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Grade 5
Activity: Physical Education- Basketball skills #7
Goals/Key Questions
Goals: How will this lesson meet the overall goals of your overarching
question? What do you hope students will learn?
- Work on shooting skills
- Defense
- Being a team captain and a team player
Objective (connected to PofS): Using the PofS connect your learning
goals to the curricular outcomes. What will students know by the end of this
General Outcome A: Students will acquire skills through a variety of
developmentally appropriate movement activities.
Basic Skills
Manipulative: receiving; e.g., catching, collecting: retaining; e.g., dribbling,
carrying, bouncing,
trapping: sending; e.g., throwing, kicking, striking
- Select, perform and refine more challenging ways to receive, retain and
send an object with control
- Consistently and confidently perform manipulative skills by using elements
of body and space
awareness, effort and relationship
- Demonstrate basic strategies and tactics that coordinate effort with others;
e.g., team, in
order to achieve a common activity goal in lead-up games
General Outcome C- Cooperation: Students will interact positively with
each other. Communication, fairplay, leadership, teamwork.
- Identify and demonstrate respectful communication skills appropriate to
cooperative participation in
physical activity
- Demonstrate etiquette and fair play
Pre-lesson considerations
- Basketball

What is the teacher doing?
Include Key questions, logistics, key

What are the students


concepts that will be addressed,

methods of formative assessment

n (how will you
Connections to

5 min

Toilet Tag warm-up:

- Choose 4 students to be it
(will wear pinnies)
- Will start off in the center
- Demonstrate that if they are
tagged, students will bend
down with one knee on the
ground, other knee up, and
stick out hand as the toilet
If tagged, player must wait
for a different player to sit
on their lap and flush
their hand (gently)
If tagged 3 times, students
will grab a pinny and join
the its
- Have class show their
toilet pose
- Count down from 5 to give
class the time to spread out


Whistle, freeze, everyone

towards end of court (sitting)

Activity 1

Around The World

3 volunteers
With one basketball, they are
going around the
world/shooting from different
spots on the box/line
Have a student show what
the proper shooting
technique is again from
previous lesson
Spell out SANTA to win (5
spots they have to shoot
Right side below net, off to

(add more if

Time est:

10 min

Students will listen,

watch demonstration,
then play Toilet Tag

Activity 2

Time Est:

10 min

the side, center, off to the

left side, then left side of
the net
First person shoots, if they
get it in, they can keep
spelling out SANTA
If they miss, other person
gets the ball and sees how
far they can get
Stay at spot if not their
Reiterate instructions by
having students repeat
instructions and directing
Group students with similar
athletic abilities
Groups of 3 or 4
(depending on number of
students present)
Send them to the net as soon
as group is formed
Put pinnies on the side and
ready for the game
Half-court game
Remind students of
passing to everyone on
team, defensive
stances and covering a
player on the other
team similar to your
Rotate order when
going to line to pass off
the ball
Have Deylan, Mady,
Dawson, Jaleena
stand up but with
distance between them
Form line behind team


How will you

know if
learned what
you hoped?
to next

5 min

Use them as a guide for
making teams and send
students to them
Set pinnies beside the
- Put basketballs away after
whistle to tell class that the
game is over
Have students stand in a circle,
hold one basketball, then pass
basketball to someone and ask
to say one thing they learned
Bring it in for team-building at
the end
As loud as they can
Have them walk to the door

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