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The exorcist Emily Rose

The exorcist is a story about a girl called Emily Rose. She had had paranormal
experiences such as hallucination and strange manifestations. She had been
diagnosed like an epileptic person; but medications didnt provide effect.
Like hallucinations and strange manifestations had increased. She decided looking
for help in other person, the father Moore, whe decided to practice the exorcist for
the first time. In spite of father Moores efforts, Emily Rose died, and he was accused
of murder.
The Emilys exorcist was recorded and it was used like an argument of her demoniac
possession against who didnt believe it.
Erin Bruner was the lawyer who defended to the father Moore. At the end of the
story, the father Moore was condemned for murder to six months in the jail and
parole. Finally, this story showed arguments about a paranormal world that we cant
understand, this is all about the exorcist.

Emily Michel Rose was a german girl who was born on September 21th in 1952. She
died on July 1st in 1976 with only twenty four years old. She was student who haul
left her small town to study at the university.

She was an intelligent and ambilooces girl. She hail blue eyes and black hair. She
was a cute girl with a sweet smile, but everything of her wounded be changed when
she was diagnosed like an epileptic person. When hallucinations and strange
manifestations increased, she started to do change her personality. She used to eat
insects, shriek like a wolf and bit her family. She used to sleep on the floor and break
crucifixes too.

Emily Michel Rose was the protayist of has movie. She was a girl who fight against
her strange condition with something more that the medic science. She decided that
someone else practices her an exorcism. Who believed that it was a demoniac
possession symton eventually, she died, but she left a lot of interrogate about her

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