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c:\program files (x86)\mindmapper12\tutorial\MindMapper Tutorial.


This tutorial map will guide you through basic features of MindMapper.
By following the sequence, you will learn how to visualize your thoughts
using MindMapper in the shortest time.
To pan, hold down the right mouse button and drag.
1.1. Starting MindMapper

1. Basics

1.2. MindMapper Screen

1.3. Building MindMaps
1.4. Enhancing your MindMaps

MindMapper 12


2.1. Saving your Maps

2. Usage

2.2. Save as Web Page

2.3. Using Hyperlinks
2.4. Scheduling
2.5. Working with Resources
3.1. MS Office Integration

3. Share

3.2. Printing
3.3. Presentation
3.4. Ideation

22 Desember 2013

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