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Butlers 6th Grade Science Class

Phone Number: 260-820-0168
Classroom Website:
Hello and welcome to 6th grade science!
I hope you all had a wonderful summer and are ready and excited to get started in
your new year. I hold high expectations for you to achieve great things in this class
and in the subject of science! We will be covering exciting topics such as science
inquire, geology, astronomy, physics, chemistry and biology! This is the beginning
of a year full of questioning, exploration, and discovery! I cannot wait for us to get
Classroom Rules: The 6 Bes



Classroom Procedure:
Beginning of Class

the following materials

Pencil/ Black Pen
Science Notebook (at the end of team table)
Science Folder

Enter the room quietly

Take BrainBuilding worksheet from the tray by the door, sharpen
pencils, and grab any tissues if you feel like you may need them.
Go to your assigned seat and start on your BrainBuilding worksheet

Read the board for instructions

Complete the BrainBuilding worksheet individually and quietly

When you have finished you may:

Write todays assignment in your assignment book

Read a book quietly
Study your science notes individually
Work on other homework individually

After the work time for our BrainBuilding has finished we will be:

Reviewing the BrainBuilding worksheet together

Reviewing the homework/assignment board along with the
objectives that will be met in class today. Please write these in
your science subject area in your assignment book (you may
do this before BrainBuilding, after BrainBuilding, or during the

During Class: We will be using many different teaching tactics in this class:
Individual Work, Group Work, Class Instruction, and Class Discussion. We are
going to use the following the CHAMP model so that you know what I expect
behavior wise for each situation.
Individual Work




Raise Hand
Independent Work Time
None, Raise hand if you
need something
Complete the assignment
with all maximum effort
Classroom materials

Group Work






Group conversation
speaking level
Raise hand or approach
teacher if not occupied
with another group
Group Work
Movement to get supplies
TEAM applies 100% of
their efforts towards the
task at hand
Classroom materials

Class Instruction



Raise Hand
Class Instruction
None/Raise Hand if you
need something
Individual give full effort


to class instruction (i.e.

answer questions, take
Classroom Materials

Class Discussion





Raise Hand/ one person

voice at a time
Raise Hand
Class Discussion
None, Raise hand If you
need something
Individual participation in
the subject discussion
giving 100% of attention
to speaker and efforts to
create own point of view
Classroom Materials

End of Class/Dismissal: Our classroom is our place of learning and to have

proper learning, we have to have it organized and clean at the end of every
class. The bell will not be releasing you, but I will. I want to make sure that all
materials are put back, chairs pushed in, floor cleaned up, and science
notebooks put back where they belong before you will be dismissed.
Organize the Following Before Dismissal:

All materials return to their correct shelf

Floor is clean of all waste products (i.e. paper bits, gum
wrappers, and pencil shavings)
The chairs are pushed in
Desks are all clear of all personal materials (dont forget
Science notebooks are returned to their box at the end of your
team tables

Classroom Policies:
Contact Policy:
There will be many different ways for both students and parents to
contact me. I want to be available to you before, during, and after school. If you
need to contact me, please try the options below. If I do not answer within 24 hours
of your submission, it is possible that I did not get it and please contact me again!

E-mail This is the best and most efficient way for you to contact me
if you have something that does not need to be answered right away
or it is after school hours.
Phone please use this number if there is something very pressing or
urgent that you need to contact me right away. My classroom phone is
open to anyone who might need my assistance right away, but please
e-mail me if it is not a pressing manner. 1-800-555-9038 ex 2637
Classroom Website if there is any question on assignments, due
date, test dates, or field trips, please refer to the classroom website.
There will always be an up-to-date schedule of any assignments,
projects, quizzes or tests. This is also a great place to go if you have
missed an assignment and need to make it up. All assignments and
study guides will be provided on this website as well.
Remind for any parent or student that would like to have text
messages sent on upcoming due dates and important assignments or
events that will be coming up in the class. Put any wanted phone
numbers on the turn-in section at the end of this syllabus.

Grading Policy





The grading is done on a total point bases.

Disciplinary Policy
Obvious breaking of all classroom rules (the 6 Bes) outlined above
will result in the following disciplinary steps.

First Offense: Verbal Warning from the teacher

Second Offense: Written reflection/apology
Third Offense: One-on-one meeting with the teacher
Fourth Offense: Detention
Fifth Offense: Meeting with Teacher and Administrator
Sixth Offense: Meeting with Teacher, Administrator, and

Behavior Policy
Respect is one of my top expectations for all my students. When
misbehavior occurs in my classroom, there will be consequences. Misbehavior not

only disrupts me as the teacher, but also the flow of classroom procedure for your
peers. I expect the best behavior that befits a mature middle school classroom.
Offenders will proceed through the disciplinary steps outlined above.
Absence/Missed Class Policy
There will be days where we (including myself) cannot help but miss
school (please do not come to class and spread germs to your peers!!). In my
classroom, missed assignments, classroom notes, and any questions about what we
did in class will be available to you day or night on our classroom website! This is a
great resource, if you have any questions about what we did in class the day you
missed, please refer to the schedule.
If an assignment is due on the day you are absent, please make sure
to bring them with you the next day (without any deduction). Any assignments
turned in after you have returned will follow the assignment deduction steps.
If a test/quiz was taken on the day that you are absent, I will provide
you will a separate test/quiz that you will complete on your return during
homeroom, recess, or class.
If multiple days are missed (1 week or more), please contact me via
e-mail or class website so that I may present you with any assignments, tests,
quizzes, or projects that have occurred in the class.
Tardy Policy
My tardy policy is the same as the school tardy policy. Please make
sure that you are in your seat, working or getting ready to work on the BrainBuilder
worksheet or writing down your assignments in your assignment notebook!
Missing Materials Policy
There are not many materials that you need for our class. Many things
(i.e. science notebook, textbooks, lab supplies) will already be in our classroom. If
you are missing a pencil/pen, I will have them available to you for a cheap price of
$0.25. So please make sure that you have all classroom materials so that you are
ready for the class to begin.
Assignment Policy
All assignments that are given to you are required in my classroom.
There will be no extra credit, but there will be plenty of opportunities for you to
get as many points as you can in my classroom. Homework and projects that need
to be done partially or fully at home are YOUR responsibility. The lack of action or
effort put towards these assignments will reflect in your final grade in my class.
There is an assignment policy that I will be implementing into this class to allow you
optimal time to finish any assignments and second chances if you have either
forgotten it at home, had it eaten by your dog or the printer was not working. I
require ALL assignments to be finished, and the actions taken to finish them will be
as followed (excluding those who have valid reasons for missing the assignment)

Day one missed: 10% deduction when turned in one day after
the due date
Day two missed: 20% deduction when turned in two days after
the due date
Day three missed: 20% deduction and lose of recess/free time to
finish assignment under teacher supervision

These assignments are presented to you to give you opportunities to

learn! Take them as seriously as I do!
Pass Policy (Bathroom/Locker Policy)
Every student is given a certain number of passes in their assignment
notebook (so please make sure you have that on a daily basis). If you need to go to
your locker or the bathroom, present your pass book to me so that I may sign it. You
are not allowed to ask for a pass during class instruction or class discussion unless it
is an absolute emergency!
The best thing to do is to go to the bathroom during your passing
period or if you feel like you will not make it, come to class and then tell me you are
heading to the bathroom or locker, I will understand!

Please have your parent(s) sign below and bring back your syllabus for me to check.
Please provide any phone numbers that you would like to have connected to the
class Reminder app!
Sign on the line:

Phone Numbers


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