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(Private Notes from Tony Robbin's 2016 Business Mastery Event)?


How do I improve my business?

Talk to the highest performers, making the most money, in the area in which you
want to improve. Talk to people specializing in different industries, and see wh
at they are doing. Look online at everyone else doing what you want to improve a
nd see if they sell their technology: Contact them and offer to buy a license. L
ook at every model similar or related, and see how it s working. Look at everyone
reaching the audience you want to reach to see if you can possibly set up joint
#2. How do I keep up with my competitors if they are growing past me?
Go to your best referrers and say the following, We need to invest in the people
you refer to us more generously than our contemporaries. So, anybody you think w
e can help, we will buy them the first _____________, so they don t have any appre
hension in patronizing our business. Secondly, there are probably people who have
smaller businesses or semi-retired individuals from whom you could buy their cl
ient base and give them a perpetual piece of the business if it s legal.
#3. How do I get new clients at better price points?
Don t play the same game everyone else is playing the same way they play it. Wheth
er locally, nationally, online or offline, find people who specialize in industr
ies, and make them marketing partners if they don t have the piece of the puzzle y
ou provide. You can also go to people who have your piece of the puzzle, but you
have an advanced product or service, then do deals with them to take their offe
rings to the next level. Find people who have sold everything they can sell to t
heir client base, and offer these clients your endorsed products and service. So
find out who already has the market and it could be a competitor if they don t ha
ve as deep a product or service
and find utilization with their clients.
#4. How do I build trust with prospects better/quicker/easier?
Instead of making the relationship overwhelming or creating implicit fear, say Ca
ll this number and we will first invest in you. We ll educate you; we ll show you th
e good, the bad, the ugly. We ll show you who is right. We ll show you strategies. W
e ll give you a way to test our concept. Then we ll follow up and discuss it with yo
u, and if we re compatible, then we ll invite you in. Offer less threatening ways to
educate prospects before they have to make a commitment.
#5. How do I get the attention of high-level people/companies/decision-makers for
my product/service offering?
First, find out who else is doing this, how are they doing it, where are they do
ing it and how well are they doing. You don t need many to begin with. After you g
et just a few high-level individuals/companies, you can validate you already hav
e clients. Go to the bigger clients with your proof and say We believe we have an
offer that will play out and pay off, but we d like to buy _____________ of the s
ervice gratis to begin with and let you judge it on the most critical criteria w
e can come up with together, and earn your business.
#6. I don t want to do business the same way everyone in my industry does it. What
should I do?
First, work on building more referral sources. A referral generated client is ma
ny times more profitable, less likely to waste your time and easier to deal with

. You can t build referral sources until you have a unique value proposition. So l
earn all the referral strategies you can and invest real value in developing, bu
ilding and enriching relationships with people that have access to the market yo
u want. Another possibility is to find people who may be retiring, and they have
goodwill with your ideal clients, and make a deal with them where you take over
their brand and integrate it while paying them 25% forever and work their clien
ts for them.
#7. There are so many possible audiences for my product/service. Where should I f
ocus my marketing efforts?
Willie Sutton was the greatest bank robber who ever lived. He robbed more banks
than anyone else. When he was arrested, he was asked, Why did you rob so many ban
ks? His answer was straightforward, Because that s where the money is. Think about it
pragmatically and go to where the money is.
#8. My competitor is for sale but has a broader customer base that I service righ
t now. Is it strategic to buy them?
If they have a lot of growth you could add by being a better marketer, strategis
t, make it more preeminent, set up relationships with people who have access
if you analyze their client base and find verticals you could expand on too the
n there s a definite possibility. If they have clients you couldn t support, you cou
ld probably sell them for an earn-out to someone else who would love them. The r
eal question is this: Who, if anyone, will buy it? Can you make the competitors
employees part of an ESOP? Are there other suppliers that have a big enough inte
rest they would put up the money to be exclusive suppliers? Think about all the
possibilities before you write a big check you don t have to.
#9. My business is coming from different sources. How much importance should I pl
ace on each source?
Look at the numbers and what they are telling you. Of one hundred percent of the
business you do, how many come directly from each source? That will pretty much
tell you what to focus on.

Give me a specific step-by-step referral generating system I can use.

Sit with them and say, Before we start this process, I want to share something se
rious and relevant with you. We started this business _____ years ago with a ve
ry unique belief. We believe that our success can only be predicated by the succ
ess we create with clients like you
your desire to share that success with a
s many other people you care deeply about. So we have a process: We have a choic
e of spending our marketing budget on radio, seminars, advertising and so on. We v
e chosen instead to invest in research, educating our people so we are the best
we can be for you. Every client we take on we share with them what we are going
to do with them first. We re going to _____________. We re going to concern ourselve
s, care and be there through anything that happens good or bad. We will never av
oid anything negative and always give you the most well-reasoned decisions, and
we re committed to _____________. What we ask is this: Upon achievement of this, y
ou agree in the beginning to refer to us, at least, (#)
quality, like-minded
people you care deeply enough about in your life whom we can explore the possibi
lity with. We ll give them best-reasoned second-opinion, we ll give them our straigh
t-forward philosophy and on. They don t have to use us, but we ask this of you bec
ause if we don t get this from our clients we have to run ads, charge you a surcha
rge, and it gives us less time to do what you really want us to do which is ____

How do I escape the price/commodity business and become more profitable?

Quantify the soft attributes and show what it means in dollar savings, time savi
ngs, personnel saving, what the output is worth and so on. Quantify your perform

How do I keep and retain more of my clients/customers?

You have to understand what people value when you re not in their life. You have t
o find implicit and explicit ways to keep them aware of the performance and valu
e you are providing beyond just the service. Doing more things, educating them m
ore, bringing them experts, investing back some of your profit so it will be so
explicit you are in this for the long haul and don t just do it passively. Your co
mpetitors will try and take your clients/customers to lunch, so you ve got to be a
ble to express more of the reason why you are committed to them for life. Invest
in them because they are your long-term investment and you know they are worth
#13. How do I create win-win partnerships to drive traffic to my business?
Find people that have the clients that are doing relative things. Make a compreh
ensive list of your customer profile and go to people that have the market direc
tly or indirectly. Who already spent the time, effort, performance-fulfillment a
nd has the trust and credibility with the same market you want and can introduce
you, partner with you, put you on their blog, create a program with you, and so
on? Find out who already has direct access/distribution and start there.
#14. How do I get my message in front of more of my target market and have them s
elf-identify themselves?
Don t waste your time calling cold. Find out who already has the market and from t
here you have lots of flexibility. For example, give them a self-diagnosing test
to self-identify themselves.
#15. How do I calculate my customer s Lifetime Value?
You re going to have different products/services, different categories of buyers a
nd different sources of those buyer. First, look at the first sale that predicta
bly emanates from different products, categories or medias or distribution; Then
look at the real profit or loss that accrues; Then, in a realistic timeline, lo
ok at what flows from that in terms of repeat orders, alternative orders, referr
als, etc. and compute conservatively. Example: Profit from first sale = $200. Av
erage repeat: 5 sales. Average client stays three years. So, in this case, Lifet
ime Value would be $200 x 5 x 3 = $3000. So every time a new client comes you wo
uld be accruing $3000. You could increase business by incentivizing sales people
with 100% of the first $200 sale since the business would make $2800 over the l
ifetime of the client.
#16. How do I reach more clients?
Leverage the people who already use you and ask if they will introduce you to th
eir contemporaries and counterparts.
#17. How do you overcome objections major/large companies have about doing busine
ss with my company?
Ask them to give you their worst problem no one else wants or can solve, and you
take it on gratis. Then have them promise to give you more if you solve it, and
grow together. You re-channel marketing dollars into subsidizing the creative s
olutions to the problems. There are certain problems you could find solutions to
even by going out and hiring three of the top people whom all they did was solv
e the problems, and you utilized your marketing dollars for this
and you become

the company that takes it on and figures out the solution, and you don t even char
ge for it. The simple quid pro quo is then executed and honored if you deliver.

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