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Background Tutorials

Graphing in the Coordinate Plane

What is the Coordinate Plane?

You can't graph a function or plot ordered pairs without a
coordinate plane! Learn about the coordinate plane by watching
this tutorial.

What is the X-Coordinate?

Ordered pairs are a crucial part of graphing, but you need to
know how to identify the coordinates in an ordered pair if you're
going to plot it on a coordinate plane. In this tutorial, you'll see
how to identify the x-coordinate in an ordered pair!

What is the X-Axis?

To graph a function or plot an ordered pair, you need to use a
coordinate plane, so you should learn all about it! In this tutorial,
you'll learn about the x-axis and see where it's located in the
coordinate plane.

What is the Y-Axis?

To graph a function or plot an ordered pair, you need to use a
coordinate plane, so you should learn all about it! In this tutorial,
you'll learn about the y-axis and see where it's located in th

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