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Alexis Schmidt
Jen Byrd
December 5, 2015
Final Reflection Journal
The class Gender, Activism, and Leadership has changed me and my opinions so greatly.
I have learned many new things throughout the semester and can`t wait to grow in my thoughts
and feelings from this class. From this semester I have learned many new things, but without the
journals, books, and experiences I dont really believe I would have learned anything. The main
thing I learned is that women need to stand up for themselves and their rights, because if they
don`t than women will not have a future in whatever they choose to pursue in. I believe his is
really important because women need to be able to do whatever they want and be able to have
rights as equal as men so that women can help our country survive so it does not rest of men
shoulders. This contributed to me academically and my thoughts otherwise because I grew up in
a quiet conservative home I really never got to experience feminism until I hit my last year in
high school. At first I avoided it like the plague because I was taught the stereotypes of feminist.
When signing up for the class I was not expecting it to be what it was. I was in desperate need
for classes so I decided to learn more and take a chance. Going through the class as well as an
Introduction to Women`s Studies class I have learned a lot and wished to learned more in the
future. Throughout this essay you will learn more from me and what I have learned from these

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I believe the most significant event, experience, or challenge that I overcame this
semester was when I told my mother I was a feminist. Coming in with the background of a
conservative Christian home my mother never thought her baby girl and baby boy would go into
the one thing that she tried to steer me away. My little brother became a liberal and has some
girls that have decided that they were in transition and some who became transgender, my
mother was very confused and didnt know where she went wrong. After I shared this with my
mother we stopped talking, and during this time I was moving in with my grandmother. Which
was hard for her because her relationship with her was also rocky. Once we really started talking
again and sharing our information and my reasons behind what I believe she was really happy to
learn and understand the material. At times we disagreed, but in the end she has started to accept
that her daughter can still read and respect the bible and be a feminist and her son can be a liberal
and be who she has helped shaped throughout his years. This experience was really influences
with me because I was coming out to my family and being proud in who I am, not matter cost. I
was scared, nervous, and at times I did not want to go through the struggles and heartache that it
might cause the family. If I could have changed one thing throughout my whole semester I would
have wanted to stay longer at some of our events of did the talk times with the guest we had. I
was not really involved as much as I should have been, but I know that is a mistake now and
wish to change in the future. With me being so new to feminism I would like to grow strong and
understand new information and feelings that come along with it.
My patterns from the beginning to the end of the semester has changed I have become
more involved within class and our events, instead of setting up and leaving. My connections I
have made with the girls I will hold dearly, because these are women who have their faith and
courage and know what they are doing for themselves, and I appreciate the love and compassion

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I get from them no matter what. My favorite thing of all time that my patterns and connections
with people are still strong, I am unique and don`t like to fit stereotypes and this class fits none,
and the girls don`t judged me based on weight, my background, age, or the color of my skin. I
believe this is one of the major connections I made with all the girls. No matter what we look or
act like we are feminist may it be black or white or the gray arear in the middle. Throughout my
connections with the girls I have made connections with staff members as well by doing our
community service and helping out in events that allowed of Gender, Activism, and Leadership
to show. From our first actual event where we helped setup which was the Domestic Violence
event where we carried salutes of women in red and then draped them with cloth so that no one
knows the shape or status of the person just their story which we pinned to the cloth so that
others may read. After that I helped set up the table with information on domestic violence,
ribbons, and other little goodies for students who attended the even could take a piece with them
sot that they could always remember what they learned that night. I personally took a car magnet
of the ribbon which now sits on the back of my Honda so every day when I walk passed it I am
remembered of the many stories that were told that night, that should have not been. The next
really big event that I participated in was when we had Ian Harvie from the OutSpoken series
come and share a comedy show and help educate people about being transgender. There I helped
set the table and show students where to sit since it was going to be a packed house where people
will get to know Ian Harvie through jokes, stories, and questions and answers. Throughout the
whole night I learned so much and will hold it in my heart, I truly believe this was my absolute
favorite event we had because he did not make it uncomfortable for people who come from a
background like mine he was willing to share his story which I believe is the most important for
any person to share. The even that followed was Guante, he was brought here to help us learn

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more about activism and understanding about masculinity. He is an activist himself, singer,
spoken-word poet, and rapper. His words hit hard and was able to make a connection with almost
everyone in the audience from one of his spoken-word poems he said. I gained a meaning in
masculinity and that people can take and take but not know the person behind what they are
taking from. Finally the showing of The Mask you Live in, it was a movie/documentary about
what the meaning of masculinity is and how it shapes the boys in our society today and it is hard
for them to fit this mask they are told to wear when they are struggling with their own pains,
anger, and sadness that surround them. I brought my little brother to this because I believe this is
very important because if we allow the boys to talk about their feelings and understand what they
stress over and want in life instead of telling them To be a man I believe we can help shape a
whole new generation where the mask will be no more.
Throughout my semester I have learned many things from Gender, Activism, and
Leadership that I will never forget. My thoughts and opinions have grown and changed and I
don`t expect them to stop going into my next semester in school. I have taken this step to be
myself and I am proud these journals, books, experiences, and activities that I have been in have
helped me find the missing piece of myself that I can`t wait to share with the world.

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