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Agraiments / Acknowledgements Donem les gracios a totes les editorials que ens han facllitat texios material per reproduir, a Carles Muro # Sebastian Khourlan per la seva desinteressada col-laboracié 1 a tots els que ens han cedit amablement material per publicar | que no ha estat possible dincloure en aquesta ocasié. ‘We would like to thank all the publishers that have provided us with texts and material for reproduction, Carles Muro and Sebastian Khourian for their disinterested collaboration, and everyone who kindly submitted material for publication which it has not been possible to include in this issue, Fe d’errades / Erratum Al nimero 241, 9s referencia article de Stan Allen *Condicions de camp" com a publicat originalment Princeton Architectural Press. El text original va ser publicat el 1996 a BAU n.14 sota el titol "Distribuctones, combinaciones, campos’ Issue 241 stated that the article by Stan Allen, ‘Field Conditions’, was originally published by Princeton, Architectural Press, The original text was published in 1996 in BAU, num. 14, with the title ‘Distribuciones, combinaciones, campos’ Quaderns d’arquitectura i urbanisme : JUNE 2004 2

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