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Primary sources
<The 17th Aniversary of Martha Graham: The mother of modern dance;
Hubpages Inc.2016, Jan 9 2016.> this website gave me the
information on Martha Grahams background and gave me insight on the hardships she
had to overcome to become a great dancer.
<Martha Graham showed the world how she felt; Duarte. Duarte, Inc.2015, Jan
24, 2016.> Gave me the meaning behind lamentation one of
Martha Grahams pieces and her beliefs on her moves. Showed me the major obsticals
Martha had to face and her ridiculing along with her signature moves.
<Martha Graham- Lamentation;> this video is what
went into my her style and choreography aspect of my project.
<Notre Dames American Dream Grant: Martha Graham School of Contemporary
Dance. ND college of Arts and letters.> this was the video I put in my
Martha Graham today showing how students lives changed due to the Martha graham
<Juba Masters of Tap and Percussive Dance; archive.itvs.2014.Jan 24,
2016.> this gave me information on the previous styles of dance
that were in before Martha Grahams style came into play.

<Interview. with Page Barentali. Jan 24, 2016. Email. Conducted by Hannah
Shelton> this interview conducted with an elite Rollins college dancer was key to having
information on how Martha graham affects lives today.
Secondary sources
<Portaits,Graham with text. Photograph.
> this was a quote that went into my inspiration page.
<Martha Graham Portrait and quote.>another quote
and picture of Martha graham that went into my inspiration page.
<Martha Graham dance quote photograph. Graphic. > even though this picture had no picture of a dancer it
words were important to understanding her style.
<Martha Graham quote and portrait photograph.>
another quote on my inspiration cite.
<Martha Graham Company full body portrait. > This
was a beautiful black and white photo that went into my home page expressing Martha
grahams beautiful form.
<Martha Graham self-portrait. Martha Graham workshop.> this was a baby portrait of Martha graham that
was initially used in my background cite

<Black and white portrait. Arthenia Arts.> was the initial
picture of Martha graham and her dance partner in her first dance xchitl. Found on my
backgrounds page.
<Martha Graham Dance company. Erwtikh-mageia.> a very artist
photograph found on my style before page, it is of Martha graham as a young dancer.
<Martha Grahams interpretation portrait. Martha Grahams Dance melds.> this was a color picture of a girl interpreting Martha grahams
style found on my home page.
<Black and white portrait. Martha Graham by Shelby Erbon. Prezi.>
was another simple black and white portrait of Martha Graham used in my thesis page.
<Black and white portrait photograph.> was the
portrait of the tap dancer found on my styles before page.
<Black and white portrait. Kyra alanova.> was a portrait of a
well-dressed Broadway dancer from the 1900s. found on my styles before page.
<Black and white portrait.siemens security tap Dance.>
picture of an old time tap dancer found on my styles before page.
<Color in-focus landscape photograph. Tiny pretty things.> was a modern color picture of ballerinas feet that I used
as a example for ballet on my styles before page.
<Drawing sketch. Digital. Black and white. Martha Graham 1117 th Birthday.> even though this is a google logo picture it did a great job of

summing up signature poses and motions which I presented on my Her style and
choreography page.

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