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Twins studies have shown us even being separated at birth; the twins still have a lot of
similarities. The fact that they have these similarities show us they are born with nurture.
nurture is almost like heredity aspects that were already with us when we are born that we
cant change. The had a little bit of differences, but this was a result of what nature,
where they lived and the views their parents gave them. Some examples of nurture
aspects the twin has was they both dipped butter toast in their coffee, they both liked
spicy food and they both had wire-rimmed glasses.
2. Self is who we think we are. Charles Horton Cooley looking glass self theory is that we
are what we are based on how other people see us and aspect us to be like. The first stage
we focus on how other people see us. The second stage is we use terms like intelligence,
beauty, etc. based on how we believe other people see us. The last stage is we use the
terms to state who we are. George Herbert Mead also has a different theory called I
and Me . In his theory he talks about a significant other which is someone important in
our life that we want to do better for. For example, a significant other could be a relative
like a big sister. This significant other is related to the self by them becoming a part of our
large social network. Meads three-stage process of self-development begins with the
preparatory stage. The preparatory stage is when we learn to copy the people around like
family and friends. This stage last till the age of 3 after that we went into the play stage.
The play stage is when children begin to communicate with symbols and start roll taking.
Roll taking is when they pretend to be someone else and gain their views. The play stage
goes from the age of three to the age of five. The finally stage is game stage. This is when
children begin to fully understand interdependent relationship and gain the concept of
interconnected. This stage is from ages six to nine.
3. The dramaturgical approach is when someone studies interaction by seeing everyday life

like it was on a TV, seeing actors interaction in a show. Front stage is when you set a
scene for a show for people to watch using scripts and props. Backstage is when we get
ready for front stage. For example, like make the script, decide what to wear, etc. Erving
Goffmans idea of impression management is used to understand social behavior because
we will act different with a certain person you are with or self in order to create
distinctive appearances and satisfy particular audiences. Goffmans idea of face-work
can be used to understand social behavior by us acting certain ways so we dont get made
fun of, if we do something embarrassing.
4. The agents of socialization are family, school, peer groups, mass media and technology,
work place, and religion and state. We see gender roles socialization a lot in schools. It is
school that teaches how children should act to fit in to our society when they get older.
Therefore, it is the school responsibility to show them how girls and boys need to act to
fit in to our society. Technology has influenced the socialization process by many of dont
go out as much anymore. We would rather just watch TV and text our friends. This
changes how we value spending time together.
5. Total institutions are like mental hospitals and prisons. It when a facility has full control
over you. Goffmans four traits are everything is controlled by one person in the facility,
all activities are with other similar circumstances, the one charge makes all the activities
with out asking if they want to do it or not, and everything the facility does is for the
people inside to gain their total potential. A degradation ceremony is used to mortify
ones sense of self by taking away their material items and having them focus on their
own beings.
6. Society deal with an elderly population by getting them adjusted into living with younger
family member or having them move into a retirement. Disengagement theory is when
people believe when you get to a certain age the break their relationship and live on their

own and the activity theory is when people believe that if old people still remain active
they will improve their life.

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