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Commitment to Learning

BEFORE YOU PROCEED IN THIS COUSE read ALL the open links and read
this document in full and then, if you are clear with everything, type your
name at the bottom, upload this document to me. This task is meant to
give you practice on how to upload your work in D2L as well as give you an
understanding of the course commitment. If you are uncertain about
something then, email me with your questions before submission.
Grading and Evaluation Policies
Evaluation includes a combination of 4 Unit discussion assignments and reflections
to discussions, activity assignments and discussion, learning blog, synchronous
seminars, and a final project. I read the rubrics on expectations of quality work.
There are four units and are 3-4-week long. My work is due according to the
assigned Unit schedule. Typically mid-point for the reflections and activity
assignment and the end of the unit for the responses to others work. My learning
journal is due weekly by Sunday night. I understand it is a collaborative process and
classmates are depending on me to get my work in so that they can read it and
respond to me work. If I do not do my work, just like an ecosystem in nature, the
I cannot move ahead to the next unit. I can move ahead in the reading and writing
of my reflections and Units will be released on the Monday of each unit. If I do not
complete my unit assigned chapter, I can turn it in for half credit. I am aware that
my classmates are depending on my completing my assigned reflection so that my
classmates can then respond.
Final Grade
Final grades will be determined by adding up total points and dividing by my total
points. The grades are final and non-negotiable unless Joy makes a calculation
mistake or I can prove an answers correct. This has happened in the past; after all,
we are human. My grade is a measure of my own aptitude and effort. Joy may
assign extra credit for community engagement activities (dependent on situation).
This course is not designed to be self-paced. Within the schedule of the course,
though, I have great flexibility with my study time. Joy never assigns anything on
the weekends or holidays but, that does not mean I shouldnt study on the
weekends. Joy encourages spending some time to rest, play, and spend time
outdoors in other words, rejuvenate and listen to the natural world. Joy
understands I may be enrolled in other coursework. She encourages us to manage

our time. To help with this, Joy has provided a detailed schedule to follow for the
entire semester.

Contingency plan
Online learning means demanding computer time. I have a backup plan in case my
computer goes down a neighbor, friend, family, and library or school computer
and ensure I have internet connection. Joy strongly recommends that I not wait
until the last minute to complete or submit assignments and there are many things
that can and do go wrong - -my internet connection might go down, my computer's
hard drive may crash or, hopefully not, but I may get ill. As long as it is not a habit,
I can communicate with Joy in advance to arrange an extension due to a work
conflict, illness etc. She understands life happens and we all need an extension in
life as long as it is not made into a habit because then it becomes unequitable to
classmates that depend on my participation in class discussions in this class.
Contact Joy
Joy can be reached during her office hours posted on D2L. Her contact information is
there as well. I understand it is always best to email or call and reach out for help
when needed.
Respect for Others
I understand that educational sustainability may present itself with varying opinions
to solutions to the problems we will learn about. I am free to disagree (or agree),
argue my point but will do so in a respectful manner.
I will check the grade book. Grades will be submitted within approximately two
weeks from end of any given unit submission.
Some of this information is repeated in the syllabus. Read the syllabus thoroughly.
Joy advises me to print it out and refer to it frequently.

Lastly, as much as Joy would like, she does not read minds
If I need Joys help, I will ask via email or the QUESTIONS link on in D2L. Sometimes
online classes can be tough as we do not directly communicate daily. Joy will send
announcements in D2L and I should check there often. I am not alone my
classmates and Joy are here to help me. Joy has created a LINK called QUESTIONS

ASK HERE I will use if I need. We can all learn from questions I may have. Joy
checks this link about 3 x times a week. If it is a personal matter I should then
email or call her personally, not thru this public forum.
Student Commitment
As a general rule of thumb, I should plan on logging in every other day. Joy advises I
take my work in little pieces and not in one big chunk right at the deadline.
When I log in, I will make it a habit to include these practices:
1. Check school email or announcements.
2. Respond to emails when it applies.
3. Review current deadlines and schedule time appropriately to successfully
complete the work by or before the deadline. Check the QUESTIONS ASK
HERE discussion,
4. Follow up on unread posts, peer responses and instructor feedback (even
when it is not directed to you specifically). You will learn more if you read
posts. Often times Joy will provide great follow up resources to check out or
content to help you in my learning. She like sharing videos and websites!
5. Check grades.
This letter is bit tedious , but it is good to be entirely clear from the get
go so I can set myself up for success!
I, __(print your name here)______, have read and understand all the links on
the left side bar and this Commitment to Learning Understanding.

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