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Name(s) Sarah Yonut and Caitlyn Shields

Period 2
Date 12/10/15

Case Study # 2
Diagnosis and Explanation
Paranoid Schizophrenia- convinced people were after him and trying to blame
him for poisoning and killing a man
Catatonic Schizophrenia- found in a stuporous state, eyelids only open with
force, no responses, mute, paid no attention for five days
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies
ABC method- discuss the As (activating events) that lead to Cs (consequences),
then discuss the Bs (beliefs) which is what actually causes the Cs: then they try to change these
false beliefs. ex. nobody will like me if I tell them about my voices can be changed into Its
impossible to get everyone to like me, my friends might find it interesting, changing this mindset
then changes the behavior.
Group Therapies
Groups of 10-12 with one doctor-found to help schizophrenics tremendously
because it provides a social experience for the patient which leads to less anxiety, increase in
self-esteem, improve reality testing, and often lessens the need for hospitalization. This also
leads to helping schizophrenics interact in the outside world, and to not struggle as bad with
their issues.

Biological Treatments
Antipsychotic drugs- do not cure the illness but greatly reduce the symptoms.
However, not all patients respond to the drugs. May cause cognitive dulling and involuntary
movement but help with hallucinations, delusions, ambivalence, and emotional lability. Common
drugs used to help with schizophrenia symptoms are chlorpromazine, fluphenazine, haloperidol,
loxapine, perphenazine, thioridazine, thiothixene, and trifluoperazine. These drugs have
become known as "neuroleptics."

Case Study # 17
Diagnosis and Explanation
Bipolar Disorder: Feeling one minute that you are on a high, you are elated, no longer shy,
confident, you have great ideas and thoughts.Then the next minute you have a sense of dread.
All those ideas are gone. you no longer feel confident, you are overwhelmed and start to get
angry or fearful. Bipolar disorder is a mood disorder, it is unpredictable.

Behavioral Therapies
Behavioral Therapy believes that all symptoms are learned from classical conditioning and the
environment you are in. So since they believe that every behavior is learned, they believe that
all you have to do is learn the right way to think instead of the bipolar way to think.

Cognitive Therapies
This focusing on the fact that all our thoughts feelings and actions are connected and they
influence each other. They want you to accept your disorder.You are wanted to moniter your
mood, a journal is mostly used to keep record of your everyday thoughts and it is later looked
over by your therapist. You are taught to balance your thoughts. To realize that it's not all-ornothing. you are taught to figure out the moods that are being distorted and change them.
enhancing your social skills, some people with bipolar disorder lack certain social skills and this
makes them feel as if they aren't in control of every aspect of their life. and last, to stabilize your
routine. Taking part in scheduled organized things will set a routine and help stabilize your

Group Therapies
Although it is in a group, you are meant to focus on self help, let the others help you. Group
therapy is often peer led, so there is no doctor to diagnose you. it is meant for you to help others
with their disorder and for others to help you. when you have a mental disorder you often feel
alone, this is to help. also when you are talking, outside viewers often see things you do not,

things you are blind to and those can be brought to your attention. group therapy promotes
social skills. those with bipolar disorder tend to put themselves in a box by themselves.
Biological Treatments
Medication is often taken to prevent mania, hypomania, and depression. Medication is meant to
help stabilize your mood. Lithium is the main medication used to treat mood swings.

Case Study # 28
Diagnosis and Explanation
Sociopath: struggles with depression, Antisocial Personality Disorder is shown in
the way he struggles to communicate with girls and doesnt know how to interact with authority,
extreme behavior is displayed with the way he graduates from college but then decides to
become a pizza delivery man, and he shows a lack of conscience with the way he sometimes
resents his father.

Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies

Therapy for sociopath are often very ineffective. therapy is for people for want to change.
sociopaths don't want to change. behavioral therapy wants to set a stable schedule for the
patients.they want you to balance your thoughts. most of the time for sociopaths it actually
makes it worse. they see the games and schedules that the therapist sets out as just another
game they can play.

Group Therapies
the same goes for group therapy. group therapy focuses on lettings others help you. they like all
other therapies see this as a game to manipulate. except instead of one sociopath manipulating
a counselor. it's a bunch of them in one room trying to manipulate each other. it's not a good

Biological Treatments
The ACCG reports that medication to cure sociopathy is mostly ineffective. antipsychotics, mood
stabilizers, anti-anxiety, and antidepressant medications are often used. you can't cure
sociopathy but you can help prevent some of the symptoms.

Works Cited
"Schizophrenia Medications." WebMD. WebMD, 2015. Web. 11 Dec. 2015.
Kingdon, David. "The ABCs of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Schizophrenia." Psychiatric
Times. UBM, 2015. Web. 10 Dec. 2015.
Siotis, Irene Patelis. "Group Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Bipolar Disorder: A Feasibility and
Effectiveness Study." Jad-Journal. Elsevier Inc., July 2001. Web. Dec. 2015.
Smith, Melinda, and Jeanne Segal. "Bipolar Disorder Treatment." Help Guide. Help Guide, Sept.
2015. Web. Dec. 2015.
"Why Counselling and Therapeutic Therapy Really Doesn't Work with a Sociopath, It Will Only
Make Things Worse!" Dating a Sociopath. N.p., 04 Oct. 2014. Web. 13 Dec. 2015.

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