the earth load on pipe inthe negative projecting condition. Determination of Live Load Live loads must be considered in the design of multiple pipelines installed under railroads, airports and highways when pipe is installed with shallow cover. Be cause the intensity of a live load on any plane in the soil mass is greatest at the vertical axis directly beneath the point of application, the live loads acting on 2 multiple installation must be treated as if each pipe is reacting indapendently of the other pipe in the trench. The high- ‘way live load acting on each pipe can be determined {rom Table M, Highway Live Loads. Live loads for airports or railroads may be obtained from Design Data 15 and 16 respectively, Selection of Bedding The bedding is the means by which the vertical reaction around the lower exterior surface of the pipe is, transferred to the pipe structure. The load a concrete pipe will support is dependent upon the ability of the bedding to propery distrioute this vertical reaction to the pipe so the pipe is not stressed beyond its structural capability The factors which determine the ability of the bedding to distribute reactive forces are the area of contact with the pipe, the quality and the degree of compaction. The gen- ‘ral classes of pive beddings for installations of circular pipe are illustrated in Flgure 22, Trench and Embankment Beddings for Circular Pipe Determination of Bedding Factor The bedding factor Is the ratlo of the supporting strength of the installed pipe to the strength in the three: edge bearing test. Bedding factors for pipe installed in a trench condition are listed in Figure 22. Bedding factors, for pasitive projecting conditions are obtained trom Table lang #V. Bedding factors for the negative projecting con- dition are the same as the trench condition Application of Factor of Safety A factor cf safety is incorporated in the load calou- lation since the installed supporting strength of the pive depends on installation conditions often beyond the con ‘rol of the designer. The values used ‘or the factors of safety are based on engineering judgement and field ex: perience. For nonreintorced pipe @ factor of safety of 1.5, 's adequate. If the design stienath is based on the 0.01- inch crack criterion far reinforced pipe a factor of safety of 10 is adequate, Selection of Pipe Strength The selection of pipe strength is based on the three-edge bearing test. This test determines the inherent structural strength of the pipe by subjecting the pipe to concentrated loads at the crown and invert. For rein forced concrete pipe, the three-edge bearing strength is expressed in D-load which is the supporting strength of a pipe loaded under three-edge-bearing test conditions ex- {ter or horizontal span, and is computed by the equation EXAMPLE + Given: [A muttiple installation of 72-inch inside diame- ter pipe consisting of three pipelines in a sin- gle trench under @ bituminous paved arterial highway, 18 inches between each pipeline and 12 inches between trench wall and cipe. There will be 7 feet of cover over the pipelines. Each pipe will be installed on a class B bedding and backfilled with sand and gravel weighing 120 pounds per cubic foot, Experience with the ‘subgrade and local soils indicate that the set- tlement ratio value for sormal conditions in the area is +0.04 8, = 7.17 feet Z= 10 feet Bax & Bag = 9.17 feet Teg = 04 YS 15 feet p= 07 FS. = 1.0 for 0.1 inch crack The required pipe strength in terms of D-loas. 1. Analyze Loading Condition 1.1, Pipe C. Given B, + 2Y = 10.17 feet and H = 7.0 feet. Enter Figure 3 at 7.0 on the vertical scale, proceeding horizontally until the 72- inch ‘diameter curve is intersected and thence drop vertically and read transi width (8,) = 9.75 feet which is less than 10.17 feet, therefore pipe C is loaded as in 2 positive projecting condition, 12, Pipe A and 8 Given B, = 9.17 feet which i less than By 9.75 feet found above. Therefore the ‘exterior portions of pipe A and B are load- ed as in a trench condition. Since (Bea/2 + ¥) = 10.17 feet which is greater than B,, the interior portions of pipe A and B are loaded as in a positive projecting condi- tion, 2 Determination of Earth Loads 2.41. Compute the product of tag and p. ago = 0.4 x 0.7 = 0.28 which is rounded off to. 0.3 for design. D-load =F x FS, 6 The 0.01-inch crack strength commonly used when designing reinforced concrete pipe and is defined as the maximum load applied to the con- crete pipe belore a crack occurs having a width of 0.01 pressed in pounds per linear foot per foot of inside diam- | inch measured at close intervals, throughout a length of at least 1.0 foot. 22, 23. (Ooo). criterion is Pipe C From Figure 9, with H/Byg = 7.0/T.17 = 0.976, reco = 403, find G, = 1.21. From Equation 2 We = 1.21 x 120 x 747 7,485 pounds/inear feet Figure 13 with gp = 03, H = 7.0 ft, and 7zinch diameter pipe also gives: | We = 6.220 x 12 = 7,484 pounds/linear feet Pipe A and B From Figure 4, with H/Bgq or @) = 7.0/9.17 768, find Cy = 0.67 for sand and gravel backfill, using Equation 1 for exterior cok umn loads: We 0.67 x 120 x B17 —s = 3,380 pounds/tinear feet Figure 5 with H = 7.0 ft. and a trench width of 9.17 ft. also gives: 3,978 pounds/iinear test Since the loads on the interior portions of pipe A and B are acting in a positive pro- jecting manner and the geometrics of the installation are the same as for pipe C, the earth loads will be one-half that of pipe © or 7,465/2 = 3,732 pounds/linear feet. The ‘total earth load for each of pipe A and B is the gum of those found for each portion: We = 8.380 + 3,792 = 7,112 pounds/linear feet Determination of Live Loads From Table i, the highway live load at a depth of seven feet 740 pounds/iinear feet on| each pipe, Selection of Bedding Class B bedding for all three pipe (given), eee Given: Determination of Bedding Factor Pipe c ‘The bedding factor is found by entering Table ill for Class B bedding, p = 0.7, exp 013, HiBce = 0,978 and a bedding factor of 259 is obtained by interpolation. Pipe A and B ‘The bedding factor for the trench condition and Class B bedding is given in Figure 22 {a8 1.9, For the positive projecting condition itis the same as for pipe C, 2.59, 52, 6. Application of Factor of Safety 2 factor of safety of 1.0 based on the 0.01-ineh crack criterion will be applied. 7. Selection of Pipe Strength The 0.01-inch crack O-load is computed by Equation 5. 74, Pige © Wi, + We = 740 + 7.485 pounds/lnear feet. 9.205 Doo = geexe * 10 = 528 pounds/linear feet/feet of LO. Answer: 7.2, Pipe A and B Since pipe A and B are each loaded par- tially under two differing conditions, each condition having separate load factors which cannot be averaged, the D-load is determined by calculating the respective Deload as if the pipe were fully loaded under each separate condition and using the more critical D-load found es the re- quired pipe strength. For the trench con dition, W, + We = (740 = 3,380) x 2 = 8,240 pounds/linear feet Door = 8240. er = 10 = 728 poundsilinear feet/teet of 1.0. For the positive projecting condition, the Dpg:load is the same as pipe C, 526 pounds/linear feet/feet of LD. Critical Door = 723 pounds/linear feet/feet of LD. Therefore, based on a D-load to produce a 0.0%-ineh ‘rack in three-edge bearing, pipe A and 8 require 723 D-load strength and pipe C raquites 528 D-load strength. EXAMPLE 2 The installation of two pipelines in a single trench beneath a city street is proposed. A 48- inch storm sewer line and a 30-inch sanitary sewer line with a minimum of 1.0 feet between the outside of any pipe and the adjacent trench wall. The outside top of the sanitary sewer must be a minimum of 3.0 feet below the outside bottom of the storm sewer and ra: tio of Y/X must be 1/1 or greater. There will be a minimum of 8 inches of compacted granular material underneath each pipe. The height of Fil over the 48-inch storm sewer will be 5 feet ‘and 13 feet over the 30 inch sanitary sower. The pipe will be installed on @ Class C granular foundation bedding and backfilled with ord rary clay weighing 130 pounds/cubie foot. A value of +08 for the positive projecting settie- ‘ment ratio has been found to be representative of local soils. 25K Za 10, Bia = 688 ft op = 508 ft 25 NOTE: Y/X equals 1.0 and X + 8 inJ/12 (pipe A bedding) equals 3.17 feet which is greater than the required minimum of 3.0 feet. ‘The required pipe strengths in terms of D-load, 4. Analyze Loading Conditions 1.1. Pipe A With H = 5.0 ft, refer to Figure 3 and tind 8, for a 4@inch diameter pipe = 6.65 tt. Since 8, is less than Bea, the exterior por- tion of pipe A is loaded as in 2 positive projecting condition. Bj, + 2¥ = 8.88 t. which is greater than by, therefore the in- terior portion of pipe Ais also loaded as ina positive projecting condition. 1.2. Pipe 8 With H = 1 tt refer to Figure 3 and find B, for @ 30-inch diameter = 62 ft. Since Bag is less than B,, the exterior portion of B Is loaded as in a trench condition, [As Bug is less than B,, the interior portion ‘of pipe B is not loaded as in a positive projecting condition. The geometry of the trench suggests that it should be loaded as in a negative projecting condition. The negative projection ratio (p") = X/Bye = 255 feet/5.08 feet = 0.49 which is rounded off to 0.5 for design. For p’= 05, the rec- ommended value of the settlement ratio (aq) 18 -0.1. Also, since X ig not approach: ing zero, the “neutral condition” of the negative projecting installations is not present. 2. Determination of Earth Loads 2A = 5/483 = 1.035, and fea 08 x 0.8 = 0.48 rounded off to 05, enter Figure 8 and find C, = 13, then from Equation 2: We= 19 x 190 x 488, = 8.943 pounds/linear feet Figure 12 with top H= 50 ft ang 48 inch diameter pipe also gives: We = 9000 x 1.3 3900 pounds/iinear fest 22. Pipe B With H/B, = 19/508 = 2.56, enter Figure 4 and find ©, = 1.87 for ordinary clay backfill, then from Equation 1 for the exte- rior portion of pipe B: 1.87 190 x 5.08 2 We 187 pounds/linear fest Figure 7 with H also gives: 3 fl and By = 5:08 ff = 3,198 pounds/linear feet For the interior portion of pipe 8, enter Figure 14 with H/8, = 19/5.08 = 2.56, p’ = 05 and rag=- 0.1 and find G, 2.0, then from Equation 3: Wie = 204190 x BoB $ = 355 poundsMinear fet Figure 18 with p’ = 05, ty = -O4 and By 08 feet also gives: we 7 BOR = 3,861 pounds/linear feet 3, Determination of Live Loads From Table Wl, the live load for pipe A at a depth of 5.0 ft. is W, = 620 pounds/lineer feet. For pipe B at & depth of 13.0 feet the lve load is negligible. 4. Selection of Bedding Class C bedding for both pipe (given) 5. Determination of Bedding Factor 5.1. Pipe A The bedding factor for pipe A from Table & with p= 08, rep = 0.5, H/B, = 1.935 and Class © bedding is fourd by interpolation | tobe 2.25 8.2, Pipe B ‘The bedding factor for pipe B is founc from Figure 22 with Class G bedding to be 7.5 for beth the trench and negative projecting ‘condition. | same logic holds for other types of partial foadings. | 6. Application of Factor of Safety A factor of safety of 1.0 based on the 0.01- inch crack criterion will be applied. 7. Selection of Pipe Strenath The 0.01-inch crack D-load is computed by Equation 5, 820 + 3,943 4.763 pounds/linear feet 4,763 axe = 589 pounds/iinear feet/feet of I.D 7.2. Pipe B x10 WL + We = 0 + (8,197 + 3,385) = 6,492 pounds/linear feet 6492 x 1.0 75x25 731 pounds/linear teet/feet of LO. Poss Answer: Therefore, based on D-load to produce a Q.0t-inch crack in three-edge bearing, pipe A requires 2 515 D-load strength and pipe B re: quires a 1,731 Doload strength COMMENT ‘Throughout the discussion, analysis and compute. tion of loadings on multiple pipe installations, where @ pipe was found to be loaded in two different ways, the assumption has been made, for ease of analysis and computation, that the piane of equal stress between the two differently acting soil columns was at the vertical cen- terline of the pipe. Since most soils appear to act as a semi-infinite elastic medium, a plane of equal stress should exist in this situation, Although the determination of the exact location of this plane of equal stress is diffi colt, it seems likely that its approximate location, in the | case of @ pipe partially loaded as in @ trench installation | and partially as in a positive projecting installation, would bbe determined by the ratio of CyB,? to O.8,2. if the nu merical value of this ratio is less than or greater than 1.0, the location of the piane of equal stress is respectively relative distance toward the trench side or pasitive pro- | Jecting side of the pipe. Another way of obtaining the | same end result is to multiply the earth load, obtained by the appropriate method for that portion of the pipe, by 0.8,2/0,8,2 in the case of a trench loading or by C.8.2/ Cz8_2 in the case of a positive projection loading. The Checking the examples used above, the Opoy-load | obtained after adjusting the earth loads in this manner was found to differ by less than 1.0 percent, Since the apparent error introduced into the computations by the Comission of this step is well within the accuracy of the Charts used to obtain the loads, it appears to be justified Se GLOSSARY OF TERMS B, the transition trench width, feet top of the pipe and the natural ground surface di- vided by the outside vertical height of the pipe 1p’ projection ratio for negative projecting instal ‘ons; equals vertical distance between the top of the pipe and the top of the trench divided by the trench width yg settlement ratio We earth load, pounds per linear foot W, live load, pounds per linear foot w- unit weight of backfill or fill material, pounds per cubic foot TABLE I: Design Values of Settlement Ratio 8, outside horizontal span of the pipe, feet Settlement By width of trench at top of pipe, feet Ratio re Be bedding factor Irstltion and Founeation Condit | —T5—1peaign ©, load coefficient for positive projecting embankment Range | Velue installations Cy load coetficient for trench installations Bestival tales a0 out ©, load coefficient for negative projecting embank- | Rack er Unyieidng Soll +10 “10 ment instalations ordinary Soi so5t+0a} +07 D inside diameter of circular pipe, feet or inches Yielaing Soi oororas | +03 depth of bedding material below pipe. inches 2ere Projecting .- 09 FS. factor of safety Negative Projecting -L0t0 00 H height of backfill or fili material above top of pipe, | y o.s ool tet 10 -03 projection ratio for positive arojecting embankment ie 33 installations; equals vertical distance between the . oe ie “roe value o the setement ae depange on ne degree 0! compaction of {na ti mafraaciacet tothe sides o he oie. itn good consrvtion Ietnodsretltingn proper comescton of cessing sna oett materi ‘TSewomant rata aesipnvatie of 123 '6 recommenced TABLE ll: Total Live Load in Pounds per Linear Foot HIGHWAY LOADS ON CIRCULAR PIPE e TEGHT OF FLEW ABOVE TOP OF PFE IN FEET Sa] 452 | SNS]20 [ere cel oee| seo] Sao] ces] sof) ao] ee| Seo] 8 a 35 | 30 {Zora 2080) 200] 1709] Go| 380] #80] 430] 350/38 3 S23 | 255 | Zee shel ere tee ee foe] He) 3833) 3%8| Bg 2&5 | 255 | its Sese|seee| Sete |sace $35] yas Sze 23] S00] 8 SSE) $28 | Sis 2885 sees] esse sete fess) fis] Me] | ks) 2g Sa | 35 | tose] 15852030] 2e0e sia Heel $20| ero] ese| ao) a8 He [205 2$25|1900| 499] 1849| 300) 1290| 2229] te70|360[4990] 240] #30 | des aaa 2 x ) al we az mDarows uaz ou we ost] aye ae] or al] eee aie ee ce [foe } out) | Se | aes | coe | oe re | ore | ate | ace | ace | oor 9 | | Se ace | woe | ove tre} ae fore | we | eee | os oe | | Soe | ave | aoe | oe te] ste fare | ace | ee | oe 2 | | tel foe | woe | oe bie| ste [ace | vce | See | oe si | | oz | ae | we | we e| are [tee | see | cee | et Ou | | are | ove | aoe | ove tex | wet | we oe [at ore | ove | org| ste wie | We | te be_| $0 orf tet tof te orp se feof tof ose wa os a [ae] ae] se | we [we | oe [we ost ou ita [ate |oce | dee | we | are | se | oe oat as tre [ate | tee | See | oe | tee | ase | oct te ot ie |ate| we) ace | oe | ast | ae | oe ot we ie [are we) tee | oe | ase | ae | wre ve st te |oce| eae | ace | ove | ase | ot | cre nt o sea fave | see | tee | ae | cer | at | coe ot ia [are | tea | tee | een | Sov | es | tov so 0 epocam fort se ee] vo Loe so-¢ we Tas! 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Bunsefoig eanisod adid seInos19 40} si0}9e4 GuIpPoG =I ITGVL een 9 2m 4 £0~ A u8 £0 «819 =M um RoE HD ssc ee oO © oO z 1334 NI Bata 40 OL 280 « t nn i tg sa ayo deed 1 8 SHOU SO ne 1) 9 J Sul IT a ND 3 a8 82 4004 vaNIT wad SONNOS NI 7 avOT TLIO ERS Rise sens s xo 9910 =, J9AesD Pus pues [eLeEW 1IAIeE 1004 B1GND 28d Spunod 001 ‘did 4e\no119 uo speo] [IWOeG YOUDL 3s JUNDIS ae 10 one ooo conor 1004 AYSNT Yad SaNNOE MI O¥OT THANK coo'oe coor = |o0006 ~SJeootor Sliegsenees s 2 bs) OS1'0 =.» los doy pereimes jeueIeW NIyAOeE JO04 IGN 19d Spunod OO} ‘did s8INoNIg UO speo7 NIE YUE, 29 3UNDIS = aes "= 0.130 100 Pounds per Cuble Foot Backfill Material Ordinary Clay Ky’ FIGURE 7: Trench Backfill Loads on Circular Pi Fooa wean ses gegees § 7H ove ee transon ost and wits Bae on p= 01% y= 07a» 2:7 ite esr cosion ABOVE TOPOF FEIN FEET 10 pounds pe ex et reas ds 10%: fr 120 pounds pr Feeback ni ‘ee eo een seven “ae og 09 apa 1003 YVBNIT wad SONOS NI PAA a¥EN THENONE "0 = .y ABI pareimes jeHeVeW My 498G Joo 219ND 40d spunod 00) jeINo{ UO SPeO] WIPIeG YUE :e aYNDIA 18 2 3. worn pueS ou a u a BL nn st n 29 4 ong vail 884 SONNY NIM a¥OT THY 4003 VENT WBa SaNTOd NIM cvOT THIS oo use one oos05 aot ta 1904 a1qng 49d spunog oO} ‘e'9 = A>" Bunoelorg eanised ‘edig seinow9 uo speo7 inld jeUNUEQWIA tLLaunold Mid 1004 21ND 48d spunod Ook ‘L'0 = 4% Bunaeloud 80d ‘Odid JBINDH UO SpeO7 I WOUNUEGUIA :01 AHNDId ~ 5 EES a) ? “as dd para yd ino ort i 9) ood yENr7 HBe SoNMod WI-M q¥OT Td lonioe ot on loxtot ‘ep ot soe see. 5d tbe OFF RON) 1934 M2dls 40401 3AOBW WTO LAOH Sl oleae gy eyo sar sro se_oF se eeoeng a 2004 BYSNN Bd SONI NIM O¥OT TE ye jo 05 9 fo eas 05 ont ig 1004 9149 4ed spunog oot ‘o'r = d?*s Bunsalora aausod ‘adid Je\n939 Uo speo} IIld woUMUeGUA “CF SYNOI ig 3003 21GN 48d spunod Oot ‘s'0 = 4% Gundalord aanisod ‘adid 2e\novD UO speoy Hid wewyUequA ‘Zt FUNDA es 16 Projecting Condition (p' = 1.5) Projecting Condition (p’ = 2.0) FIGURE 14: Load Coefficient Chart for Negative | FIGURE 15: Load Coefficient Chart for Negative Projecting Condition (p’ = 0.5) Projecting Condition (p' = 1.0) — = 7 , : 7 j , i i: it fi 7 i a i , | He | Ais wo Lh ae? monensin | xl? y = Lev Z| | : J | Ls : eal ‘i i “| 7 Z I SSE eS . FIGURE 16: Load Coefficient Chart for Negative | FIGURE 17: Load Coefficient Chart for Negative ue { 7 : Igoe aa lat 97 Tee ws fe ea | ; T LD T : eee 4 1 4 coy HOPE By : Zo “Sapa aan apis AI sexe eso Ya ne spud OT on Hy hOay H TH JO.HDIBH Boe 00s wvaQi7 wa Sand N*M G¥O Ts 4004 YaNIT wa SONOS NIM OvOT THE yoog a1ang 10d spunog 04 ‘e'0- (d Bunooloid oaneBon ‘adig seInoajo uo speo7 jd woUNUEGuIA :61 UND! Ila 3003 91qN 10d spunog oor ‘v0- = Pago = ‘adid aeinauig uo 6pe07 I aane6on wyuequia 281 AUN! 400d want 234 SoNnOM MI" a¥OT THE am xen zou yd ese sensaw spnae oe 9) "ot Hp Sern ej ast aeurod Or Bmos 4004 B¥ANF Bad SOKNO NI“M GHOX TUS 104 19ND 48d spunod 004 ‘o' = PF 0 ‘Bunsoloid oAneGoN ‘edia seinoiig uo speoy iild weuMUEqWA :1Z BUND! 102 aUNDIA| 19 i howwonnia vine “wast sev Wud ado ivannoa HYIANYED ovuoans a3evi. eae July 1991

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