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1. Athens and Sparta

- Geographically separated by mountains
- Very much dependent on the sea for trade and travel
- Athletic, armored, structured
2. A difference in priority
- Sparta:
- Raiding strong children ... for military purposes
- Spartan women "equal" to men in terms of exercising
- Importance of exercise for both men and women
- Military conditioning
- Absence of luxury
* "... after drinking in moderation at their public meals ..."
* "... receiving one garment for the entire year ..."
- Lack of coinage (they used iron bars)
- Athens:
- Solon: early lawgiver
- Pre-Solon debt. 1% control.
- Solon corrected these problems in the days of early Athens
- Rich vs. poor
- Cleisthenes: increased the size of the Assembly to 500
annual alection
ostracism (citizens could vote on this)
- Why is Sparta better?
- Equality
- Strong army
- No taxes
- Two people keeping each other in check
- Fierce patriotism
- Recognized and feared
- Helots (slave) < Perioikoi < Citizens
- Athens lose in the Peloponnesian war
3. Herodotos
- "apodeixis"
inquiry, systematic observation, history
- "historie"
- Methods
- Persian accounts
- Phoenicians
- "... I have no intention of passing judgement on its truth or falsity.
I prefer to rely on my own knowledge, and to point out who it was in actual fac
t that first injured the Greeks; then I will proceed with my history, telling th
e story as I go along of small cities of men no less than of great. For most of
those which were great once are small today; and those which used to be small we
re great in my own time. Knowing, therefore, that human prosperity never abides
long in the same place, I shall pay attention to both alike."
- Unbiased/objective
- Reporter
- He's Greek
- Storyteller?
- He reports multiple versions of things
- Croesus
- Omens: oracles, dreams, weather
- "I own myself beaten. You interpret the dream better than I did. I
cannot but change my mind, and allow you to join the expedition."
- Eventually, Themistocles, Neocles' son, gives a favorable and corr
ect interpretation of the Oracles at Delphi.
- "Soft lands breed soft men."
- Geography
- A description of the vastness and strength of the empire
- Differences from modern history

- Focusing on small scale stuff

- Conversation between people (could be biased)
- Source?
- Doesn't always evalute his sources
- Colloquialisms
- Negotating a lot of different sources
- Demonstrates his process
- Why things happen
- Looking from multiple angles
- Check if ACCURACY or TRUTH is a concern for Herodotos.

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