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go [<= ll ea ye Af, / > « A} \ a ny vy 4 aes 4 ip ES 7% x F A SS “ eS ed x /euge ey ‘ab T/ a lah ae /| ‘While away on their cosmic family vacation, the F ‘our left the young and brilliant children of the Foundation in the care of Ant-Man, Darla Di , sa and She-Hulk, Soon after the Fantastic Four left, a scarred, traumatized older Joh n returned, claiming the team had all died at the hand of jom, the A g r worked with id to build ah 0 or old to retrieve the Fantastic Four. Doom kidnapped foundation student Alex Power's parents and ordered him to steal the plans for the machine and kill Old John Storm. Ant-Man discovered Doom’s plan and used the Monifold to go to the one place Doom and his cadre of villainous cohorts ( avona) could no home to Uatu the Cosmic alien a peyi rec) \LLRED iS Lb emi kc ty ARTIE MADDICKS Terue ee wa aC Th Tt Peet rent a ret) ft i Bruna eral (© 2013 Marvel Characters, Inc. All rights reserved, All characters featured inthis issue and the distinctive names and likenesses thereof and all related indicia are trademarks of Marvel Character, inc. No similarity between any of the names, characters, persons, and/or institutions in tis magazine with those of any living or dead person or institution is intended, and any such similarity which may exists purely coincidental, WWW.MARVEL COM we ABOUT POR a rat /OU WERE SAW US! ALEX a INY THING q 3 ie OF CONS! TELEPATHIC R WITH His FATHER. AND He'LL 10 It, TOO, UNLess YOU DO EXACTLY WHAT MY NATE TELLS YOU. By Him NOTHING wirHour it, THe POWER OF ALL SPA NOT BAH! MoRE OUR "DOOM INN b Ly ne R + ee r » i i son go S $0 UNTO OTHERS BEFORE DOOM SUN TZUS UNTO Uist A our Tiser! TIGER CAN HELPY 1 GOT ITl THEY NeeD WHY NOT gust ANNIMILUS TO FORM THE ANNIHILATING CONQUEROR, carco MANSHARK? COOL NAME! ANYWAY, BACK To WHat Iwas SAYING: We'RE GOING TO- WE'RE GOING TO NEED ROBOTS. A lor oF ROBOTS, ANO'T. GRRRRRCHT-ING ‘ANYBODY. NOT EVEN DOOM, Besives, ANNIKILUS ISN'T $0 MUCH A WHO AS. KILL ONE AWHAT. HE'S A CASTE ANNIHILUS AND NGRCT Lice A GUEEN Wie Hive wil ust lg Go OR ANT. ‘QUEEN des ei 7 eV) i. Ip THeRe's ONE THING I KNOW, W's INgecTs, 80 Trust ME, WE HANDLE THINGS. AND My WAY REQUIRES. ROBOTS. LOTS ‘OF ROBOTS., FORTUNATELY, TKNOW Just WHERE AND Wie! TO GET THEM, AND REMEMBER To KEEP YOUR ARMS AND HANDS INSIDE "MEDUSA. WE NEED A MAGICIAN T KNOW We HAVE DR. STRANGE ON SPEED DIAL, BUT THAT'S JUST || EXACTLY WHAT DOOM’S EXPECTING, NGTRIP THE MAD THINKER'S LAB OF EVERY ROBOT YOU CAN FIND. ROB HIM BLIND. 'WE COULD USE THAT, TOO. IT's. “Sust GATHERING DUST IN THEIR AUSTIN, TEXAS BRANCH OFFICE. DRAGON MAN HAS SELFLESLLY OFFERED TO LET US CLONE HIM FOR MORE DRAGON MEN. TIME FOR AN IMPROMPTU. ETHICS CLASS. SS? pcan whtetus — SS TT ie acts Wiel GOES, am anaes cee, WE'D Be ASKING THEM TO. VIOLATE His OWN VOW 3 NONVISLENC ARTIFICIAL OR NOT, DRAGON umn MAN HAS BECOME 5 THINKING, Ano iF hey URING BEING IN Mis“ Riot. pote tad Sore We DON'T CLONE FRIGNDS--WE JUST CRENTING BODIES DON'T CLONE PEOPLE-- FOR DisPOSABLE USE. > THAT DOESN'T FEEL aS aotavei NG ont, elTHet : B ST even INract iG ie reels A LOT LIKE ir SLAVERY, ‘SCOTT, T BROUGHT BACK THAT IDIOT MAGICIAN YOU WANTED. THeRe’s A PROBLEM, HE WANTS. TO BE PAID. He's ONE OF THOSE HERo- POR-HiRE TYPES. SORT OF LIKE LiKe Cade. He opesees. ‘OuR POOR, He's FING, FINE, PUT HIM ON.” puboer. REED'S cor te srinc Wr SELLA I SORT THe PAYROLL AS ANOTHER VistTING ADSUNCT ap CONG TO KILL ne Sean I OF glee chee aiaroe Tabor WARN Lotim tHe taios. Voll der Use - AT ANY RATE, ULANA AND I WOULD LiKe TO OFFeR YOUR EXTENDED FAMILY USE ‘OF THE HOT SPRINGS TONIGHT. THANKS, THe Kids WILL, LOVE THAT, AND 60 WILL THe LADIES. o Bur, Not You. UATU, YOU'RE A GOOD TE WANT TO LIKE YOu. BUT I CAN'T, T'Ve BEEN THROUGH YouR ARCHIVES. T SAW. way YOU GAVE uP TRYING TO HELP OTHERS. TOUGH DEAL, WHAT HAPPENED BACK THEN i> YOU'RE NOT THE (ONES WHO TWISTED KNOWLEDGE INTO WeEAPoNs. you're |f_—— NOT THe ONES WHO ‘BUILT THOSE 4 wearons ano J \S 1 FIRED eM aur ALL THose WORLDS. Rit Mose teomess 90 They OLMMMBER Sie veAThS vou Havent PREVENTED SINCE? , SURELY edPmose somewiens COT HOSE AN ALL YOUR Hise Spans, ARCHIVES. ARE use ee HOW TO HELP ofNeR Couties SUECESSFILY. you o1 NOTHING To SAVES Baucner Wien yOu HAD i THE Power TO 30 80. Le ets CAN You neki ox mein THE EYE AND = Tei ae fee bears WAS A GREATER "6000? — I CAST THE ig SE Sites PaeHON SESS ‘GHAME? THERE'S YOUR PROBLEM. YOUR PEOPLE HAVE NOTHING TO BE ASHAMED OF. — Sie ie a LEARN FROM ALL THAT WATCHING, ‘DONT JUST FILE ‘AND FORGET, MAYBE START BY LOOKING AT HOW EARTH ERADICATED ‘SMALLPOX. 60 wHy SHOULD You cet TO HAVE THINGS SIMPLE WHEN NOBODY ELSE Does? ‘OUR CHILDREN ARRIVE WHENEVER OH, LITTLE: 7 THEY'RE READY. IT MIGHT Be TOMORROW. (ONE. OUR KIND TBE TOwORs CENTURIES. “WHEWIe WATER'S WAY TOO ROASTY- TOASTY OVER THERE. MOVING BACK WHERE HON, We'RE ALL SCARED. ‘ALL WE CAN DO IS WAIT AND LOVE THEM WHILe THEY ‘oROw. We HAVE THE so HOW BO you ‘Guys DEAL J AMEAN, BUT SO WHAT? IT _ TRAINING. We HAVE We'RE TALKING DR. DOOM HERE. We AREN'T YOU TLE HAS T COULD ALL BE KILLED ‘SCARED? ONE. TOMORROW. STRONG ENOUGH THAT IPT PALL, T PALL WiTH NO‘TEARS, DARLA, INO REGRETS. every TiMe 7 sulT be, Tm perairied. ” perRirier PetaiFieD TLL LeT LL FAIL TO MY TEAMMATES PROTECT THE THAT Fear OWN. ‘ONES T MAKES ME STRONG, TOVE. 44 STRONG ENOUGH TO OVERCOME THE IMPOSSIBLE. ‘STILE HAS TO. THE ABILITY. BETTER US THAN SOMEBODY You're STRONG, TOO. Barca. Youre FIND THAT OuT TOMORROW. ‘ONE WAY ANOTHER, YOU'LL FIND THAT ours HELLO, NuRset Bee, 1 tHousxt ff YOu cys Were RED-BLOOVED “TEENAGERS! C'MON, ALEX! T KNOW YOU HAVE A Me CONCERT POSTER OF DARLA IN YOUR bp BEDROOM. Lapiest x ASSURE YOU THERE'S ATOTALLY InNoceNT J EXPLANATION. PB ELS wei, x Must Say Like THe V ar BATHROBE PART OF THE ‘ON YOU. TRADITION AT ANY RATE. WASSUMING THERE ARE ANY PIECES LEFT TO PICK UP. ASSUMING YOU STILL WANT TO." AWAKE, MY SON, MOTHER? NornoT YOUR MOTHER, YOUR QUEEN. T AM HERE AS TRADITION. J DEMANDS THE REGALIA OF HOUSE BOLTACON? TRING ScorT LANE YOU THiS--AND INTENDS To Keep THe A CHOICE CHILDREN OUT OF HARM'S WAY WHILE ADULTS Fi THe TIME HAS COME TO ARE YOU STILL A CHILD? OR WILL YOU I choose soLTas: ASSUME THIS DAY THE MANTLE OF THe ‘AND BATTLE, MY CROWN PRINCE OF YOUR PEOPLE? QUEEN $0 BE IT. WILL you 50 BE I ALLOW OTHERS Twit seen io (0 FIGHT FOR HOLISE " a BOLTAGON IN fa © bait CED TLS ALAS, He's, MADE GOOD HIS. THREAT TO SHUT US OUT ‘SINCE THE NATIVITY, THE BARRIER HOLDS. OM, T KNOW, NB YeTo= ~—“We CANNOT WARN HIM THEN, LANG AND HIS BRATS CROUCH TO STRIKE AT HIM ON THe MORROW. WARN HIM? WHAT DANGER CAN THey POSE? THIS 13 OOM, THE PRIME DOOM. He SHALL. ‘PREVAIL. AND DOOM CONQUERS ALL, OR ITFAILS AND We BuT Revert TO JN ‘STATUS QUO. DOOM GOES ON. JM i aur ARE YOu i WILL HE, My $0 BLIND you BROTHERS? oA CYCLE is DIFFERENT FROM ALL THE ‘OTHERS. IT SHOULD. We Is THE PRIME. THAT UNEASE YOU SPOKE OF, BROTHER. SHE I THE SOURCE. Sie SHOLLD NOT BE HERE, SHE ‘COULP DOOM THEN Does He partner \ 7 WITH PRIME KANS? PRIME ANNIHILUIS? NO, HE PARTNERS, WITH STAIPLINGS., us ALL. FoR IF PRIME DOOM FALLS, We AND WHAT. ‘oF THe olf, THIS = \ A poweRLess. CHILO? A Mege SLIP OF A GIRL? WHAT FEAR He paRTNers WITH A KID iMMORTIS! STILL, FRESH FROM PLAYING HERO, ONE WHO LOVED LANS‘s DAUsHTER. YOU ENO DANGER INTHAT? 7 OOO KAN We OF HER? BEGONE, 4 NO, NO KANG F HER? BEGONE, ISA MATCH FOR FISHMAN! “THE PRIME, ARE AN INFINITE RE AN INE WOULD IVE SPACE ITIVE MATTER WITH AHLIRA £30'S SOUVENIRS 49 CAST NIGHT. ol Okay, BEEN OVER AND OVER THE PLAN. YOU ALL KNOW. WHAT TO DO. OF His very ‘ARMOR UNTIL ONLY VIETOR VON BOOM, THE MAN AN?S AND THAT TIME TO MAKE A MOVIECMOMENT ff sreecn ano oer tis J ‘SHOW ON THE ROAD. ss The earth is ful of Lord God of Battles, aid! For those who kneel beside us altars not Thine Lore, et th atone. wrong we did to call them, By honour bound they came Let not Thy Wrath befall them, B | But dea! tous the blame. From panie, pride, and terror, Eon ow we face the fay ‘As Thou diet hele our fathers, Hele Thou our host to-day! "Hymn Before Action” Rudyard Kipling FAN PAGE I FANTASTIC Its sadly time once again for us to mark another departure, as FANTASTIC FOUR artist Mark Bagley pulls up stakes so that he ‘can concentrate on wrecking up the Ultimate Universe in CATACLYSM: THE ULTIMATES” LAST STAND. But atleast Galactus is a part of that series, so he won't have gone too far from the FF. Joining us in his stead for the wrap-up of our run is Raffaele lenco, most recently the creator of Image’s EPIC KILL. And hey, did Say wrap-up? More after your letters! Dear Mr Faction | find myself in. an awkward position this ‘week, as last week | wrote you quite an upset letter regarding the goings on in FF and your treatment of the Wizard, and now, here | sit today to praise you regarding your treatment of Ben Grimm in your latest issue ‘As we now seem to be starting on a bit of a Thing arc, | am very pleased to see where you are taking this story. This however brings me to a more complex question with regard to these two books. You are certainly taking very different storyteling styles in both. FF being far more Silver Age strange, and yet with an underlying darkness that |am sensing of late. Meanwhile FANTASTIC. FOUR is a much weightier philosophical story ‘ollowing the heroes’ quest of our frst family of superheroism. Which makes me ask, are these books even more than tangentialy related anymore? My criticism of your dark turn in the fast pages of FF aside, | have fully enjoyed both books up until now, and hope to continue to enjoy them for some time, but | can't shake the feeling that FF is just so out there that itis no longer really tied to the Fantastic Four anymore, let alone the greater Marvel Universe [can’t help but imagine thatthe story we've been seaing is intended as an alternate timeline, that when the F4 gets back, the whole ofthe team. will have been together for a mare six minutes, as promised, and the time we've invested in ‘growth and character wil ll be undone, end to give writes a lot of leeway, trusting Yyou guys and gals to have a story and through, line that wil be ultimately logical and intelligent without using cheats or too many misdiections {0 render the mystery unsolvable to the reader. That powerful storytelling skill and presence is clear in FANTASTIC FOUR, and I've never been more intrigued by the mystery, and so | can't help but wonder why I don’t feel as happy about your approach in FF. | do keep reading, because |'do want to believe, so please don’t disappoint. Thanks for your time and consideration. il keep reading, certain that despite the occasional nerd rage inducement, the stories wil continue to be wonderful and well worth the price of admission, Make Mine Marvel, Charlie Esser Newark, NJ PS. Since you happened to have Wyatt Wingfoot stop by recently, is there any chance we'll see Sharon Ventura (Ms. Marvel/ She- Thing) stop by? Someone might want to tell her the kids figured out a cure for Thingism. | can’t speak for the way you feel about the work, Charlie—only you can do that. But | ‘can assure you that FF does in fact take place within the Marvel Universe—the same Marvel Universe that's flexible enough to encompass characters and storylines as diverse as Daredevil “Born Again” and Deadpool. And YYou can rest assured, we're not going to reveal, that the last 14+ issues of FF were all a dream. or a fantasy or something. Hey Matt Tam a late bloomer to the FF party but it nas been a blast catching up. Your words together ‘with Mike and Laura's art is relly something to behold. The balance between characters is great issue-to-issue, | don't fel like anyone is geting left behind, New characters are interesting enough, old characters are respected, and the kids each have their own personalities Tepresented. Keep it up! One bit of erticism: Blarrgh the Unlving ‘and Bworg the Many-Spouted. Two unknown, Tiver-dwelling monsters summoned by youth to solve a problem, seen for two panels each, and in two consecutive issues? What are these, ‘comic books? Keep the fun coming and {'l keep the payroll flowing trom my small part ofthe business, Dubya D. Hamish Laramie, Wyoming 0000 Hey everyone! | just wanted to drop a {ine to compliment you on the usual stuff ~ Fraction's writing Is fun and smart, the Allreds' artis effervescent, Cowies’ letters are pitch perfect - and some not so usual stuf: its been mighty refreshing to see some progressive depictions of sexuality in recent Marvel stuff (YOUNG AVENGERS is another standout), but especially in. FE Tong's decision to be a gil, and his family’s acceptance of that, brought more tears to my eye than | ever thought mole-people could do. ‘Then, The Wizard's proclamation that “ALL OF YOU PALE BEFORE OUR HETERONORMATIVE CISGENDERED CLASSIFICATION OF FAMILY!” had me laughing ‘il cried, What's all the better is mone of these messages are preachy, and they fit perfectly into the theme of FF - and the Fantastic Four ~ that's been there since the start and Fraction has been canny to latch onto: family is family, even if said family consists of a couple, their kid, their Adopted alien/robot/monster children, a friend made of rocks and a brother-in-law who's on fire. The cosmic family is way better than the nuclear family. Yours fantastically, Tom Bakar 0000 England ''m a gnarled, miserable old cynic of a 46 year old Marvelite and | ain't got time for books filled with pesky kids. Only, apparently, nove | do. I've been pulled into the Fraction and Allred FF and find that | LOVE books filled with pesky kids Pesky kids are interesting. Pesky kids are funny. Pesky kids are one of the revelations of Marvel Now! and so long as they stay off my lawn those Desy kids will stay on my regular order, John Roche Wales, UK. 0000 | haven't been into comics for too long (maybe a year), but 've always stuck with the most popular characters: Hulk, Avengers, and tl Spider-Man, | had no interest in reading about Scott Lang, or She-Hulk, or any other of the members of the new FF team, But then, one fateful day, | decided to pick up a copy of FF #1 Best. Decision. Ever. Fraction has created a super-hero team that | literally can't stop talking about. Same with his HAWKEYE series (IT'S SO GREAT). And by far Scott is my favorite. 'm pretty sure he's even becoming my favorite super hero, and that's something hard for me to type out The new FF series has made me laugh, cry, and feel sorry for a lat of the characters Especially Scott, since he is coming right out of CHILDREN'S CRUSADE. Its a comic | will never stop getting Anyways, | just wanted to say thank you Matt Fraction for writing my favorite comic of the year (and al time!), and | hope you keep writing it for years to come 0000 Howdy! | wanted to take a moment to tell you that three-year-old Joe has announced that FF is his favorite comic, beating out Captain Underpants and. Super Diaper Baby. Congrats. to Matt Fraction and the Alreds ona big-boy book that feel I can share with Joe Brett Schaffer Thanks, Susan Catton Bryan, Texas You're never too young to start becoming ‘a Marvel fan, Susan! Thanks for bringing Joe up right! Greetings! The first comic | purchased new was FANTASTIC FOUR ANNUAL #3 back in the sixties, Reed and Sue's wedding, | was hooked, {have never missed an issue since, Thru college and law school, when | didn't have enough money for hot food, | stayed loyal to the first family. Even during the crapoy times (The Thing ina helmet, please) | was there. Heck, | even named my first son Benjamin! But this is my FIRST letter. | just finished issue #9 and realized that | am more invested in the story now than 40 plus years ago. You guys are doing the Impossible, making the great..better. How Yyou have managed to make these stories fresh is .. Fantastic. Two requests: We need more Sue, and when can we go back to the REAL numbering? | ike knowing how many issues ‘we are up to! Dail R. Cantrell There might not be time left for elther of your requests, Dall As mentioned atthe start of this page, we're going to be wrapping up the storyline that began in FANTASTIC FOUR #1 and FF #1 in the sisteenth issues of both tiles—each of which will be the final issue of said series! What comes next? Well, you'll just have to wait and see! And we'll have two more Fan Pages to share our thoughts with one another before the end as welll, Tom B 10/16/13 ‘As always, i you've got an opinion to share, you can e-mail it to us at MHEROES@ MARVEL.COM. Be sure to mark your letters as “Okay To Print!” if you'd like to see them ‘eatured here on the Fan Page

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