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Nasir Cat) een) LAURA ALLRED WW) po While away on their cosmic family vacation, the Fantastic Four left the young and nt children of the Futur ‘oun in the care of Deering, a and Then they didn’t come back. But that was just the beginning of this new team’s asic Darla has been hounded by the Yanc Street Gang, the caretaking of children has exacerbated Scott Lang’s pain over his daughter’s death, an Medusa has been hypnotized by IZARD into kidnapping his clone, ENTLEY-23! Then, ‘lo long with his partner LASTAAR, The Wizard transported the Future Foundation into EGATIVE ZONE! DY Se ry L7G ey KORR Tim aT THAT WAS Th Tg | STAN LEE & JACK When you see this: , open up the MARVEL AR APP (available on J i applicable Apple ®108 or Android ™ devices) and use your camera- [iad enabled device to unlock extra-special exclusive features! L ©2013 Marvel Characters, nc. All rights reserved. All characters featured in this Issue and the distinctive names and likenesses thereof, and all elated indicia are trademarks of Marvel Characters, Inc. No similarity between any of the names, characters, persons, and/or institutions in this magazine with those of any living or dead person or institution is intended, and any such similarity which may exist is purely coincidental WWW.MARVELCOM . s s ke 7 ie p ae S 0 3 Wah € \ CPN NOE EH bs eee a c - : W7 72 Ir TRL Saal fy /, SILLA SLL LPP PEL SH LLLLLDA (ELAR T. WORRY ABOUT ALL OF YOU FROM THE SECOND YOU WAKE LIP IN THe MORNING UNTIL TM FINALLY SATISFIED YOU'RE ALL ASLEEP AT NIGHT. 2 co (CNS A 4) 7 Dre a , Aa ig COM \ es ~ eo DREADFUL, YOU SOUND VALIPEVILLIAN, your HIGHNESS. ‘AND ENTIRELY UNBECOMING OF YOUR STATION. y ucech, DON'T LET'g0, WHATEVER YOu Do-= Ny 222 ( [| RecoRvine contract WHEN T WAS. FOURTEEN. WATCHED Me ON IAN. GO TO THI ‘MOVIES. dive Pegenreo BENTLEY WITTMAN Is. AE fan Me HE ExpLoiTen A Perchic WEAKNESS NME SOT COULD Assume THe ROLE ‘OF MOTHER, HE MANIPULATED BL/ ME INTO ABDUCTING THE BOY FROM THE I DON'T UNDERSTAND! iar WITTMAN, THEY'RE REALLY Feels like we just put together one of these Fan Pages not that long ago—such is the fun of multiple shipping in a month, | suppose! ‘And hey, we don't have any dearth of ‘comments from you readers to draw upon. So let’s get down to it—what’s on your mind?: ‘Sure, FANTASTIC FOUR might not be at the top of the charts but it sure is “The Word's Greatest Comic Magazine”. | just can't emember a bad run, from the Waid-Wieringo days until the great Hickman era. And while he will be missed, this new ara with Fraction and Bagley looks good, real good. | liked the way the characters were reintroduced, the way it looked for a moment as if Reed was in way ‘ver his head in what's happening to him and Darla’s presentation, Can't wait till FF begins, too! | love Mike Alired, and Bagley drawing the First Family was long overdue! Count me in on this new, fantastic journey! Make Mine Marvel... Now! Ihigo Perez Mz. Mexico, Long time, fist time. Of all the comios out there FANTASTIC FOUR is my favorite, | first started collecting FANTASTIC FOUR in the early 1980's and I've been collecting it ever since, Needless to say, | have not been disappointed. This is how comics should be: fun, full of energy and getting you invested and interested in the characters. That's what this book has done for me. Thank you. This naw book is something else! I can’t wat to see ‘what happens next. Keep up the great work! Oh and | lke that the family is going back into Space and geting back to ter adventuring roots ‘Thank you forall the fun! ust_got done reading FF #1. A different approach to starting a comic, but good. ‘Anyway, for almost thirty years of 38 I've read comics and have always wondered what a Marvel No-Prize is. On page 23 Leech and Atie’s numbers are backwards, are. they not? Maybe this will qualify and I find out ‘Anyway, | hope Matt's run on FF is as long as Hitman. FANTASTIC FOUR #1 was aso 00 John Killen Kevin Mckee Jonesboro, Arkansas, Sorry, Kevin, but as you've likely seen by ‘now, Matt and Mike solved that mystery ‘on their own, by revealing that the Future Foundation kids have been changing their ‘numbers around to mess with Scott's head! Hello, al, | would like to start by saying that | have collected comics for more than 30 years. | say that to let you know that | have been a fan for quite some time. However, now | feel ‘compelled to address something | Yee is really important. Your artists. Generally speaking they have been either superb or at the least ‘kay. But | have 3 examples of sub-par. FF#1, Michael Allred. X-MEN #39, Paul Azaceta and Matthew Southworth. SECRET AVENGERS #34, Matteo Scalera. There have been other titles where the art was not very good and | dropped those. These titles and many other Marvel tes (very many) | continue to collect, but the artwork is important to me; if can't make out the characters, the book goes. This is just my opinion but i had to alr my views after so many years. On a positive note, thank you for bringing back all my mutants, YAY. Yours, Russell Scott Appreciate you writing, Russell, but I'm afraid that | have to disagree with your analysis. Especially when it comes to artwork, everybody's tastes are slightly different. So while you're not wrong to not ike the work of a particular artist, that hardly ‘makes them sub-par. As you've pointed out, we at Marvel apply the highest possible standards to all of the artists that work for Us, and we feel that the work that Mike, and Paul, and Matthew, and Matteo do more than ‘meets those standards! They're great! And ‘other readers seem to feel the same way. Case in point: Dear Future Foundation, Coming off of Hickman's seminal run on FANTASTIC FOUR, | thought | was done with the series. One day, while geting my regular comics, | was disheartened by the overly dark nature of certain books. | decided to ‘opt instead for what looked like an insanely bright and tun book: FF! Its great seeing the Future Foundation continue on, and with good characters like Scott Lang. Mike Alre’s artis simply amazing! He's the core of why this book {s so great and upbeat! Keep up the good work - and keep piling on the pure-Kirby channeling Alired is doing! Erik Hollender Revere MA I think one of the most terrific things about ara sa we use ec meta spec of artists and artistic styles. Not every approach may be for every reader, but that ‘diversity makes it much more likely that we're going to hit on somebody from out of leftfield who's going to knock your socks off! Friends, Benjamin J. Grimm, the ever-ovin’ Thing, Bashful Benjy... call him by any other name, he's always been one of Marvel's most striking and lovable characters. And he's never mare fun than when facing down the unseen Yancy ‘Street Gang, So the first two pages of FANTASTIC FOUR. #2 had me smiling and maybe, just a litle, cheering Its back to basics here. The characters attheit most individual and their most archetypal. he Wise Man, the Good Woman, the Brash joy, the Outsider.) Reed being protective and paternal. Sue as a ciplomatic organizer. ‘Johnny full of hapless charm. Ben doing what he does best ~ banter. The rest of the comic lived up to the beginning. Nice surprise. Mark Bagley’s art Is growing ‘on me ~ the trio of Marks ~ matching the wilting in that each character isso intrinsically themself, nooks and character. And the kids 0 kidike, ("Are we there yet?") Great moments in dialogue: Medusa: No one is bowing. ‘Sue Storm: In faiess, they did manage to all hoid stl for most of a minute Loved page 25, with its eight panels of Ant- Man: “Be over before we know it.” Oh, sure, Scott, believe that if you dare. Namaste, Elizabeth Holden To the FF team, ljustfinished the secondissue ofthe relaunched series and it hit all the right notes with this long-time Fantastic Four fan. From Medusa’s ‘observations about the lack of bowing to the Devil Dinosaur cameo to The Thing addressing Yancy Street it was an enjoyable issue filled with great charecerzatons and moments of mor. What you have done is brought the heart and soul of a family of adventurers back to the Series; itis not a team of super heroes but rather a husband and wite along with family and friends working together that make this series so special. Keep up the good work and | am looking forward to many more great stories in both this series as well as FFI Matthew Szewezyk Warwick, RI ‘And let's wrap this up with a contribution from the man himselt, Mister Matt Fraction: My young man is quite taken with Turg (note proposed exosuit-enhancements to his head-ir) ‘Thanks for letting me be a pat ofthis book, m Bags, Doc—better watch your backs! Henry Fraction is gunning for you! TomB afin ‘As always, if you've got an opinion to share, you can e-mail it to us at MHEROES@MARVEL. COM. Be sure to mark your letters as “Okay To Print” if you'd like to see them featured here ‘on the Fan Page! Te fee 8) U0 ie ES on {) ) ’ Ci coy : vit), Pa

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