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| —-e oe ——l oF cop = = Ey = EH t ds, stic, started the Fu i n, an eeeniaren to help craft the world’s most brilliant young minds, regardless of race, creed, color, gender or species, into the leaders of tomorrow. But when he and the rest of the Four were called away on a cosmic adventure, he and the others brought in four of their closest and most trusted associates, Ant-Man, 1, She-Hulk and Darla ing, to watch the Foundation in their absence, just in case. After all, they were only supposed to be gone = Par for f utes... ile Te ue Uy ws) CT: ARTIEMADDICKS. BENTLEY-23 MICHAEL & LAURA ALLRED eg re pet ETL UU a Te © 2012 Marvel Characters, Inc. All rights reserved. All characters featured in this issue and the distinctive names and likenesses thereof, and all related indicia are trademarks of Marvel Characters, Inc. No similarity between any of the names, characters, persons, and/or institutions in this magazine with those of any living or dead person or institution is intended, and any such similarity which may exist is purely coincidental. TIGR LLZ CLTTTT | ware WHEN T was YOUNGER... aI MADE MISTAKES, ‘AND’ PAID THe PRICE FOR ‘THEM AND PLT MYSELF ON THE 'STRAIGHT AND NARROW, AND HAVE ACTUALLY MANAGED TO NOT BREAK TOO MANY LAWS. ‘SUBSEQUENTLY. BECAUSE TM ‘A SUPER HERO! We ALL ARE, AND WHILE WE MAY NOT BE THE FANTASTIC FOURH— NOW aN wie YET YOU SOUND HOW IS SURE WELL, Now you. DO. TUSED TO STEAL THINGS, LOOK™ _-pow't Let THe Newspaper OR ANYTHING ELSE You Hear Get You RILED UP. REED ‘AND THose ouys-- ir tar YOU SOUND 80 suRe OF YourseLre --1 BELIEVE INU. WE'LL BE FINE. ALL WE HAVE TO'00 1S HOLD. TIGHT AND HOLD TOSETHER. ‘OKAY? SPEAKING OF. THEY'RE LL FINE. WE'LL BE FINE. T DON'T KNOW. Wry. THeY DIDN'T COME BACK WHEN THEY THOUGHT THEY. WOULD, BUT THEY WILL. THEY'RE FINE: E KNOW, KNEW THis. EVERYBODY KNOWS THis. EH, MAYBE He's SLEEPING IN. SHE'S FINE CPA ITT NTT VG LT A AT OB THERE ARE CERTAINLY LIABILITIES EXPO: ai A SE OURS! i Ler's WORK AND'THIS LECTURE INTENDS "START WITH ‘TO HELP CONTEXTUALIZE CONSIDERATIONS THE WORLD OUTSIDE OLR 4 “REGARDING. THE WINDOWS SOME. WELFARE-- FOR ANY ACTIVITY THAT WOULD aN ACTIVATION EVENT. AND...THAT MEANS. THE FANTASTIC FOUR ARE COMING HOME? ‘OH! SHOULD We cet To THe ROOF? WATCH TEM COME BLAZING HOME ‘OUT OF THE Sky? 3 you \ WW PARE CALL \ YOURSELVES THE FANTASTIC N FOUR?! \ =f, TAM THE GREATEST FOE THE FANTASTIC FOUR EVER FACED, AND YOU ARE CHEAP TMITATIONSH We Neep joer you ~\ Our THERE. sHe-Hu kK, A TW rea B aarittery. ) \( tor tHe [Acie ow. Bay PARTING IS. SUCH SWEET ‘SORROW. ne = Vy Wh, { y Kit. y ai} ii} TMS y. >— li ae j ie ces NY x8, TS bf. A = Ses Sore iy ; ] a I / We're still a week or two away, at the time of this writing, from the first issues of the new MARVEL NOW! incarnations of FANTASTIC FOUR and FF iting the racks. Believe me, we can't wait for you to experience “em yourselves, and to hear what you think of "em. But in the meantime, as we sit here waiting on pins and needles like a hyperactive child, we do fortunately still have some m: on the last few issues of the previous iterations of these series to pass the time with: Hi, FANTASTIC FOUR Team, It is a really FANTASTIC run that was put together by Jonathan Hickman for FANTASTIC FOUR and the branching ut of the Future Foundation. | wish he could go longer here than scheduled! (Or hopefully start on a new Marvel title!) other projects! Now, I'm seeing less of Spider-Man in FF Will he eventually leave? Is he on too many teams now, or are his responsibilities still not enough for his great power? Well. | hope this gets through before ec leaves FANTASTIC FOUR or FFI Thank you Jonathan Hickman for making Galactus pants Herald in FANTASTIC FOUR #604! Simply awesome! Gave me goosebumps! JA Lukban Metro Manila, Philippines ‘As you hopefully are aware by now, JA, Jonathan's moving over to helm AVENGERS, the issue of which goes on sale this month—so check it out! In terms of Spider-Man, events in. the soon-to-be-Earth-shattering AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #700 may make Peter's involvement in future FF adventures a moot point! Hi, Let me start by saying that | am 51 Hea old and | have been reading larvel comics since | picked up my first issue of AMAZING SPIDER-MAN when | was 9. In all this time | have seen all the ups and downs of my favorite family, laughed with them, cried with them and agonized with / / them, but | have never felt the urge to write in until now. | read issue #606 of FANTASTIC FOUR and, | presume, like others, | was getting confused as to what was happening, until the last few pages. When | finished reading it and looked at the last panel, | felt elated and extremely happy at the outcome of this storyline, to be reminded of how such an ordinary person could be loved so much by an extraordinary family. You made my heart feel extremely joyous. Thank you so much for such a touching and very moving storyline. Sincerely, Craig Martin, England It seems like FANTASTIC FOUR #606 was a big hit with the readership, as tial net couple of letters attest as ut all ih best to him for his wel Hi Heroes! Re: FF #606. Fantastic Voyage into Willie Lumpkin’s brain. Tremendous! | loved it! All that was missing was Raquel Welch. Ernest Pereira Dear Mr. Hickman, Garney, Keith, et al: I've read Marvel comics since my youth (recently shocked to discover I'm not much younger than Spidey— you know how you just assume things have always been there...?!) and this is the first time I've ever felt the need to “write in,” ignoring my no-prize winning 13-year-old self being one of 25 runner-up artists in a competition run by Marvel UK (beams with pride). FANTASTIC FOUR #608 was sublime—I guessed where it was headed but not who the FF were helping—and the perfectly executed denouement brought a tear to my eye and a lump to my throat, with its nod to the past and whole-hearted affirmation of the place of the FF and their extended family in the future of the Marvel Universe...and therefore my universe. Thank you. John de Chane Aged 44 and 3/4, London, England Dear FANTASTIC FOUR, What a wonderful issue FANTASTIC FOUR #606 was! The Fantastic Four were truly heroic while coming to the rescue of their loyal mailman Willie Lumpkin, in a way only they knew how! Did you call it “Adventures in Red! because mall is typically “ed” or, should | say, “read”? It was a masterfully told story from start to finish. When Sue said, “The obstacles are irrelevent, we must succeed, gentlemen,” we could tell we were into something serious but we just didn't know what it was yet! Ron Garney draws a great Thing and Jason Keith’s colors were terrific. This was simply one of the most enjoyable single issues of FANTASTIC FOUR in a long time! Thanks, Victor Allen And finally, one last communication, from the set of THOR 2: Tom— Just wanted to let you know how much I've enjoyed Hickman's run on FANTASTIC FOUR/FF. The scale of it was wondrous, but it had. so much heart in it—1 was floored. Well done to all involved, and thanks. Hope all is well Chris Yost Thanks for the kind words, Chris! And this is a good time to remind people that SCARLET SPIDER, which Chis has been writing every month, is well worth a look—especially since he’s been having to script it while ducking celebrities and dodging ‘props! But such is the glamorous life of a Marvel Comics author! (Y'know, not for nothing, but JOURNEY INTO MYSTERY gets letters from Tom Hiddleston...) (Booyah! —LS #mighteditjourneyintomystery) TomB WSNZ AAs always, if you've got an opinion to share, you can e-mail it to us at MHEROES@MARVEL.COM. Be sure to mark your letters as “Okay To Print!” if you'd like to see them featured here on the Fan Page!

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