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Assalamu alaikum wr wb

Yang terhormat Rektor Universitas Islam Riau, atau yang mewakili

Yang terhormat para anggota senat Universitas Islam Riau,
Yang terhormat para dosen Universitas Islam Riau, especially Lectures in Engineering Faculty
Para pengurus jurusan yang kami hormati,
Terspesial untuk Tamu kita, Bapak prof. (nama), thank you for coming here
And then all student yang berbahagia
Good morning for all audience and especially mr.(nama) as our guest today. I would say hello first, welcome to
Islamic University of Riau, especially on this place,in the Petroleum Engineering. Hello mr. (nama), I hope you can
enjoy here.
Firstly, Lets say Thanks to Allah S.W.T who has been giving us blessing and mercies so we can be here together in
healthy condition.Lets we appreciate it with say together, Alhamdulillahi rabbil alamin.
The secondly, I want to let's say thank to Muhammad SAW as our own prophet. Because of his strugle now we are
walking on the right way.From the dark side in our past, towards to light side now and the future.Lets we appreciate
it with say sholawat together, Allahumma shalli ala Muhammad, wa ala ali Muhammad.
Respected ladies and gentlemen
Today is a big day for us,. This day is very special because it is a best time we can meet our guest from America, I
know that is very difficult if we invite him here. So, I am not bored to say thank you very much for mr. (nama) for
being here to take some advantage of our own agenda in this very calm day.
Ladies and gentlemen
I'm standing in front of you all is to give some speech related of relationship. We are human. We are living in a
society, how important for us to keep a good relationship between the other people in our society.First, I will
introduce to you mr. (nama), Islamic University of Riau is one of the biggest University in Riau. You know. Ther is
University of Riau, Lancang Kuning University etc. And Islamic University of Riau is an Islamic University that
focused not only in knowledge but this University is focused to how the personality of student can improve too. And
as you know, in Sumatra, Petroleum Engineering is only here. So, this is a good opportunity to develop them to the
Many exercise that we need to get them. We cannot do it alone. So, it is very good that Mr. (nama) come here and
see about the opportunity. Indonesia has many people that in 17-20 years old.And Riau is one of the richest Province
in Indonesia that many oil produced here, like Cruel oil or palm oil. With Human recource and natural resource that
we had, it is very useful to develop more with yours,because we know that America had a good technology and
knowledge to develop this resources better. We need to follow this, that was important because this is basic needs for
every human now. We know that oil is very important, so we need fast action to do it. , As human we need each
other, and we will alway needed each other.
Good relationship among the other people in a society must be always keeped by us. Don't be a wrong man with
showing the bad thing to another people. We are brother, we are sister. Let's keep our relationship and make this to
our winning goal to the world.
Ladies and gentlemen
Not much I can tell you in this speech chance, I hope a short message from me will be useful to remind us that make
a good relationship one to another in a society is very important.
Ladies and gentlemen
Thankyou very much for your attention. The last I say. Once again, I would say thank you very much to prof(nama)
that has already come here. I hope you can enjoy here and we hope we can give the best serve on you. Thank you
Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

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