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Chapter 3 he following 4 Three-Phase Oil-Water-Gas Separation 41 INTRODUCTION ‘The concepts, theory, and sizing equations for two-phase gas-iqud ‘eparators have been discussed in Chapter 3. The material presented in Chapter 3 applies, in general to the separation of any gas laud sytem such as gaol, gus water, and gus-condensite systems. In almost all Production operations, however, the prodaced uid stream consists of these phases, mater, and gs, Generally, water produced with the oi exes partly as fee water and Parlly as waterioll emulsion. In some cases however, when the water il ratio is very hh, iinowater rather than waterincll emulsion wil form, Free water produced with the ol is defined the water that wil setle and separate from the il by gravity. To separate the emulsified ter, however, heat tweutment, chemical testment eletostatc {eeatment, of a combination of thee teaiments would be secessay in audition to gravity setting This i icused in Chapter 5. Therefore, ff ‘vantageous to fist separate the fee water (fom the oll 10 minimize the treatment costs of the emulsion, Along with the water and oil, gas will always be present and, {hereore, mus be separated from the igud. The volume of as depends largely on the producing and separation conditions. When the volume of {is relatively small compared tothe volume of liquid, the method use {o separate fee water, cil and ga i called free-mater knockout tn such a se, the separation of the water Trem oil will govern the design of the vesiel, When there is a large volume of gas tobe separated from the igus (cit and water the vest! is called a three-phase separaor and either the ‘05 capacity requirements oF the water-ol separation constaints ey over the vesel design. Feee-wter knockout and thee phase seperalors are basicaly sina in shape and components. Further, the same design Concepts and procedures are used for Both types of vers. Therefore, the term flr phase separator wll be used for both ype of vesel throughout the chapter Threephaseseparitors may be either horizontal or veil pressure esses similar tothe two-phase separators desctbad it Chaplee 3 have additional conse devices and ray have additonal intrnal components. In the following sections, the {vo types of separator (horizontal and vertical) are described andthe basic However. three-phase separators wil design equations are developed 42 HORIZONTAL THREE-PHASE SEPARATORS ‘Thee-phase separators difler fom two-phase separators i hut the guid collection scetion of the three-phase separator handles 10 immiscible Tigids (ol and water) rather than one. This section should therefore, be designed to separate the Wo liquids, provide means for controling the level ofeach liquid, and prove separate outs for each qi, Figures 1 and 2 show schematics of two common types of horiontl thee phase Separators The difeence been the two type is mainly fn the method ‘of controling the levels of the oll and water phases In the first type (Fig. 1) an interface coatrlier and a weit provide the conte. The PresreContl Valve \ \ ‘ire Emulsion ravi Setling Seton Weer caso orl Cone Vales Figur 1 Horizontal the pase separator seomate of oe pe Te F tae Figure design 0 dvign © te two-phas From the sepantor the gis Aitferens Sealine = droplets, by erat enained the press sepattor he coatesten ‘volume Chaps ther, the same design wesc. Therefore, the Sof ves throughout Hor vertical pressure vbed in Chapter "contol devices and owing sections. the Sere and the basic 8 n that he fguia les two immisible utd tee be for controling the shliguid. Figurs 1 ‘zontal three phase ily inthe method ses. In the fiat © the contol The Gas ‘Thre Phase OW Ware Gas Seporetion mn Prue Cont Vale Inlet Divener ys Eater ne Vater Figure 2 Horizontal threat spray bucket an wer dson Assign of the second type (Fig. 2), normally known asthe bucket an wele tksign, eliminates the need for an interface contol “The operation of the separator is 1m general, smi 9 that of the two-phase Separator. The produced fd steam, coming either directly from the producing wel oF from a fre-water knockout vessel, enters the Separator and ils the int diver, where the ial bulk separation of the gas and ligud taker place due to the change in momentur and erence in ui densities. The gus ows horizontally through the gravity seting section (de top part ofthe separator) where the entrained liquid ropes, down to certain minimum se (aommally 100 in), are separated by praviy. The gas then flows through the mist extractor, where smaller entrained quid droplets ae separated, and out ofthe separator through the pressure contol vale, which consol the operating presute of the Separator and mtinteine iat a constant value The bulk of liquid Separated at the inet dverte, flows downward, normally through downcomer that diets the flaw below the ot water interface The ow of the Lguid through the water layer, called water washing, helps in the soulescence and. separaion of the water droplets suspended in the ‘cotinuaus oll phase. The liguid collestion section should have sulfiient ‘volume to allow enough ‘ime forthe separation of the oil and emulsion from te water, The oil and emelsion layer forming on top ofthe water i Caled the of pd. The weir contols the level of the oil pad and an interface controler contsoe the level of the water and operates the water bullet vale. The of and emulsion flow over the weir and collet in a Sepeate compartment, where its level is controlled by a level controler that operates the of outlet valve “The clave volumes occupied by the gas and fguid within the separator depend of the relative volumes of gas ad liquid produced 1 i, ‘eommon pracie, however, to assume that each of the Wo phases tccupies 30% of the separator volume. In such cases, however, where the produced volume of one phase Is much smller of much larger than the Sher pase. the volume of the separator should be split accordingly eewech the phases For eample, the gus -hguid ratio is reatively low tee may design the separator sich thatthe liguid occupies 75% of the SRparator volume andthe gts occupies the remaining 25% ofthe volume, “The operation of Ihe other type of borzontal separator (Fig. 2) Aiers only inthe method of contoing the levels of the Mus. The ot lind emulsion flow over the il weir nto the ol bucket, where is level is Controlled by smile Fvel controller that operates the of outlet vale ‘The ater Nowe through the space below the oll bucket, then over the water wer nto the water coleton section. where it level is controle! by A evel controller shat operates the water gullet valve. The level of the guid inthe separator, normally atthe center. is conlled by the ght Of the oil wee. The thickness of the oil pad must be suiient to provide cdquate oil retention time. This fs controlled by the height ofthe water Weir clave to that ofthe oll wet. A simple pressure balance at the bottom of the separator between the waterside andthe water and oll sie cate 0 approtimtey demi he sk he a at allows: Hou = Han “Talc where Hy isthe thickness ofthe oil pad, Hoy the height of the oll wen, oe isthe height ofthe water weir and and p ae the oll nd witet denies, espctvely. "Equation (1) gives only an approximate value forthe thickness ofthe cil pad Amore accurate valve cOuH! Be obtined ifthe density of the oll in By. (1) replaced by the average value ofthe density of oil ad density tf emlsion. which depends onthe thicknes of the oil and emulsion ayers Sithin the oi pad. The height of the water wer should not beso smal as to avoid the dowaward growth ofthe ol pad and the possiblity ofthe oi, owing below the ll bucket over the water weir and out withthe water " a Thee Phe Ieisadvsae the oi in. any unepe problems a design of F ior thew operation & esi (Fg 43. Vert As disuse pefered on hase sepaee forced 10 se spite the 1 plications the prod Figure ‘sparston. TI net Diven Figures. Sw Chapee 4 of the wate is st pad and an sites the alee nd collect na evel controler Yeid within the produced. I's the two plases reve, where the larger thar ehe pli accordingly oF the volsme dacator (Fi 2) Piuds, Te oll where it ee is fh then over the iscontoled by The fevel of the by the height ‘cient to provide ht of the water talunce at the tater and ot side the oil pd as o sof the oll weir he lt and water thickness ofthe ensity of the of Sf oil and density {etalon avers fot be so sal as ssbily of the oi with the water Thre Phase Oi! Water Gus Separation us {nis advisable to have the ol bucket as deep as possible and to hive eter ‘any unexpected changes in flow rates and/or liquids properties. Such problems are easily accommodated in the interlace controller and wei ‘esgn of Fig. I, ae the interface controller could be exlly adjusted. In Some cases, However, whe the diference in density betwen the water and ‘ll or the water and emulsion ae smal (eg, im heavy ofl operations), the ‘operation of the interace controller becomes unrelable and the Bucket Sig Fig 2) nll be prfee, 4 VERTICAL THREE-PHASE SEPARATORS. AAs discused in Chapter 3, the horizontal separators are normally Prefersed over vertical sepurators due to the low geomety that promotes hase separation. However. in certuin applications, the engineer may be Forced to select a verical separator instead of a horizontal separator despite the procesrelated advantages of the Inter. An example of such Applications is Tound in offshore operations, where the space Limitations fon the production platform may necessitate the use ofa vertical separator. Figure 3 shows a schematic of a typical the-phase- vertical separator. The produced uid steum enters the separator from the side Level Cont Niner Figure 3 Schematic of «trp vertl spurte nd hits the infer divers, where the bulk separtion of the gis from the liquid takes place. The gas flows upward through the gravity sein ‘Scions which are designed to alow separation of liquid daplls down to certain minimum size (normally 100pm) from the gas The gas then ‘ows through the mist extactor, where the smaller lguil droplets are removed. The gas leaves the separator at the top through a pressure fonteot valve that controls the sepator pressure snd mnains it at & ‘constant value The liguid flows downward through & dowacomer and a flow spreader that is located atthe oll- water intrfae, A the cui comes out ef the spreader, the oil rises to the ol! pad and the mater droplets ‘trapped in the ol setle down and flow, countercurrent © the rising ei hase, to collet in the water collection section at the bottom of the ‘sparator. The oil flows over a wei nfo anil chamber and out of the Separator through the oil outlet valve. A level controller contals the oi level in the chamber and operates the oil outlet vale. Silty the water ‘out of the spreader flows downward ino the water colicin ston, whereas the ol droplets entrapped in the water rie, counteurrent to the ute flow, nt the ol pad. Am interface controller that operates the water tlt valve controls the water level, In the design shown in Figure 3: ‘himney must be provided, as shown in the igue. to allow the gas Teatedffom the Oi 1o rise and jin the rest of the separated gus ah thas. avoid overpressurzing the laud section ofthe separa, The ws of the oll wer and chamber in this design provides good sepation of water from oi a the oil has to rise to the fll eight of the weir before leaving the separator The ol chamber, however, presents some podem Fist, {akes up space and reduces the separator volume needed forthe retention tines of oil and water. I also provides a place for sediment and soil 10 collet, which creates ceasing problems and my hind the low ofl out ofthe ves. In addition adds to the cost ofthe sepaaior, ‘Other methods of level coniro are also avaiable Fipie 4 shows a sshematc ofa separator where an oil waterinterfacecontoles ad ga binteface controller contol the water and ol levels. respectively. Figure $ slows yet another method of level control In ths design, anexternal water ‘alums equipped with adjustable weirs connected to the water ection of he separator. The column 5 also pipe tothe gas section of the separator to stablsh pressure equiivium between the water column and separton. A simple level controller contrls the height ofthe water inthe umn. which, ‘ern, controls the eight of water inthe separator, Thiselim nates te ned for an oil-water interface controller and avoids the potitial problems asiated with such controls, This design, however, takes ditional Space and adds additonal significant cost. Thee Pe 6 on Ware Figure 5 Wat Chae 4 2 pa from the cavity settling dplets down to ‘The ass then 4 dropies we ho pressure and 2 few ‘id comes out ster drops 2 the rising oi dottom of the {nd out of te ontrols the oi fly, the wate reureent to te in Figure 3.4 allow the 3s sated gts and, fr. The use of tion of water before leaving F the retention Sand sls to Now of ol ost fre 4 shows ee anda ws ively Figures enter water section o the ve separator to 4S separator. A ‘lama, which, inates the need al problems es ational Three Phas Oi Water Ges Seperation on von WatecOue Figure 4 ines vel contra (as Ealing Line Adjustable ech Drow Waser Ou Figure 8 Water eg wih or without ol chambe. be hap 4 Liqui-tiquid inteface comers wll function effectively a long 38 there fan appevable ference between the densies of the two lauds. In mos three phase separator applications, water ol emulsion forms und {ute emulsion intrice wll be present im the Separator Instead of trate il interface, The density ofthe emulsion i higher than that of the Si and may be too close to that of the water. Therefore, the smaller ‘density diference atthe water emolson terface will adversely ae the Sperston of the interace controller. The presence of emulsion in the SSpurator takes up space tht otherwise would be available forthe ol crlor tbe water, This reduces the retention time of the oll and\or water tnd, this ress in le efficent ol water separation In mos operations Wuhere the. presence of ems is peoblematc. chemicals known a8 Geemulsiying agents ae injected into the Aud steam to mix with the Tiguid phases These chenieals help in breaking the emulsion, as wil be {sribed in Chapter & Another method that is also used forthe same porpose is tbe adtion of hea 19 the lg within the separator. In both Eases however, the eonomice of the operations have to be weighted Seuinst the tecical costa 44 SEPARATION THEORY “The busc separation concepts and seting equations developed for two: Phase sepanitrs in Chapler are, io genecal, valid for three-phase Epurator. In portal the equations developed for sepration of liquid ropes from the ass thse, which determined the gis capacity consent, te exactly the same for three-phase separators “Treatment ofthe liquid phase for tree phase separators is, however, itferent from that used for two-phuse sxparstos. The liquid retention time constant was fe only erterion used for determining the liquid Capacity of two-phase veparators. For treephsse separators, however, the Seeing and separation the sil droplets frm iter and of the Wate ‘roplts fron oll murt be considered in addition to the etenion tine onseait, Further the retention time for both water and ol, which might be diferent, must als Be considered. In separating oil droplets from water, or water droplets from oi, a relative motion existe betwoen the droplet and the surrounding continues jhe An oll droplet being ser in density than the water. tends t0 ‘move vertically upward under the gravitational or buoyant free. Fy The Cominuous phase Qrned). onthe other hind, exerts a drag free, Fg on the oll droplet in the opposite dietion. The of droplet wil accelerate ntl the factional restance of the Hud drag free. Fy. approaches od owe hase hed frit Fat now ‘nd force. ree wher when opt ea soho Sub The equa ot The Charer # yas long as two iui ‘orm and stead of | that of eho the svaler by affe the Sion if the Tor ti dior water operons Knows at with the 125 wil Be Sethe same tor. In both 1S weighted of Tor two. three phase on of guid Ss however, 4 retention the tigi comever the Pike water sation tine hich mig from oil, Eotends 2 & Fy The ree, Ey ot ecelera aches ard Thee Phase OW Water Gus Sevan ns batanees Fi thereafer, the ol droplet continues to rise at a constant velocity known as the seming of termind velocity. Similarly, @ water thickness sme needed to the ol he oi pad, a), by the ® use obtain follows o ©, dag Pet dats ‘hve Phase Ol! Water- Gas Sepration ns ‘he cil and water flow rates and retention times and the veset diameter control the height ofthe oil pad. Considering separator that hal ul ot tga, the folowing geometrical relation fs easly dered: 4 Of- e where 4, and 4 are the cross-section area of the separator occupied by ‘water and the total cross-sectional area of the separator, respectively and isthe diameter of the vesel, For a given cil and water flow rales and fetenion times, the ratio ay/4 can be determined as Tollows. For a Separator that is hal fll of liquid, the total erosesetionl area ofthe Separator, 4, is equal to twice the area occupied by the liquid, which ‘alto the area oeeupied by water, 4, andthe area occupied by oi, fa therefore, iy A=W +A) 1 Follows that A Ae 4 Saba, Because the volume occupied by each phase is the product of the rosesectional ares and the effective length, the croteseetional sea i ieily proportional to the volume, Further, the volume occupied by an) phase salto determined as the product of the Mlow rate and reention time. Therefor, Sates ay Therefore, once the ratio Ay is determined from Eq. (11), E. (10) cin be solved to determin th ratio Hy D. Tis then used wit the vise of Hapa determined from Eq. (9) to determine the maximum vessel dimer associated withthe maximum oil pad height according to Eg, (12) Ha toa a Paws = ‘This therefore, sets the upper Limit forthe separator diameter, To obiin the valve of HJD from Ea. (8) itis convenient to use the grphical solution of Ea (10) (given i Fig. 6) Equations similar 0. Eqs. (10) and (11) cou be derived for other ases where the uid may oscupy more or less than half the volume of the separator. Chapt Figure 6 1D a fencion of 4/4 Gas Capacty Constraint The eas capacity constrain equation developed fer tworphase horizontal ‘partor in Chapter 3 is also val for thee phase horizontal version ‘The equation provides relationship between the sepratnrdanetes sea “Oy “wy whete is the separator internal diameter (in), Lie he efetive length of {he sepitaor (Mh). Tx the operating temperstue (RY Zi We eee compresbiliy t operating presure and temperate, Ps the operating Prsture, p, and pare the gis and ol densities repectvely (B11 C, {he day coe, and dy isthe mininum ol droplet ize tobe raced from ea um). As dacussed in Chapter 3d normally take se oven and Cys determined by the iterative procedure Qoenibed there Using diamster smaller thon the matimum diameter determined fom the above water droplet seting constraint. Eq. 3) is ceed es , This Th bL be Dstemsis equaton There’on DL Chapter 4 faaas from Ea. (9) ‘ie combinations of aint From Eq. (13), combinations of D ‘from Eq, (1, 46 and determine liquid eapaiy) “mine the seamto- us) governs the design, a be final selection, 3 be important f lenders Stn such cases, ce than 8 internal “cakes in order 10 of a three-phase Thre Phase OW Warr-Gex Seprtion it recention time 1Smin Water retention time: 10min Solution Using Eq), determine Mana 2128 WA, dl See = 228 «10 7541.04 — 0495007 au - Haas in Fae 36 in Use Eq (11) 1 determine the rato Aya Ae 054% 4 Bt Oak, 0.513000 10) (5005+ 1+ (60005 155 From Figure 6, determine the rato HD for Ay/A-=0.: oN ‘hiss the maximum allowable vessel diameter ‘The es capacity constrain, Eg, (13) yields aa cco re an(ssn0rra 8) Determine the gs and oil densities and substitute C:=0.65 inthe above equation np _ 27065250 Te ~~ 355x089 P= pn = 84 089-=5554 yi? ‘Thetetore, the en capacity consent i expressed by b= 662 en = 0888 yt! Use Eq (17) to sheck the liquid capacity (cetention time) constraint: DL = 1.433000 « 10+ 8000 x 15) ~ 214350 ©) Select disnters smaller than the determined maximum diameter and {eter th co responding effective length from Ege (El) and (£2) for he fos capacity onc liquid capacity constraints, respectively. Investigation of Eg (El), however, shows tht for any seleted diameter. the effective length is toes compared to that calcite from Eg, (E2). Therelore, the £38 ‘capacity does at govern the design. For the liquid capacity constrains, the Fests ae tabulsted us follows Ded HIE Le LUD © 921 ea si 2 135 ssi 29 * 33 698 12 st woe a0 Ets 36 2326 301 38 1 is ma i Because the most common senderness rato is between 3 and 5, the lost thre diameter and length combinations in the above table wil be Suitble selactuons. Therefore, the recommended separator siz can be cher Din, by 361, or 96in. by 31M ar 1O2in. by 28M based on cost and vadabilt, Nortlly, the smaller diameter and longer separator is Tess expensive thin the larger dameter and shorter separator. The selecedseparitor will be able to handle a much higher es Now ‘ate The actual ssparator gas eapcity cam be calculated from Eq. (8) by fubtting the values of d and L and caulting the vale of Qy. Fora 6a, by BLM separator (L=3L,4=2326), the as capacity’ is 268, MMSCFD. This is much lrger than the production rte of 8 MMSCED. “Ths indicates that designing the eparsoro® the buss of being half fll of Tague nat elfiient The san of the sparator could be made smaler by alloning the bquid to occupy ore thn hal the volun ofthe separator 482. Sizing Equation for Vortical Separators Sizing ofa vertical hre-phase separator is done in a similar manne to that ‘se in sizing vertical two-phase separtors (ee Chapter 3) tht. the £35 ‘opis contain i sed Yo detemie the minimum diameter ofthe vessel ese Phas tnd the ti vessel For the of pas salue for theguseor asthe min Water Dre The condi ellis eat he f0 the mm ae T rte bythe Equation For Eeusting dimeter ¢ From Eas where Di BD). 1 ‘il and rom ger Any Ey GD

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