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Fecal Occult Blood Testing

Fecal occult blood POCT is not recommended for colorectal cancer screening, as
bleeding may be intermittent. For this indication, patients should be given test ...
[PPT]Chemical tests fecal occult blood

When the bleeding is chronic with only small amounts of blood being passed in the
feces. ... Chemical tests to detect occult blood are based on the principle that ...
[PPT]Background-Information - Fecotainer

Research on blood in stool. Precancerous colorectal cancer; immunochemical

FecalOccult Blood Testing (iFOBT). Intestinal function. Digestion. Helicobacter ...
Stool occult blood test - SlideShare

Jan 29, 2011 - Fecal occult blood test A fecal occult blood test (FOBT) is a
noninvasive test (nothing enters the body). This test detects hidden (occult) blood in ...
[PPT]Fecal Occult Blood Competency Review - WellOne Primary ...

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