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Yo u a r e a r e b e l s p y w h o h a s j u s t f o u n d o u t o f a i m m i n e n t a t t a c k
and as the government controls the intergalactic transponders
y o u h a v e to m a ke y o u r w a y a cro s s t h e g a l a x y w h i s t b e i n g c h a s ed
by inter galactic E Corp who are trying to stop you from
delivering your message to the rebel high command your intel
as you jump from location to location random scenarios can
h a p p en w h i ch w i l l ca u se y o u t o m a ke m o r a l c h o i c es th i s w i l l
include saving stranded ship engaging in trade and defending
your self from space marauders you will also come across
federation ships who will try and stop you or helping rebel
alliance ships in escort and delivery missions there are also
d i ff e r e n t r a c e s w h o m a y o r m a y n o t h e l p o r h i n d e r y o u d u e t o
there society allegiants to ever of the factions this means you
w i l l c o m e a c r o s s a a b o u t t e n d i ff e r e n t s p e c i e s o f c r e a t u r e s o n
y o u r a d v e n t u r e t o y o u r fi n a l e g o a l b u t d o n t d i v e r g e t o m u c h a s
the fate of the galaxy future rest in your hands


App based game

Turn based game which random events develop this game will have a similar fill to
digital cat and mouse as the player has to make there way across the map with
limited fuel whilst encountering random encounters which can both help or hinder the
player on there mission so the game will be divided between map based movement
and a flight simulator to txt adventure depending on the scenario encounter


Ticking clock mechanic I want the game to move the player along creating an air of tension
and add pressure to some of the other elements
Space battles I want to do 3d space fights in a controlled map the player will come across
enemys which they will have to engage in space dog battles this element can also evolve into
team fortress like arena battles depending on the battles outcome and type of element you
are attacking or how they are being attacked
Trade system I want a better system to create a dynamic upgrade system during the game
Situation puzzles the game will force the play to make moral choice this will include helping
strand ships saving mpcs and dealing with different situations and scenarios which can help
alter alliances and give play ever perks or penaltys
Faction system this was one of my cards but is also a common theme in these sorts of games
the player will have to deal with both friendly and enemy alliance and these can be altered
due to players actions or area even how the player handles certain txt based situations
Map based travel which then opens into area based sandboxing this is to create the felling of
space jumps and to speed up game play and move the player to have to think about his or her
move this will be done y showing player areas and give team a description on danger level in
any area the player can ever try and dodge confrontation and danger or can plot there
movements straight to any action they want to get involved in



(Main Character )
A young man with a cause after losing his family to illness due to a corporations
illegal dumping Tim joined the resistance and worked his way up with his natural
ability and smart think Tim become one of their most important assets Tim may be a
bit of a narcissist and a we bit eccentric and crazy but he always gets the job done
and this has lead him to be the sing most important asset to the resistance and the
revaluation and the one selected for this mission to get the stolen war plans back to

Tims metal sidekick rom the planet Machintia after Tim saved robotian from a
corporation work camp robotian has been Tims loyal alley helping out on navigation
duties and keeping stock of the ships supplies as machintians are very similar to
robots they have been hunted and sold as slaves all through out the galaxy as the
corporation believes these beings dont deserve rights due to there similaritys to man
made robots though these beings are a natural and organic creature close to that of
a metal elemental with advanced technological capabilities this is why machintian
ships are also a strong and ready alley to the resistance so if you run into these
helpful creatures you know your in luck


part of the Gurian race Dornian is the ships engineer and fix the ship after space
battles and enemy encounters Dornian is super talented at what he does but is a bit
slow in oother areas hes a bit like lenny from of mice and men but looks a lot more
threatening due to gurians genral size and stature but is all together a good guy who
wouldnt hurt a space fly and is part of the crew due to the fact he has nothing better
to be doing and as tim met him during there youth they have been inseparable since
as tim sees it part of his duties to look after his big friend


Serentan was part of a hive civilization that the corporation use for soldiers but
serentan was special and has the ability of free will meaning couldnt live a life of pure
blind obedience and is tims conact to get the secret plans not much is known about
serentan but he is a dab hand in a gun fight and can be found n the ships armoury
and manning the ships guns adding a much need asset to the team and as to get the
plans serentan had to blow his cover it looks like he will be grabbing a ride on the









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