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First Grade Fall Mini Report - ________

- January Goal: 10, End of Year Goal: Level 18/20

My end of kindergarten reading level:

My BOY reading level:
My current reading level:

Reading Goals:

I Can Read Fiction and Nonfiction

I can tell who, what, where, when, why and how after reading stories and text.
I can retell a story.
I can tell the characters, setting and what happens in a story.
I can find the main topic and details in a section of nonfiction.
I can make and describe connections between two people, events or ideas in
I Can Use Phonics Skills to Help Me Read
I can tell the number of syllables in words.
I can tell about different sounds in a word.
I can use digraphs to help me read.
I can read one syllable words.
I can read vowel teams (magic e, ea, ay, oa).
I can read two syllable words.
I can read first grade words.
I Can Read Fluently
I can read with expression.
I can read accurately.
I can reread to understand what words mean.
First Grade Reading Strategies
I point to my words.
I get my mouth ready.
I slide through the word.
I look for chunks.
I check the pictures.
I think about the story.
I self correct.

How can we foster our childs reading growth at home?

Read every night

Keep listening to your child read every night at home. This is so important.
Encourage your child to use the strategies they are not yet using and notice and
celebrate when they are using reading strategies to decode unknown words!
Practice the high frequency words!

Help your child learn the high frequency words. Make flashcards with your child.
Write the words on napkins for them to read before dinner! Focus on those words
bit by bit! If your child can read every word on the list, try to get them to start
spelling those words. They will need to know how to spell most of them at the end
of the year and all of them for life, so might as well get started!
Point out the importance of reading in unexpected places!
Going out to dinner? Have your child read the menu with you. Are you going on a
trip? Read maps or google maps and make choices. Watching TV or family movie
night? Turn on the subtitles and have your child see the words pass on the screen.
They will make many connections this way.
Go to the Library and bookstores
Make a date of it. Get a smoothie or coffee in town and tell your kid you're going on
a book date. Check out books yourself to model good reading habits. Let your kids
catch you reading for pleasure at home (even if you have to fake it!).


We are still working on

small moments and have just started some
! After
that we will continue on to
how to pieces and
writing. Across all of these
genres the goal is to be proficient in the following categories:


Proficient Goal:

My entire piece makes sense. I stay on topic.

My piece is organized with B,M,E

I can write across multiple pages.

My ideas are developed with some supporting

details and pictures that match my ideas.

My piece has few errors in punctuation


My piece has few errors in spelling. I know

about words and chunks of words. I spelled
all the word wall words correctly.
I use capitalization consistently

My handwriting is neat

I remember to leave spaces

How can we foster our childs writing growth at home?

One great way to foster your childs writing growth at home is to purchase a very
beautiful journal. Take turns writing simple letters to your child and have them
write back to you. This works best if you write from your heart, make it special and
use it intermittently. You can glue movie tickets into the journal, restaurant stubs,
sporting event tickets, etc. Make it something your child will treasure!
Make small moments. Intentionally go on adventures for your child to write about.
You can use the verbiage and say, Lets go make a small moment happen.
Writing thank you cards, party invitations and grocery lists gives your children real
reasons for writing. Let your child stretch out their words. If you spell each word,
they will learn that they can only write a limited number of words (i.e., the ones you
spell). Let them stretch out their own words! They will surprise you!


End of year Goal:

Number Combinations and subtraction to 20; count at any number
to 120; represent 2 digit numbers, tens and ones; identify coins and find the value of
two coins; use place value to add a two digit and one digit number; use addition and
subtraction equations, identify time by half hour and quarter hour, collect and
interpret data, identify fractions.
Fall Math Assessment Score: 58%

How can we foster our childs mathematics growth at home?

Play dice games, board games (also great for thinking skills), counting games (great
for car travel) and some computer math games. Try Googling Math games for
children. Bring mathematics vocabulary and skills into your lives on a daily basis.
Try baking with your kiddos. This would be a great time to discuss measurement
and the tools used for baking/cooking. Use the clock whenever you can at home to
point your childs schedule. Have fun counting money at home. Give your child a pile
of pennies and have them trade up to nickels, dimes, quarters and dollars. Ask your
child about the games they are learning in school and have them teach you how to
play. Most of them you can do at home with household materials. We learn new
games and strategies every day!


Teacher assessment:
A-always, S-Sometimes, N-Needs to work on

A___ consistently follows directions

the first time asked
A___ works independently
A___ solves problems
A___ keeps hands and body to self

Fall conferences - 2015

1. ______ is always respectful, polite, and kind to all teachers and peers. He is a joy
to have in class.
2. ________ is motivated to write stories, especially about ____! He is adding
details to his work and starting to bring his small moment stories to life. He has
come to understand the difference between a seed story and a watermelon story!
3. _______ takes instruction and applies it to whatever he is working on. As soon
as I model a math problem on the board, he works hard to synthesize the problem
in his own way.
Next Steps
1. _______ has such amazing ideas, Id love for him to become more comfortable
sharing them with his peers. We are working with him to speak up and share his
thoughts and ideas in class.
2. Keep up the positive attitude!
3. _______ is working on fine tuning his math skills to become more comfortable
with larger numbers. We are working on building number sense and navigating a
100s chart.

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