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Political Parties and Politics

I. Party System
_______________ A group of ____________________ who have common
interest and chose candidates who will represent these interests. Parties are
organized to ____ elections, to __________the government, and to determine public
What are several other parties other than Democrats and Republicans?
What is a new interest group that has been getting a lot of press recently?________________

II. Functions of Political Parties

A. Selection and Support Candidates
1. Try to choose _________ who have the ability and ___________ to ______
well and who can gain enough public support to get elected.
2. Nominate name candidates to ____ _____________________
B. Inform the public tell the public about the party, candidates, and issues
1. Send ____________________________________________________
2. Give ____________________________________________________
3. Arrange _________________________________________________
4. Encourage _______________________________________________
C. Act as Watchdogs Keep watch on the party in ____________ to make sure they
are living up to their promises and are telling the __________ what is important.

1. Keep tabs on the other ___________ members to report any wrongdoing

2. Make sure ______________ passed by other party is effective
D. Give citizens a ___________ provide a way for citizens to be ____________

(Example: _____________________for citizens to express concerns)

E. Get citizens involved provide a venue for citizens to get involved

1. Pass out ___________________ information

2. Help raise money ___________________________
3. Make phone ____________ to prospective voters

F. Provide leadership provide ________________ necessary to make laws and

carry out programs citizens want

Explain what each of the below items represent in the cartoon:

Uncle Sam____________________________
Doctor Obama__________________________
What is the doctor doing(symbolically)?
To what, is the comment from the nurse/doctor referring?
What is the cartoonist main message?

III. Types of Party Systems

A. One Party System- a _________________ in which one political party controls the
government and clearly _________ political activities.
1. Advantage no confusion over which party is in___________________
* It can be more effient than democracy.
2. Disadvantage no other ____________________ are allowed
3. Example: _______________
What type of government?__________
Example : Cuba
What type of government?
B. Two Party System a system in which there are ____ political parties controls the
government and clearly ______________ political power.
1. Advantage
a. _________________________
b. provides __________________
Why does it provide continuity?
2. Disadvantage- can stifle views of _________ groups or parties
1. U.S.A.
Type of Government______________________, in which the
President of the U.S. (the head of state and head of
government), Congress, and judiciary branch share
powers reserved to the national government, and the
federal government shares sovereignty with the state
How does the 2 party system relate to federalism, 3 branches, and checks and balances?

2. Australia: ______________________
with electoral procedures appropriate to a two party system.
Australia is governed as a ______________________________
What is a constitutional monarchy?
B. Multiparty System - a system in which there are _____________ political ___________
trying to control the political ________ and thus the government.
1. Terms
a. ______________ an alliance with ______ party or parties so that together
they ________________________________________________
b.________________ winning more votes or seats in a legislature than any
other party, ______________________________________
c. _______________ winning more than _____ the votes cast or seats available
2. Advantage provides a broad _____________ of choices
3. Disadvantage
a. Difficult for ___________________________________ to form a government
b. __________________ must be formed and they are often __________________

Germany, Italy, Japan, Israel

Using the picture below draw an example of a coalition, plurality, and majority:

Are all of Germanys Political Officials elected? Explain.____________________________

List 2 Italian political parties.___________________________________________________
What type of multiparty government has Japan created?______________________________

IV. History of Political Parties in the U.S.

A. Development of _______ Party System

1. The first ____________ parties formed in the debate over the Constitution
a. Federalist supported the______________________
b. Anti-Federalist- ________________ the Constitution and became
known as the Democratic- Republicans

2. Since the division over the _______________ , political control of the U.S. has
been held by _________ main parties
3. The partys in control have changed.
a. Democratic- Republicans became the Democrats in support of slavery
(opposed Andrew Jackson 1828)
b. National Republicans/Whigs : split from the D-R to promote strong
national government, compete with democrats
c. Democratic : (present) (supported Andrew
Jackson in 1828) , two main political parties in the U.S.
d. Republican: anti slavery formed to oppose the Democrats (Lincoln)
e. Since the 1860 the Democrats and Republicans have
been the two main political parties in the U.S.
Based on the Modern US Political Party History Graph, what are the bottom 3 political
parties in the United States?

V. Third Parties a __________________ party that is challenging the main partys

A. Why Third Parties Form
1. To Support a _________ Issue- Prohibit Party- opposed ___________ and wanted

to see it banned
2. To support Political Beliefs
a. ________________________________ opposed _________ and wanted
to see it banned
b.____________________________ Support individual _________ and personal
responsibility, a free market economy, and a __________ policy of
non-intervention and free trade
c. ______________________ committed to environmentalism, non-violence,
__________ justice and grassroots organizing with out the support of
corporate donors
d. ______________________________- want to ___________ government size,
have a balanced budget and a national sales __________ or a graduated flat
tax, and reduce the influence of special ______________ in government
3. Support a Single Candidate
a. George Wallace _______________ Independent ________
b. John ________ Independent Party________
c. Ross Pero __________ Party ___________and ____________
d. Ron Paul- Libertarian,________
B. Problems Facing Third Party
1. Hard to get on the _______
2. Difficult to ______ money
3. Often supporters vote for someone __________ because they do not want to
waste their vote voting for someone they ________ will not ________.
Why is it difficult to get on the ballet in N.C. if you are not a Republican or Democrat?

VI. Political Labels


Liberal call for ____________________________of the nations political system,

like to see the government involved in the promotion of the
of the nations citizens.


Conservative favor keeping things__________________, they are ______________

making change especially if it involves a lot of government involvement, they

feel that _________________________________________
C. Centrist or Moderate share many view points with both liberals and conservatives,
they do not hold extreme views of their own and advocate a
slower approach to political change
D. Reactionary on the ________________of the political spectrum, want things to go back
the way they were, are willing to use __________________to achieve their goals
including _____________________________________________________
E. Radical on the _______________of the political spectrum, call for widespread and
_________________________________________________in the political change
in the political, social, and economic system, may be willing to resort to extreme
methods to bring about change including _______________

This is an imaginary line. However, it represents the range of political philosophies and beliefs.
Most individuals can place themselves somewhere along the spectrum once they understand the
two extremes.
Centrist or
Want things to go back
Want quick change in
the way they were are
government and will resort
willing to use
to extreme
Share views with __________
This is where most Americans
(Liberal) ________

Peaceful gradual change, like to
Govt should protect & extend the right of

Keep things the way they are, cautious
change, favor less
Govt should play a limited role in the

Do you think Americans Ideology has changed since 2009? Explain.

VII. Impact of political labels on elections

A. A majority of _____________ political viewpoints fall in the moderate range
very conservative nor very liberal
B. Candidates also try to make themselves seem moderate to attract as many voters as
C. __________________ of a partys positions (planks are very moderate to appeal to
the most people
Planks: Individual issues that a candidate believes
: prolife v prochoice, pro-health care, reform verses rugged individualism,
Platform A formal declaration of the principles on which a group, such as a political party, makes
its appeal to the public.

VIII. Political Party Organization

A. Local Level organize ________ to get people to vote and ____ to elect people to
local government offices like the sheriff, county commissioners, mayors
Precinct an election distinct of a ____ or town
B. State level organize campaigns to get candidates elected to national office
1. Political Machine an _______ system that controls the activities of a
party or candidate. It is based on patronage, the act of supporting or favoring
some _____ or group. The patron or boss does favors for the constituents and
the constituents vote as the boss request or requires. This system was most
prevalent in the U.S. ____-1920.
a. Real life Example: Boss Tweeds notorious Tammany Hall in NY city
b. Movie Example: Mr.Smith goes to Washington James Taylor
Spoils System:

Merit System:
Pendleton Civil Service:

C. Organize National Convention

a. Held once every ____ years
b. Each party holds their own convention in _________ locations
c. Delegates from each state vote for candidate that is their _____ choice to be the
partys ___________ candidate
1. Help write party platforms
a. Platform series of statements that ______ a party of candidates views,
beliefs, and positions.
b. Platform are made of planks a statement about a partys position on an
__________ political issue.
c. The partys official position on the issues is ________ at the convention.

IX. Comparison of Two Main Parties Views on Current Issues

A. similarities
1. Both parties avoid taking extreme stands on _______
2. Both parties try to appear moderate to ______ the ________ number of voters

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