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Name: Aya Bolinas

Level: BSN-3A
CI: Ms. Mary Lou Abraham, RN, MAN
Patients Initial: R.D.
Age: 52 years old
Gender: Female
Room: FM-3

Area of Exposure: M-TDH

Date of Exposure: January 18-19, 2016
Date of Admission: January 14, 2016
Diagnosis: Restroke
Attending Physician: Dr. P.


Demonstrated to the significant others how to administer medications via nasogastric tube.

Demonstrated how to check the patency of the NGT.

Instructed significant others to crush tablets and mix with 30 mL of water.

Instructed immediate relatives to facilitate the patient to continue taking the drugs given to
her on the right time, right frequency and with the right dose via NGT to facilitate continuity
of care.

Quetiapine (Seroquel): 25mg/ tab ODHS

Clonazepam (Rivotril): 2 mg/ tab ODHS

Amlodipine (Provasc): 5 mg/1 tab OD

Atorvastatin (Itorvac): 40 mg/1 tab OD


Demonstrated PROM exercises to patient and significant others.

Advised to do PROM exercise due to right sided weakness. It should be done at

least every morning.

Instructed client to avoid strenuous activities

Encouraged to have enough rest period in between activities.
Encouraged to have adequate sleep (6-8 hours)


Instructed to continue taking home medications religiously.

Encouraged to consult with speech therapist to improve ability to communicate.

Advised to adhere follow up care religiously.


Selected suitable self-care activities that can be carried out with one hand.

Advised to do personal hygiene activities (mouth care, dressing, bathing)

Encouraged significant others to assist patient in hygiene activities.

Out-Patient Follow up care

Instructed client to see Dr. Arnee Grace Pacete in Room 216 at The Doctors Hospital,


Advised to take osteorized food as prescribed with aspiration precaution if nasogastric tube is
still in place upon discharge

Adhere to a low-sodium, low-fat diet such as avoidance of canned and processed foods, milk
and dairy products, and saturated fats from pork and poultry.

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