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Jude Sarah Nur C.


1. How is the information shared on the society and their predicament

reflective of the realities in your community different?
The information shared coincided with what is really happening in our
community. It showed the division of classes; mainly the rich and poor, the
problem in the environment and the injustices happening around us. It made
our eyes realize the things that are happening around us and that it should
be given attention. The difference is in the specificity of the problem like
where it is happening and who are affected etc.

2. How do you feel the presentation of the social realities of the poor in
your area of jurisdiction?
I feel pity, gratitude and bitterness in what is happening. I feel bitterness
because I know that actions should be made to help them from their
predicaments, the local government and authorities have important roles in
this concern. I know that aside from our help and efforts to do so they
should also help themselves. I consider myself as poor and in that said I feel
gratitude to be able to not experience the graveness of their situation but

pity as well because I somehow understand what they feel towards their
situation in life.

3. What are your immediate thoughts on what you can do in your

capacity as an AdZU student? As member of your family? As an
individual in your community?
As a student I could help through volunteer work,

donations and active

participations in activities that help in good causes for societies less

fortunate. As a member of the family I could inform then and be an advocate
to them to become part of movements that promote change in the injustices
and prejudices that are happening in our society. As an individual in our
community I could help through following rules and regulations eg. Traffic
rules, waste disposal etc. and informing authorized personnel if I witness any
form of injustice.

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