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Les moments de la journe (General time of the day)

Le jour (The Day) indicates a simple division of time

o Ex. Le jour du marriage. (the wedding day)
La journe (the day) indicates a duration
o Ex. Je travaille toute la journe. (I work all day)
Le matin (morning) indicates a simple division of time
o Ex. Je suis parti ce matin. (I left this morning)
La matine (morning) indicates a duration
o Ex. Je dors toute la matine. (I sleep all morning)
Midi (noon)
midi (at noon)
Laprs-midi (afternoon)
Le soir (evening) indicates a simple division of time
o Ex. il y a une reunion ce soir. (There is a meeting this evening)
La soire (evening) indicates a duration
o Ex. Jai dans toute la soire. (I danced all evening)
La Nuit (night)
Minuit (midnight)
minuit (at midnight)
Aujourdhui (today)
o Ex. Aujourdhui, cest Lundi. (Today is Monday)
Hier (yesterday)
o Ex. Hier, ctait Dimanche. (Yesterday was Sunday)
Hier soir (yesterday night or last night)
Demain (tomorrow)
o Ex. Demain, cest Mardi. (Tomorrow is Tuesday)
Demain matin (tomorrow morning)
Tous les jours (everyday)
Tous les matins (every morning)

Les jours de la semaine (the days of the week)

La semaine the week

Lundi Monday
Mardi Tuesday
Mercredi Wednesday
Jeudi Thursday
Vendredi Friday
Samedi Saturday
Dimanche Sunday
Avant-hier (the day before yesterday)
Aprs-demain (the day after tomorrow)

Les mois de lanne (The months of the year)

Le mois the month

Lan (the year) - often indicates a simple division of time
o Ex. Lan 2000 (the year 2000)
Lanne (the year) often indicates duration
o Ex. toute lanne (all year)
Janvier January
Fvrier February
Mars March
Avril April
Mai May
Juin June
Juillet July
Aot August
Septembre September
Octobre October

Novembre November
Dcembre December

Les saisons

La saison (the season)

Les saisons (the seasons)
Lhiver the winter
o il fait froid en hiver (its cold in winter)
o il neige en hiver (it snows in winter)
Le printemps (the spring)
o il fait beau au printemps (its beautiful in spring)
Lt the summer
o il fait chaud en t (its hot in summer)
Lautomne the autumn or fall
o Les feuilles tombent en automne (leaves fall in autumn)

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