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Bxecrrtive Divisional Updates

Sarah Hutchens Advertising
Chief Executive Office The Advertising Division
outstanding members of in Ohio. The "Do It
utilizes many creative ar- this division work very Now" program will con-
Dan O'Connell eas of the business world. hard to meet the needs sist of budget work, mar-
Chief Operating Officer We combine the abilities of of specific clients. This ket research, a creative
marketing, art, and com- year Advertising will be campaign, and imple-
Will Tobin munication to develop cam- taking on a large project mentation.
Chief Financial Officer paigns for our clients. The to increase organ donors
Ashley Yarusi
Executive Assistant
Chris Rechner
rHuman Resources
Alumni Relations Officer The Human Resources viduals with strong crea- growing HR made a
Jeff Kumik Division of MBE is re- tivity and advertising great deal of headway in
Historian sponsible for the recruit- skills. We are unique in recruitment schemes, ment, interviewing, and that MBE serves as an resulting in a great re-
selection process of pro- actual client. The HR cruitment this fall.
spective members. Each division works hard to
semester we look for indi- keep the organization

rPublic Relations
The Public Relations divi- board. Along with these with a new client, Care-
sion is responsible for responsibilities, the PR ForYou2 and promoting
CAMP MBE managing MBE's website, division takes on clients United Way.
Tuesday, October 23 creating the MBE news- to gain reai-world experi-
6:3Opm-7:30pm letter, and designing and ence. This semester we
Shriver updating the bulletin look forward to working

lMarket Research
The Market Research in their decision making and rhree Trees. At the
SENIOR BANQUET Division works with cli- process. we have worked end of the semester, a
TBA ents to develop an initial with Fortune 500 compa- formal presentation is
model, do focus groups, nies such as Nextel and done for our clients to
create surveys, and col- Motorola, as well as local report our findings.
lect & analyze data to aid clients, such as Dipaolo's

I Strategic Marketing
The purpose of the Stra- and creative marketing through working with
tegic Marketing division strategies. Our team has clients such as the Cin-
is to promote local busi- benefited from real-world cinnati Reds, Tonic
nesses through unique marketing experience Lounge, and A-List Bar.

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