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Gmail MAPL Page | of 2 Gmail ps eee eer MAPI messages Jana Turner Mon, Aug 18, 2007 at 8:40 AM ‘To Bil Grissom i Tina has saved the MAPI inventory files under general documents, MAPI Server, MAPI, Assets! ‘But, [cant open the fest Wil you ty to open on your heme computer! Let me know! Tanke! Jana Turner, CPA Altus Ventures, LLC ‘20W. Broagway Altus, OK 73821 Tol: (80) 400-1319 Fax (580) 477-2083 ‘-maljumer@ialusventuresok com "This smal and any ies anssited witht are confidential and intended solely forthe use ofthe individual or nity to whom they are addessd, Ifyou have received this malin eer please nally the system manager lene note tha any ‘ews or opinions presented inthis email are solely those ofthe author and do ot necessarily represent those ofthe empany Finally, fe veilet shold check tis eal and unyatchments for Ue presence of vues. The company cep no Uinblity for any damage eaused by any virus transmit by this eal’ Jana Tumer Mon, Aug 13,2007 at 10:08 AN ‘Tor Bil Grissom Just got off the phone with Tina She said the copy of he lease agreementisin John Price's ofc. tis between Weet Rout Properties and John Price signed it Jana Turner, CPA ‘Altus Ventures, LLé 4120 W. Broadway Altus, OX 73821 Tol: (680) 490-1319 (80) 477-2083 ‘emai: furer@atusventuresok com "This msi and any ils transite with tar confidential and intended solely forthe ws ofthe individu ety to whom hey te aes, I'you hae reeled th ean error plese notify he system manager, eae note ny ‘ews or epinions presented inthis e-mail are solely those ofthe author and do wot necessary epeset those of the company Finally th eipient should check this e-mail and any attachments forthe presence of wuses. Te company 8/13/2007 hit: goople coma ik-e244 Aface&view~ptSth=1 146006667b8be048scare Gmail - MAPL Page 2 of 2 cep obi foray damage cased by ay vrs tenant by this email Jana Turner Mon, Aug 13,2007 at 40:21 AM To: Bul Grissom Bil, '.can now open the fies from the MAPI server! So we have the lst Tina had on the sewer! Jana Turner, CPA [tus Ventures, LLG 120. Broadway ‘Altus, O¥€ 7382 “Tol: (580) 480-1319 x: (580) 477-2083 ‘esmal:urpar@atusventuesok com “This ema and any ls transmit wih it are confident and intended solely forthe use of the individual or catty to whom hey re adresse. Ifyou hae received this eal inex pease notify the system manager, Pease neta ny ‘views or opinions presenied inthis ell are solely those of the author and do nt neces ropes thse ofthe ‘company. Finally th ecient shoul check this email and any tachment forthe presence of vires, The company cept no ibility fran damage caused by my vrs tasted by hr ema ‘ntp:t'mail<24414face&view=pt&th=1 146006667D8be048seurch... 8/13/2007 Gmail - August AV Bonus Pool Page 1 of 2 Bill Grissom Bill Grissom Weel, Aug 8, 2007 at 1:42 PM ‘To: AVOK:Don “donadse49@igmallcom>, Paul Doughty " This isthe August bonus calculation. | aleve you bath have copies of he June a ly ealeiations which remain untonded, Please let re know what your plan is concerning this at your rest convenience, Thanks, a 2attachmen av Management feos 080107 x15 ‘one AY Bonus Poo! osot07. x aK Paul Doughty Wed, Aug 8, 2007 at 6:05 PM ‘Tor Bil Grssom egresom oil@gia com> Ce: Bill: As we discussed, our liquidity continues fo remain very limited. | think we should go ahead ‘and pay Jana and Christy, however, we should hold ours until our Iquidly eosens up. I think the EPG note could be paid aif in the near future. Also the FSB Development Participation can be paid {down with the guy that Michael Hinds has on the hook right now. Both ofthese should loosen the liquidity crunch and allow you, me and Don to catch up at that time, Don: Do you agree? Paul i Grissom (malessom bil@sma com] Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2007 2:42 PM ‘Tor AVOK-Don, Paul Doughty ‘niptimail, 2441 4facedview=pt&th1 44870006 1a97358search=a.. 8/13/2007 Gmail - August AV Bonus Pool Page 2 0f 2 ‘Subject: August AV Bonus Poo! Bill Grissom Wed, Aug 8, 2007 at 2:36 Pet ‘To: Paul Doughty Ce denaszae8@qnall com Pay Jana and Christy what? June, or June thr Aug or what? You can give me more deta onthe EPG payot and the “guy Minds has on the hook when we moe about Friday? oo |ntip://mail google-com/mail/7ik=<24414face&view=pt&th=114487b00e189735&searchg.... 8/13/2007 Bieta fy HEEL HERES HERR | ee i ea tna HHS Pnteeseeeteeety ange eRe ELEY EE VRURNHRY UUs MCU LLU weweteven spun fovore, (as 10N) separ ao 8 ped SURELY 3 Pe aeussity Bunesedo wou wong ‘ao rane A ox yo09 ony BNO 190 0 yn equcoary pu 9 WOH OAD Mou HES RUROWE SSPNEU PEG SION eeweewe seuereee Genieed tom om : om 7 a 3 s wo : vo we aia suman Wid So-L0czeW8 —_Th]20L060 eee snvog AYZNHONISeIGarUeNLon\seny UEU Kerede\sBumeG fesoTjunsEUBaSBUNES DUP SWeLNDeC'D coass'ont sesnuog 0 vege’ snuoa yes 0) : at oe # ve sa foes iseeo'e ovese' eowo'ss Levert eseore s ‘528; WOUEEUE 1804sH0M snuog souEuUOHeg visio ox oe isecoe ocese's ‘snuog bss oe 486 26, SOREE'OLS KES ezeEHLO LHL sosce't $ s2s sesEE'h $ sizs seerE'l $ sZt soeer't $ zi $0 arse0'e § see a ooze cove ‘snug "food S1UBIOM SUWUOW, ooze ovoze'zezs concoe $ ‘ooood%0E $ ooo0d0e § uoneinojeo soueuopeg Executive Vesting in Bonus Pool Executive Paul Don Bill. Poot Yrs Yet 4 4 2 0 5 5 3 8 6 8 4 16 7 7 5 18 8 8 8 2 8 8 7 25 » 0 8 28 non 3 31 2 2 0 ea 8 8 ot a um oR 40 6 68 43 6 68 4 46 wT 7 48 49 we 8B 52 ‘Agreed upon Implementation delayed per Paul Doughty Pa Allocation % of Poo! Don 40% 40% 38% 38% 30% 38% 37% 3% 38% 36% 36% 36% 38% 36% 35% 35% 35% 38% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 23% 25% 26% 2% 20% 20% 20% 20% 30% 30% 50% 30% 31% 31% Gmail - feedback please Page | of 2 Gmail bu san sssonsmgynatcone feedback please 3 messages I Grissom Wed, Aug 8, 2007 at 2:04 PRA To! AVOK:Don =dona.i2049%@9malcom>, Paul Doughty Pensa rinw ntacheet MAPUCONIAVRE!cosignatin ater for appropriateness in language and message ‘When wil everyone be back in Altus? an BMAP Restnation Laon de Paul Doughty ‘To Bil Grissom = Ce donasz5¢B@gmallcom Looks good to me. However, Joe Rocket says that Roger did not have the authority to vote the Grassy Creok interests and therefore ther action atthe MAPI meeting was not valid. Hopefully we ‘can have a better read on who has the authoriy todo what . You might hold these back until tomorrow s0 we can get some clarity |Lam flying back with Dave or Don inthe Bonanza Sunday afternoon. | am not sure exactly when Don is planning to be back in Altus Paul rom: Bil Grissom [maito:sssomil@gmal con] ‘Sent: Wednesday, August 08,2007 2:05 PM ‘To: AVOK-Don, Paul Doughty Subject: fedback please. Please review attached MAPICODIWRCII resignation letter for appropriateness in language and message. hip:/mail M4 Tfee902ceSde@senrch=qu.. 8/13/2007 Gmail - feedback please Page 2 0f 2 ‘When wi everyone be back in Altus? F. Don Anderson Wed, Aug 8, 2007 at6:15 Pm ‘To. Paul Doughty , Bll Grissom , Dave Brn “Gavdorumgbeomcast net Bave Sunt edorunigomapie coms Blots wat par lag vice fora day oF 2. Ron is gone for wknd, Sony forthe Biackberty bevy Den Angerson alt 680-471-2649, Fax 776-300-7074 sr2007, 18:15 F Don Anderson Sent ram my BlackBerry® wrcless handheld 500-471-9689 (um ese) ‘nuptial facedeview=ptdth=11447fee902ceMedsearch=qu... 8/13/2007 -MAPI letterhead of somekind??? ‘August 8, 2007 Gentlemen, ‘thas come to my attention that managerial control for Mountain Adventure Property Investors, LLC, Colorado Oasis Development, Inc., and West Routt Construction Il, LLC ‘now rests with Ron Sills and his associates, have personal experience in working with the accounting and information systems at 4S and can speak authoritatively concerning how accounting and management information is controlled under the direction of Ron Sills 1 greatly regret that I cannot perform the duties of CEO, Controller or even Company ‘Accountant in an environment that exposes me to responsibilities beyond my contol. | therefore must tender my resignation from the above mentioned companies. Please have ‘my name removed from all signature cards immediately. Also please amend any and all corporate documents immediately to accommodate my resignation. | wish everyone involved great success Dest regards, ‘lliam R. Ce: Mountain Valley Bank Vectra Bank Gmail - Golf tour Page | of 1 Gmail a Golf tour 2 messages John Price ‘Sun, Aug 12,2007 at 6:88 AM Ter grissom bll@gmallcom cked, but didnt sae yuan the cours. Ara yous teamadup with Tiga oe Phi for Sunday's oun? MAP! appears tobe the Ron and Roger show those days. I sure woul be nice f Robinson or Keys would slop up as 'seems that Don has no Balls. Enjoy your day Ourbest to Pata 388 winmallt Ow l Grissom ‘Sun, Aug 12,2007 at 7:33 PM To! John Pree “pricegomapae us> Ii win Hope monday we hear something ot 8/13/2007 2441 4fucedview~pt&thI L4Scdb0eed66_7D8search hitp:/mail Guna MAPI Lockout Page 1 of 2 Gmail oi son pnnsitgmatcne MAPI Lockout 3 messages Bil Grissom Fri, Aug 10,2007 at 4:36 PM ‘To. AVOKDan “dona2549@gmall com, Bob Keys , John Proe “orea@mepile com>, Krk Molsan “kttosang@rabcon com>, Mathew Gaitin-mngriin @androwedavie con, Paul Doughty “paoughty@tebaltve oom, Randy RobN90 ‘rer@robcon come, "Rocket, Joe" ‘Tina Bradley caled me about an hour ago. She was conffonted at the MAP! office today while working by 2 locksmith sen by Roger Johnson to change the locks. She said the cleaning lady stopped them. She was, Unable to get a final backup betore Roger arrived | nave backed up al the accountng files and much ofthe information fles to my computer in Okahome, | am changing the passwords onthe remote access. | have instructed Tina not to rotum tothe MAPIoffces. She (nor anyone else) needs not be subject to thie |ype of behavior from partners 0” anyone els, co F, Don Anderson Fe, Aug 10,2007 a 6:21 Paw ‘To Bil Grissom sgrissom bil@aymacom> (Ce. "Roger A. Johnson">, Ron Sits , Bob Keys “beys@keyebusinesegroup com>, Kirk Moisan , Dave Brun “davidbruni@comeastnot> Bl tank you & you are totally correct. ‘To Roger: Kirk Ron &| agree to no Mapi move and tak more next week. Dont know what you guys intend tohonor any more. id “he new manager’ releave me or was that just a suggestion? Dan Anderson Sent om my BlackBecry® wireless handheld 500-471-9689 (Guna hn) Bil Grissom Sat, Aug 11, 2007 at 6:28 PM To: johnaprice@imindspring com ‘This sal! know. except tis 3 dogrees hottor than hell out atthe PGAin Tulsa, Watch for me in the crowd, Forwarded message —— From *F Don Anderson"> Date’ Fri, 10 Aug 2007 2921.21 +0000 Subject Re: MAPI Lockout ‘ntptimail,google.con/mail/?ik=e2441 face &eview~pldth~1145741821d341e2&search=q.. 8/13/2007 Gmail - MAPI Lockout Page 2 of 2 To: Bill Grissom (Ce:"Roger A Johnson” «1a)2@springsips com>, Ron Sis , Bob Keys Bil thank you & you ar totaly cove. ‘To Roger: Kik Ron & | agrecd to no Mapl move and talk more next week: Dont know wat you guys intend t9 honor any more. Did "the new manager’ releave me or was that ust a suggestion” F Don Anderson Sent rm my ackBerry() wireless handhold ese) hup:simailð=1145741821d341e2&search=q... 8/13/2007 Grail - feedback please Page | of 2 Graail oi csan spsom agnaane feedback please S messages l Grissom Wed, Aug 8, 2007 at 2:04 Pat ‘To! AVOK:Don =donai2049%@9mal com>, Paul Doughty Plante cevinw tached MAPUCONIMNRCI zaignatinn lete for appropiaenass in language and message, \When wil everyone be back Altus? ou 1@ MAP ReslanationLaterdoe Paul Doughty ‘To: Bul Grissom Ce donasze¢a@grallcom Looks good to me. However, Joe Rocket says that Roger did not have the authority to vote the ‘Grassy Creek interests and therefore their action at the MAPI meeting wae not valid. Hopetly we ‘can have a beter raad on who has the authority to do what . You might hold these back unt {tomorrow so we can get some clay {Lam fying back with Dave or Don in the Bonanza Sunday afternoon. | am not sure exactly when ‘Don is planning to be back in Altus, Paul From: Bil Grissom fmaito:srissom bil@amal com) Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2007 3:05 PM Tor AVOK-Don; Please review attached MAPUCODIWRCII resignation leter for appropriateness in language and message, hup:/imail 4face&view=pt&th=1147fee902cedeRscarch=qul.. 8/13/2007 Gmail - feedback please Page 2 of 2 When wil everyone be back in Altus? Bil F. Don Andereon Wed, Aug 8, 2007 at 6:15 PM ‘To: Paul Doughiy , Dave Bin “Gavaoruniteomeastne>, Gave Brun! Bil las wait per legals advice fora day oF 2, Ron Is gone for wind, Sore forthe Blackberry brevity. Don Anderson eit 680-477-2649, Fax. 775-320-7074 ‘2007, 18:5 Don Anderson Sent tom my BlackBerry® wireless handheld 500-471-3649 ucts in 8/13/2007, |hp:/imailð=1147fee902ce9deResearch=q ‘Gmail - MAPL Page 1 of 6 Gmail eee MAPI 9 messages Rockett, Joe Fri, Aug 3, 2007 at 2:50 PM To: donai2040@gmallcom,gr'ssom bil@gmal com Ce-"Grifih, Matinew" ‘Memorandum ‘August 3.2007 To 48 Development, Lis, LLLP (Grassy Creok Holding Company, LLC Gentlemen, ‘Your attempted election of new managers was ineffectual and we donot recognize the purported designees as managers We put you on noice hat any attempt to usurp managerial authorty fom the duly selected ‘managers wil be considered a breach ofthe Operating Agroement and a breach of idueay Gut and we wil hold you responsible for ll damages flowing teretfom. By your actons, you have Indicated total disgard forthe rights of your elow members and managers ‘Ths manages ae as designates inthe Operating Aareeent Don Anderson, Rabe Keys, Rope Jobson and Shane Sis ‘Since you refuse to recognize Dave Bruni asthe duly elected Pr dnt, Don Anderson remains President Based on our calculation af capital contibutions made to dao, the ownership percentages of MAPI and Units owned are as olowe Oasis Development, LLC. hoon Uns 45 Development, Lid, LLEP 96... Units Grassy Creek Holding Compay, Lic 36." Unis Robinson & Sons, LIC, Tits Clearly you ack author to take any action that requires a vote or other ation bya majo in interest asis Development, Lic By: Don Anderson, Prsidont Rockett, Joe Fr, Aug 3, 2007 a 3:16 PM, ‘To gissam bil@gmalicom, ce “Grin, Mathew" ‘The operating Agroomont requires consent of 75% in interest to sissolve and wind up the LLC. Disputes ‘among the Member ae to be resolved by arbitration in Denver flowing the American Avlvaton ‘esosation ras, oe ‘ntp:timail google com/mai/7k~e24414faced-view=ptet 1433657d3e0e6d2&searchg... 8/13/2007 Gmail - MAP Page 20r6 D. Joe Rockett, Esa. ANDREWS DAVIS ‘AProfessional Corpration 100 N. Broadway Ave., Suite 3300 ‘Oklahoma City, OK 73102-8812 Direct : 408/235-8729, Tek: 405/272-9241 Fax: 405/235-8786 e-mail ANDREWS DAVIS is a mamber of Mesias Law Fiems Worawide, Vist Mert 3 wir eras. org NOTICE: CONFIDENTIAL AND PRIVILEGED COMMUNICATION: The information inthis electronic mail, Including any attachments, Sent by or on behalf of anatomy and is Intended tobe Coiidental and forthe Use of the itended recipient only. The information contained In ths transmisson and any altached documents of previous emails may be protected by the attrney-clentpiviege, work product doctine, of ‘otherwise lgaly privileged. I the reader ofthis message is not the intanded recipient, you are notified th Fetenion, use, dissemination, dstibuton, oF copying of ths massage or any attachments hereto te eictiy rch: Intecepton of electronic mall is a ere pursuant to the Electron Communications Privacy Ack 18 USC. Sectons 2510-2521 and 2107-2708, I you receved tis electron mal In or, lease notty US Immeclatty by reply and destroy tne orginal ansmssion and ts atachments wtnout easing them or sang thom to sk. Thank you TAXNOTICE: Any tax aevice incuded in his message or attachments is not intended, and cannot be uso, forthe purpose of avoiding tax related penaltes or promoting, marketing or recommending any tax related mater to anther person, Bl Grissom Sat, Aug 4, 2007 at 8:38 AM Tor "Rockett, Joo" Ge: donas254a@gmal com, "Goffin, Matthew" , Paul Doughty> Gentamen, know its more complicated that his, but the atached spread sheet shows that bth 4S and GCH brought ‘more deb that assets. Wit hat, why would they have any % of ownership at a7? Ofcourse the FSB foans ‘hat prohbed the transfert the partnership ofthese ands needs fo be discussed since that was a serous ‘ater contin ther non-complance. Stil we can eenvines them that wa ust want to spt tis deal and ‘val the legal shit and arian hs may be enough lo make them easor to bargain with Tat and serious intent by FSB to demand payment a etn itn MAP! Land Contributions 020907.x8 2K F Don Anderson Sat, Aug 4, 2007 at 1:07 PM ‘To: Dave Brunt , Bill Gissamn , Bob Keys , Kirk Moisan Ce oe Rockett sdjrocketi@ancrevsdavs com>, Mat Grfith =ngitn@andrewsdavi. com> 8/13/2007 ‘tp/mail google com/mail/7ik~e2441 4face&view=pt&th=11433657d3e0e628searl (Ginail - MAPL Page 3 of 6 Forwarded is message from Bill Grissom and attachment shows that 4S and GCH have not ‘made sufficient land contributions into MAPI yet to justify having any unit ownership, they are stll negative, Also attached are 3 other documents: a) Meeting agenda for Monday's Meeting, b) Memo Notice to 45 and GCH as to the invalidity of their election (Joe Rockett prepared), and c) Other Items that we need to be aware of and move on. 1 believe that given allthis information and various loan guaranties, MAPL should remain lunder the control of Gasis/Robcon, We would bula/liquidate Villages, the remaining lots at Hidden Springs and Mt. Harris, Having fulfilled our obligations to arrange the financing, we should not make and/or arrange any more financing for 45 or GCH until the make their contributions. We may want to eliminate or limit thelr future contributions so that they could not Implement the takeout play they just tried. I would like to get the memo notice (without documentation) out to 4S and GCH today and have the rest of everyone's feedback early Monday morning, F Don Anderson Cell: 580-471-3649 Email: Forwarded Message From: Bill Grissom Sat, 4 Aug 2007 10:39:11 -0500 Rockett, Joe" Get , "Griffith, Matthew" , Paul Doughty Subject: Re: MAPI Gentlemen, 1 know it is more complicated that this, but the attached spread sheet shows that both 4S and GCH brought more debt that assets. With that, why would they have any % of ownership at all2? Of course the FSB loans that prohibited the transfer to the partnership of these lands needs to be discussed since that \was a serious factor contributing to thelr non-compliance. Stil f we can convince them that we just want to split this deal and avold the legal shit and arbitration, this may be enough to make them easier to bargain with. That and serious intent by F5B to demand payment. in -nupslinail,google.con/mail/7ik~e2441 Afacedeview=pldtth=11433657d3e0e6I2&searchg.... 8/13/2007 Page 4 of 6 (0n 8/3/07, Rockett, Joe wrote: ‘Tho operating Agreement requires consent of 75% In interest to dissolve and wind up the LLC. Disputes among the Members are tobe resolved by lritration in Denver following the American Arbivation Assocation rules, Joe D. Joe Rockett, Esq. ANDREWS DAVIS [A Profesional Corporation 100 N. Broadway Ave., Suite 3300 Oklahoma City, OK 73102-8812 Direct : 405/235-8729 Tel: 405/272-9241 Fax: 405/235-8786 e-mail: _mailto:djrockett@andrewsdavis. com> ANDREWS DAVIS is a member of Merits Law Fiems Worldwide, Visit Meritas at vi meritas.Og sits meas 19> NOTICE: CONFIDENTIAL AND PRIVILEGED COMMUNICATION: The ifmation inthis electron mal, inclaing any attachmenis, i sent by or on behalf ofan ‘tlomey and itended to be conidentl and othe ue othe nena rechlent ‘nly. The information contained in this transmission and any atached docamonts ot previous emai may be potectad by the atemney-centpxvlege, work product, Soctnne, or tnerse egy prviaged. the reacer ofthe meciages tthe inlondedrecoiont, you are notte ha retonton, use, dleseranaton,dstibuton, or copying ofthis meskage or any alachments hero's stl prole’. Interception Gtelectnic mala ene pursuant othe Electronic Communications Privacy Act {BU'Sc. Sectons 2510-2521 and 2107-2700. you recalvad tis elacronle mal ‘ror, please noty us immediatly by reply and destoy the orga transmission and Iatiachmeonts without reading thom or saving ham teak. Thank you. ‘TAX NOTICE: Any tax advice Included inthis message or attachments is not intended, and cannot be used, forthe purpose of avoiding tax related penalties or promoting, marketing or recommending any tax related hip:/imail 1 14336S7d3e0e6d2&seareh=g... 8/13/2007 Gmail - MAPL Page 5 of 6 matter to another person. End of Forwarded Message 4 attachments (@) MAPI Land Contributions 080307.x5 2K MAP! RE48 TAKEOVER doe Boe @ NAP Managing Parner tet Agenda 6.07 oe {Gy MAP Aveda Omar tame ofNotedoe Bil Grissom ‘Sat, Aug 4, 2007 at 6:11 PM ‘To! David Brunt = Forwarded message From Bill Grissom =srsom bil@gmailcom> Date: Aug 4, 2007 10:30 AM Subject Fe! MAPL ‘To "Rockett, Joe" Ge: donas2549¢agmaicom, “Grit, Matthew” MHGrifth@andrewsdavs com>, Paul Doughty yap Land Contbutons 000078 Bill Grissom Sat, Aug 4, 2007 a 6:22 PM ‘To: F Don Anderson Ce: Dave Brunt “davdbruni@ecmonat net, Dave Bruni , Bob Koyo>, Kirk Moisan , Joe Rockett on, How did you calculate the % of ownership? dbrunl Sat, Aug 4, 2007 at 6:18 PM ‘Ter Bl Grissom nuptial google convmail/7ik~e2441 4facedeview=ptdeth=1 1433657d3e0e62search=q.... 8/13/2007 Gmail - MAP lease pardon my PDA-phone broviy. Thank yo. ora, Dave Brin DBRUNI@MAPILLC com ()970.9%6-1935 [Patent 4 attachments @ MAPI Land Contributions 080307.x8 2k a MAP Managing Panes Menting Agoda 86-07. doe IMAP Agenda Other Heme of Note. doe One ay MAPIRE 48 TAKEOVER doe ae brunt ‘To; Bil Grissom 4 attachments & MAP Lana Contributions 00007 x (a) MAP! Managing Parner ting Agenda 8.607.400 ly MAPI Agenda Other toms of Notedoe ok |) MAPI RE 48 TAKEOVER doc ork Bill Grissom “To! dbrun’ Fri, Aug 3, 2007 at 1:41 Pa ‘or dona2940@gmallcom, griscom.bil@amailcom Ce: kik@robeon com, “Gifith, Matthew” Don and ‘The operating Agreement (OA) designates the managers. They are you, Bob, Roger and Shane. There ie no ‘mactanism in te OA for adang adtonal manager, but one resigns there sa proces fr replacing him. The confit of interest sacton (5.3) would pron wansacton® wih an ate family member (e, Appointing one as a manager or the payment of compensation to such person without consent ofa majenty ofthe managers, ‘The holders ofa majonty of the Units can amend the OA. Accordingly. a majorly in ineret could amend the (8 to auorize the adalton of managers and overide the confit of interest section, bil qury whelner that isthe procedure Ron followed. There also an argument that ther acon fsa breach of flay duly, 114 and Grassy Creek have not completed ther capt! contributions fo the LLG, thelr Units, or some portion ‘ofthem, are not val issued for fare of consideration. Therefore, 48 and GC do not own wha they purport to oan o the extent tney have not completed their conveyances to MAPL Without a majorly I intorst ‘inerhip, they would not have the aby fo amend the OA Jes D. Joe Rockett, Esq. ANDREWS DAVIS ‘A Professional Corporation 100 N. Broadway Ave., Suite 3300 Oklahoma City, OK 73102-8812 Direct: 408/235-8729, Tek: 408/272-0241 Fax: 405/235-8786 ‘e-mail: [ANDREWS DAVIS isa member of Meras Law Fiems Workivide. Visit Mertas at wun mertas. or NOTICE: CONFINENTIAL AND PRIVILEGED COMMUNICATION: The information inthe elctenis mai Including any attachments, sent by or on behalf of anatomy and is intended tobe confident and or the Use of the inlanded recbent only. The information contained nthe Wansmiesion and any altached ‘documents or previous emals may be protected by th attonay-clent pivlege, work product doctrine, oF ‘thenvise legal privieged. Ite reader ofthis message isnot the intanded reipent, you are notified that retention, use, dissemination, distribution, or copying ofthis message of any attachments hereto Is sre) Prohibited. Interception of electronic mall isa cime pursuant tothe Elecvonic Communications Privacy Act 18 USC. Sections 2510-2521 and 2107-2708. Ifyou recaved this eecronic malin error, please not us Immeciatly by reply and destroy tne original tansmision andi attachments without eading them or sng them to sk. Thank you TAXINOTICE: Any tax ave included in ths message or attachments snot intended, and cannot be used, forthe purpose of avoiding tax related penalies or promoting, marketing ofracommending any tax related htip:/mail” +244 face eview~pldtth-1 1424840769 leabe&search=q..._ 8/13/2007 Gmail - MAP ‘matter to another person Bill Grissom ‘To: AVOK:Don “donaze4Qgmallcom>, David Bruni e Bil Grissom To: "Rockett, Joo" thanks, Bil Grissom To! "Rockett Joe” Ce AVOK-Don =onas2040@gmal. com Joe, Page 2 of 2 Fr, Aug 3, 2007 at 1:40 PM. Fr, Aug 3, 2007 a 1:55 Pat Fri Aug 3, 2007 at 2:57 PM ‘The attached is based upon the assumption of the % of and actually contributed (cost basis) apped tothe ciginal agreement as o what land would be contributed. shoud be prety clot, oo (On 4/9107, Rockett, Joe wrote rote sn) MAP! Amended Capital Account Calculatons.xls 450K hp:/mail| 1424844769 eabc8searcl 8/13/2007 Gmail - proxy fight news Page 1 of Gmail i crteam eso ions om> proxy fight news T message Bil Grissom Mon, Jun 25, 2007 at 11:21 AM ‘To: AVOK-Don “dona’so4aigmall com>, Paul Doughty ust got a call fom Roy Garrison whose son works there, He said Jan Rose hand out proxies tothe ‘mpoyess who also hac stock with expt istuctons of exacby who to vate for ari who nol to voto fr. [Lok ike ily McCoy and Bll Grssom shouldbe voted of the Board and everyone else vated on | would say John’s atitude problem s creating issues athe company tat wil be more ficult to doa with as {ime goes on. Paul since you "are his fiend” you may want to give him some advice about organizatonal bhohavior and its efect on the good of the company. Not voting for me is nota prober, but the feeling Roy aid was tat this Inimdaton was having devia effet on the work fora. Joh ie trsng ths into very ugly situation. ‘comments? hp:/imail’ik=e24414face&view=pt&th=11363e715992Ab3dEesearch=q.. 8/13/2007

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