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“ZIONS WATCH TOWER rove aN HERALD OF CHRIST'S PRESENCE Published Monthly, 101 Fifth Avenue, Pitsburgh, Pa. C. T. Russext, Editor and Publisher REGULAR CONTRIBUTORS Ses Btn ae 2 Danelle 2 oweOaklanty Gat, Piinbargh, Pa ‘ie Haponsble for lh satiments expresed eipondtntr nor in hea" be Undatus aa Tolerang S085p SS ‘Bavscles Miettafom ehiee serosa” wo) £95 8.50 Cents per Year ‘in Aavance—iactudes Postage ommunieaions should be addvaned to "Ziow's Waren Tawen” au thover tad ratty ioney obderas Ges made payable 03 the Bis, fowes." and. it may not bo/amias to of ts ablation ie ee ‘That wo aro living’ “ig the ieatdays*\ the day of the Lordthe gna” of the Gospel ago, and conseqsantiy, in the dawn of the "new" age, ‘are facts not only discernible by the otote student of the Word, led hy the spirt, but the ouroord ‘signs recognizable by the jeorld bear the same testimony, ond wre ave-desizaug that the “household of faith be fully teake forthe fact, that oy " ‘We reliving, we: are dwell ‘n'a grand and awfal tm In an age on ages telling "To be living fs eublime” ‘And not sloae to'elp awaken, but’ totaal Unit to put gn the whole armor of God, tat they may Be tle t0"itand in fhe coud day and, besides all thie; that giving all diligence, they adalto their falth, vittve, and 29 virtue Eaomodge, control, temperance.) brotherly Kindness, charity; "wheny fesulé ot these fadialing sad Houriohing’ graces, ty shall be Gattixe (goat But, “eying the-beaty and naentyof hone, odor rents’ of the spiritual man, #hey fail not to recognize that the ‘merit toward God lies aot in thee moral virtue, ut Perfeot eaorifen, and though nosed by all tse fasten, we could’ not be recognized ne God's children nom, nor Permitted ever to enter His prosenée mithout the robe of Oder Tghicousmens, the “wedding garment” necemary. tops" par. Ueipation in'“the marriage of the Lamb.” * Christians to whom an apology woul be reéded for ditecting if 2 haa been obi tention to these things, should blush and bo asbammed.rery- thing erable hope and. prion ands oly and eer connected with theta, ‘They Huabrase nearly afl the great tno: ives tostalth, watchfuiness, obedience, oliens. Gahan venue vovlation wo als oy that de proftedte fon dentine, for proof, for gortestign, for instru floa-in righteousness, that He nah of Gol may be thoroughly furnished unto’ every” good word and wore, where do 80 Tany who profess to accept that Word of God ax theit do, get liberty to ignore more than oneal of i saying st io wnprofitabet ‘When God bat gien, uF sure word of propheny. whereuate we do well {ake Reed” and when "the Lora Gai of te holy prophets cent in angel to show unto His secvants tho: things which amaat fhortiy-be done,” shall thowe servants fee-under no obligation to"feck to understand those Heavenly’ meseagest Should they heed. worldly men ahd a worldly’ church ‘sho down ie pious and wine not to"bother with these things, who iereby aft Alelares “these sayings faithful end true” and says “Blessed is be that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, fand ‘keep the ‘ings that are written therein?” Surely Te Knows what fe best ealoslated to inspire "a zeal according to Knowledge," and What is necessary that we-"be not 100 shation im mind” " ‘to him that hath an-car'to° hear what: the spirit saith unto the churches,” Zion's Waren Towne hopes to girs atte: tano-and encouragement. IE te. in bondage to no" many no party and to no creed but the Bible; yet in the bonds of love ind sympathy to°"aTT who love the Lord Jesus Christ in trath find Sipecrity.” Te aime to, represent “the chaato virging” the prospective “Bride of Christ,” and-vith them acknowledges Only one master anidhead—Chriat Josue 1 Ae ite name indicates, it aims to be:tho lookou>trom whence malters-of interest end progt may be. announced to the “ttle flock, and as. the “Zerald of: Okrist's Presenae," to give: the ‘meat im dus season”. to the “household of writ issues monthly, and if you desire ia visit to your bojne, address at once ns pee notice om this page. "If you have a neigh: bor’ or: friond who you think would be interested in or bebe fted“by its instructions, you might call it to their attention; ‘hos preaching the Word and doing good unto all men as you have: opportunity. Date ‘The terms, Aty eents-a year, (postage piaid,) are modscat; Dat. to all'interested and desirous of having’ it, who cannot atford:to- pay, we' will gladly tond dt 'froe; but you must ask hat. yes may Fee rn ma = VIN'RE. “THE “LAST TRUMP” ‘Bub. H.'B. Ron, editor aad publisher of The Lost Trump, Syste ‘Sp siroumaeandes beyond ie eontol f0 sue, Pend fea publication. Raowing that uct a course wan prot bl, ne two months ago proposed to: Brot Rice that ye would Supply Tae Warow owas Go hs sutecriberyinsteal of The rump, up ta tho clone of ter subscriptions; and we ited, im peak to his of eaecribrs, and others of the body of Christ, through Zion's Waren Town. THe’ han accepted both propositions, ‘int? th tof aub-, scribero anf an open eter fo them says" wil endeavor 1 contribute tomething fo Tux Ware TovEs every soathy” 4s, “As we aro anuok Scowded: we hae publisel iis lata? au & supplemont, and sont 1 to the subscribers of Phe Last Trump. Bi ey" Sin ARs tee at ROR RIE a ad wa Ss ~ WHY WILL THERE BE A SECOND ADVENT? snedmnnd oming of ar ord Jus sonmnee a ma Ch wine ert” and “nations to nnn war no more ane ‘nent and ‘important. post ‘and prophets, ‘well as of Jesus himeelf, isa fect ‘ese who frotesscto love "much ease after Poniecont, and twenty-six years after Jerusslenty Gestructon, Me that way dead and ia alive epeals of the event 8 ul ety, terng. "hak, Peaoe uilly wand my reward is with me.” “And the inspired Jobim seplie: “ven to, cons, Lord deus” aie é sole HMBOT endevay to sily hemlven ih the {iat tline spiritual coming--dbat when any tre eon Yetta that torma'e part of She Snag of Shei aed Ne 0 He'continues coming until ali the wotld ie converted then, say they, He wil bove fully come. : ‘They evidently overlook the fact that the world will not be serreatctg, Bi Soe at he Bit oir nt ple ot ‘fhe rubjety declares: that :“in the: Lact days periloge timer shail come, for men shal be lovers of plensuré-mngre Lhat-lones £f Goil”-"That “evil men and reducers shall war worse and Worms, deceiving, tnd ‘being deceived; and. tint Jesus’ pene special warning to ile tle doce, eayings “Take heed Lo secur, selec est that doy come upon you unawares; for-aa © fon ‘hall "come"upoy all thom” (hot taking brad) “fhat vel ‘pon the fact-of the whole earth, and they shall not escaye” gigas, we may rest asgured that when Jente eaia, “All the {ribes of ie earth shall mourn and wal because of Hin? when {hey sco Him coming, He’ did not reler to the ‘conversion of sinner—Do the tribesmourn sand wail beeause of the eomves sion of sinner!—And if it refers, a8 almost ll admit, to see gins om he eh ace bat alo not love His appearing, an they certainiy would do Hall were convertadssn een SY oe But, “iT go away, I will come again,” cennot refer to spiritua) coming gon, because, spiritually, He. never” went frag, an Hie eat, o'r sm with Fou ahway, erento te et of the World’ {age}. Therefore, denus taugit Tei sccond ee SONAL coming. Ee word mm signifies one thousand, and js the-term ‘used by Christian peo Dle generally in speaking of a time future, when "the Embek 200 of the Lord ‘hall fill the whole earth ag the eaters a ‘he’ sen, and none need to say unta his neighbor, Know thos? the Tordt atl shall know Him” te." The time when there hati ‘be no sore surse;. “when the wilderness shall Blowers fa the rose; and. “stream break fort in Die, denerta" whey “the tabernacle:ot God will be with toon and He shall Seah with them” srhen Satan ahall be restrained and righteous shall “conti. Then nation?” "or tearn wat swords into plowshares, and thelr spenrs-into pruning hoake, ‘These prophetic pictures and statements re expetted to Daye fuleilent some time by-neary ail Ohristions, and hey call it the millennial age’ beeaue it veld (Reve ea" 3-0) 29 be for & thousand years that Satan is bound amd Chris regen <,Thie:tar nearly all of the Chureh aro: agreed They as lemma ‘bal thee are putea and. prom Tenninlits:post signifies ‘afters pre: before; wo thevfosseer be liowe‘Chrat will come after the-ilenntum and the leant ets He eomes before its te pairs 4s hese are the only views which contain wuicient éruth to-make them worthy of our conaiderstion, we ehall devote ora, time to them, "All who believe nthe second persona coming of Christ, should be interested in knowing: what oy oueral fencing of the Bible ia on the subject Le neneasary! however, that we come to the consideration with a ehfitiive mina, déairoue'of knowing how God haa arranged! the wattes and anxious to hove the teachings of ie word and wendy Jayranile our ideas” and, an Gosls, ehildren, take Hig’ Dag ‘Thue, Alias Fagulre eri eek PE, GARG PEN tub ep it WHEE DORS OMRISS: Gout 0! oy ice si ext Sieny the aromas prevented’ op boku Panta” Premillemialisty comparing them ith the Wort wea Fe of Goa. ae ai ph coral ie) 2 The frat expect, that thistigh thd efforts’ i the GiNiten the wold. will be.ednverted, and. thus ahe tnillenmial age intros luce, at ts clone of yaten he Lard mil coms, ind pearly stairs reward etary nap coden Sneed” ae? teph. the ocd, bind Seta sae “the kao ledigeof the Lass to, op, eo de enching' of Uh an the at can © dead by every Bible tad. Yet," difienlt. tak Sie ore athe, end. come.” They claim {the Scripture,” as, Paul says, ,"Oompare Se ke of the Church without Jesus, and in her presest amorial Sanditicn ueomenrte Wind Stuf, kes are ne 4, They “have much Serifture; whteh talea_ disconfeobeiy, scons to: favor this view. But even thin) we believe, whol pln are looked ce es & hole, will’be found ie vit Hthat Christ comes bcfore the com erp Se rely hn dhe har bong i, en When she has accomplished this grett end } thatthe, reward promised-the overeomers ie, tint they are: in that reigm: “To him that evereometh will T give to ‘my throne” Rev. ii. 21. "And they lived and eigned with Christ « thousand years.” Hey. a3. “There are. two -lexts in partleulsr used by ur’ poabmil Tennial'brethrés, bo whieh we would refer: "This Goebel must fizat be preached jn all the world for a witness, ‘Tlten shell ‘to refer to the Gospel ‘con: ‘erking the world belore the end’of the Gospel age. We pre nillennial believers claim: that" wttnsssing. to. the’ ‘world docs ‘not mean converting the world, but an it reads, to witness OF testify. : ‘This witness has already been given, Ta 1861, the Bible Sovietice” reports showed tint: the Gospel had beeh published Jn every language of earth; not that al earths’ mytiade hed Feasived it Not not one inn hundred of te twine Nenad rilfons have ever heara of the name of Jean et st hae fale filed Wie, ext™it ns been a witness to every nation, “We ndersiand that the abject of the preaal wituasing in ‘co takeout a people for His name’—the Churdhe whe at Ghsin’acoming Gre’ united 10" Him, and sestive Tie" name Revi Ia itu ao my righ band nt 2 ake thy enemiee thy Yootatocl” The tought generaly wath red trom thie Seripture i Ebat in heaven God has’ there tn whieh He alte continually, and that when “Christ eat sows cn the right hand’ of the, Majesty on high” He aut down lao pen ‘eae: throne. ‘This ine misconception The throne of God referred te ds not an ivory or golden seat, but Telos {fo His supreme suthority and rulerep, for hrone and earth is my Teotstol> and Path eayer “God at highly exatted Him Unrist}, and given Hint x name’ above every natne” He hath given Him authority above every other, exe to the Father. "if Chit alts upon smuberia? chrong Unt) Mis enemies are made Hie foottoo! [all subdued), then of course, He could not come ntl the mlilennium wes fey Ingugarnied.” But if it means the aealling to power, ie would tot interfere with Bie coming and subduing Ail things este Himeelt Fo llustrate> King William is on the throne of Germany, se sy, yet we do uot sefer (o the royal bnshy and tae matey AF fake com oneupin it We moan that ertloe Corn ‘Right’ nand' signifies the ci place, poultion of exechense ezporer gud thors of emote Plate gree wth tie Shotght: “Htereafter yo shall se. the Son of Man siting ot {he rigut hand of pover, and coming'in the loude of heaten” Mask aiv. €2. Te'will bevon the right hand shen combap aad remain tthe right hand during the millenia ge ‘here are he engumentn possi on bot sla et Bai are not true. “We propone, therefore, {tale « glaace at the ae : $ FRAN OF SALVATION, .,. an {0 Seb ‘which view i8 in hatmiony with it. In'so doing, we shal! find’ the relation and bearing of both the frst and the second comings, and now where to locate, Tart then, ag God a nan? “il must agree thut He bas, although almost all are inelined'to think and talc of Tis deat {ngs a8 though He. were dealing by rule of ehence, and gor cerned entirely by cireumstaneas Noy He that would condeern an for building a tower ‘without Arst counting the cost, ‘tuall-He build and people: a, universe wilhout estinting the coatt No, bretlireny "Known unto the Lord are sil His ways , from the beginning. “God hae s plan, m purpose, and wo lve, thet “all Ete purposes shall be atcomplished:”. But bow sball wwe find that plant, Tt fe revealed to us in His word. “Renreh ture?” for >) Goa fw His own interpreter,» Ssiow And He sell make it patie ‘We are too niuch inclined: to ask, What does my’ church ety about any question, nsteed “of What asith the Seriptures? ‘Too miueh theology studied, and the Bible not enough.” With the, though, then, that “The Soriptures-are able to make ice that “the testimonies of the Lord. are sure inablng. wits the simply Jet un examine. tion, Why evil was por mitted.” We take the: fact which stokness, death, vice, Se, fake so pleisiy and painfully evident, viz, Evil exista’: Tia ain Seripturo to. the’ devi. Bvil continues Secnuso Satany powdr fs continued.; Te. ill last throughout the-present age, because “the devil is the prince. [ruler] of {his ‘world (ager. He will continue its. ruler aa long a4-he any or untit he is bound.” He eannot be bound util « stronger hak he takes the control out of his hands oe (God, of course, ean control him"and of Jesus it te written, “ant péwer in beaven and. in. earth is: givenunto mem {os "Bub while Chriat.has ail power, for wise purposes He baa not made ‘se of it, permitting evil to reign and-measurably Control the world, and. permitting. the devit:to: be rprince of {his world,” or epoch. But the tlme-is coming ‘when “ie sball tako to Himself Hig great. power, and. reign,” exalting. is Ghrch, giving ber, “per ovr th nating” no hal lead of, as now, being “eubject to thie powers that be.” she aball “ule the nations.” “But ‘when will Hs thug aauine sontral? When the Gospel Church, “Eis body,” Eeclesia, is eomplete. Evil it now belog permitted for "the trial of you faith," the perfecting ‘of the saints: Thla time {4 aynehzonowe with Sounding of the seventh, trumpet, “Rav. 34.15. "Hore the myse tery [ebureh] of God is dnlshed, and “the: kingdoms of this ‘world become. the Kingdoms of our Lordand fie anointed”: [church]. Now, we inquire, is this transfer-of authority FROM SATAN TO CHRIST | catned by he conversion’ of ‘the’ inations'o Christ through fprosching the Gonpel? We nnawer, Nov "AE thir time the nl Tioga are not converted (va, 18),""And the nations were angry, ant thy wrath te come” Tf eonverted, they would woe be thus ive) neither would: Gods wth come pon thets,Ga the contrary, Go teaches In many Seriptumes Uae a great tine of trouble il eome pon’ the nations ""Come, bell the dso tons wehich the Lond. hath made-in the arth, ilo maketh sears tp teane unto’ the ens of the earth.*" This fe the way {Goi talla"we He will make wars to coue, ‘The next elas tn forma us that then He'"will be exalted song the heathen and Invall the earth?” This ehastiement of nation will be for thir good, and ie ‘nevstsnry to them asf the ehastisement ‘hich ‘God’ now inticts upon Hi ‘children, and 48 will have soi lft, for “Wher the jugmenta of the Lord are sbroat JE'thg earth, the inhabitants of She world wil learn rghteoas: noe Ein na hw dapenation tha wither earned “*Sstan bound-—the knowledge of the Lord shall fll the whole arth an the waters do he ten. The conversion of the wo ftslend of being due now wile “the devil ls the prin of tile ‘org wily David sayy, be "When the kinglom "i the Lord's tnd Ho it the ‘Governor’ among the nations, sil the ends of the world shell fememer and turn to the Lord, and tho king {oma of the nations shall come wad worship before Hist ‘During the infancy of the human family—-say from Adan to Moses" God treated his creatures like Vary young chien, So fer aa we know, they had very little Icnowiedge-of their Creators power or character. Thay had. seascly tay” revela tion: the egeptiog being the few sated where God favdred spe cial persons, as Abvaham, Lot, So. gommupiceting to them by ‘angels, giviog. to. Abraham and VS pecuIMe-profhises, which ine could only waguely comprehend. "the next age Was % the Jowish ‘nation. w schooling ‘seton, during which God taught them to respec His’ promtett and inwra they- were yet oBinors, under age, thtefore not treated av children, but Rept under the low, thet schoolmaster. Gal, tr) “While the Word of God wan being writen aad santa to the Jews for kerping, Se. he tansiader of the world eine {6 have been loft im the davioeas of Restheniam, ‘They bowed tlown tp wood and stone, deptieate of truch at thes today. Tn Scripture the period font Adam tothe: food ix called “tne world (age thes was.” rom. the food. tothe second coming’ of the Lard, "te. world (age) that now in and "the Breen evil world (ag, andthe nxt te elle "the world “Sth prevent evil world” containe: three 229 YY gupazand Adis. : ‘The Patriarchal, Insting from the food to the death of Jacobs 2s Joa age ating frm te heathy of Jah th death of Carat who, Ho: give them up wep over them, and au “Your howe fa Teft unto you desolatey?-the Gospel age, lest from the resurrection of Christy when I: Becumn the frst ‘born from, the dead, and. the begianing.of. the new erestion?” until the full company. of “tho Chureh, of the First-bora™ de Comrie and fo oe The te of the Sounding of, Seventir trumpet, he. resurreeion. and tera bet seins, de Rave xd. 18. ee ZION’S: WATCH, TOWER on We, know not how many agen maybe in "the world to come; but that thers i: more Shan one, we are‘sure, for Pad aks of the agen to come” Bph, i.'T ho frst of these na is dealt with ip Soripture, the millennial age, during BG ee and eign with hint Thousand rears” Ret Having got am outline, let, us look more particularly at oats olin and sayings andy frat, ¢ il atonsh you, Hout Jess, until you retest, wen Tauy, thet aooeding t@ le word, God has nat exhausted His resourees for the world's salvation; Li, in short, He is not now trying to sive che worlds ner haa he-been during past ages What has He been doing? "Taking Oui-s people-~dhsrehtfor His name” Don't thick this wort, derfal ae itis only putting in striking form what, all Cal: ‘insts. blows, among. whom ace’ Baptists, Presyterians an ‘thers, viz thet God is now electing, of choosing His Church ‘out of the’ world. os, and gil ou brethren who believe in feo grace must admit, that'd “ail His purposes shall bo Accomplished” and. "Goi’s Word shall accomplish the thing ‘vhorelo it tn ‘sent ie theae Seriptureare true, Cod did Zot purpose the conversion of the world daring tho past six Bouton gears, ela ie would be accomplished Neldver id He send iis word to convert the world up to the present tine, else i did not prosper in the thing whersto He tnt it. Thess {views fra ten a dvi pot fn the churches for ex ries, Wi ELECTION VS. rmnn GRACE. We beliove the Seripture to teach both, but that it requires the observance of “Heaven's fest law,” ordar, to vightly divide te word of Eh om thi subject at we will glance at lection. During the age preced Ing the deluge, there is no Scriptural account of God giving mankiad any law, and very litle ligt of revelation.” One promise-ahines out, “The Seed of the Woman to Bruite the Serpent,” and. even this required futire revelation in order to bbe comprohonded. God had, however, a few patriarcha or aer¥. ants who hed light above the masses, as lampposts in a dark way. "The Patriarchal age had increase of light. Tt ie now vealed that this seed is not only to crush evil (serpent, but to-"bleas all the families of the earth.” Skil God's Church is represented by one many Noah Abraham, Tatas, & ‘These patriarohe were elocted—ehoven, "God called Abra- ham, and ald,” Ge. Abraham, and not ‘bla kin, was called His parents were idolators. Tie had "many sons and daugh: ters," but only one ia ehosen. "Ta Teaao shall thy seed be called” "Of Isuae's tio tons, only one was chosen. “As it is written," says Paul, Hom. 8, 11 ani 12, "Jacob bave I loved, but Esta have T hated” (loved less}. God chose before they were born, "that the purpose of God aocording to lection might stand.” Now, remember, T do not say that God elected. tna to go to heaven’ and tho other to boll.” Noz far from it. ‘That fa the common mlsconception of the Horipturat, and when properly understood, beowifut doctrine of lection.» = "RE Jacob's death another advance step im God's plan is, takon, and typical or fesbly Tarael is formed. "From this th fone tian no longer ‘represents God in the world; but a nation, all the sone of Jacob and thelr posterity.” “And naw ‘we have {im lect nation or chureh, and God givos all His special lose ings to i Other and ‘larger nations Haypt, Chalden, Se are passed by, left without light and without knowledge, wii theae are. given. to Latael. “What advantage, then, hath Jew?”" Mich, every way, chiely. because them: were con ‘mitted the oracles (Jawe and. tastimonice). of God.” ‘This is, Pauls statements” God speaking to them, says: “You only Ihave { known of all the families of tho earth.” . This people ‘lone was recognized, and thus continued until Christ ‘ame, Yesy-and after it, ‘During Christ's ministry He pronched to then, and would not suifer His diseiples to do othervise, saying as He aends thera ut, "to not into the way of the Gentiles and into any city ot the Samaritane enter ye not.” Why so, Lord? Zam not Sent save: to the-Tost sheep of. the house of Tarael.”,. All his time was devoted to-them until death, and here-was. His fr wwork for the world, and veins <= aop's oraxpest arr, not for Israel only, but for all, for “Jesus Christy by the grace SF God, tasted: death for every) man.”" And now, also, in. the Gospel age, a certain sort of election obtains. Some parta of the world are more favored: with the Gospel (which ia fren ‘0 all who hear) than others. Contrast yourself with your privl Tegen and knowledge, with the heathen man who never Yet teard the call.” When this called out company,,(eallod to b “tout of God,” “heirs of God, and joint heirs with Jeaus Christ (81 ss AE thine pan mba Ya inate ma: et A Seni o our Lord,”) is complete, then the plan of God for the worlds Salvation'is only beginning. Not tnt then will the seed "bru te terpent's head,” and “bless all the families of the earthy For the seed ie not Christ, the head, alone, but the Church, ‘which te His body, as Paul informe ‘ua, Gal. it. 20, “Whi stood is Christ; and if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abrabany Soed and helre according to the promise.” ‘The seme eaumpany fre to brulee the perpent. Rom. vi 20. The vary Goll of Peace’ shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly THE GosPEt Aor i ‘The Gospel age toakes ready the chaste virgin. (church) for the coming ‘iridegroom. When ready, the, Bridegroem Gomes, nd they thet afe ready are suited,” "The weond ‘oan {and the recond ve become one, and are thus the beginning of fhe new ereation, and then the ploriogs work of elevating msn keind in general bogink."The river of living water flows, ead the frank of da Chtssh begins Ta the Se dnpenotion, ne hboavens end new earth, ‘She i no longer the expoused Virgin, bot the Bride. "Tiex “the Spire and fhe lnide say come, nd ‘whosogver wil Iet him come and drink of the water of life Freely “te dam, the boginaing of the Sealy race, was’ composed ‘gf man andthe helpmect taken trom ‘his ido, as iti writen, "Male and female crested He them and He called thelr name ‘AbAaiy” Gen. v.12, 80 the “Second Adam,” of whom Deal sgt the Rist “tos e figure” or type, has a helpmect taken from His ide, and when she is fully formed and perfected, the Bridegroom comes and they go in tothe marriage, they Weeome The new erestion of Cos” (read phew. 36, 90, 98), make Singin Himeeif of twain (Jews and. Gentes} “own EW AN.” (Eph. i. 16.) This new saan we have found to be the, seed oP trash the serpent’ head” ete seed. of Abraham.” om al the fic of te arth abl tia” “Tha the age, vo far {rom losing the Cure’ reson, waa only Staten to‘ eable her, au well an bet Bendy fe"toushed with a Seeing of cards nhrmites, that ther right eympalise with manking, and during the millennial gt assnt thom, when “the Knowledge of the Lord shall Ail ‘8 whote cart” westtering the daninese of sin and ignorance, fausing "vars io cease unta, tho endt of the earth Theat fire te “Limes of sentitution” which Deter eeye are de when Git comes” cl i Ire, "For thin the wncle craton waneth and travaileth in pain togetber,tneil-now, walling [yee manifestation af the gone Of Goae™ om, i. 8, 1 ‘Bae soe ar mot nom mania. hore ave Hn Chit fas Inany “wolver in sheep loth the wheat there Mie many tavet but then in “the harvest (he end of te ger) they are separated, then shall the righteots shine forth af the sun in the Kingiom of thelr Father—be manifested {ind thn to the groaning eration” (mankind) ahall thie "Sun of Righteouanees aris, with healing in Hie singe." But det un leave this bright end pleasant picture of the day, of whieh, with the poet, we could 1 *aae thes wong, ages of glory, we ‘iste the glad time, when Ckriat appeara,” and: turing, lok at dask pioture. Have you" ever asked: Yourself, while rejoicing in the glorious opportunities-to be Uered. to mankind Guting. the sllennial age —What shot: those who have died before the plan of God tas thus reecked {te fullmees? ‘There have ved ‘om earth since creation” (nix tinogeund years), about one hundred and Sorty three billens ‘of human beings. Of tene the Very broadest estimate that ould be mde Nith reaton sould be, Yat lose then ene Sllion swore Bointe of Gad—the Ohureb--the Bride: What of the Spe tered nd forty-two tliae ‘who, ded out of Christ What in thts condition? V'Athetem ancwors® They are eternally dead.’ There hereafter. They will never lve again. Gator onnore: Thay rere ot cleiad tobe saved, God foreordained and predeetincd them to be lost—to go to bel Eni hy ate" tte now, whinging, where thy ‘er renin without ho “drminianiom onowers; We believe that God excusen them on Account of ignorance, and that Hf they aid. the bast. th fGtew how, they til be te sure of being a part of the “hurd Of the Firat-born” aun Poul himself > | : “To-thi lest view the great majority of Christians of | denominations bold fom & fling thet aay other view would ie eresonelable with justin, on God's paren esta th Buty we inquire, what do'the Seriptores-teich on this est! point?” That Ignorance n'a: ground of walvation’ | Nos: the nly condition known in Seripture fs Parra “By grace are Je ZION’S WATCH TOWER Sine STS Perrin Pa: saved, through Farrw"'-Justifiation by faith is the ground: oak of the whole eystem’of Cretienity. When, by the jeilor a Punippiy Foul wae’ naked, “What mustT” do O50 faved” He answered, “Believe oh the Lord Jesus Obrist-end le baptized, ‘end thou shalt, be saved.” ‘Poter-aayn; Acia'iv. QD, "There is none: other name under dneven given tong men whereby we niet be auved;" than the ame of Jes ‘Poul reasons hat a mien must heot the Goapet before he can believer “How shall they believe on Him of whom they have not heard” "This—God'e ‘plan —that "mem shall be saved oh Account of faith, Paul says was to the Jew « stumbling bloek (because they expected salvation as a Yeward of keeping the law)-and to the Greske (the worldly wise) foolishness, “But, nevertheless, It has “pleased God by the foolishness (in the yee of men) of preaching to save " (SHEA Wintel BELIEVE." 1 want to Seriptuvally dose you in'to the thought, thet all in the tet ewo chapters of Homans, teaches “tnt these baving Dot:the Taw rena. unto themaclves” and at thie Tew ‘which thelr conscience” fursisbee, ie solicit to justify them: Ko, 1 annwer; you undaretand Saul diferent {om hat he Fntended. Put argument everywere is tnt “all the world ullty before God" For if 1 bad not imown fe law, I bad fot Known sin. Fof"ty the law i'the kiowledge of si” The Iw given to the Jew pevealed hin weaknes, and was intended forstow his that he wan uoabie te fusy bimeelf before Gos ior by ihe desde of the lam ball no fsh be juried In (Gove) eight As the aw Unus condontned fhe Jews, a0 Pat tape itis withthe Gentiles also. “Though ignorant of th fa ‘EUy had light enough of coneteny to eondema thom. * Tt very mouth ey Be stopped, anda the world any become [guilty bofore God” Romito, n order the eternal life may So's to bo the gift of God, through Jesus Carat ost Lord to every one thet Delicoeth ‘Well, you answer, the Dib to the contrary, 1 believe and Susi ‘tie Godl won't dam the world for igtoranes, Now, Jel'us see, Do you practice what you declare? Why do you ‘oust Jn aexding misclonaricn to the beathen, at 4 ont of ‘Slourandéef valuable liver and milion of money?” If thay ‘il-all bovsaved-or open dhalf of them-—through ignorance, You do, them a positive injury jn eeoding « preacher to tll fem ‘of Carey fer we know that only about ome ine thoaiand Believes when the asionary doce go to them, II your idea be cove it werefar better Gat no minsionaris should ovet be Sent Before, aenrly all saved; omy cstne ef inowleige, jy all ost, Tn the mame way we might reason, tha Hf od ad isi ail iguorance, we woud all hove boqw saved. ‘Then, {nwland.of the Coopl being good nec, it would be more Pop tly mumed bod nese ‘Noy my breUiren ow’ do teticoe that “there fs'no other im’ given wheregy we mount be anved Your ttions spe te fouder, and peak aight» "Nov euppose we iol at honing jut aa God tile ua oi them eve clearing of is siumcter to. Mimeat (0 ara eis Suicosn oF, rasa simaxGws First;.we answer, that you may be tur re they are not now fn el elering Detaute only do the periptires tna that full and-eompicte reward is nol given tot ‘Chureh ‘until Christ comes, “when-be aball-zeward every man,” but the wn: jjust'axe'to receive their deserts then also. ” Whatever may’ be {thelr present condition, it. eanuot. be their full reward, for Veter anya: "God knoweth how to reserve the unjust unto the ‘day.of judgment to be-punished," and He will do-eo,. But the ‘thought of a0 many of our fellow creatures at any time being losty without having had the knowledge which in necessary te -aaivation, teems tarrible:indeed,"to Wl who have & spark of Tove or'pity!"" Then; 400, there’ area, number of 'Seriptures ‘whe seem hard to harmonize with all this. Let us see in the light of His dealings: how:shall-wé understand the statement, i ie Lave,” or “God a9 loved the world that he gave bis culpa Sn, tat err ech nH nig oe erie ce et ‘AN, Lord, it aéemé Uo poor, frail humanity thet if you loved the world. 16 truch,"you dnight have Maade provision, ct. aly ‘het believers might bo saved but also that all might hear: ‘Agn mrnend Thin th th tr Tight that lightth every rian fiat cometh into the world.” Lord, all‘our reason seems Letag aot eg we Samer se how Jeou igitel more than 8 fowof-earth'e billions, 1Wonder Hotientot ives: no.evidence-of having been'eo enlightosed, neither aid the Sodomites and my lade ef ethers, Pan sees ot 109) > / suee, 18794 "ZIONS WAT. Once! more we read: “Jesus Christ, by the gracevof God, tasted death for every man.” How,'Lord? 'weask, Tobe © fasted death for the one-hundred and ‘torty-threo biliSaa, and from other causes it Becomes efleacloun only to-one billion, ig not his death. comparatively failuret-”" ei" sa si ‘Again: “Behold [bring you glad tidings of great Jey, which shail’ be to alt poople.” "Surely it ix to but litle tock to ‘whom it has beed glad tidings, and not to all people.” ‘Another Is: “There is one God, and one Dediator between God, and man, Christ Jesus, who geve himeelf s:rassom: for all.” A ransom, then why should not af have some benoit from Christe death? = t= te ‘Oh, how Wark, how inéorisatent 46 ties etatements appear when: tro remember that the: Gospel Chureh'is "a little foc” Ob, how we arish. it would please God to open our’ eyes that ‘we might understand’ the SeFiptures! for we feel sure that did ‘ve but understand, it most all seem clear, ft must all declare in thunder tone, “od fa Love." Oh, that we had’ the’ key! Do you want itt—Are! you sure’ you do? Te is the last text ‘we quoted, “Who gave Kimselt « ransom for ally to be testified in due time.” Dus time, "Ab, now we aoe. God bas a due time for overything: ‘testified it to this one’ hundred and. forty-two” billions. in’ their life time," Then’ that: would hhave been their due time; as it was not 40, their due time must be future. We know that now ja our dle time, because It is ‘stifled to us now. Christ was a ransom for you before you were bom, bat it wig not due time for yout hear ie until years after. So with the Hottentoty ‘Chilat was his ransom and at the same time was ‘yours; he hag not heard’ i yet, tind may not ia this life; bul im God's due time he wil But does not death’ end probation? one inquires. There Is no scripture ‘which snys so, we ansiwer, and all the absve and many more seriptuies would be meaningless or worse, a DEATH ENDS Aun. ‘Tho only scripture: ever Fenerally entertained. view, is, "As the Nea! “Tf this has any relation to man and es that in whatever condition of knowledge he his future, it in or ignorance be enters death, he remains the same tnt ‘ised up again, ‘Sut can knowledge ever reach these billions in their graves hile dead? "Noy God has provided for the resurrection of Them all. For “aa in Adam ait die, even to in Christ shal afl be made alive” ‘As death came by the ret Adam, eo'ife comes by the second: Adam. Everythigg that mankind lost inthe frat, is fo be restored in the second. "Hence, the age following Christ's second coming is spoken of oa “the tines of feattution * “Life is one of the thingy Tost, and is to be one of the things restored. “Mark met T'do not aay etormal ife is given them ‘No; Adama never had eternal ite to tose; if he had-t, he could not have died, Ho had natural life, oet aatural life, and Te is {0 be natural life that: the second” Adam restores. ‘This is a certain sore of aaioation that Christ accomplisnon for ally but fhe eternal salvation, which believers receiv: is entirely differ cot. caties to ue azar tax, wh i el ated ‘except by Universalist, and although not Univeralisa, yet we sini the ight to ue‘ Sorpeue. Je reads "We drat in the living God, whois tho: Saviour of-all men, capecally of fem which believe!" AlI'men are ssvod or rescued from the Joss entailed on thom: through Adam, by having: all-thoee lot things, including natural life, restored ¢o them. He {salto the "eapeciat Saviour of them which believe” For believers ‘who now constitute the body of Christ are the huppy recipients of the gift of God, eterna life. Wille those of the scorld are Falsad natural bolle, those:of the Church wre raised epirituat Bouts, neither can fhey die any more, bat ae ike the anges Now we: see that “the teilimony in dua timal explana att of tone oubioustexth" In due tne i tal be iad ings f great joy to all people. Tn due time that "rue Light aha lighten etary mon Enalcomot into the worl,” and ino other way can these scriptures be wed without wresting. We take them to mean just what they say.” Paul cartioy out the Ive of atgamont with emphasis in Rom. v. 18, 10. "Tie reasonsthat ‘yale wae imac fo dati aa wera Secu of nas transgression, 90. tlso Chats righteousness justes| ait to life again. All lost life, not of our own will oF choice, in the fist Adam; all. reese life atthe hands ofthe, second Adam, equally, without their will or choice, ‘Wien'tius Drought tif and the Jove of God tetiiad'to them, thelr probation, yyy ljin sr iwice zum hey ‘RETR FIRST OMANOR, begins, for we do not proach! a ‘eeond chanée' for any. ‘Bub Peter tals us, Uhat "the reatitstion is spoken of by the ey CH ‘TOWER ‘mouth ofal-the lol: prophets. oy do all touch it. Reektel telis-us of the valley of dry bones, “Enis isthe whole howse ot Israels” and’ God says to them, wil bring Jou up ou of Your rar and bring You lato our own lanl The agree yrith SE Paul Rom, 28, 26.” Biindaose in partis hoppeced to Iaract until the fullness ‘of tho Gentiles (the Gospel Church, the lect ompaay "taken out of the Gentiles") te come ts, and 90 all Isree shall be seved, or brought back from thele {stot condition, 'For “God hath act caat‘off lis people whom Hee foreinew."" They were eut of from His favor while ie brie’ of Ohist was balng stead, bu will ren to favor se tft ware i acemplitndva 88 fo 20h prophets ‘ce full of statements of how God wil "plane them agains and Eiey shail be no more plucked up” This does tot refer to restorations from former exptivitie in Babylon, Syria, Wes for the Lord says, “Ym that day shall no tore boa’ prover ftiong you "the fathers ats'x sour grape aad the chtldes {eeth are eet on edgo;” but every man shall ais for hid own si. ‘This is not the ease now. You do not se for your own sia, but for Adam’s—"'An in Alam ail ie?” Ho ate the anar grape, tnd ur frsatersvatined 19 tthe ating tart Siokzess and: misery upon ts. ‘The day in which “ek ‘hall die for hiv own rn” in thin Millennial or Hestieutign day. But wher restored to the same conditions as Adam, will thay hot be a5 lable to ain and fell again as be was?” Nos they ‘will be liable, but not ae Kablos they have earned ia thule En the te WAch Cod deiged ttc fo aly vey “tbe exceeding sinfulness of sin” ‘Thoy wil be prepared to apprect Ste the good and shan the evil, and the Gospel Churek then Elorted “wil be, “the linge rslers) and prists” (teachers) St that now age, for “ato the angele hath He not pu tn aub Jcction the word (ege) to come, whereof we spent de. Then Ehrough “he eeeond: Adam” and. His helpmest they inay be Igotten into their spiritual Likeaecs. Bot are we sure that God intends these Bessings f but he “people whom He foreknew” (the ews) PY yentions other nations also by name, and apetks oftheir rei {ution "Let me give you an Tlstrotion sr wll be forables x sopoun Se Gg PIE Pe pperenl,Ca ory ie se de ear oe ifae e ae e “Sree oe Si or ES Ged as eno ei od pe awk Bane tee sth ae eg ttt eae Hs ed ene nl ining hm 9 aed oem ie ca ate dee fing iy i ene eer fe iat Tapert Ucn eteen ag fet, ad then gg thom soni at on, ed nee eae Seen nome of soe Hao amit uk made Eee Bae ser zou at te aah aoe Te pene wae spies Sie cara aca eee ate sen an shes ee id os be ee cco amen and ig oleh a a al ae ee maa Siw Tenth ee Fk Nl er spacey tte. ater ota sett aa Os sth further Atte lang lag See any ‘ee cos), oy ac eptie and Chi ht aba oy fh spi su S72 hd Ot sae, tes arte eo a Prae terolhe oge) Sa ak Seer em i tn Be fi Bes we nm ronne necame seis Ba sme ony whe avai, at Got salud sw ced ek ugg Goa ee ng i ote aa pl Ue wuld et ee eee Gre thea ot ofl.“ ee, Ra thee Merete gu rae sree ri ie Tl tke te eae the fathers’ sakes, ¥or the gifts and callings of God are without Sedat mee ee pion lan of Gol he cae ney eet erat Sos met ts Seeman gr Bone “Pat tog part roonbeanl pe cnautel ad nvr on iy seu ee, Pa fy shame hen on Hehe ene pce ao ete a vy Tate dered aah oe far cod Ado monde ea eer ances ame sey forts te ee eae gt ga Cin a may oe Bite ale enous le hr le ‘wisdom and knowledge of Goa! how unsearchable are his judg ‘ments, and his waye past nding out!” ‘But gone will nguire, How comes it that this bas not been seen Jong ago!” We tue, God gives light and howled Tig people Just as-it Ip die. The world wes elt in atnost entive ignorance of God's plan until the Gospel age, when Christ ‘ame, bringing ife and iumortality 20 taoir through the Gow Yel, "he Jew up to that time supposed that el the promises 8f God were to and for them alone But in Gwe time God showed vor £0 the Gentile als. Christians generally have supposed ‘hat Goa’ Bewsings aze to the church, Bat we Duzin tose that God js better then all our fearm and though he has given us exceeding great and precious promises” He hat made og othe onl sin tila cs “Snhe path of the jist is as shining light that shineth amore snd more, unit 'the perfect day,” tnd ihe fact that st How shines eo brightly, and that we are able to we more of the beauty and harmony of God's word, 1 strong presumptive mee that we ae the dawn of that gloreus millennial Soy, men “ve shall know even a ve are fnown.™ ‘Bit we promized to harmonize those doctries of the Chiirch éveraily sipposed to be antipodes, via, Catsinaony, ov Ble Son and Anlaniavion on Free Great.” Perbae yuo lena fee how they larmoniae themaelven by simply fecniaing tie order of the ages and applying each tant to the place and time fe which it belongs. Late then point out to'you INCONSISTENCY OF EITHER CALVINISM OR ABAGNTANISM when, sejarated {rom each oiler. In T do not wish ‘to retlect on those who hold these doctrines, T shall, merely call your attention to features which their warivest advocates ust confess to be thetr soak points, First—Calvinism says: God is all wine. He knew the end s Purpoiss salle aan from the beginning, andy as “all i plished,” He never could have Tntended to save any but a fow— the true Chureh, the little Nock, "These He elected and. pre- destined to be etornally saved; ail others sere equally predes- fined and lected to go te hell for “known wste'the Lard are all-His worke from the foundation of the world” Th hae ie ood fearon TE shows, trope Go's Oinniscénce. ‘This would be our ideal of's ennat Ged, were it rot iat trea easontial qualities of greatnens, view’ Mason, Tove and Justice, are ladhng, for none of eben qualities and place in bringing’ into the world one hindred and. forty-two Bnlions of creatures damned betore they were born and mocked > mis ec Sy env aia eager Wi aang tenet Saas Ras Saal es Trad Sach Genet. Bil eis Fe re oo rs ae mone ioe tol als “tact than the Christin”. How” often do. thay in’ sontroverey overlook and ignore truth’ presented. by their opponents... This TPA TO ae Pa ZION'S WATCH TOWER el 2. SAO WHAT IS MTRUTH3™ i: 20 ee oth Promseonem, Ps, by. protestations of love.» No, ne. “God ie tow" “God ie fasts? God 4 meroiful ‘ 1 Second-—Arminianism Yes, “God ‘ie ‘love,” ‘and in bringing rumanity into the’ world He meant them’ no har only goed. But Satan succeeded in tempting Adem; thu “ein -gntered into the world and death by ain” and-ever since, God ‘has been dotvg all He can to deliver man from hleaneay’ even toe giving fs Sou and sup ae, ne haba Yar after, the gospel dod only reached a very. email: portion ef ‘ose creatures, yet, we do hope and trust thet Sithin’ six ‘thousand years more, Uhrough the energy and liberality of the CGhureh, God will have £0 far remeli the evil intred coed ty Satan, that all may at least know of Bis\ love, and. know! edge of.God be covexiensive with the knowledge of evil, | tiie commendatie feature of this view ia, that it accepts the statement that "God is love.” But while fall of loving tad Denevolent designs for His creatures, He lacks ability and fore Knowledge adequate fo the nccompllahment of those desighe ‘While. God was busy arranging and. cevising Tor the good of His newly created children, Satan slipped thy and by one Stroke upset all God's plane, snd in one sroment brought in And evil amoag men to buch an extent that even hy exhausting all His power, God must spend twelve thousand years to ever Feinstate righteouaness to auch « degree that may will have an ‘portunity: to choowe Good as readily at Evil, and. the one Indved and forty-two bilions of the past six thousand years, ‘tnd ae many more of Uhe next, are lost fo all eternity oe spice ‘Of God's Tove for Shem, Decking Satan interfered with fis plans 48 God had not foreseen, Thus Satany in apite of Get gete ‘ne hundred into hell to one God gets to glory. ‘This view spust exalt mew's idens of Satan, and lower Weir caimation of Tim who "Spake, end it, was done; commanded, and it stood fast” "Bat how relreshing itis for us to turn-from these fragments of éruth, an neparately considered, and SEB HOW mansionrous and-beeutiful they are then wnited. How, durin And past ages God Is electing oF pathering, by the ‘preaching Of He ‘word, the Gospel: eltrch.. How Te wisely Permitted vil to come’into the world, in order that He suight develop is churen,.which, thus “bsing made perfect through euler ing.” might be prepared for het glorious work in the future; and hiow the mous of tanking, though not now on probation, ite nevertheless gelling a inowledge and experience By eoutecl. with sin which He foressy they mould be the better tors and! furthermore, how he took occasion, in connection witk thi, His plan, to show us Hin great love, by ao arranging thet the del oC wat neery (0 ir over tom tn and ‘then freely giving Him "io be a propitictin for our wine an hot for ours only, but also for the sine of the whole world and ‘then. in the’ next “ispemation™"e new heaven’ asd arth" (Rev. xxi. 14610 aud xxii 17)—when "the Spinit-ant ‘the Bride say come, and, whosoever Will may come and take of the water of life freely” He will how we ile “Free Gries” Jn fullest measure Ts not this the teaching of Gots Wordt Men never would have thought of such a glorious plan of salvation, Truly God Inns suid: "My ways ate not your ways, nor my thoughts your ‘houghta*:" Hereafter when we address Him: “Our. Pater” ray it eall 1. our mind that His love and commpastion are far renter than the pity of our-earthly parents, and: while ee Study His Word snore and-more, nnd geek to"“grovo in grace ‘and In the kmouledge'and-ove of God, Tet we ever remember “that ‘the present 1 "ind bee is are to: sd se Hl ora a ‘0a is Bi owe oterpretr, “And Heil eke pik" ving gen bow much of the great lan of Ged alts the conte of Ca or He sempininesty tnd ving, we tun found iy’ Chest comes an we hep ioving it opening? “our ne “o eximine wits "you what the ile ches Hou Ons Gomes" . Teal: At perfect erty Zo alepute everything he says on religious subjects, “This is not the eorreat principle. -Meny infidels are Ionest—as anxious to speak and believe the truth as are Chee. ‘iane—and if in converse: with them we ignore'traths whieh “they may advance, Wwe not only fall'to convince them! of our ‘trutha, but put an end to all Hope of reaching thet; for our failure to admit: theveyidentitruth which they advance begets in them contempt, for the one who ia not honest, enougit to admit ove truth, Beanse Ie dqee not eee how it ea bg secdn eqs tertothen Recep tia wnerever you find nati sues, 1879 what it contradicts, and-rely for ability to-afteriarls ha sist etera apn “te Sprit of rth whch shall guide ue Shoo al truth) ae Jesus romiaed, ges Teasers et JP; lke w Bodes lilo ower in the wilderness of life fs surrounded and almost chofed by the luxuriant growti of Eheweede of eer. If you would fnd i you must be ever on the Jedkouts, If you would soy ite beauty” you aunt, brush aside etweeds of error and the brambles of Bgotry.y If you would poseeon ft you mut stoop to ge i ZION*S‘*WATCH TOWER o Ma'not content with ine flower of truth. Had one been sullsient there would: have. been no more. Gather ever; aeeie for mo Weave: thes ygtter a3 a gasland—"Bind them on thee as a bride docth.” “Bind them about thy neck; write them upon the table of thine heart; so shalt thou find Tavor and good andeatanding im the sight ot God and man” "Brow i 9. _HE SEATS HER ON HiS THRONE SOLES EO Sei aha! Bei ‘ng a ove One aig 9) or thus the Bride appar, ‘he wilderness. behind Fer With a is sigh and earn, or Him i hope she waited : ‘And loving-tears she ‘wept, Wan in the darksome shadows, ‘She watahed while others slept. tongs of loa, i's : She knew He would be faithful, ‘And-in His Word ahe read, ‘That Ho was coming qUicely, ‘She trusted what Ho said, Ofttimes tis precious promise ‘She told to those around, ‘To some it seemed good tidings, "To others empty sound, Now, aa the King of Glory, hand for ‘He soats her eo Me ‘This ia the grail’ expleinon of te Bitle—the Keynoty of Christianity. "ibis the foundation of the great plan of creation nd redemption, and the underiying prindlple in the structure Sine Word ot Gol Te is trth, the truth as God ia tre, the embodiment ofall ounce trutha,'so tat whatever, rightly widerstood Te not in Farmony witht tm be ae ternal and Unchangeable "AN! that He has Gone or will do can Bue express His inne fanean. All His atisbutes ace toved and” cn. troted by Tove. “God fn love” -Many feel, as & rent of edsatlon, that God ‘hates thom, bat toat Christ loves thems others believe that Christ purchavad the Father's love.” doth ‘are ansnered by Christ’ words: "od 20 loved the world that he ove his Sony" de, Jobm ii, 10." Chrint's work ts vot to, purchase the Father's iow but to tasilnt it. "Practically, it not as thes: Iogiana teach, Obras words are truer “I andl my” Father are one"one ia purpose eh Ia work, Orit prayed to the Father that the deciles. might be one, Haven ts wo are one.” "As thog, Father, are in me and Tin thes; that they may be one in us” Ber ohn Xe, Bt He could thus be called “Immanvel-—God with us? Without fontroversy, gratia the mystery of godines: God. was tan test im he Henk” 1 Timi 10” God: gave his: Son, Tas Son “pave himelf for ua" Traly they art harmony.” The Inve of the infinite God ould nother by areabed nov purchased, bit at eouidt be shows Thin one part of the Work Bf the Son ot God~to reveal the Father: "fo Foveal his love ia to reveu! Himself, tor "Gol ts Tove Without Chet or oi of Ghnit {od cat be known Fhe Father oes not reveal the’ Son, bat the Son reveals the Father, “For no man’ Kuowelt wh the Sow ia but the Father, and’ noi man kuoweth the Paher but tic! Sony and he to whom the Son will reveal Mi™"'No eos logian need attempt an explanation of the Divine’ Sonship of our Lords “But fe pleased the Father that in Christ should All fullness dwell"-Ail fallnesa of the Godhead. bodily = Gan 41% an tmiotignen ofall that fo good and efue and emphatically te Revelation of God." "The: Word was with God aad the Word vas God”. The Word wan made Rest” ile took our natire, the “orm of a mrvanty nd waa made in the likeness of ent i i THe af who ie nan ald, “Let all the angels of God ors him’ {that mune ineaaé Sehaeh| and “Ey throne, 2 Gas i forever un eyes” (Heb, fe, B)y “lee tho glory be had’ withthe Rather before the foundation of the oslo “nae Rimuelt of'ho voputation;® “was made ite Tower Mor the sullering of death, crowned with ‘9. He isthe Word, the Truth, the personal.” @ claims her a2 His own er once plereed, on His throne. BE J, Prinocton, 3. J. “GOD IS LOVE" Great gondesesnsion! , Glorious love! Whose lovet Both the Fathers and the Son's, but primarily the father’s. “God so loved that he gave.” The love caused the gift. "God com ‘mendeth Riz love to us, in that while we were yet sine Christ died for us.” Rom. v. 8. “and all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to’ himself, by Jesus Christ, and hath given to up the ministry of recoucllation, to wit: that God ‘was in Ohrist, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them,” &. 2 Cor. vs. 18, 19. The hymna line, “My'God js reconciled,” has well beon changed, “To Cod I'm reconciled.” it is man tat is out of onder—eway. from hhome—and God is in Christ to. win the wanderer tuck. God hates sin, but loves the man, One reason why He hates sin is Semmes Tie loves the van, and ain destroys man's beppiness and if persisted in will destroy the man himself. "Thou het destroyed thyself, but in mo in thy help found,” saith the Lora “The grace of God, that bringeth salvation to'all en hath ap- peared" Grace i lore and favor. God in Christ brings salva: Eon to all mea nbsolutaly, so far as relates to the resovery of what as ost in Adam. “iho will have ail men to be saved." "Asia Adam all dey do in Christ aball all be made alive? Thus, “Wo trust ia the tieing dod, who ia the Saviour of se Dees specially of them that believe!” 1 Tim. iv 10. He has not only redeemed man fom what was latin Adam, but ns made higher attainments potsibla, brought salvation * Rear, teithin read of all-men, and in the’ “author of sternal Salvadion to dhem that obey him?” Heb. v. 9. Ho st only “gave Himself u ransom (&0 buy man back from death) for ai” Du TE in "bo bo due time.” 1 Tim. € He not only till have ail men fo be saved” (from the Adamic penal 3), but will also have them "some fo the lnowledgy of the trudh” Ver. “4. Thus. and in "due time” He is the “tras light that: Tpntcin everyman that cometh into. the world? John ie 8. All-who have died without the true tight. willbe fealightaned fn fatuce, and the words of the sagel willbe rer fiade “Behold, T briog you glad tidings of great joy, which Shall be to: all peopte™ “Euie i 10. ‘The salvation from death is secured to all by the Ransom 7 the saivation from sin is made possible to all by the ht and all this in the Father's arrangement, fhrough the Son, whois + tonstituted Redeemer, and also the “ead?—"Pirstborn” of = ew race, He restores the old to ali, and importe-the mee 1 to ts many” as-reoeoe and obey the fruth. How true it fs, that: “He that loveth; not, knowell not Go; for God is loves" "1 John iv 8.. "Love isof God.” "Ver. 1. “in thin was menifeiad: tho love of Gad towarse ws, be- cause that God sont his only begotten Son into the world, that ‘ho. Som (Ver. 8.) "Herein Glory and'honor,:that he, by the grace of God, should taste: we might live. through him ‘lath for every man.” Heb. i. 0, ee eee eee ee Cote Som vee eres ter I Bes ATR NTS BI RET seid on ZIONS WATCH TOWER him, because ‘be frst loved ma” (Ver. 18.)_In view of ao muck ‘testimony, who ean doubt the Fethare love, or believe that fk ‘wae purghasod by Christ's death! Chriss death meets a ne ‘cesify of man in relation to man’s forfelted lite; ‘hence He ‘purshesed man, and not God. God arranged it at a grand ee hibition of His love for man, “Fe are bought with & price, therefore glorify God." fe. “Thanks Be unto God for his une etkable git.” We love the Giver and me love the OH ‘Whom having not seen, we love.” Who ean refrain from ola ing the grand chorus of the angela: “Glory to Gad in the highs stand on envi, pone, good will toward ment™ Lake. 14, CHRIST'S PERSONAL RETURN By a Luzamna Manure To attempt to prove that the Son of Man will really and fpersenally come again to this world, may seem quite uper Hiuous. Tt is a dostrine which orthodox Christiane univeranily ‘admit; and yet, perhaps, there ia not another article of Chris ian faith vo coldly and indefinitely apprehended. Few anen em Dence it as a reality. Few men lay hold of Ht as an efcacious truth. People deny’ not, but neither do they feat it They huave #0 much preoteupied their minds with imaginary, figura tive comings of she Saviour, in providence, in Be Spit, 42 Hie Word, and in His Chureh, that Tis only real coming has well igh become obsolote-—a dead letter. ‘Tt 0 longer comes upon the heart and conscience with i awakening and commanding power. We recite it, and sing it; but we do not effertually necsive ft, It ie in our creed, bit it ‘cannot be std to be of our faith. Ii we extertain it-at all, 136 ‘at s great distance of. Tt cannot, therefore, be a matter of fail Importance for “us to review our position ‘and to ex: feavor to ascertain, where we stand ia sepand totais grea! ‘octrine fe have been uneccionsly saving to ourselves, “The Lord delayeth bie coming.” it ie time thet we should wake ‘othe fact lest thet day should come upon us unaioares, Chniee bias "Pare, for in such a0 bows ae ye thinks noe the Som of Man cometh." “the ‘day: of the Lord to cometh asa thiet fn the night” “Ae a snare aball it come on all them that well on the face of the whole earth” “And amid the tremene fous Heavings of society i our day, we are most solely ade ‘monished te look’ well to our beatts, and Heep close to the ‘Grectiona of our Lord. . THREE WORLDS ‘The past present and future of the family of man are all included in the "Three Worn”. The world that was belore ‘he Hood, the world that nowt, and the world to come. ‘The Greek Word “Kosmon” translated worl, ae above re lates to the onder or state of thingy and. Gost not Fler to the Iiteral earth, as some suppose. ‘The sme word se often sed ‘en the people are meals as "God loved the torld Tole the ana of God that taketh away the an of the world 5iThe eld ‘ie the world {Christ does tot tow the good seed. in ‘he grownd—mankind ie Bie eld of operesion)j "idee the reply tr theo off le ia hexose et for the general “order” of thingy or for the people, bu See pe flea fiat the word eve eens earth Sr has that meaning.” The nearer taf perhaps je when Pete? speaks, of these three conditions ne three distinct “heavens and Garth. Peter ii The five "perahed™ {cre to an ed), {he second is “reserved nto fre?” and will end also, but the thirds or "new heavens and new earth,” Je the “world without ene? ‘These three exist in the order of muccession as above, no stro at the eome’ time, and the some planet, Barty is the basis oF al thre ‘The hanes et the food was not 20 much physieal as alae peneational Ihe admipinration of God was changed; bat the Earth, with ils “mountains and consequent ‘alley, sil 3 Tanined, "the wesere prevailed and. all the igh hile were fexrered.” Gon, vil 10." "The atl ose shove the mountains farvied on the face of the waters, and when the waters abated ‘the ert rested upon the mountains of Ararat2””"Gen, wihed. ‘The waters rese an fol, but there was epparently no cheage in'the form of the earth itself. ‘The trees seam to have fe Joined in place, for had they been Aosting, the dove might Have fonda place “or the sole ef her {00 (Ver. B)y end ‘an olive Jeave plucked off” would have bean no evidence that the watere werelabating {Ver 11}. few of these imple thsge well noted, might help to ai ze} Home of the Cguerated eptainy of ay ao Exl changes in the “new hesvens and earth” promised. deg not nestnenily monn absolute perfection ‘re frst "order” i called "the old world,” ® Peter th 8. ‘Phen This prownt coil mori” must ave been new at fet, ‘As the second “waxes old" and passes away, enosher nev ons omee. ony "Wherein. delle, Pigsteousncla” It has been Ghoupne by some that ie must tarctore be absolutely fee from fin rom the very fre ‘This in an coil worl but thee is Some {ood in if, and when Satan ie bound--iinived—ehoined-“is wil be reverse. Righteousness wll be the Tule and sit tho extep- tion, he sianer being am bundeed yeate old, sball be ac. cursed.” Tag, Inv. 20." Sin and_ death po band’ in handy and ities shall be destroyed iil the end of the thousand years: Efe last enemy that shall be destroyed ix death” 7 Cor. ee. ‘These three worlds are the basis of the Bible plan of salvar tion, and ‘ay therefore serve ae @ HEGDD 6! 65 ‘the Word in referenco to the plan. If a statement of the Word Delonge, to any one of these works, it wil be a perversion to ‘apply itt another, or to what lies outside of them alogetbes, ‘Zo get tne trac import of ansthing revesled ye the Spire of God" must be Important, in order that the designed afect fay be Tealizd. Without an, outline of the plan Te ie hot surprising that men have failed to “rightly divide the word of truth.” "Init be remembered that the "world to come” not the “epirit word" or state of the departed in any pense, But 2 future state thet does not begin unt the send, of "present teil world," ends, many Seripeures will be plain "XE ehall be recompensad at the Fesurrection of the just The resures- ton is at the last trump (1 Cor. x7.) during which time Christ sets andthe evar ie ven te propos seni aed Hem ‘that fear God's ame, small and great Reve i Feward is "eternal Tife” to them whi antinuasee in well-doing™ (hom, the world to come eternal life” ‘This division of the Wor, by te plan of the ager ives an intensity of Snterest in the coming of our Lord, for whatever man’s state in Gath mey bey Tie ‘letr that our reward i not due tll be comes at the beginning fof the world to come, "Mam doce not go to it bat ft comes to ‘ts Those whe died in the world before the flood aid not thos each the present world, wich was then fabure, a0" nether fan men reach the world to come by aving. Living or des swe must wait for that period fo eome before we ean be in yas tre Wait from oue day. fo ancther, and when the new period ay bas come, thove whe dave not died will be in the "werd t0 foie ns well’ax those who are raised irom the dead, fees Noah parsed from the old world into the mew, having escaped death. "Te does not militate against thls iden, that the extote tre to enter upon a higher stats than the oatlons, being fase in the “spiritual bods." and made eguel to fhe angels at the beginning of thet world. “The heaveniv state of the eaint, the "Brite, the Lamb's Wife.” andthe eartily state of the nations, ae’ the “leased of the Lord,” are fats of te world To'comé and in, harmony with cach other, If te saints a 4 tale the, nations ax promised. the nations must be there be Fuled, “there are high and low, heavens and earth, inthe foture an well asin the past. In thie present evil World, the angels—anveon, yet real persono—have & grett deal of power, fo “iminitering pirita sent forth to mitister for them who Shall be heirs of salvation.” Heb. 5. 12." “But unto the angels hath he not put'in subjection the world to come ‘whereof we speak, but... « what je man, Uist thou art mindfa of him P* is gvorld"¥3 ‘subject to the angels, but the futtre ‘orld o inde’ subject to glorified man, desua being the head of the glo Ded ody te Shove pov iat angie are Bt gle aay ‘nid also that man ‘will tupersede the angela in administration ‘of God's tenefita to-man in the Mesh dn Understanding of much of God's Word ie made casien ty net aevine a “bind'seyo view” of the Plan as shown by ‘ethos Wenlts" We $101 = Beenuse of ‘the shoriness of bumen life, we act quickly ob Suraslver and exyeet others to act so, and’ we can etarcely SEES eying the ease thought with us when we go to the Investigation of Godt Word, We tead—<"Vet a lttle while, and He that ehell come, will come "We think, as we look bask at he eigtteen centune ‘BUG have elapocd ince his rat advent, tha i isnot a "Itt REDD Nor tus ite a long while. Our ideas of tong and ‘Slot periods ere drawn fom our experience, When you were eeehe' rou thought as a cil; yon impatienty Hooked at an Boar wes Tong tine; and u year doomed an age it Sptervened Eetrenn Jou nd some coveded object or enjoyment. Since you Hintigiden fe muzhood or womanhood gears are short; how bare fhe fig, our plane and arrangements reach out and Stibrese numbers of them "Wrcvoce thon that a tong tine and a “ttle while” are ae ‘commodative erm", 10 bel understood in harmony with the SeBiFpaine of ihe one using’ them. When Paul used these Norde be was God mouthpien, therefore the word is Gol Ted ohe Grom tie standin, i, whose sight.“ thousand ang yao but as yesterdaye” and on a weston in the night” Jf “Fomwmber hat He is from everlasting. fo everlasting, Hater hunted yeare are but’ litte while” to Him. In Sete eis only ta lite while™ since He created Adam, ee te not ‘bo’ x0 impatient; eraty. THe. ean get this standpint of time—God's standpoint — st wilt neiet fo to eee how "God fe not slack concerning is ceo When, God promises Eve that ber seed, should emtel gcupunt's head, ene oubkles supposed tht God's Prue had hiled when one of her sone was elain and the Proms PMjecome:a branded ‘ourlerery ‘nd when Seth waa Per te ais pane indicates, she thought, nim the promised bors Bhicenan fo dies and set saw not God's promice TulhDet ‘Sees rolled ons Hoods’ came nd. went, Moga! and. Targel ead Ags Zone, but tow no fuldliment. Had st foiled? So, four ‘Spochand ears after, Jeaus appeated om cart, auffered, diel, thousand 7097), Wns Une prombse flied? No, ony part SOE Shand (vital part} ienot yet crushed ; be Feare i Meher Baers tees conbol ie reader perhaps than ever before Bae Goe's promise an fete thon anys? No, give Him, mors Pee eee dunyte Title white soe He promised, and “én ie Hct Tat Ua be fulgled,” Meemuse He saw shat we vould dimer whether He ie “slack eoneerning. His promiscs;” and Jeonuge “Jesus, eounte on His friends, ("T have eiled. you PStendas Hor alt things that 1 have heard of my Father T tae Eade ingen’ upto sau" nn be 38) therefore. le kindly ae earouglh Baul a clue ee 9 host and when {his promise EEF thatch Hom, x01 20. ade? The Gol of peate shall Ypulse Satan ‘under your fest shorty.” ee Sethe ame’ promise made fo Bve, and though Christ bad tied, Pau) well Enew that Satan. was ot yet bruised. nue God hae not forgetten Ble promises He ell reform, ‘ere ie plenty of time in dat when Shortly.” ali God's “neue while” again. But Bub Neg under your ject? What had the Christians at Rome Jo'de ‘with brulsing Satan?” Had God's, Word not said the TedSnowtd dost? “And was not Chriot this seed? es, Jesus tye head over this seud, but.sce ate members of the body der thi ‘The God. of our Tord. Jesus tothe ‘He ie the heady Christ. - -- geve Him to be Church, wie is His bode." Eph, i. 17-22 Ghat in'ell Uhinge He might have the pre-eminence, Col. 5. 18. ‘Satan war permitted to braise Jesus, the lead, “Tie was traised for out iniguity” He was made perfect through euf- Jonge and we, the members of the body, must euifer with {fae wwe sroull ye made perfest—must "All wp the measure Of the sullerings of Christ? ‘The Heal wuifered most, but we Shust be sharers of the sulfering, if we would be glorified to- ether. ‘Therefore, “count it all joy” and “think it not strange eon- cerning the fery trial whieh ie to zy you as though some SKrange thing happened ‘unto yous But rejoice, inasmuch as ease partokere'of Ohriet's sufferings; that when ("a little Muller "ehortiy) Bis glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad, ce ith asceederg fo” 1 Bet, iv, 18. Yes, we shall share fe the glory, that shall follow,” and part of that glory shail Ye to ertch the serpent, Now he bruises our heel (ours are Dot wital wounds, they sill all Deal). We shall erush his head Te vital part, indicating. the tier eptinotion of ebil—when Afath ‘shall be destroyed, and “him that hath the power of Seath, that is the devil”). "As this has required time for its ‘Sccomiplishinent, so have almost all the promises of God. Take ‘THE PROMISE TO ABRAHAM Goa had promised and sworn to Abraham, that his coed should be as the sand of the sea—inmumerable—and Abraham Dulleved ity but as years rolled on he and Sarah thought 1 « oo GOD'S “LITTLE WHILE’ Long in, Ther mre geting od nd get had no ch, Pn organ Fs rat eng oon a ea ak 2 Ge fa Brome aly Go out ame Pa werd: Wes Gods Ss own interrater, “god Sinem eter, es, he would ip Gl okey a won) andy are waa Eos ghoul be Gol he Hee ad Lead aes tans ete thet ames eo fi ub cate Snag hes ey ca a taht Atatan cot Sr aca rr a Pe Pe hag al co See ae a eee ML fre Ladle Be tommy agg ne a Se a wietony oot te my tne, emg mt ey ine, yeper et ie Os tim, a hacia ‘gee tve sl eon, ye etch of Abraham, eon a ocfet are rote aroun tt te ed LA Si Bar ee Pe ee de and ty ele eae Peers De ad eal sent es gta Tr eee ee fone FS er ee ac Fe er es duper mening Cee he as en a fae te ee or Wan Sree of Abra, ee nf [eth a 4 Eat were the promis mae ea Nm Oe eae 1 ae et ta Ciclo Chat Sein ehh in ayaa ae ise.” Gal, iii. 16 and 29. tom Fee ae near des sae SRR ie, 8 re ere ek IS ne nt Mowe of he Lod al SEU a eine ‘oncans ro SHE PAFURAD 52D, wel 08 onan ley neve have gn de nt pe ee ee eee Fee ee eal be ld SE Pre gO a ere belo! be fea ilies jee ere a te martes enteral ih hea ic! Eat da tl gore See a ne a Tea as sear ree ie Brome et ae ap koe Cie Pet oa neo RS ee a are oe the rem (eer ea krone as he ta thn and Shh Rita te rmaee ie GR Ea, val aie berg NS es eee sy Wal ein rot eee Wo enna ge tale avr for a nent mt athe pl she a ar ln ant Sey A yo a ety deo eo ae emer Ea ole, BE pone ole He foment or deta te ul Git Po el erat lls ree, en anne ie our om onus Pat nly he len feel ae Pa Cet nc dames Be ci LE ae Co recat sayy Gea a a fs Ge Ne ri AN seated kl ema eh a tat ier wie amy art ty Sol ea as Te iy as be TaD a aera eka ar shal be sed ee a Ri tuo pelts os Me nny Fe ZION'S WATCH’ TOWER oo our, 1079 authority, “as itis written, there shall come out of Zion the Deliverer, (the seed, head and body] and shall turn away une ‘godliness from Jacob, [Heshly Israel) for this ie my eoveneat ‘Pith them.” Pau) then gives us hia reasons for speaking #0 confidently, “For the gifts and ‘ailing of God, are without re- jntance:”’ God's giviag ue the “high calling,” end the prom. fac on the higher plane, does not interfere with or hinder Bie Keeping His promiae te the fleshy seed, but all the more guar- antece it ‘Then he explains how it is we, who were once Gentiles, bed > God's ‘merey and truth revealed to us when and because uat- Ural Terael was blinded; 40 we obtained mperey through their Uunbelief; so "these have not believed that throlgh your mercy {hey also may obtain mercy.” Through whose mercy! Youre, the Churek’s: When the Chureh is all taken out and glorified, she i 'with Christ, ber head, to mercifully and justly rule the ‘world, and then Jerael shall obtain your moray. Hom. il. 225. (0, thut we eould realize that evary promise of God 4 sure, THE ROYAL “But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a lly nation, a peculiar people shat ve shoshd shostforth the prasea ‘cf iim who hath Salled you oat of Garkoese unto iia marvel fous, light” 1 Pet 8. . ‘Unto Him that loved us and washed us from our sine so His own blood, and hath made us Kinge and priests unto God fod Hin Fathers to Him be glory snd’ domision for ever snd ore? Beri 8, “and hast wade us unto, our God kings and priesta; and wwe shall magn om the earth” Rev. v.10. “lesen holy fee that hath part in the rat resurrex tion: on sch the recond death hath no power, bt tiey tall bne'prieses of Gat and of Christ, and abel) sehgn wth him & tholsand years.” Bev. x. Oy ‘The above soripturee clarlr teach that a part, at Tons, of cour workin he future willbe to-ofelat na te priests of God ‘As the work of «priest ie one of dntarcesion and of instruction i rihteouen, the a say ove tha She Boon work of evangelization will go on, not only. ater the fret remurres lon fat taken place leven. all nought age of the ‘The fact! that thse ofees of “icing” and “priest” wi kin, logically imples thet there will be subjects to role wd Icarmers to teach otherwise the nents would be meanings and the Geran empty sound iis held hy some, thatthe reign of the saints will consi of avery briel “reigh of terror?" during which—-vith, Chrat St {heir head=they wil trample their enemies Into the dust find stteriy denty them, "We thank our dear Lord for’ ‘etter nope, ‘Our work will not be one of destruction, but of falvatin” ‘Wo shell rule as kings, even with © 0d of iron; Inu the prand object will be te tute the nations nd 40 AG them for the reception of truth. "For, when shy judgment fre inthe cert the ihebstants of the world will learn rights Soumess” “aa. avi ‘What a blesed prospect what a glorious calling! opal priethood ‘Wo that is iobued with the sprit of the Master; who that his" fate fhe the rd pracy, cul Ipore_agreesbie employment than to show forth the pra four Saviour King to those ating im davimess? to bind Srcken-heeri? fo presiim iiterey tothe captive? 0" give ‘Beauty for ashes snd the off of joy for mourning! "To te the old, old story ‘of Jesus sad” Hie love™ ‘To Ot us for such an exited and reeponsible position we eguite a peculiar training, and we feel warranted fn claiming hat the tials, temptations and discipline of this present hie bre for that very pur ‘ang a struggling believer, trging hard to overcome, b feted by the ener, tied by frien, weighed down by Hered {ary weaknesses in set, aiseoureged’ and fein bas eed out, from the depths of « loving heares "Why, Ot why thi rafter: ing! why ‘he severe charOsement?” Let un glatce for a m50- rent at the pathway trod hy the bleeding feet of the Master ‘Sor forerunner—and we shall nd the answer. ls, Christ ploriiea not imoelt to be made « igh prlst;' But Ho that Said unto Bim, Thon art my Som. sy 4p His own due time; it would give us childlike trust and’eax- fidence for everything, and not to uetept them aa ell eure ie to make God @ liar Poul, a6 he looked forward and realized how in due time ‘every jot and tittle should be fullMled, and av the greatness fand niajesty of God's plan, breaks forth in ecstasy and ex: aime, 0, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and Iqowiedge of God! ‘Who hath known the mind of the Lara?” [Who knew that God's plan was so comprebensive and full] And our boarts ean say," Amen, God lows the end from the beginning, and looking at the great clock of the ges, declares to us that the things we #0 fuoh desire, chall be “shorty,” “pet a little while” Let ue Took at things Zrom his stendpoint, and co "Let the litte while beteen Ip its golden light be geen.” PRIESTHOOD Who in the days of Tis flesh, when He had offered up prayers ‘and supplicstions with strong erying and tears unto Stim that ‘was able te save Him from death, and wan heard in thet He ferred: "Though He were «Son, fet lenroed he ebedicnee By ‘he things whieh He had suflere, and being mde perfect, Be Teame the author of eteraal salvation unto all thea! that sey Se eas "For it beoame Him, for whom are all things, in bringing ‘any sons unto glory, to make the Captain of their salvation Perfect through sufferings. Wherefore n all things it behoov- Bik Him to be made lke unto Bf brethren. that Se might be & merciful and faithful High Priest sn things pertaining to God, to make reconeiintion for the sine of the peoples ee fa that He" Himself heth suffered being tempted, He is able to fsuccor them that are tempted.” Hebi 10,1723 “For we hve not a High Priest who cannot be touched with the Vecling’ of our infirmities; but was in all" pointe tempted like as we aro, set without sin. Let Us thereford come loidiy unto the thvone’of grace, that we miey obtain merey nd find grace to help in Lime of need” Heb, 1 10; 16 ‘he reason, then, that. the Church fs called on to ll up ‘that. which is behind’ of the aifietions of Christ is; that all tg body, in like manner to the Head, may be trained to perfect sympathy and to perfect cbedienee throug suffering.” fx this Tepe ime, we sal ur trouble come to our compassionate igh Priest vith boldness, realizing that He, having been par taker of fies and blood, can truly fee for us and pity uso, 5n the age to come, te, the promised weed of Abrahaln trough hom all the fanities'of the earth shall be blessed, (compere Gen, i, 3; Gal Tl 14, 26, 20;) shall go forth a roral priest hood, according to the order of Melehiandee, sult prepared to spinpathize with ‘the nations, to lead. them to ihe paths of Figleousness, and to encourage them in the way of Ie. Shall ‘we shrink then from our cross?” Shall we seek to [put away the bitter cup that in sometimes presied to our lipat Evrely not. ‘Tis a loving hand that preeente fy" a loving hhoart Uninitely Joving) that sees the need of 1 No! Tee Dut the Master fitting’ us for Mie work; reining as for the priesthood; teachings to rule oursslves that we may’ know bow to rule otherss opening our eres to the weakness of our ‘own flesh, that we may have patience with thoue over whet We fre given’ authority. (Loke nix. 1, 18.) Courage, then, my Christian brother or sister, secking with weary step to. Pun the aerrow way. Heed not the fogged courses Seis all hallowed and sanctiied by the Dleeed feat of the Master.” Count every thor a flowers every siarp Fock milestone, hurrying you onward to tbe pool. Let every! alvanc: dng step be a "Nearer to Thee:” every hillock in the road an ‘Sipward toward heaven” “Keep your ae Sxed on the prise, cag —very soa—yeu many wart Yon Coen, it n'a faithful saying: For df ce be decd with Him, we ‘hall also lie with him if suffer, we shall reign saith Him” ‘The conscerated eross Til bear, "Till self it beara from mey ‘When Jesus call, the crown TU wear Far Him who sel me free WL at, may o THE BLOOD OF CHRIST ‘The more enlightened ‘we become Yn regard to God's lan of the ages, the more fully we can understand the wonderful Jove of God manifested in the pift of Jesus Christ. ‘God docs nothing without Teason, and only es we understand the re fon eat wo rightly value what He does. So we come nearer to the true catimate of the blood ‘of Curiat ns’ we understand ‘why ho shed His blood and the nature of the results to he ob- tated Mian not only became a sinner by disobedience, but he lst his life alan. Ar through one man in entered the world (in Whom ail siincd), and trough sin, death, no laa death passed Tipon all zens Romans v. 3S. he remained in tha cond Bean Gods chject in cresting man to attain. finally to His ‘vn’ image would. prove e failure “as there was nd law that could give Ife, i seems that not ing lest tina the death of Ghrist could place waa Where be could strive for the higher life ‘Ho aaid of Himunlt “vie fs my eh which T give for tho life ef the world.” Siesides, we being yet helpless, Christ at ‘the proper time died in bebslf of the wbgodls.” New, searedly Gn Webalf of just peraon will'any one dhe, though, possibly Sn bebalf ofthe yond some one might venture to die hut God ‘Jecominends His ‘own Jove tae, Because we being yet sinnere, Gre died on our behalf. Tig much arom, thens hnving, boon show justfed: by His blood, we sal through Him be eeved From wrath. Romans v.64, "So" Pau) could say, "Take heed, ‘Ghepefores unto pouredives ond fo all the flocs ver which the aly Ghost hath mage you overesers, to feed the Church of God, which He hath purchosea with the Blood. at Hie ern.” Bet SASK "They scone wold unde™ ain, bt Bought ith eine ‘2Gthatt know ye not that our body fe the temple of the Holy ‘Ghost, whieh 3 28 Jou, Wich ve have cf God nud Je are nob Sour owat For po are all bought with, Telee. “Diereforg Hority Goa ju pour body and in Four spit, which are God's Peon vig Se ‘Bought, Tedeemed and ransomed seem to bo used tn the amie neice, snd ty the ve of thene terme. we are (requently Seminged that we £r0 not our ote, but belong to one whe Tse Be right to command and require implicit obedionees but as He wich Hac ened you Je hel a0 be ve holy, im all manner af conversation, in all your conduct, boanuse es written, Ito Se ip form ely ad i eal om he Father, ite Tau rapeet af persons, judges according to every aan Work, jane ihe time Of your ‘sojeuraing in fears forasmucl as ye Entre tha pe. were not podeemed’-with corraplble things. as ver md gold) Dut with the. prooioue blood of Chet, a8 Ste land Sethout blemish and’ without spot 2 Peter 15.15, For thou wast slain and bast redcemed us unto God by thy tool out of every Kindred, ane tongs end people, and mation Ens'hast made wd unto our God kings nd prlest, and Wwe shall feign on the earth. Reva. 0, 10 ‘re are taught io eerve one another, and whosoever will be hie! asnong you, lee bim be your servant, ever an the Bon of Stas came ce to be ministered unto, but to aint, and to five his life @ random for many. ‘Mott. sx. 27, 2 Vou T ‘AUGUST, 1879 He gave himself a ransom for ol, to°be tested in due tine, Fim. 2, 6, [En resem tor fom the poe cem “hem from death, 0, deadoy 1 will be thy plagues; © grave, Twill be thy destruction. Hosea xi 14, ‘Sat his isnot ett We have Gis precious invitation: Come now and lets season topetber, eat the Lard. Though your fine boas xaclot, they hull bes. wlte aa snow; though ‘Bey be ed Ike erimneoa, they shal be as wool, aus i 1B St ‘evcon/ee our ins, He ie falta) and just to forgive our sing 1nd leanee us from al unrighteoustess, don {2 't'we aay that we have fellowship with Tim and valk { darkens, we speak falmly and. perform not the truth; Due swe waitin the light, ae Hee 2 the Tight we have fliowahip yvith each ther, and the biood of Jesus, His Son, cleescee us From all ein. John vi 7. vedeht tngolar ick hag aur or eimaen objet iewed through a Ted glass in the light St oppoars whites 9, Thovgh our sins bas Scaret‘or erimood, wher we come where God il view them throvgh the Blood of Christ they are ace Counted as white, ‘Though we have no righventmnest of OMe tomer fith ie aceounted uta ue for righteoumare,” Where fore, semtmber, thet yo being Sa. tie past. Gertulea Inthe" fink, Ses anat at oat hue ye were without Christ, blog aliens fiom, the commonwealth of Unracl and strangers from dhe covenants of prominey baving na hope and Without Gol — Goalenwin tho work, bot now ia Chri Jenum, ve who ware {ives mere fe of remade mk hy th taod of hres "Eph, But Christ being: made we high priest of good things to come, by greater and more perest tabernacle net made wit Bends, thet Se to.ray, not of hae bllding; neither by the blood of pouts and caves” but ty Hi om loot, He entered once {ne the boly plac, having’ obtained eternal redemption. “For Af'the tod of bulls and gosts tnd the ashes fs Wolfe aprine Hinge the uneleessanetineah to the pasting of the ley how ‘much more shall the blood of Chris, whe through the clernal pitied Imani without spot to God, purge cleange your cinsenee from "dead "works to serve the lig Goo. Web no ‘Therefore, by works of low no human being shall be justified in His presenea, for throvgh the lew there is an ackhowledg rent of/sin; but now opens from, nw, God's righteousness has Tren mide manent Delag attested Uy the law and te prophets oven God's sizhteotamess throng he faith of Christ 40 all ‘the allen ey shore inp itn, fora ane ania sb tome shore of the glory of God, blag Juslided freely by Ms fv, through that redemption whieh Sa by Choise Jesus, whom God ine txt forth to be a meray sat by Hie own blood throvgh ‘he faith Sor tm exhibition of Bis righteousness Sn passing ty ie bine frequently committed curing the forbearance of God, land for ap exibition of Mis rightooutnes at the present time, {order that He mony be rigiteoss whole Sostifging bisa whe 4 of te faith of Jens. “Where, the, ie bousting? “Tt is abut Sut, Through what law mof works?” Nos but by the le of asin, "Rome ih 20, {iBmphatle Dinglott} rer of the graves T will ro. No. 2 WHY, EVIL WAS PERMITTED ‘a DIALOGUE B, ‘There are’many bequtiful truths tought in the Bible, ‘whieh commend ‘themelves to mp better judgment, and if T ould only have mp mind clear on some points, + would gladly fecept the whole, 7. seems, too, that there must be some way fout of miy difficulties, if 4 could only “ma it; for surely tho ook is stamped with © wisdom Migher ten human, and my iffeulty: must arise from a failure to comprehend it more fully. 'E. Watt, my brother, it given me great pleasure to mest ‘with an honest inguirer after truth. oa. are anxious, then, {find the connesting Tinks in the great chain whieh binds the Snierests of humanity to the throne of God, We believe that Seriplure ie given. by inspiration of God, and that tho Spirit will guide ae into all truth. If i6 should please Him to ‘ate me us His mouthpiece, it will bo a great privilege. Wilt ‘you please state one of those pointe, and when that is made ‘Sleazy ae shall be glad to hear of others? "B, "One of these questions is, Why ‘vas evil permitted? Tf God is Sninite in power, windom and goodness, why did He permit Bis fair crestion to be so marred by sin After creat: Ing our first parents perfect ond Upright, why aid He permit Satan fo preseat the temptation? Or why allow the forbidden tee to have a place amone the good? Could He not hve pre- ‘ented all posslsity of man's gverthrow? ‘A. ‘Tate just where your difculty lies, and T think T can tale it very plain 0 you. Te pleased God for the joy it gives Him to dispense his goodness, and to exercise. the attributes of Hie glorious being 40 create various orders of intlligent bee {ngs. Some He has endowed with grenter capacity Dhan other Init eae He made perfectly adapéed to hin sphere end destiny, ‘We are acquuinted with nang forms af fe in our work, and Aoudtless many othere cxiet of whieh we know nothing” yet; Sat lore all ltr, ade ma, the aterpiee of od ‘orlaranship, endowed with reason and intelligence superior to Bit others, ahd given the dominion over all,” He was, made Aprigit and perfect; God pronounced him “very goot.”” {lvo'made hint (Adain) free In the exercise ofall hia powers— Physical, mental and. moral—and though these powers were EL) perfect in their. meawue, wet they ware cach capable of Tange development. Now, iad evil never been placed efore im, he ould not have resisted fi, and, consequendi, there would bo no virtue nor merit in hia doiig righ I presumes need Eearedy remark here, that nob ‘he Hult of the tree, but the fet of inobelience caused man's fall 1137

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